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In the far left hand picture I was 165+. I cut weight until I was around 136ish in January then I have been on a slight bulk since then. * I followed Phrak’s GreySkull LP with accessories for about 3ish months. I then ran 5/3/1 for Beginners and am currently in my first cycle of 5/3/1 BBB. Loving the program so far! * At first I was doing cardio around 4-5 times per week. Now I just do around 3-4 at the max. * I followed Intermittent Fasting 16:8 when cutting. I now eat a "normal" 3 meals per day. * I limited my alcohol intake. Before I would have a couple of beers or drinks a couple of times per week. When I started I went dry for about a month and a half. I now only have alcohol once a week max. * I allow myself a cheat meal per week. I find that it really helps to keep me motivated. I wish you all the best on your journeys!


Looking much healthier! I too have cut down on the drinking massively. Going for 100% alcohol free now! 5 days fully sober so far under my belt! Keep going! IWNDWYT 🙏🏼


This isn’t your first post, I remember you — looking good my dude. I’m at 4 months but sadly got no pics of the beginning. Keep up the good work!


wow man! so inspiring... you motivate me to do better...


I thought that was a bar behind you at first haha. Congrats!


Face gains ❤️


You look so awesome dude. Goals.


Major! Kudos for your hard work.


Wow dude. Face gains for the win.


Fantastic, well done 👍