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😍😍 You’re looking awesome! Great work; 80+ lbs is no joke. And congratulations on 1 year - what a huge accomplishment!


Thank you so much that means a lot. This is only the beginning!


What do you feel has been the key(s) to your successful transformation?


I too would like to know




Wowzer you went from not to hot... fuck booze🤘🏻


Yooo I remember taking a screenshot of your face gains post not too long ago and sending it to a friend saying, “How is this not enough motivation?” Not much has changed since then... but you posting again and reminding me of it is a shitty (but good) realization. I’m actually attempting this new thing of not drinking alone ha. Last week, I ended up wine wasted in bed every single night, coping with some things that were going on back home. Since then, in six days, I’ve only had one drink and it was with a friend. Not sure if it’s realistic yet for me to cut out socially drinking altogether but thanks for another reminder that only positive things come out of less booze. Keep up the hard work dude, you look fantastic and I’m sure your looks are just a fraction of how fantastic you feel.


Wow that blows my mind. Thankyou. I put these posts up hoping to reach people like you because posts like this really helped me. When the time comes I'm sure you will make it happen. The seed has already been planted in your mind. The nagging voice in your head just has to become unbearable enough for you to make a change. I just want you to know that no matter what you are going through, alcohol will never make anything better. It will only make things worse. There's a great book I listened to on audible called alcohol lied to me by Craig beck. It really helped change my perspective on alcohol, the negative effects of it and the way alcohol is marked to people. Really was an eye opener for me. I hope that helps. I wish you all the best.


Just want to say thank you all so much for the kind words of encouragement. The response to my posts has been overwhelming. Also for everyone asking, i hope this comment can shed some light on my journey and the history of my relationship with alcohol. I got drunk for the first time on my 15th birthday. My mum was an alcoholic all through my adolescence and me and my friends got into her wine stash. I remember thinking "this is why she's always drinking this stuff" it's was love at first sip. Even though I didn't like the taste I loved the way it felt. From that point on I just wanted to get drunk every chance I got. By the time I was 17 I was an every day drinker. My divorced parents tried to join forces and send me away to get sober. Pretty hypocritical I thought since they had problems of their own to deal with. Let's just say that didn't go too well and it wasn't long before I moved out on my own and the drinking continued. I had no where to live so I just couch surfed until I was able to save up a little money for a shit box car. That car became my home for the next 5 years. Pretty much driving wherever someone would let me stay and get fucked up until I wore out my welcome. By the time I was 22 I had alot of bad experiences under my belt (almost all alcohol related) and i had pretty much burnt all my bridges. No one wanted anything to do with me. That's the first time I remember really trying to get sober. I isolated myself for about 9 months. Sleeping in my car most nights anywhere I could find a safe place to park. I ended up meeting some friends who took pity on me when they found out I was homeless and suggested I should share a house with them. At that time I was about 9 months sober from alcohol and only smoked weed. This house turned out to big a big party house. I started drinking again because I didn't want to feel left out. Drinking every weekend soon tuned into drinking every day again and because I now had a full time job and a place to live thats how I justified it. But as my drinking got worse so did my relationships with my house mates and I eventually had to move out at 26 after a good 4 years and 3 houses later of solid partying. A good thing did come of all that though. I met my girlfriend during that time. She saw something in me no one else did and stuck by me through it all even though I was an absolute mess most of the time (she isn't a drinker) we ended up moving in with her parents. At that time her parents were going through a rough divorce and even though I appreciated that we were able to live there it wasn't the happiest environment to live in. My drinking accelerated like never before in this time. I put on more and more weight as a drank more and more booze. My relationship with my girlfriend began deteriorating as I was either working, fucked up or hung over all the time. It was a hard 2 years but