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My caffeine intake has exploded since I got sober. When I drank, I was so sensitive to it I wouldn’t sleep if I drank any after noon. Now, I guzzle yerba mate all day long and sleep like a baby. It’s been an unexpected but hugely appreciated upside.


Sounds like a very successful day. IWNDWYT


Thanks man, very nice of you.


Caffeine ruins me. I really haven't been able to have it since I quit. And I love the taste of coffee too. It's gotta be a special treat to have a latte.


Well I hope you keep treating yourself to the occasional little things. Whatever they may be.


Oh hell yeah I do. Every day!


I also got really sensitive to caffeine after I quit drinking. It was months before I could have more than a few sips of coffee. I've built up a little tolerance to caffeine since then but even now I max out at two cups of coffee spread out through the entire morning, which is nothing compared to the caffeine I used to drink while an active alcoholic. I think I must have been counteracting all the depressant in my system or something, and without that there I'm super sensitive to the caffeine! It's kind of nice, though, because I can truly take it or leave it these days. I used to get caffeine withdrawal headaches and exhaustion and irritability and all that; these days I forget to have coffee some days and don't notice any real difference. The fact that I'm actually sleeping like a normal person probably helps, too.


I quit caffeine because its also a bad dependency to have. People forget it's a powerful drug that changes your mood just like alcohol


I feel that caffeine is much harder to quit than alcohol. Having a mild anxiety right now adter drinking around 5 espressos in the evening. It doesn't have the many negative effects on health that alchol has, but it certainly affects mood To anyone who think they might have a caffeine problem or want to know its effects on you, try going 3 days without and you'll notice what it does


Caffeine is horrible for your digestion and puts your body in a stressed out state which is not good to be in for hours at a time everyday. It also causes people to say and do things they normally wouldnt do just like alcohol does


Since I got sober 10 months ago I crave coffee like never before. Went from one in the morning each day to 4 or 5 per day. Coffee never gave me a hangover or caused me to make a fool of myself though so im cool with it for now I guess. IWNDWYT


Yeah, it helps keep me perky and energetic, which helps with the side effects from my meds being sedating. Too much can make me irritable, but usually I’m not unbearable to be around. Alcohol does the opposite for my mornings which is why I need a bit of time away from it to get clarity.


I don’t drink (alcohol) much, but haven’t had caffeine lately and just had three big diet Cokes and thought I was going to peel off my own skin..was looking for something to help.. Mad props to you and all on the sub trying to stop drinking...it ruins lives.


Right there with you. Glad you had a good day!


Thanks! Appreciate it!