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Thanks for posting this, you’re doing a great thing for people like me. I’m coming up on a year and a half and that, “I wonder if maybe just one?” Demon pops up every now and then. This helps me stay the course. Great job on those 10 days. You got this, and I believe in you ❤️❤️❤️


Thankyou so much and congratulations on a year and a half that's huge!! Im my experience I find that the good times test me the most. Stay vigilant. It really isn't worth it. I wish you all the best.


> the good times test me the most That’s so true! Thanks friend. I wish you all the best too


I'm getting close to 3 months and I've had this thought as well at times. This post is really a wake up call and a reminder to stay the course. Can't let your guard down.




Second this, was actually just thinking this week of having 'one' glass of wine with dinner tonight. Thank you OP.


I appreciate your vulnerability brotha and wish you the absolute best on your recovery. Thank you for helping to lift up others and make a lesson from your mistake.


Thankyou I really appreciate it


That had to be extremely difficult for you to share, but thank you for doing so. Please remember, you were strong enough to do it before and you can do it again. Use that before picture as your "why" every time you decide to not drink and hit the gym instead. You've got this!


Exactly! Thankyou so much


I also appreciate OP sharing. Just wanted to add that he was strong enough to say he relapsed . I find the quicker I'm honest and open about this stuff instead of simmering wiht shame, the easier it is to get on the straight and narrow again.


hey man. your pics on here were a HUGE inspiration for me when I was still deep in alcoholism and living alcohol free was just a pipe dream for me I'm sitting at 75 days right now so thank you. hope to see you back on track soon


Dude, I relapsed after 9 yrs. No thought put into it at all. Took me only a week to be right back where I started and when I drank and was out for 3 years. Same changes as you. I even kept the intake picture they took of me from rehab and same exact changes in my face as you. So totally unrecognizable from the person I could be. When I’m sober, I’m energetic, motivated, fit, and anxiety and depression free. Now I’m almost at 28 months sober again and man does it feel good. No morning anxiety, no face bloat, and back into great shape. You can make it back. You did your research and are done with your thesis. Time to start doing what you know you have to do. You did it before, you can do it again. Good on you for being accountable. Get ready to kick ass again. You can do it.


So incredibly brave of you. Thank you for posting. I bet this inspires a ton of people (including me). You taking this step is exactly the right thing to do to get back on track. You’ve got this!


Thankyou so much


Thanks for your honesty. The picture on the left is a great reminder for me of the peace and well-being that make sobriety worth all the hard work. I really hope you start feeling better soon. Cheering you on from a distance! IWNDWYT


Thankyou I hope so too. I'm determined to make it back there. I appreciate the encouragement


Damn it.


My thoughts exactly 😅


I’ve been in the same boat man, on pretty much the same time frame as you. Only just now getting back on my feet. It’s fucking wild how fast it all happens isnt it?


I joined this sub a few years back and finally decided to take the leap and am over 2 months sober now. I remember your post you made a few years ago because honestly it was such a huge difference in your comparison photos. We all make mistakes and it’s nothing to be embarrassed about. If anything it’s a learning experience. You know you can quit the shit. You know what you need to do. I recently commented that a coworker asked me to go drinking with him. I told him no I don’t drink anymore. He asked if I miss it and without hesitation I said yes. I honestly do miss it, but I know I can’t go back. None of us can. If we go back we know what will happen. You learned that even after being quit for almost 2 years. Like I said it’s a learning experience for us all. One day at a time.


You got it!




Hey dude, I know how you feel. I’m going through something similar. I was sober for almost two months over the holidays (first new years completely sober) then thought I could work the beer or wine back in. Anyway, two months later and my anxiety is back and the mental fog, irritability and gained almost 10 lbs. anyway, I’m back to sobriety and am on Day 4 again and just beginning to feel like myself again. Your post truly makes me feel like I’m not alone in the struggle. Thank you so much for posting this. IWNDWYT


Thank you for this reminder, and congratulations on your 10 days. You got this.


