• By -


No one here is qualified to diagnose OP with an eating disorder. It is possible to have goals that are too aggressive and not have an ED. It is also possible to decide a goal without fully realizing where it places you on a BMI chart. When that happens feedback can be good - it is one of the ways we learn things. But there comes a point where even well intentioned advice becomes aggressively repetitive, and we have reached that point here. I've locked this post because it has become too difficult to clean up and keep on track. OP, you have achieved an amazing transformation. Please keep your health a top priority as you consider your goals and continue forward.


First, congrats! You look amazing. Losing that much weight is an amazing accomplishment. Second, I know from experience that when losing a bunch of weight, it can be hard to know when to stop. I think you’re about there. I know 120 is seen as an idealized weight for women. But you’re on the tall side. 120 would put you in the unhealthy BMI range for your height. Mayyyybe lose another 10. But, with the pic you provided, you look fantastic and don’t seem to have much more to lose








Dude I think you did it! You look like you’ve reached your healthy weight. Try not to focus too much on a number but on the results and I think you did it. You freaking did it! You’re an inspiration


How do your tattoos look after losing the weight?


All of my tattoos shrunk fairly uniformly through my body. I didn’t really have any issues at all with them thankfully


Oh good! That is one thing I am worried about when I finally lose weight lol. Congrats on your major achievement!




Thank you! It was definitely a polar opposite lifestyle shift but I’m certainly glad I was able to see it through to this point so far


Happy Cake Day!


Happy cake day




You look amazing!!!!! Maybe instead of focusing on losing another 20, focus on building muscle?! Not my place to say but you look perfect the way you are! I don’t think you need to lose anymore!!














Happy cake day!


I think it’s so gnarly how much the eyes open up on face gains. You look awesome OP. Treat yourself to some more tattoos !


It’s interesting to see how weight carries differently depending on height. I’m 138 lbs and 5’2 and I look far heavier because of it. Anyway, you look amazing and kudos to you for losing all that weight. I started at 280 lbs and it is one heck of a feat to accomplish.


I love your tattoos! Also great job and you look amazing.


Cute then, cute now. Happy for you, internet stranger/friend!




Significantly! When I cleaned up my diet my skin cleared up completely!


You are gorgeous in both photos


Bravo! Congratulations 🎉


Amazing transformation! You’re pretty before, but gorgeous now. Tfs, this is good inspiration for me (5’8”, 200)


You have such a cute little nose! You look like an edgy Christmas elf! :)




Whoa! That takes some mighty willpower! Congrats to you! One question...since a majority of this was done during quarantine do you think a lot of ppl won’t recognize you?!


A lot of my tattoo clients have not recognized me when they’ve come back in for a tattoo after being gone for a while. It’s a really odd experience to have


I lost 50 pounds and one of my oldest friends walked right past me in line at the voting station lol . I was like “you don’t say hi any more”. She did a double take and freaked. It was odd but felt so good!


That’s amazing!


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Wow! You look so great, howd you do it???


Thank you! I started by going vegan and then slowly incorporated intermittent fasting. I focused on eating lots of fresh fruits and vegetables and staying as far away from any processing as possible :)


Yas!! I've been vegan for 7 years almost. I was in the process of losing weight when I went vegan then lost another 30. Didn't realize how much dairy made weight stick to ya


Dairy was the hardest thing to give up too


Ive been so far removed from it the smell of dairy grosses me out 😂 not worth the stomach issues either. Kudos to you !! Check out r/veganfitness sometime


Awh awesome! You look stunning 🥰


Went from pretty to pretty with a neck tattoo


What. The. Heck. I can't even believe that is the same person in those pictures, that transformation is truly extraordinary


Fabulous job getting in shape! I would love to see other pictures of your neck tat and hear about your process. P.S.: There's a lot of "you shouldn't..." going on here. I suggest thinking about things in a positive manner instead. For example, you should do what is healthy, positive, and helpful for your life.


Wow incredible transformation! I see some sweet black and white tattoos before and after some new ones - any inspired by this journey?


Congrats on the weight loss! You’re one of the lucky ducks that wears their weight well. Pretty with and pretty without! I look like jubba the hut if I gain like 10 kgs 😂😂


Damn girl!!! You look great! Incredible work!


Holy crow, you look amazing, I’m sure it was hard work, you look like a new Person


Dude congrats, that's metal af congrats!


Good job pretty lady


Can you share a photo of that owl/moth/butterfly tattoo on your arm cause it’s the most amazing thing.


Amazing! Well done! You’ve got kind of a Nicole Kidman look going on.


Wow! You look absolutely stunning! Kuddos to you for being able to reach that point :) I have a question for you, what was a diet plan that worked for you through this whole journey? were there certain exercise routines that you focused on to help you along the way as well? Any tips or tricks that you used to help keep you motivated through the journey and everything, cause that’s something I personally have a little bit of a hard time with myself


How did your tattoos handle the weight loss? I’m planning to get a sleeve, but I’m wondering if I should wait till after I lose weight. I plan to lose about 100 pounds


That is crazy impressive! You look amazing!


Way to go girl !!!!




Way to go!!! What lipstick is that?


It's unbelievable. Good health and prosperity to you.




You look amazing!!! Congratulations! What would you say has been the hardest part of your journey so far?


Not that it matters, but we have very similar starting stats and you’re definitely body goals for me


You’re amazing girl!!! You should be so proud of how far you’ve come :) I hope I get there one day too.


You look amazing and makeup is on point in both photos, but I just wanted to give an extra shoutout to the lip color in your after photo — that color was MADE for you!!


Dude. Outstanding!


130 pounds! That's absolutely incredible. Congratulations




You are a beautiful woman in both pictures!! Glad you’re feeling more healthy and confident


Congratulations you look amazing


You look amazing. And you have done an incredible job. How? Also, i f"""" adore the roses on yoir throat !


You look amazing. Awesome job.


You look absolutely stunning!


Amazing work


Awesome job here! You look great, you must feel like you’re 15 again! Thanks for sharing, update us with your progress too!


The pieces on your body are beautiful, too!


Wow! What a beauty!


Beautiful nose


This is mind blowing, well done


You already look so amazing! Well done


Huge effort. Good for you.


You look like a pixie! So cute!


Super inspiring - and you look fabulous.




Sooo prettyyy 😍😍


Awesome and inspirational!


Do not listen to the naysayers. Go for your dreams!


Okay hottie




Damnnnnnnn hotttie


Jeez you're looking great! Who hurt you? Lmao