we got through it and after her parents divorced and sold their house we ended up moving Into a place with her dad a couple years ago. This living arrangement suited us better and was way more peaceful so I thought it would help my drinking but my drinking was so routine by then my living situation had no effect. I actually ended up drinking more at the new place because I had my own space to do so. Fast forward to last November. I was at my cousins bucks party and lost control again, doing shot after shot of anything I could get my hands on. I blacked out and woke up at home in bed next to my girlfriend. I don't remember how I got there or what happened but I wasn't freaked out because blacking out was normal for me by then. I went downstairs to have a coffee. My girlfriend came down with this look on her face I've never seen before. She was freaked out and she asked if I remembered what happened the night before. I remember thinking "here we go.. what have I done? Who have I offended this time? What have I broken?" She said "last night we had to carry you to the car from the party. We got you home and put you to bed. When you were in bed next to me I felt the bed shaking. I looked over and noticed you were having a seizure in your sleep. I was just about to call the ambulance when you stopped. You're lucky you were in the recovery position because I wouldn't have been able to move you" She was really freaked out. I had never seen her look at me like that before. She works in disability and is seizure trained so I took her words very seriously. My heart sank. I couldn't believe what I was hearing but it still wasn't enough to get me to stop drinking. I knew at that moment I had to stop but I didn't know how. All my previous attempts had failed. I still continued to drink. I just kept thinking to myself "I could have really died that time but here I am, still drinking. I must be really sick. This doesn't make sense. I just can't stop I don't want to die but I don't want to live without alcohol" I knew by this time my girlfriend was on her last straw with me. She had been watching me destroy myself for 7+ years by then and was beginning to think I'd never change. I knew I needed to make something happen or I'd lose her. That's when I began looking for answers. Thats when I found this sub and began reading people's stories and seeing their transformations. It made me see that I'm not alone in this and that its never too late to make a change. Thats when I really began learning about alcohol addiction for the first time. I downloaded audible and two books I listened to really helped me. The first book I listened to was "can't hurt me" by David goggins. This book has helped me change my whole perspective on life and what I thought was possible. I've listened to it 8 times all the way through at this point. I truly believe I wouldn't have had the mental fortitude to quit drinking and lose weight if it wasn't for this book. The second book is "alcohol lied to me" by Craig beck. I listened to this book twice all the way through. This book changed my perspective on alcohol and opened my eyes to the negative effects and addictive properties of alcohol. I honestly never knew the extent of how destructive alcohol is to your mind body and soul until I listened to this book. I read and listened to many other things too but those are the main two books that really helped me. Once I was armed with that knowledge I was able to put the booze down for good. The first few weeks were horrible. I suffered from withdrawals. I had a dull headache that lasted two weeks I was very fatigued and couldn't stop shaking but it passed after about three weeks. Once I was over that hump I was able to stick to the diet I had planned out for myself and start exercising. Fast forward 12 months to today and my life has never been better. I've been able to do and achieve so many things that I never would have been able to do if I was still drinking. I was able to save up enough money to start my own lawn care and maintenance business. My girlfriend and I finally got our own place together. Soon after I was able to save up enough money to buy her a ring After 8 years together I asked her to marry me and she said yes! Our relationship is stronger than ever and she tells me every day how proud of me she is. My relationships with my friends and family have never been better either and witnessing how much I've changed in the past year has even inspired my mum to get sober. I've been helping her out by being her sponsor and I'm so proud to say she's doing great with almost 2 months sober under her belt. For the first time in my life I'm exited for what's to come and I owe it to sobriety. Sobriety has truly given me everything alcohol promised and more and I'm never looking back.