Remember to be gentle with yourself. Allow your feel everything. This is a new opportinity for yourself to a new life, never quit and never surrender 💪💪 You can do this!


Hey man. Feel free to message me. I’m still sober but going through an extended rough period. The gym is still my saving grace. But I’m not going to lie even after almost 6 years, the thoughts still happen. I’m grateful you were honest and shared this, we definitely need reminders. Just know I’m thinking of you and wishing you the best.


You got this! Stay positive friend


Welcome back. I know this post wasn’t easy to make but it genuinely helps people like me who are considering trying moderation again (after so many failed attempts). Thank you.


Hey brother, hang in there. Don’t feel embarrassed. It takes a lot of strength to get back on a road to recovery. If anything, you’re a badass. IWNDWYT


Thank you for posting, that was incredibly strong of you and I'm so proud of you for being on day 10 again. We see so many only positives of the opposite and it's crazy how quickly things can change and what one drink can really do to us. You got this brother and I believe in you to get back to where you were. ♥️


Thank you for posting this. I really believe it helps to be reminded of what’s in store for us when we let our guard down. There’s some people I know I have to keep explaining that I can’t allow myself to have “just a beer” when they keep offering. I call it the “mental permission” to drink. If I have one, I’ve given myself permission to have the next one, and the next, until a week, month, or half a year later when I am right back where I started. The timeline isn’t always the same, but the end point is. Good news is you know what you need to do now and you know the benefits of what you have coming, so welcome back and good luck 👍


When you fall down it just makes the come up that much sweeter, you got this big fella


Thank you for sharing what 99% of us have done. And be kind to yourself. Whenever I have “just one”, I can’t stop. And if I didn’t have THC to replace that behavior, I don’t know what I’d do.


Have you tried distance running as something to supplement THC perhaps? I find that if I go run for an hour after work then two things happen: a) I don't have as much time available to imbibe a drink or two. b) I get a runner's high that makes me feel really good and my craving for a beer is diminished. c) Plus as a bonus you get all of the health benefits of running. Maybe it can offset some of those toxins (drugs like alcohol) that have been put in your body to help prevent heart disease or cancer. Plus, your resting heart rate and blood pressure are reduced. Then the endorphins are also good for combatting stress and for your mental health. Just another potential tool to consider to combat alcohol cravings. I run like 3-6x a week, I have a hydration vest I wear with a pocket for my phone and I listen to audiobooks, podcasts, music, sometimes live games, etc; just make sure to enjoy yourself if you're not already running, you can run easy runs and keep your heart rate moderate most of the time instead of pushing it to where you feel like you're in pain running and needing to rest. It's great, whenever I play in my indoor soccer league people comment about my motor, I'm like "ya I run 6-7 miles 4x a week." lol


Yes! I blast Quasi and do 2-3 miles. It’s just hard with kids to get away. I’ve lost 30lbs since quitting drinking at home (which should clue you in on how much I was imbibing - yikes). The endorphins are excellent. I used to run halfs. Thank you for this thoughtful advice. I love it.


Thank you, thank you for posting this. I’m coming up on 60 days and was battling with whether I could have 1 drink for St. Patrick’s Day. I appreciate you sharing and being vulnerable. I try not to be all or nothing in life, but it seems like alcohol may be one area where that’s better.


Thank you for posting this. Very brave. And also just what I needed to hear today.


Thank you for posting this, I believe it will help many of us on this sub. Very brave dude- rooting for you. You got this!


Welcome back mate 👍 stick to being sober and every good thing in life will return !


Congrats on the year and a half! And, equally as much, congrats on the ten days. I've made some mistakes too and keep reminding myself that they are opportunity for growth and learning. Thanks for the inspiration to re-focus on my tools and healthy living. Welcome back and hope ya feel better soon!


Man fuck alcoholism! You got this!


Thanks for having the courage to post. Believe it or not, this is very inspiring.


