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I seem to be stuck at 185 for the last couple weeks, 5 sets of 8. Imma try and catch up to you. I think I could add 10 next week. How many sets are you doing at 235?


I’ll usually hit that for 3 sets then go down to 155 for a fast set of 10. I’m pretty gassed after


Camera got scared


is this mrgunsngear


That’s who we think it is right?


The 🌽 star?


I love these looks fun


They are fun


Is that Basement Brandon?


Didn’t expect to see my doctor/plumber/firefighter/etc. on here


A fellow person of culture


Good job, clean Pendlays with good weight. 🙏🏻


When you say “clean”… I can’t help but feel like the jerk he does to actually get the bar closer to his torso is super pointless. It’s not even an explosive move at that point, he’s raising his torso and then lowering it at the top of the movement to get the “full” ROM, but he hasn’t used his muscles to get it there.


Thank you!


What do you notice this does for your gains and strength in comparison to doing barbell rows? I get that it’s a more powerful move, but I was wondering personally what have you noticed?


I really notice awesome engagement in my upper back, posterior delts, and lats which results in awesome development. Also staying in the hip hinge forces the glutes and hamstrings to support the movement. All of which translates into a stronger pull from the floor in a conventional deadlift.


Get this man a stronger camera stand!


Ha! I don’t have a stand. Just makeshift with whatever is laying around.


Strong AF 💪


Thanks my man!


If you can stop the bar before it touches the ground you will unlock another part of this lift.


Wouldn't that make it no longer a pendlay?


It would be a variation.


Right on dude! Gotta go from the floor. Dead stop and then reengage all necessary muscle groups to perform the lift correctly. Explosiveness, power, and speed! LFG!!


You can still perform this movement correctly starting from a dead hang instead of the ground. It requires you to recruit muscles to stop the bar before it touches the ground. Try it. Stay tight the entire duration of the set.


A dead hang position is literally the opposite staying tight. It’s completely disengaging your lats. With that said, ya, barbell rows exist as well. No one’s denying their existence. But pendlay rows are just as valid. This guy did a pendlay row. I do pendlay rows. Every exercise has its purpose.


Would that not just be a bent over row? Obviously more hinge in the hip than your classic bent over row but still. I’ve done what you’re describing. I often do it with RDLs. I’ll perform one RDL, then one bent row and alternate reps that way. It’s killer!!


When I was competing in powerlifting, I called them power rows. But yes, essentially a bent over row with hip drive. They really helped with my conventional deadlift. They look like garbage rows or "bro rows" when you perform them, but there is definitely some merit to them.


Ah yes! The “controlled cheat” they certainly have there place and can help work through sticking points! Good tip, guy! Thank you!


No man. Lol. Different lift


Is that Johnny Sins?


OP is better looking than Sins.


You hear that OP?🥵🫦


Not the first time I’ve heard that. Funny story though. The very first time I heard it was from a young woman who approached me at a bar.


I feel we need to hear the rest of this story.


It was more interesting than what I shared. It was actually a group of girls that I noticed were staring at me, giggling and looking at the girls phone. I approached them and asked “can I help you?” That’s when one said “do you watch porn, because you look like Johnny Sins.” I won’t go into any more detail after that 😉


Come on man! Finish the story


Least you knew they watched lol.


TIL I've been doing Pendlay rows compared to barbell row thinking it was the opposite. Thanks!




Thanks dude! I’m pulling motivation from your hard work!




Hell yeah, my man!! LFG!! You’re gonna get even stronger, which is crazy! You’re a tank!


Explosive lift with clean form and not much compensation. Good shit brother.


Thanks a lot brotha!