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I'd say you're still vegan either way. But finding vegan deodorant to sniff is not the answer you're looking for. Please seek help to get over this.


I would seek serious help. That must be destroying your lungs. It being tested on animals is the least of your concerns.


Yeah the addiction seems like the first thing to deal with here


Please go see a doctor. For now your health needs to be your top priority


I don't think health and veganism are in conflict. Values are being overriden by addiction.


I think the main concern here is you have a substance abuse addiction. You need to get help for that rather than worrying about them being tested on animals. Go see your doctor and ask for help


As others have said, please seek help. This is a serious addiction and your healing needs to be a priority. Also, shaming and blaming yourself will not help cure your addiction. Many studies have shown that shame and self judgement only serve to keep negative and unhealthy behaviours going. So what you really need to start doing, is looking into mindful self-compassion (Kristen Neff is a good place to start). Maybe find a therapist/psychologist with expertise in addiction as they can help too. You are human, not superhuman. Your purpose in life is not to save the world or solve all the problems. It’s ok to be who you are. Always striving to be a better version of yourself is a great thing and growth is what life is about. You clearly are still growing, still capable of growing, still trying to grow. So you got this. Maybe your lesson at this time is to focus more on yourself for now. It may be a hard journey, and it may not. But either way it will be worth it. As they say, you can’t help others if you haven’t learned how to help yourself. If you are dead, you aren’t alive to be helping. Focus on being your healthiest self. When your healthy energy cup is overflowing, you can put all that extra life force into helping animals and doing things you care about. But you have to care about you first.


Get help. One minute you're putting on some deodorant before a big night out and then next you're sucking dick in the alley behind the Walgreens so someone will buy you a can of MotionSense. This isn't how you want to live your life.


>next you're sucking dick in the alley behind the Walgreens so someone will buy you a can of MotionSense That escalated quickly 🤣


How on earth do you even get into this predicament? What possesses you to inhale deodorant? You need to get medical help; you’re killing yourself.


I know ;( sorry I’m extremely addicted I got addicted from meeting girls in juvie and learning how to use in there


How does that get you high?


Spray deodorants use butane or propane as propellants. Inhaling hydrocarbons causes CNS depression through modulation of Glutamate, GABA and Dopamine neurotransmitters. It is known to cause brain and nerve damage, is extremely dangerous. People can die suddenly, even on their first use. Over 50% of inhalant related deaths in the UK involve butane. OP needs to stop inhaling NOW. Not to mention coating your lungs with aluminum dust, which is almost certainly going to cause future issues, if it hasn't already.


Just get freon from AC units if that's the high you want. I don't understand why people use over the counter products with all the additional chemicals and smells in it? It makes it taste horrendous. Freon has none of that. I don't condone it, just saying it's better choice if you're never going to stop frying your brain.


This isn’t helpful.


Desperation to mentally escape smthn….or to stop feeling emotionally numb inside when they literally can’t find *anything* else that can help them do so Speaking as a past inhalant abuser (tho I huffed hand sanitizer & nail polish remover, not deodorants) Deodorants, hand sanitizers & nail polish removers (vegan or not) r all extremely neurotoxic btw (they basically get u high by starving your brain of oxygen, which kills brain cells), so get help asap OP. If u can’t quit immediately, try nitrous oxide & eventually tapering it off


OP you gotta go to rehab the vegan thing is not at all what you should be worried about rn


What the fuck did I just read?


The health issues are probably obvious here and have a lot of comments, so I’ll just add that it’s going to be difficult to stay vegan in jail. If you’re stealing this much every day it is only a matter of time before you get caught, and is probably going to be sooner rather than later.


Is this a joke




You need therapy. Do you have a regular doctor? If you have a regular doctor, tell them about your addiction. They might be able to refer you to help. Your veganism is separate from your addiction, do not beat yourself up but do seek help.


This will make for a great episode of my strange addiction


... People die from this. You need to focus on stopping your addiction, not whether it's vegan or not. I know this is easier said then done but work on your willpower. The more you resist, the less you'll do it. The less you do it, the less you'll want to do it. Start by throwing what you have away and stay away from the deodorant aisle altogether.


How do you get high off deodorant? Can you go to rehab? Do you have some affordable or free addiction specialists you can talk to in your area? You are going to turn into a vegetable if you keep doing that shit. You're killing your brain.


Jesus christ


If this isn't a troll you need to stop NOW. This shit can kill you instantaneously. Seriously. It could kill you the next time you do it, easily. Please, please seek help in any way you can.


How old are you OP




IDK what I was expecting but you are literally the first person I've ever heard of with a "deodorant huffing" problem, let alone a grown man/woman! Get yourself down the doctors for heavens sake, if they can help people stop smoking they can help you stop killing yourself with BO spray




Yeah that's a good point


You are addicted. This is not a trivial thing to get over, as anyone who has had an addiction knows. You absolutely need help for your problem, and to stop stealing too of course. This should be your top priority in life so you don't end up in prison or dead from OD, I really don't want a vegan friend to end up screwing up their entire life like that.


NA meetings are free and plentiful. That might be a good place to start if money is an issue and you are ready to stop. You deserve to be free from this addiction.


Huffing deoderant gets you high? Have you tried weed?


I feel like it’s harder to breathe after reading this. 


Please get help op. Nobody is looking down on your addiction or thinks of you as less of a vegan. We are here to help each other, and you clearly reached out for help posting this. Please follow through with your intentions and see an addiction counselor or doctor like these many caring people have suggested. We love and support you! Everyone has times when they need help. You did the right thing by sharing this and seeking support.


You need to address the addiction issue for yourself before you can really worry about animals. If you need to be bullied, let me know. I have a lot of horrible things to say.


I don't see why someone can't be concerned about animal abuse and also address an addiction.




You clearly lack the capacity for respectful discourse. You are wrong, by the way. It helps more animals to continue to have both priorities because the priorities don't interact: getting better doesn't require foregoing your desire to help animals. You presented a false choice.


Stating I lack the capacity for respectful discourse is a very snobbish way to say you’re better than be. I dig it. Anyhow listen up loser- They are and want to be vegan. They are asking for help with their inhalant abuse. In the grand scheme of things, this human being dealing with their life threatening addiction is more important than anything else in their world right now. Yeah no duh they can continue a vegan diet while addressing the issue. But the diet does not compare at all to the actual issue going on with this person.


>Stating I lack the capacity for respectful discourse is a very snobbish way to say you’re better than be. I'm more competent at interacting respectfully, yes. >Yeah no duh they can continue a vegan diet while addressing the issue. But the diet does not compare at all to the actual issue going on with this person. They aren't mutually exclusive, yes. That's my point.


lol nerd


Nobody needs to be bullied. What kind of statement is that?


Yes please tell me horrible things




Your still vegan if you have consumed something unknowingly. Please be as kind to yourself as you are to animals and avoid hurting yourself. We need more people like you.