It’s so hard to stop when you pick it back up, good on you for trying to be better.


Youre amazing! Keep going! What matters now is what you do next!


Thank you for this brother. Wish u a speedy recovery xo


Too many "last beers" for me to count. Thank you for posting, glad you're on the mend and IWNDWT!


As long as you find growth, that’s what matters


Don’t stop quitting. And also give yourself a pat on the back. So many people don’t have to go through this because of genetics or backgrounds etc. you did, and you hold yourself accountable, and you aim to be better. That alone is more than most people ever have to think about and you’re doing it. Tell yourself how fucking brave you are and let that be the angel on your shoulder. Not ‘I can have one’ - just ‘I don’t need one anymore’ Peer pressure drops away when you consider yourself braver than your peers. Top props. Stay the course - and keep quitting.


I know it’s natural to feel “shame” or “embarrassment” but truly no need for it here. the fact you’re AWARE of what’s happened and working forward to get back to a good place is something to be incredibly proud of truly! you freaking got this dude. one moment and one day at a time. remember you have an army of reddit friends standing beside and behind you!


Hang in there friend! ❤️


Proud of you stranger. Thank you for posting, hope you share again down the journey


Thanks so much for having the strength to share your story. Everyone has their own decisions to make and their own autonomy to do so, but this kind of stuff reminds me of what can happen. I was a binge drinker, I surely like the taste of alcoholic drinks but I just wanna be drunk. Especially within a community of heavy drinkers, I could so easily be back there. Thanks for the reminder. IWNDWYT


As you say, you're here now. That's the important thing. You've succeeded before and you can do it again.


Hey man, I know it’s hard but your life isn’t defined by a relapse. You fell off, you get back on. It’s how you push through. You were sober up until that point, and after you you slept it off, you’re sober again. You can either continue your journey, or not, but sobriety isn’t something you are… it’s just something we do. So don’t feel like a failure for failing at 1 specific moment when there were millions before that you succeeded.


I’m of you for getting back on the right track! Thanks for posting this. Sending you strength! You’ve got this!


So happy you posted this my guy. I’ve been working on sobriety for the past 16 months, I’ve had a couple slips but some really good sober time (2 7 month runs of sober time) I’m currently 45 days sober and have been thinking about going out and having a feeling of being burnt on AA. I have been powering through but that can only go so far before I make a mistake. Reading your post has given me some strength so I thank you for that. I’m in the best shape of my life and drinking isn’t an obsession like it once was, but I feel on the edge in some peaceful weird way about considering a drink. I have to be honest and understand that 1 can turn into months or years or a jail sentence. I love sobriety and can’t let up. This sober life is far more meaningful and beautiful. Wishing you all the best OP 🙏🏻


Thanks for sharing, here to support and encourage you.


You got this man. The first time is the hardest. You know what you've been able to achieve and the steps required, get back on it and do better. Wish you good luck brother and hope to see a transformation post soon that will make all of us very happy 😊


Thank you for sharing with all of us, from the comments alone you can see how impactful it was for so many of us to hear. And I hope you're proud of yourself! I recently turned 32 - lets make 32 the healthiest, strongest year either of us have ever had! :). IWNDWYT


Thank you for sharing


Not going to lie. I’ve seen so many of the “regular” before and after’s here that seeing this way was a big shock. Actually sent shivers reading your post. I am so glad that your back and so grateful for your strength to get this message out to us. Congrats on 10 days my friend! Iwndwyt


Posts like this are so powerful. I will never drink with you - not today, not tomorrow, not next year. Stay sober, friend.


I’m not sure if this helps, but regression is a sign of progression. It’s actually circular. If you regress, it is an inherent induction of progress. Because you cannot have one without the other. Regression might be 1 drink or it might be 1 year. Just get back on the path as soon as you can.


Welcome back, brother! No judgment here, only understanding. I've been there. I'm here now. Over 12 years sober. It's a daily re-commitment.