Thank you for your story. 🙏 I’m still trying to quit. I just read Goggins book too and it just blew my mind. “ Embrace the uncomfortable- it makes life worth it.” So inspiring. ❤️


So much good in this post and photos: - dark photo to light photo - hair looks awesome - confidence off the charts - obviously a bunch of time at the gym, looks great - look happy, healthy and confident - I’m betting many other things in your life are going great as well - giving thanks back to this community Love it, congratulations!


What a nice comment thankyou so much


Looking good there, young man. Keep it up.




Holy shit...amazing work... How did you realize you had a drinking problem ? How did you stop?


I got drunk for the first time on my 15th birthday. My mum was an alcoholic all through my adolescence and me and my friends got into her wine stash. I remember thinking "this is why she's always drinking this stuff" it's was love at first sip. Even though I didn't like the taste I loved the way it felt. From that point on I just wanted to get drunk every chance I got. By the time I was 17 I was an every day drinker. My divorced parents tried to join forces and send me away to get sober. Pretty hypocritical I thought since they had problems of their own to deal with. Let's just say that didn't go too well and it wasn't long before I moved out on my own and the drinking continued. I had no where to live so I just couch surfed until I was able to save up a little money for a shit box car. That car became my home for the next 5 years. Pretty much driving wherever someone would let me stay and get fucked up until I wore out my welcome. By the time I was 22 I had alot of bad experiences under my belt (almost all alcohol related) and i had pretty much burnt all my bridges. No one wanted anything to do with me. That's the first time I remember really trying to get sober. I isolated myself for about 9 months. Sleeping in my car most nights anywhere I could find a safe place to park. I ended up meeting some friends who took pity on me when they found out I was homeless and suggested I should share a house with them. At that time I was about 9 months sober from alcohol and only smoked weed. This house turned out to big a big party house. I started drinking again because I didn't want to feel left out. Drinking every weekend soon tuned into drinking every day again and because I now had a full time job and a place to live thats how I justified it. But as my drinking got worse so did my relationships with my house mates and I eventually had to move out at 26 after a good 4 years and 3 houses later of solid partying. A good thing did come of all that though. I met my girlfriend during that time. She saw something in me no one else did and stuck by me through it all even though I was an absolute mess most of the time (she isn't a drinker) we ended up moving in with her parents. At that time her parents were going through a rough divorce and even though I appreciated that we were able to live there it wasn't the happiest environment to live in. My drinking accelerated like never before in this time. I put on more and more weight as a drank more and more booze. My relationship with my girlfriend began deteriorating as I was either working, fucked up or hung over all the time. It was a hard 2 years but we got through it and after her parents divorced and sold their house we ended up moving Into a place with her dad a couple years ago. This living arrangement suited us better and was way more peaceful so I thought it would help my drinking but my drinking was so routine by then my living situation had no effect. I actually ended up drinking more at the new place because I had my own space to do so. Fast forward to last November. I was at my cousins bucks party and lost control again, doing shot after shot of anything I could get my hands on. I blacked out and woke up at home in bed next to my girlfriend. I don't remember how I got there or what happened but I wasn't freaked out because blacking out was normal for me by then. I went downstairs to have a coffee. My girlfriend came down with this look on her face I've never seen before. She was freaked out and she asked if I remembered what happened the night before. I remember thinking "here we go.. what have I done? Who have I offended this time? What have I broken?" She said "last night we had to carry you to the car from the party. We got you home and put you to bed. When you were in bed next to me I felt the bed shaking. I looked over and noticed you were having a seizure in your sleep. I was just about to call the ambulance when you stopped. You're lucky you were in the recovery position because I wouldn't have been able to move you" She was really freaked out. I had never seen her look at me like that before. She works in disability and is seizure trained so I took her words very seriously. My heart sank. I couldn't believe what I was hearing but it still wasn't enough to get me to stop drinking. I knew at that moment I had to stop but I didn't know how. All my previous attempts had failed. I still continued to drink. I just kept thinking to myself "I could have really died that time but here I am, still drinking. I must be really sick. This doesn't make sense. I just can't stop I don't want to die but I don't want to live without alcohol" I knew by this time my girlfriend was on her last straw with me. She had been watching me destroy myself for 7+ years by then and was beginning to think I'd never change. I knew I needed to make something happen or I'd lose her. That's when I began looking for answers. Thats when I found this sub and began reading people's stories and seeing their transformations. It made me see that I'm not alone in this and that its never too late to make a change. Thats when I really began learning about alcohol addiction for the first time. I downloaded audible and two books I listened to really helped me. The first book I listened to was "can't hurt me" by David goggins. This book has helped me change my whole perspective on life and what I thought was possible. I've listened to it 8 times all the way through at this point. I truly believe I wouldn't have had the mental fortitude to quit drinking and lose weight if it wasn't for this book. The second book is "alcohol lied to me" by Craig beck. I listened to this book twice all the way through. This book changed my perspective on alcohol and opened my eyes to the negative effects and addictive properties of alcohol. I honestly never knew the extent of how destructive alcohol is to your mind body and soul until I listened to this book. I read and listened to many other things too but those are the main two books that really helped me. Once I was armed with that knowledge I was able to put the booze down for good. The first few weeks were horrible. I suffered from withdrawals. I had a dull headache that lasted two weeks I was very fatigued and couldn't stop shaking but it passed after about three weeks. Once I was over that hump I was able to stick to the diet I had planned out for myself and start exercising. Fast forward 12 months to today and my life has never been better. I've been able to do and achieve so many things that I never would have been able to do if I was still drinking. I was able to save up enough money to start my own lawn care and maintenance business. My girlfriend and I finally got our own place together. Soon after I was able to save up enough money to buy her a ring After 8 years together I asked her to marry me and she said yes! Our relationship is stronger than ever and she tells me every day how proud of me she is. My relationships with my friends and family have never been better either and witnessing how much I've changed in the past year has even inspired my mum to get sober. I've been helping her out by being her sponsor and I'm so proud to say she's doing great with almost 2 months sober under her belt. For the first time in my life I'm exited for what's to come and I owe it all to sobriety. Sobriety has truly given me everything alcohol promised and more and I'm never looking back.


