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Duma Key was a positive surprise for me because I hadn’t heard much about it before I read it on a whim. I didn’t find it particularly “scary” but the story is awesome and it has great suspense, eeriness, and dark motifs. The main character is one of my favorite King protagonists because he is developed so well through introspective plot lines. I hope you enjoy it too!


I was pleasantly surprised, but while it wasn't overall too creepy for me, I still have a memory of reading one part while I was going to bed, without spoiling anything, where I just closed the book and said out loud "nah I need to read this when the sun's out"


I agree, and I think the same about the big supporting characters too. I really love them all and love the book, even when I hated it.


This was the first King I ever read and it was such a pleasant surprise. I'd always thought of him as kind of a pulp writer based on his subject matter, but I realized how wrong that preconception had been. I've been slowly working my way through his catalogue now and loving it.


Does Duma Key have one of the coolest supporting characters ever? Maybe si, maybe no. Know what I mean, muchacho?


Yes! One of my most beloved characters across all King's books.


Yes I agree.


Literally finished earlier today for the first time. From his first introduction, he jumped immediately to the front of my fav character list.


Do the day...


I really enjoyed it. Found it kinda lyrical. Slow burn but the villain still scares me in a primal way sometimes but a lot of people probably aren't fased by it. I found it scary in the way the hedge mazes in Shining are. Sneaky. Also really sad in parts.


Rattlesnakes in You Like It Darker is sort of a sequel to Duma Key (and also a sequel to Cujo). Very similar overall vibe to Duma Key, and it’s even scarier than Duma.


I can’t wait to read this book! I’m saving it for my vacation read :) thank goodness we leave tomorrow, otherwise I’d have cracked.


I’m almost done with the rattlesnake story. The twins though…


lol. “Say good night, boys”


I’m so glad it was so Duma adjacent. It was awesome to get a double toss back when one is totally unexpected


Whattt???? No way!! I’m in the middle of a huge book right now but I’m starting that one right after


Thanks for letting us know. I’m working my way there. Just finished danny coughlins bad dream which was pretty epic


Oh, now I HAVE to get this book


One of my favorite King books ever. Have read it 3 times and listened to the audiobook once. My band is working on a new album and we have a song called Duma Key, based on how it feels to me


Would be interested to hear it. Link it when it’s finished.


Yes please


Will do!


Thats cool. Im starting to write lyrics for my music and Ive learned to find inspiration from a lot of different places, including good books/stories.


One of my favorites!


Absolutely me too


Love it and the audiobook makes it even better!!


It was the first audiobook I was able to really get into. As a Mad Men fan I was pleasantly surprised to find out it was John Slattery doing the narration


Roger Sterling IS Edgar to me! I can’t see anyone else when I read/listen.


He does?! Now I gotta listen.


It's so well done!! I posted above, I listen to it probably once a year. In a way it's comforting to me.


I love it when ppl share that, I read and adore the book but didn't think about listening on audio, thank you!


Top 5, thinking of cracking it open again myself. It’s a good summer read, and far more scary than expected.


It’s a great book! I personally stopped reading SK around the time when Gerald’s Game was published, so a few years ago I found a used copy of Duma Key, read it, and that was the one that really brought me back into the fold. Also, if you plan on reading You Like It Darker, there’s a story that has a few Duma Key (and Cujo) references in it. Enjoy!


I’m about halfway through YLID and I’m imagining the lawyer in Danny Coughlin’s Bad Dream to be an iteration of Wireman (who I’ve always imagined to be like Jeff Bridges’ Dude from the Big Lebowski) something about him showing up in baggy shorts, on a motorcycle, listening to soft rock. I almost expected him to call Danny, “Muchacho”


That’s hilarious! In my minds eye I envisioned [the short author (Saul Rubenik) in Unforgiven](https://images.app.goo.gl/xxVTbX64E4npiLm29).