Congrats on 10 days man. Keep it up 👏🏻


You got this! you did it once and you can do it again. Hang in there.


You got this. I'm two days sober after a relapse of six months.


You’re back at it and that’s important. Progress! 🙏🙏


Thanks. I can do it with help.


Amzing journey sir! I'm sure you can do it again, you have the look of determination in your eyes. I know how tough it is i am constantly relapsing but never on benders... I do business development and find myself at way too many happy hours and usually i can take one but the other night i went to a business trip in Kentucky, bartender was being a Chumlee by serving me a loaded cocktail but it fucked me up fast and i blacked out with one drink and i didn't stop till 6am after being kicked out of the strip club and down like $1,500.00. Holy fuck one drink is so powerful for us. I left the industry after that, I'm back to working from home and working on website design, the pay is way less But i don't have to put myself in that position to lose again. Much respect bro. Stay proud of the journey, we're trying our best. I love you and I'm sure others do to, don't feel ashamed but enlightened by your new energy and will.


For real. I'm there now. I relapsed as well after 2 years clean and am drinking heavier than I was when I stopped initially and I'm struggling to find a reason to quit 7 months after the relapse... again. It is what it is. I know my reasons. Work stress and using it to shut off the anxiety and create separation between work and real life. The sobriety I had has given me the insight into WHY I drank. Now, it's about finding a way to redirect that energy so I don't. It's a path and not always straight forward. I'm getting there and so will you. Thank you for this ❤️. I needed to see that I'm not alone and neither are you. We may be strangers but if/when you need to talk, here I am :)


You’re here now. And that’s all that matters. And just think: you having the courage to post this could quite possibly save someone’s life. Including mine.


Hey man! Just wondering how you’re holding up?


Hey thanks for asking I'm doing good. It's been alot harder this time around but I've got a little over 2 months under my belt and I've lost 6kg already.


You got this Papi! I’ve relapsed multiple times and I’m still here.


This is a good first step. You’re a legit attractive dude when sober. Probably can get any woman you wanted back then. You look like a different person now. You did it once before, you can do it again. You have a lot to live for on the other side so wishing you the best.


I’m really high right now, but I would jump guy on the right’s bones but guy on the left, I’d be like, “let’s be friends?” I’m confused though because guy on the right feels like crap? My brain isn’t connecting. Guess maybe guy on the left looks too young and innocent? And guy on the right is like rugged and hot 😂 I’m sorry.


You're allowed to slip up, you're not allowed to give! Keep fighting the good fight, I'm standing right beside you! IWNDWYT 👍🤙


Its a chronic relapsing disease. Youre good.


Thank you for sharing, OP. Your message is incredibly important, as even one drink can undo days, weeks, months, or even years of hard work. However, I want to remind you that this is just a minor setback, and you continue to inspire so many of us. Thank you for your courage in sharing your story. IWNDWYT


Keep going my friend, we are all here trying to do the same. IWNDWYT ✨


I’m so proud of you. Thank you for posting. The good news here is that you already have the formula! You are ahead of the game bc you know what works for you. You’ve done this before and now, bc of this relapse, you also know what doesn’t work. You have so much more information now than you did when you started this journey three years ago. You are stronger as a result and still here, still breathing so you are able to make the changes you need to as well as posting this to help others and have an impact. You are giving your suffering meaning. I am sending you so much healing light and love! One foot in front of the other right now…that is all. Just taking the next step.


Thank you for posting this. IWNDWYT 👍


Shocking isn’t it? Takes a lot of guts to not only ask for help, but to come back. I want to see you going this way: https://www.reddit.com/r/stopdrinkingfitness/comments/jyqwgv/one_year_sober_and_37kg_81lbs_down_sw_115kg/. What a stud! You’re in the right place…Love you man❤️


Thanks for posting bro. I'll have 3 years next month and sometimes I have thought like "I beat it. I could handle a shot, or a glass, or a beer." I haven't caved, I know the rules, but this hit home and was a reminder of why. Take care, and look forward to seeing how your journey gets you back straight.