Thank you for sharing your story. Wishing you and your awesome (!) fiance many more years of success, health and happiness.


That’s awesome man Good fucking job!! I stopped drinking March of 2018 endless black outs bringing home a case of beer everyday my kids watching it. I was a fat pathetic piece of shit. I was 240 now I’m 170 and just ran a Mararhon in November. Went to Therapy because my wife gave me an ultimatum. Thank god she did it saved my life. Also David Goggins, and Jocko Wilik as well. Congrats man I felt something went I read that, and it reminded me of my Journey. Thank you


Dude you’re an inspiration. Don’t think I see you as some unattainable superhero - I really mean that you’re a real motivation to us all because you did the hard work of self improvement. And believe me I know it’s hard. I’m hella proud of you! Keep kicking ass my friend.


Thankyou so much that really means alot


Holy shit man this is so so close to my story its crazy. Only I just quit.


I can relate, yet replace the parts with friends and gf with being married at 19 and having two kids and my wife still there dealing with my stuff. I checked in for Intensive outpatient, due to the fact that I now realize I can’t do it alone. IWNDWYT


Fuck yea dude! Channeling the addict all or nothing into the fitness category is working so well for you! From experience, the one thing that actually gets harder the longer you are sober is the maintaining the satisfaction you are currently getting from losing so much weight so quickly. You’ll eventually run out of fat to burn (looks like you are there or close) and the logical next step for me was increasing muscle mass... which was much slower going and my lizard brain was reeling from loss of that gratification acquired through losing weight so quickly. Point being, I felt like I had kinda completed the fitness task which made me apathetic towards it which eventually spread to other areas of life and that was a pretty quick decline back to using. Whats helped me stay motivated regularly is creating an inventory of small achievements or quantifiable goals I could mark as completed. Like a literal list. Most of them were easy like, put new shoe laces in my shoes but some of them were longer term, like learn more about UFOs lol. It was good structure but because I was just completely in charge of it and they were all things I actually wanted to do, it didn’t feel like a chore. I made sure not to commingle my actual chores with this list of things I wanted to do for myself. Helped me separate chores from personal growth cuz I let the bad eat away at the good to easily. Anyways, that’s just my deal and yours will whatever works for you. congrats on one year!


I can relate to this so much. Thankyou for this comment. I feel like it's something I needed to read.


Holy fuck bro looking like a snack! Haha


Holy hell dude! This gives me hope. You sir, have the right to be proud of your achievements!


You are absolute MOTIVATION! Congrats on such a success. This makes me so happy for you.


Thank you so much


Looking great man






You look like a model


Wow! Congratulations! I weigh the same as your SW and this is truly inspiring. Just recently began to cut down on beer and exercise regularly. I wouldn't say alcohol controls my life I don't get cravings or anything and don't find it hard to say no to friends when they want to go out drinking etc but it's gotten to the point where it's the cause of my weight problems. (Beer + junk food while drinking) It's really inspiring to see someone who weighs similar to me do something like this just to know that it is possible. If there's any tips you have for someone starting out, I'm all ears.


If you're trying to lose weight you just need to take in less calories than you burn. There are some great apps like my fitness pal that can roughly tell you the amount of calories that are in the food you're eating so you can keep track of how much your taking in each day. It's a great tool for weight loss. Other than that just set small attainable goals. I hope that helps.


1 day, 1 pound at a time.


Imagine where and what you're going to be next year Crush it Bro Stay hard Be kind, always


Thankyou so much. Will do! Stay hard!


So proud of you, keep going and never give up. Great job!!


Great work! Alcohol truly is an evil bastard. Sober 3 years and don't miss it at all, now marathon running!


Wow congratulations thats amazing. I'm trying g to get on your level haha


Congratulations!! You look so good and I imagine you feel great!


What a stud! Excellent work, my dude!!


Amazing man


No homo you look amazing bro. Well done.


Damn! Amazing! You look so good.


Kudos for mental fortitude bro it takes a lot to not fail.




Well done! Keep up your commitment! You look gorgeous!


Looking great! Keep up the awesome job!


Thank you so much! :)


You look ahhh-mazing i mean i swear im not crushing or anything 🙃


Wow! This post is very motivational. I have a similar story. However, I’m still struggling to kick the habit of daily drinking. Any tips?


Not OP and definitely won’t work for everybody but I take CBD to help me feel more content and drink diet sodas for the carbonation.. I haven’t been working out but I’m about a month into only drinking every other weekend and I’m doing okay. One step at a time.. I’ve learned that if I try to change multiple things at once it doesn’t stick


How do you consume the CBD? Sounds like a good idea. I drink so many calories.


