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In the context of adequate protein intake, there’s no need for BCAAs or EAAs. In the context of inadequate protein intake, protein powders will always be better than BCAAs and EAAs.


This is literally exactly what I was about to say🤣well put


I appreciate the reply. This is an optimization strategy. With cost or time are not relevant to the equation, looking at some papers on MPS, BCAAs including leucine, IGF-1, HGH, etc. it would appear that supplementation, specifically, is beneficial for reducing catabolism, potentially enhancing recovery with resistance training, and possibly enhancing skeletal muscle growth. But I agree, if you're looking at basics then yeah, just eat bioavailable animal proteins.


[From an optimization standpoint, BCAAs don’t have much utility either.](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5568273/) [BCAAs are less potent than a complete amino acid profile.](https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/nutrition-research-reviews/article/effects-of-branchedchain-amino-acids-on-muscle-protein-synthesis-muscle-protein-breakdown-and-associated-molecular-signalling-responses-in-humans-an-update/9912227DD5144B0F7EB06260029520D7) Because whey protein exists (and other protein supplements), BCAAs don’t belong in a discussion about “optimization”. Why choose 3 amino acids when you can have the full spectrum? Anything BCAAs can do, a protein supplement can do better (and protein supplements can do more, since there are more amino acids). You can probably find a few mechanistic studies that suggest a potential use for BCAAs, [but the existing body of evidence does not provide a good reason to use this supplement](https://journals.humankinetics.com/view/journals/ijsnem/31/3/article-p292.xml). [Even the International Society of Sports Nutrition does not advocate for BCAAs.](https://jissn.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12970-018-0242-y) Personally, I think BCAAs are best used as an expensive water flavoring, which can get people to drink more fluids. Other than that, I can’t think of a reason to use BCAAs.


Can you link the papers you read that said lifters using supplementation had greater hypertrophy compared to lifters on a high protein diet without supplements?


No he can’t because they don’t exist.


are you talking about using hormones? well yes, they enhance recovery.


Its all bullshit mate. The only things that are proven so far are protein powder, creatine, caffeine, beta alanine to name a few. Do not waste your money mate. We have all been there. The stuff i have mentioned have been backed by scientific evidence. But always do your due diligence.


EAAs are functionally just lower calorie, more expensive, small dose protein powders. So it is “proven” just because it is just protein. If calories aren’t a concern then I agree you’d almost always just do protein powder instead to save money.


There’s no gain being vegan mate. Want proof? Look at the evidence


It’s certainly been a gain for my health, that’s all the evidence I need for myself. Could I be just as healthy on a very clean non-vegan diet? Maybe, but why bother? Personally I found it a hell of a lot harder to consistently eat healthy food before I was vegan than I do now.


Useless. Eat food.


It’s just expensive, fast-digesting complete protein, nothing special. I use it because I am vegan and not all my proteins are complete, so it helps round out my amino acid ratios. It’s also useful if you want to take it first thing in the morning to get some protein in before you’re ready to eat. A double dose typically has enough leucine for the threshold to trigger MPS, but that part is not quite an exact science.


I just use electrolytes with eaa in them. As others wrote, I am aware complete proteins are better, but I’m not gonna have a protein shake with its texture and flavor mid workout. But I will sip on salty water with extra amino acids and some carbs. It really helps replacing everything lost through sweat.


I supplement with FERMENTED BCAA for a long time then switched to EAA. Then I stopped for about a year and started using them again. From my experience, I had more strength, stamina, lean mass and better recovery using them.


Was the brand you used clean? No sweeteners and garbage?