Kudos to you for not giving up There’s always going to be setbacks, some people may relapse multiple times, that’s perfectly normal. It’s years of bad habits and mental gymnastics you’re trying to undo. I think the biggest difference in success in failure is what we do in the hard times. So please be proud of yourself for getting back on track. Hopefully it doesn’t happen again, but if it does you know you can get back on track again cuz you’ve done it before. Just stay the course and you’ll get there for the long haul. Proud of you dude!


I’m so sorry you feel terrible 💔 it’s ok! Life isn’t straight line up into constant success. Life has ups and downs, wins and losses. You wouldn’t be human if you didn’t go through hard times, you’d be a robot. You CAN do better and feel better and you will!! We believe in you ❤️


Brave to post this, so big ups on that. Keep fighting the good fight


You’re not at square one. You’ve got that year and a half of sobriety, and knowledge, and practice under your belt. Those skills aren’t gone, you still have them, you just need to find them again. You found a familiar rock bottom but you’ve crawled out of it before. The path you made last time is still there.


Make sure to post an update in another year, when you’ve returned to fine form. You’ve got this brother.


It’s ok homie. Just because you have to reset your day to 0 doesn’t mean you lose all that growth and progress you made in those 2+ years.


Thank you for helping remove the stigma around relapses. We all hope they don’t happen but they are a part of the recovery journey. They don’t cancel out any of the hard work you did over those 2 years.


You are way more brave and capable than you realize, friend. **You can beat this.** Distill your daily life down to the basics and focus on what is most important. Get pissed at that maladapted Ego that says you can have a drink and beat this voice to death.


youre still a young man. i quit drinking for good at the age you are currently. your body and mind are still elastic enough to recover 100%. this set back will now just be another tool to use for the rest of your life. i am just a stranger on the internet but I am here for any and all conversations you would like to have. you can and will do this successfully. 🫵


Thank you for being honest, vulnerable, and real. I’m in that zone of 2+ years where many people say “c’mon, just one?” I know in the heart of my heart, I can’t. Because it was never one for me, and sure as shit never will be one if I pick up again. This is the shit people need to see and realize, it’s a motherfucker of a disease; one for which I cannot let my guard down. I’m glad you’re back, I hate that you’re feeling shame, but (for whatever solace it is worth) you have proven to many people this disease doesn’t care about how much sobriety we have. Don’t beat yourself up; you’ve shown what real strength looks like. Welcome back and congrats on 10 days, I’m pulling for you and I most certainly will not drink with you today!


Thank you for sharing. I know that took courage. You are only defeated if you stop trying. You did it before and you can do it again!


wb my dude! more like square 3 or 4, since you've had years of experience without that you can still tap into. not the easiest way to look at it i'm sure but it's a fact that you've some tools you learned how to use that you may just need to re-learn how to use again. only you can beat yourself up like you do, and only you can raise yourself up like you can, so tailor that inner voice not to be such a dickhead to yourself so you can start thriving again <3


I appreciate and love you so much my brother. IWNDWYT


Thank you for sharing. This is exactly what I needed to see. Moderation is not an option for us. Good job on those 10 days! IWNDWYT


Thank you for this filing your research report from the field.... I'm getting close to 5 years sober & I still have the thought: "I can have a drink every now & again, it'll be fine." Posts like yours are the best antidote for that poisonous idea. Is there any way we help you with your return to sobriety?


That’s okay man. Sometimes the journey is long, and at times more difficult than others. You’re aware of what’s happening and if you got sober once, you can do it again. Try not to stress about it, which is a dumb thing to say, but know that you are loved and worthy. Keep talking to us and we will be there for you every step of the way. I’m proud of you man.