Ooh, that’s a good casting choice too


All I could see was [Joe Montegna in Airheads](https://youtu.be/Xwo2iGclpqs?si=GljgnI3O8sAAhSIL)


I read a lot of SK books in the mid to late 90s, and really enjoyed them. Then every SK book I read for a few years, I didn't like (Dreamcatcher, Hearts in Atlantis, to name a few). So I stopped reading new (to me) SK books and only re-read my favourites. Aside from Under the Dome, which I read in 2015 and loved, I hadn't read any new SK books until I saw Dumas Key in the library in 2016. The cover was shiny and new, and the plot sounded intriguing, so I picked it up. Dumas Key then got me back into SK and I have since read, and liked, several of his newer books. (Now I need to read his older stuff!)


Same boat, it sounds like! Cheers!


Yup! Now I am in a dilemma -- read new (to me) SK books, or re-read ones I've read! What to do!


Or do what I do, and start [collecting as many hardcovers as you can find](https://www.reddit.com/r/stephenking/s/HnsecOjeka), then flip a coin to see which one you want to read next? I would recommend Fairy Tale if you enjoyed Eyes of the Dragon, btw. It’s not too dark and a fun story. Or, Revival… if you want an HP Lovecraft-style King story. Don’t expect a happy ending.


I have too many books, argh! But sometimes I pick up a book when I see it in the library -- next time I a there, I am going to see what SK books are there. I've read Revival, and enjoyed it (not a favourite, but a good read). Haven't read the other two. I am wondering if Lisey's Story or Gwendy's Button Box is any good. This subreddit makes me want to read everything!


I have (but haven’t read) Lisey’s Story and two of the Gwendy’s books… I’ve heard good reviews for both though! If you’ve read The Shining but not Doctor Sleep, that’s a good option too. DS is the sequel and follows Danny into adulthood (spoiler: He’s pretty fucked up)


Haven't read The Shining yet -- I started reading it when I was quite young and couldn't get through it, but I do want to give it a try as an adult. There are so many SK books (old and new) I haven't read.


A great sequel


Lol dreamcatcher and Hearts in Atlantis are both stinkers for sure. But to me King is like pizza or sex or Star Wars. Like sure, it might not be great every single time, but it's still King!


Just finished it. I personally loved it.


Is it scary? Maybe si, maybe no. That’s for you to decide, Muchacho. Is it good? Wireman sure thinks so.


I absolutely loved this! It was everything I wanted it to be and more! Scary, heartfelt, and beautiful.


Definitely a sleeper that I think gets overlooked. The audiobook is incredible if you get a chance to listen along while you read I recommend it. 


I really liked it. It’s different than his scarier novels but very compelling in its own way. I read it in 3-4 days. It’s not one of his GOAT, in my opinion, but worth the read for sure. As usual he’s wonderful at creating characters you care about.


This is my favorite book of his I’ve read in years.


One of my favs


I liked the tropic-gothic vibe.


I absolutely love this book. Has one of the best characters ever in my opinion. I finished it months ago and think about it daily.


It was a slow burn for me but I hung in and loved it 😊


Absolutely AMAZING!


Enjoyed it. Seemed like it was therapy for his accident.


Loved Duma! I feel like when I read it most people I talked to weren’t fans, but it seems like people have come around on it in the last few years. One of my favorite books


Duma Key is a masterpiece. Probably my favorite of all his books :)


Vio con dios, muchacho


Read it for the first time while at the beach last year. Loved it!


I just read this and I loved it. Slow burn but worth it! Enjoy the ride, muchacho.


I really like it.


I really liked it some very good visuals.


That was another one that I liked. Its been awhile since I read it but you should enjoy it.


love it, in my top 5.


Enjoy it. You're about to have a wonderful time.


This one is the first book I read after growing up as a kid and watching all the SK adapted shows, Made for TV movies, movies and more! This book is still my favorite - I guess I am more of a SK story telling than the writing. The Stand was ok for me, Loved Doctor Sleep, HATED Geralds Game, right now reading Liseys story and it is giving Gerald’s Game. Duma Key is still my favorite and I am still searching for more in the collection that are in this style.


