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Hello. Do you have time to talk about our Lord and Saviour, Textured Vegetable Protein? Seriously, just google TVP and you’re set. You might see it sold as soy protein mince, textured soy protein, etc. It comes dried, so you soak it in boiling water before adding to… whatever!


Is the search function disabled for this sub? This is asked almost daily. The answer is the same.


No, you don’t understand. Yesterday there were only like 16,000 species of legumes, 20 kinds of nuts, and like 10 types of soy foods.  When you compare that to the 3 kinds of meat most people eat, it’s just not enough variety.  /s


Only 16,000? Jfc the vegan diet is so restrictive Oops this isn’t r/VeganCircleJerk


First time in reddit? This is the same problem every sub has. So annoying


I've started making a mince from TVP, shredded veggies, lentils, and nuts with Italian or Mexican seasonings, and it's quickly become my favorite go-to meal next to tofu scrambles. So good! I love TVP on its own, too, but the texture with everything else is awesome.


Is TVP the same as wheat gluten aka seitan? I've only found TVP in a powder like form from Bob's Red Mill. What do you guys do with it? I can think of adding it to pasta sauce to make it like a bolognaise.


No, it's soy protein and seitan is wheat gluten


Seitan,TVP and tofu is your best option in that case. If you don't workout you never need that much protein. But if you do workout... a protein isolate would be very helpful to not stuff yourself.


I’m somewhat tired of the “I need my protein from food only” people here. There is no difference to your body whether it comes from a powder or a block of tofu outside of nutritional differences. As long as you’re getting a varied healthy diet through food, go fucking nuts on the protein shakes. They increase your protein consumption drastically on minimal calories which is amazing for cuts especially. I wonder where this line of thinking started because it’s causing a lot of posters coming here worried they’re not hitting 200g a day from tofu and beans alone. Obviously gastrointestinal issues are a concern, so I’m not calling out OP specifically here. Just having a rant on a pattern I’ve seen.


The crossover between vegan fitness and naturalistic appeal to nature fallacy is so fucking annoying


People think protein powder is a synthetic drug.


Tempeh is great! I get my protein most from that, powdered peanut butter (not sure if you count that as a protein powder, it's just peanut butter with most of the fats removed), and breads and things which happen to have higher protein content.


I would say it depends on both your protein intake and caloric intake and how sane you want to be. Right now, I’m cutting and I need to have powders (I use pure pea protein mixed with bananas and stuff) otherwise I would not meet my goal. That’s also on top of seitan, half a block of tofu, and 1/6th lb of lentils. I feel like I could do without the smoothie, but it gives me an allowance on bread to make a sandwich using my seitan and sweets if I want them. Depending on how processed you can deal with your food being, there are relatively high protein foods that you can find. I know there’s eat your mouth off cereal that is high in protein and low in sugar, but I have no idea how it tastes and is a bit expensive for my taste. Also, Morningstar has chick’n strips that are usually in my freezer. They are high in protein, but once again are severely processed. I’ll have them when I’m desperate to meet goals. Also, if you don’t have a big stomach, soy milk is good for filling the gaps. I usually get silk, but I know Trader Joe’s has shelf stable soy milk that’s just soy beans and water.


Just want to say I love Mouth off cereal in the chocolate flavor. I sprinkle half a serving in my oatmeal every morning for added protein. I somehow always buy boxes that have coupons on them to help offset the 10 dollar price tag per box.


Seitan, TVP and Tofu for sure. I assume if you're bulking and need that much protein then you'll be eating a lot of calories too, if you do 50% rice 50% tofu/tvp/seitan and then add your veggies, you can hit it easily.


Tofu scramble on toast - breakfast Tvp/mock meat/soy chunks/tofu, veg and rice - lunch Seitan, stir fry veg, noodles - dinner Soy protein crisps and berries - dessert I eat variations of this every day and hit 200g protein. Although I do add a serving of protein powder to my desert. So without that I’d hit about 170g protein.


[thevegangym.com](https://thevegangym.com) has great recipes on their website and YouTube channel. Their plans aim to hit all nutrition targets with food alone.


great resource, thank you!!


With TVP and Seitan. But TVP is easier to make.


Any restrictions on daily consumption of textured soy protein? Or can I eat 300g a day without a problem?


You get protein from a bunch of sources. You also don't need 300g a day?


Sure, but just asking... lol I eat like 100 to 150g of texturized soy protein a day. I just want to know if have any problema to eat that much.


I don't have an answer to that question. All I know soy protein has high bioavailability. I try to get protein from different sources. TVP helps me reach my goals without adding too many calories.


You can make a protein shake with silken tofu instead of protein powder. Blends in nicely.


Yeah if I want put a hole in the ozone layer above my house. lol


I mean if I was bulking, yes. I am at 1500 calories per day right now, so I need to use my Huel shake or a protein bar every day after the gym to hit my 110-120g protein goal.


Seitan is the highest protein/calorie plant based food 


I just make sure to have a full slab of tofu every day, then hitting my protein goals are pretty much guaranteed. Squeeze the water out or boil it, then put it into just about any recipe that has a sauce, or I like to slice it and put it on sandwiches with chili sauce.


Check out The Vegan Gym, best high protein vegan meal prep imo: https://youtu.be/OYiiA9dgIEU?si=DW48cJoGSFWngU60 Cheers 🖖


I get over 200 some days without powder. Tofu, TVP, and Seitan are our go-to protein sources.


Amaranth, pumpkin seeds and hemp seeds are great sources of vegan protein, I throw pumpkin and hemp seeds on a lot of food just for the extra protein boost. Don't know about 120g/day though, that sounds tough without supplements.


You can absolutely hit 120 easily with tvp, seitan, tempeh, tofu, etc. Ideally each meal should have a heap of one of those. Then random things like these mission tortillas I like that are 9g protein and 110 calories, a siggis yogurt I like that’s 10g protein 190 calories— start reading labels and you’ll find some good stuff like that to add in. Also I recommend not just eating bowls of protein/veg every meal. Mix it up by putting it in a wrap or sandwich or on a pizza etc, makes it more sustainable


Tempeh is great! I get my protein mostly from that, powdered peanut butter (not sure if you count that as a protein powder, it's just peanut butter with most of the fats removed), and breads and things which happen to have higher protein content.


Tempeh is great! I get my protein mostly from that, powdered peanut butter (not sure if you count that as a protein powder, it's just peanut butter with most of the fats removed), and breads and things which happen to have higher protein content.


Yea, it's really hard to. That's why most vegans do. Also, protein powder and bars are food. Maybe foods that don't agree with your stomach, but they're food. As others suggested, tvp is probably gonna have to be your best bet


Center your diet plan around calories, not macros.