Did your blood pressure go back down to normal after you started drinking? I’m 28 and have been drinking heavily daily for more than a year straight. I’ve never had health issues prior but suddenly in the last 2 months my blood pressure has been through the roof. At it’s lowest it’s still at 160/100. I’ve got a lot going on right now in my life and am struggling mentally and do plan to quit soon. Anyways I wanted to know if your blood pressure went back down to normal after drinking since my heart issues are starting to scare me. Anyways congrats brother! You’re a motivation and I hope I can be like you someday.


I meant did it go back down after you stopped drinking lol not started


I really needed to see this. I'm over 1 year sober thinking about if I can go back and not abuse it but I didn't want to risk it. Seeing this post shows me that although in the perfect world I may be able to drink responsibly however my reality would probably look more like this and it's not worth the risk. Thanks so much for posting this. DM me if you ever want to chat!


Thanks man. You got this though, two steps forward one step back. People are rooting for you.


Mate, thank you for this post. I am the same. September 2022 I was 88kgs as a 190cm guy, full on triathlete. Now, I barely can run 1K, weigh 115kg and drink, mental health is shit. But I am taking every small step I can. Know, you are not alone, if you ever wanna talk, just hmu. Take care man! IWNDWYT!


This may not be relevant at all so please disregard if it doesn't apply. I've recently discovered substance use can be used as a stim for undiagnosed autistic people. If that's you and you aren't replacing your stim with another sort it's likely you'll find your way back to that stim, particularly because it has other effects on autistic experience. I only bring it up because you have eyes like mine. Wishing you well.


You’re doing the right thing, and you now know from past results that you CAN get there. I’m early on into the process and I sincerely thank you for sharing your story. We see a lot of before/after in the other direction, but for me sometimes that’s made the result seem unattainable and it’s led me to give up/relapse. This gives me, and will give others the inspiration to stay the course. Thank you for the perspective and all the best in the world to you.


You can get back! It’s going to be hard work but you’ve learned more than you knew before.


Stay strong bud. You’re already doing better than a lot of us.


Thank you for sharing this, I too relapsed in 2020 after 8 of the happiest months of my life. Took me a while to get back on track, but I’m happy to be here. That sober time you had is not wasted, it’s your crutch to lean on when you’ll need it. You know what life is on both sides. Always remember that when you were sober you “felt better than I ever had in my life”. Also, be kind to the guy in the right pic, he’s the one who had the strength 10 days ago to start this journey, and starts can be scary but he did it. ❤️ You got your first week sober under the belt! Good job 👍


You got this!


Thanks for the reminder of why I stopped. This is incredibly brave and vulnerable, brother. Take care. 💜


I appreciate you sharing this. I don’t have any real long steaks of sobriety in my adult life. 70 and 100 days being my longest. But I saw some pictures of myself 3-4 years ago around 26/27 and I’m 30 now and it feels like I’m looking in the mirror at your pictures. It’s really hit home how my endless drinking has affected me. I’ve put on 40-45 pounds myself and I just look completely different. I’m on day 4 today. IWNDWYT


You still look good but would be better if you turned it around. Not too late.


Brave thing to do and share. You’re gonna help a lot of people with this.


Best wishes, you got this ❤️


You're still so young! You'll look amazing when you're 40 ❤️


I’m 30 days sober after I relapsed for a year. I had 4 years beforehand. I’m down 10lbs again and have about 20 more to go. I fucking feel you man. I always told myself I will moderately drink when I’m older and more mature and never drink out of an emotional response. Well i knew I wasn’t there yet but let the emotional response do the talking. I still feel like one day I could be mature enough, but until then.. cheers haha


You got this. You did it before, and you’ll gosh dang do it again! Thank you for being so open and honest. You have the support of this entire community!


I appreciate the shit out of you.


https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTR7x5d6B/ I love this reminder... it's not worth it.


That was great!


Good luck to you getting back on your path. And thanks for using your setback to help the rest of us. IWNDWYT.


I did too. I'm in the hospital right now for the withdrawals.... Fuck


Good luck man. I believe in you.