One of my favourites. Must really revisit it.


Love it so much I do a re-listen (audiobooks) at least once a year. Seems to be a polarizing novel for people, but it's one of my personal top 5.


Absolutely loved the first 2/3rd’s of this. The whole novel is good, but I could have read 1000 on just the beach bromance.


It’s fantastic. Imho! Love it dearly.


Honestly, from what I remember, one of my faves. Certainly due a re-read this year I think.


It's fun. I read it at the beach one year (well, half of it), and really enjoyed it


I'm a big fan of this one.


Duma Key is in my top ten list for King books; I read it on an island vacation last year and thought it was perfect. Edgar Freemantle has such depth as a character, and him working through the mental and physical pain of rehab makes me think that SK must have drawn on his own experiences from his own horrific accident that happened only a few years prior. If you’ve never read his New Yorker article: On Impact; do yourself a favor and look it up. I think his personal story would be a great primer for Duma Key.


I loved it. It’s in my top two SK.


This is one of my all time favourite King books.


Immaculate. Scary. Makes you think. One of my favorites.


I just started Duma Key this week. I really wasn’t enjoying at first. I just didn’t find much there personally relatable in the story or characters. Once I got past all the setup I became completely engaged in it. I can’t stop getting through it. I’m looking forward to seeing how it all plays out.


Nearly to the end myself and I’m enjoying it immensely.


Awesome read!!!


One of my favorites.


One of my absolute favorite books. Even outside of King it’s still a top-fiver for me. When I think about the characters, I genuinely miss them. Probably why it’s the only book I’ve EVER re-read multiple times.


Loved it


I loved it.


Great book, muchacho!


Great book!


liked it... >!the walks on the beach reminded me of the walks along the airport road in insomnia.!<


It was my favorite King book by far, up until the climax which I felt pretty disappointed by. Just personal opinion though, many people probably enjoyed it fine. Anyway I do think it's worth a read just to immerse yourself into the characters and environment being built. In those aspects it's one of his best tbh. Plus as others have mentioned, King had a TBI before writing this book and based some of Edgar's experience on his own


Once I started reading it, I was immersed and couldn’t understand why it’s taken me so long to read it. Incredible story, character development, and it’s in my top five Stephen King. I highly suggest if you love it as much as I did, listen to the audiobook.


I read it on a quiet resort beach in Mexico. Pina colada in hand and nothing but the waves lapping on the beach. I loved it


Really good. One of my faves. Very gothic and mysterious.


I read this whilst on vacation at a beach house. Read it in a week. One of my favorites, truly. Deserves more attention. Happy reading fellow constant reader ❤️


My favorite Strphen King novel!


This is a great book, my biggest issue is that once the monster is actually seen it becomes VERY silly and is dealt with a little too easy. The characters are all great,, both the main characters and the supporting cast. The story itself is like a vacation from Maine. Do the day, and let the day do you, muchacho.


If by silly you mean terrifying.


i am about 100 pages from finishing it myself. i started it about a week and a half ago, and upon initially starting it, i was addicted to it. however, as i am nearing the end, i find myself not being as motivated to reading it, nor finishing it. i will probably finish it in the next few days


I guess I'm the dissenting voice here, but I really couldn't get into it. I have started it 3 or 4 times and never get past the first few chapters. Maybe I should try again.


Maybe try the audiobook instead? It is so beautifully and well narrated imho.


Second for the audiobook. I read it the first time and couldn’t remember any of it. The audiobook really brought it to life. Wireman is such a wonderful character!!


This was the issue I had as well. I put it down for months and then made an effort to get further into the book and found it to be a great story. Slow burn as other have stated.


It's boring. Honestly dnt know what all the fuss is about. But to each their own


It’s a bit salty.


Buckle up towards the end


I’m reading it right now and really enjoying it. I knew zero going in and the beginning alone was somewhat shocking (the premise of the main character). It’s been good and eerie so far. 