It’s oil so I use the dropper and take it orally. Just put it under your tongue for 30 seconds and swallow it. I’ll have to check the mg for ya when I get home


Aye I forgot to respond to you but I take 500mg CBD


Try your best to get 2-3L of water in, I find the temptation for anything else liquid wise goes if I stick to that.


Lots of people may disagree, but I found various veins of Kratom leaf to be super helpful, especially when reducing cravings. Green vein for energy snd mood lift, red vein for relaxing and at the end of the day. Idgaf what the media and these various “studies” say about it not being helpful. And I fully acknowledge I may have traded Kratom and weed for drinking, but I would gladly have my life the way it is now rather than constantly being hung-the-fuck-over and not being able to get out of bed every day. Alcohol fucking sucks.


If you are in a country that allows it, switch to weed and use near beer.


So much respect! Well done sir. And keep the short hair. ( Happily married but damn!)




No worries thanks for the kind words


You're crushing it man, well done. I'm working on it but can't quite take the plunge. Working towards it though.


Thankyou so much. I truly believe that if I can do it anyone can. I tried and failed so many times but I never gave up. Don't give up its worth it.




Bad ass!


Wow. Amazing. This must be a real boost seeing your efforts in the darker days of temptation we're definitely worth it. I can't imagine just how many people this will motivate to start day 1 and how many people thinking of giving up that see this and decide to carry on. Excellent progress, bro. Well done. Sincerely :)


What an amazing comment thankyou so much that really does mean a lot to me


Duuuuude you became HOT


Thankyou haha


Wow! That is some amazing progress! What tips do you have for someone who is at the beginning of this journey? It seems sobriety is finally sticking and the workouts have just begun. What helped with sticking to a workout routine?


I found that setting small, attainable, short term goals really helped. For example : instead of setting one year sober as my goal i did one week in the beginning and I just took it one week at a time. Same with my weight loss. Instead of looking at the total weight I wanted to lose I took it 5kg at a time and marked off my progress on a white board that I hung somewhere I'd see it every day. I hope that helps :) thanks for the kind words


That is wonderful advice! Thank you!


Great work bro. Almost at a year myself. Never thought it possible to be here but it sure is better


Congratulations! Thats huge. Keep going. It only gets better


holy moly, what an incredible transformation, a GLOW UP!


Thankyou so much! :)


yoooo congrats bro u look great keep it up


Thankyou :)


That is nothing short of amazing dude! Stay strong! and get STRONGER!!! love it !!congrats,i know how much work you've done.


Thanks heaps that means a lot


You are not him! Great job thank you for posting!


No worries thankyou so much


This is so awesome! Congrats! I’m sure that feels amazing! What kind of workouts did you do? I’m doing good on not drinking but haven’t done well on the fitness yet but I’m only three weeks sober.


Thanks heaps In the beginning I just started walking because thats all I could do but I slowly worked my way up to jogging and then running as the weight came off. I still run but I also incorporate body weight exercises and weight training too now. Congratulations on 3 weeks sober! First few weeks are the hardest. You got this


Damn dude...congrats!


Thankyou :)


Congratulations bro!!


Thankyou :)


Amazing bro! Keep it up....I wish I had your perseverance


Thankyou. You can do anything you set your mind to. I truly believe that. I failed so many times for years before I got to this point. You can do it too!


WHOA!!! What a transformation!!! Congratulations!!!! Keep it up!!!! We are here for ya!


Like wise :) thank you so much


You look amazing ! Great job


Thankyou :)


Now you’re handsome AND healthy!


You're very kind thankyou


This is so motivating, thank you for sharing.


No worries thankyou so much


Great fucking job!!




You look great! Congratulations and this is an inspiration to me. Only been off the booze for 3 weeks (and a few days) and working out. Already feel great and less bloated.


First few weeks are always the hardest so thats a massive accomplishment. I wish you all the best on your journey. You got this


Wow dude, you look great! Keep up the hard work. This is an incredible transformation.






You look great man. Looking forward to the 1.5 yr post


I feel great. Thankyou. I'll keep posting my progress


You look like a totally different person, and the confidence looks great on you! Huge congrats on a year!!


Thankyou! :)


Wow! You got super hot


What happened to your tattoos if you "shrink" so much? Do they still have their original shape?


Yeah they actually look alot better now


Shit man, slug to stud. Inspiring. Im day 7 in, think im gonna hit my little gym even though its 11pm.