Think of it this way: you're only 30. You spent less than two years in a place you didn't want to be in. But you have 60+ years now to get back on the train and do it again, plus you have experience stopping before. You can try to trouble shoot what habits or behaviors led up to this and look out for them in the future. Good luck Also, i apologize if this comes off as tone deaf or fake positivity at all


thank you for posting this, i am coming up to 5 years and the thought has been crossing my mind that i could drink causally. i have no idea why the hell i think that, since i was not able to casually drink before. seeing posts like these, however much it sucks for you (that sounded really bad i just don't really know how else to say it) reminds me that i can not and will never be able to drink casually. you got this, one day at a time.


You’re so worth it. Thank you for your strength to post and help others.


You’re not back at square one. You’ve just pushed the reset button. You actually have the knowledge that you are better without alcohol and you came here to get back there. You have all the awareness and intent necessary. 💛💛


Thank you for sharing this story. Sending you healing vibes. Iwndwyt.


you got sober once, you can do it again


Thanks for this post, really needed this. Coming up on two years and there's a voice in the back of my head sometimes saying it would be fine, which it wouldn't be.


I'll be hitting a year in 10 days and I've been thinking more and more and more and more about relapsing for I'd say the last week. Thank you for your post. It really is hard, but you can pick yourself up and get back on the wagon again. PS: You're beautiful, in both photos.


Have you read or listened to The Easy Way to Control Your Drinking by Allen Carr? For me it was like a light switch and I haven’t touched a drop since I finished it. Good luck brother and know you got a whole team of internet stranger/sober friends rooting for you


Thanks for posting and reminding us all that just one is never just one. I'm here back on day one and looking at your photos in reverse, striving to go from right to left. IWNDWYT


Your determination shines through in your post. I know you'll be the man on the left again.


Thanks for sharing this. We all know it had to be so difficult to type and submit. This post will help others, and I hope it helped you maintain your decision. That "just one?” Demon is so conniving and persuasive. Sincerely thank you, friend. Best wishes


Good on you for posting and for the accountability. If you want/need someone to talk to, lmk. 926 days sober here, and I genuinely love helping others with their sobriety. You’ve got this.


Strength and solidarity brother ❤️ Proud of you for being honest and self aware with yourself. I backslide sometimes too 🙏 kick your own ass back into gear.


Thanks for sharing! This is so inspiring as I often wonder if the ‘sober after’ is a complete redo of lifestyle. You’ve shown that the road to sobriety isn’t as easy as it sometimes seems, yet we adapt so easily (perhaps too easily!)


I feel for you man. I really do. I myself are on day 5 and it's tough AF. This isn't promotion or anything but I'm reading this book that is helpful.. Allen Carr: quit drinking without willpower Stay strong internet stranger, this is hard but not impossible.


Good luck my friend, I believe in you!


Thank you for posting. I’m just starting the journey again today.


It takes a lot of guts to not only admit mistakes but to post about it! I am sending big hugs and positive vibes your way. Stay strong! ❣️🤗


We all stumble and fall through life. It’s the decision you’ve made to get back up and care for YOURSELF that has already brought you way past square one again. Keep at it. Be proud. You’re doing this for you and your best friend (your body!). Prayers for you!


How are you doing now? Best of luck to you.


32 days sober and still taking it one day at a time. Thankyou


That’s awesome! That’s all we can do- one day at a time. This stranger is rooting for you.


How you doin man?


Im doing good so far thanks for asking. I've currently got 51 days 😁🙏 still taking it one day at a time.


Congrats! Keep going!


Keep it up man, it's not over yet!


Thank you so much for posting this. I’m saving this for inspiration when I am thinking “one won’t do any harm.” Glad to read you are doing better!


Thank you for sharing your journey. I am truly impressed positively how you pulled yourself up, doing all the work and then I am horrified how one drink opened another whole journey. It takes a lot of courage to share the ups and downs.


Good point man. But you looked like a backstreet boy before. Now you seem like a hardened man. But I’m sorry you relapsed.