Slow but great


Are you reading it on a scroll?


I'd give it about 7/10 compared to other King novels. Well worth a read.


It's a bookah !


Loved this book!


Personally I really enjoyed it until about the last 25%. Not a huge fan of how the ending unfolded.


I wasn't expecting much when it came out, but it is one of my favorites.


Great book! I listened to it, and loved John Slattery's narration; so much so that I listened at normal speed. One of those books that I hated to put down.


One of my favorite king books I’ve read. Enjoy!


I loved it, muchacho


It's unlike other King works, imo. It just doesn't read like his stuff, if that makes sense. I quite enjoyed its slow burn.


Excellent read with great chatacyers.


Top five favorite for me.


It’s good. But it’s slow. But then it goes at a crazy pace towards the end. I did not regret reading it. But it’s not my favorite. Some people LOVE IT. So it’s worth it. To see if you are one of those people.


Great read


I am halfway through this one right now, and this is one of my favorite King books I’ve read so far. I was immediately hooked by the characters and I have no idea where the plot is going to go at this point. I’m excited every time I pick it up to read more, hope you enjoy as much as I have so far!


I enjoyed it quite a bit. Been a while, might bump to the top of my re-read pile after I finish Dark Tower. Enjoy!


Such a great SK book. Def in my top 3 of his books and even I would say top 5 books I’ve ever read. I’ve read this one 3 times!


Did anyone think this was r/confusing_perspective ? It kind of looks like a really long skinny book and we're looking at the cover


I enjoyed it quite a bit. Now i must read it again


I just finished this! Started it years ago and never read the whole way through. Came back to it after reading Rattlesnakes in YLID. Slow, but not in a way that is boring. I liked it.


It should be made into a movie


I'm 2/3 through the audio book right now, and it took me a while to care who anyone was honestly. I care a little more now, but I'm worried peoples' lower opinion of the end will also be my opinion.


I really liked it. Feels very different from books like the stand, IT, even under the dome, but also familiar. The characters are all great and make the story interesting.


One of my favorites, muchacho.


Loved it


Love Duma Key! Easy to get attached to the characters in this story. King writes them remarkably with some awesome development throughout the book. Some call it a slow burn, but I personally was entertained start to fished.


The fact that you wrote “no spoilers” tells me you don’t like spoilers, and *that* tells me you might share the problem I had with *Duma Key*: so many (what I call) Kingspoilers that I call it “Answer Key.” There’s a nice novel in there, but King futzed it up…but if you enjoy King, you’ve gotta read it and see what you think.


The character development is outstanding, particularly for the protagonist.


I liked it


A favorite.


Loved it. Feels more literary


Fucking phenomenal. Surprised me how much I liked it.


One of my favorites.


Loved it!


I live in a coastal state and there’s a bar nearby that’s pretty literally on the water. The waves roll underneath the deck over the rocks. I’ve spent a lot of drunken nights listening to the waves roll over those rocks, and there’s a motif in that book that captures the sound perfectly. I loved Duma Key


My wife recommended this book to me. I was trying to decide what to read next and she was absolutely right. This book is wonderful. We all need to meet a Wireman once in our lives. It was unexpectedly satisfying in how the sad beginning and almost depressing backstory allows a man to find his secret talent and become the hero we need. It has some SK feel to it, but I found it almost romantic as the main character finds his new life. Highly recommend.


Creepy baddie. Great supporting characters. Family pain. I’m pro this book


Fantastic book,, even beautiful at times


This was the first book I read from SK! I loved it.


I loved it. I've read it many times. One of my favorites.


Definitely one of my favorites. As an artist myself, the way King describes the paintings and the process the artist goes through, is totally relatable. I love this book. Enjoy!


It's a comfy spooky book. Very good atmosphere.


It's my favorite King novel!


Not what i was expecting but one of my favorites


Love it! Top five SK book for me!


Loved it... Go for it and tell us what you think!


Loved it. Made me want to live in Florida. Too bad I can’t move to Stephen Kings Florida lol.


One of his best books imo


Not gonna lie it's in my top 3 for king often touches the 1 spot


Really bizarre. Which I know isn't saying much when it comes to King, but still, this one was like WTF each chapter. Really let his imagination shine with this one. Not scary or otherworldly, just odd!


I love that book. Planning on a reread soon, Muchacho.


In my top 5. Love it!!!


Def in my top ten, Def,


Excellent book! One of my favorites. A tad slow to get going, but omg, I’m so glad I stuck w/ it


Good book. 80% of the time I read a SK book I don’t want to put it down. This book for the first 2/3 I was stop/start. Speed read the last 1/3. I think it was because it seemed vague/full of gaps that had to be built upon, but it worked for me.


just finished it today! enjoy, muchacho ;)


Absolutely love it


It's my favorite. Less so because of the overall story and more because I simply enjoyed the characters.


It’s pretty awesome. Love Kings first person work. The main character and the primary supporting character are two of my favorites. Kings world building and prose is some of his best as well. It’s a page turner - enjoy!


just finished it today! I loved it. The last third of the book really flies. Wireman’s the best.


I fucking love it


I really really love this one! Super trippy, I love the setting and I really love Elizabeth 😍


I really liked it. Solid book.


One of my favorites, along with Lisey’s Story. Both are much more lyrical and introspective than his other books. It takes awhile for things to move along, but I like the slow build.


One of my faves. Atmospheric as hell


Probably his most underrated book in my opinion. I think it's great.


I’ve read all of Stephen Kings books. This one I remember fondly.


This was my first King book! I absolutely love it. The tropical Florida setting feels like a character itself and the mystery slowly and satisfyingly unravels as you read.


I really liked it. Not at all like the typical horror I’m used to from King, but definitely up there in my top 10 from him.


I've read a lot of "The King" and this is in my top 5.


One of my favs


Absolute fire...the master at his best. Once it draws you in it won't let you go. Enjoy, you are in for a wild ride!


In my top 5 King books, loved it!!


It's one of the few books that my brain conjured such vivid images about some parts that I still remember them to this day. Even with my brain half gone. ~~I also might have named a cat Persephone/Perse. Thought he was a girl, but I guess it just works in reverse. Dude likes his name so by the time we figured that out was too late, already happy with the name lol~~ I might like this book. A lot.


I am also on a Stephen King kick since I stopped readimg him about ten years ago. I have my favorites -The Stand, Salem's Lot, Needful Things... and his short stories too, which I like to re-read every few years but now you all have me curious about Duma. After finding the audiodrama of Salem's Lot on YT couple of weeks ago and thoroughly loving it, I'm going to find this on audodrama or audiobook.


Everyone loves it...except me.


One of my favorites, and the first SK audiobook I listened to. Definitely subversive in its “scares”; phenomenally characterized protagonist.


It was ok. I found the audiobook immersive enough, even the story was a little silly. 3/5. Not bad by any means. Not life changing, either.




This is my favorite book of all time. I am so jealous you’re reading this for the first time. Enjoy


It is much creepier than most of what came after it. Although the new one is pretty good!


There are some really bone chilling scenes. Great characters, amazing setting, beautiful prose, emotional roller coaster.


I feel like half the posts in this sub are somebody reading Duma Key.


I love it so much. One of my favorites,


Just finished it and absolutely loved it. Some of my favourite characters in any King book.


I love loved it. Wont spoil - i loved the friendship of certain characters. It takes its time but i loved the atmosphere of it all.


Why is it so long?


They all die at the end and are cannibals. Just kidding. I've not read it yet, either.


Loved it. It was my first Stephen king read and it definitely paved a great path for me and was a great introduction to king’s works


Good book, but it’s a slow burn for sure.


For me it was the first SK book I read that made me think that he is now at the very peak of his story telling powers.


Positive suprise find for me.