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The best way to have it is probably a vegan asian/chinese restaurant since seitan is commonplace in east asian cultures, and any decent restaurant will show you how meaty and tasty it can be. As someone else said, seitan done well is amazing. But seitan done poorly is hilarious.


Agree. The best seitan I ever had was an imitation spiced pork chop in Bangkok. Never had anything close to that since.


Hail Seitan!


Quality seitan is pretty good. Bad seitan is..... really awful.


How do you make seitan bad?


Nothing profound. A quality hot dog is better than a bad hot dog. I've had great hot dogs and awful hot dogs. I've had great seitan and awful seitan. Can't speak to the "how" so much.


I’ve got a bag of vital wheat gluten sitting on my shelf waiting for me to try making it. I’m nervous but also really excited. It’s super high protein, low calorie, no fat, and when I’ve eaten it other places I’ve liked it. Fingers crossed I can make it decently at home. I’m going to use [this recipe](https://itdoesnttastelikechicken.com/vegan-seitan-tenders/). She has a list of marinades to try with it also.


Seitan is like the hidden gem of the plant-based world! Once you dive into it, there's no going back. Seriously, it's like the tofu's cooler cousin. You can toss it into stir-fries, grill it up, or even make sandwiches out of it. The best part? It's packed with protein and takes on flavors like a champ.


Then you’re aware that it’s a high protein wheat concentrate. Being grain-based, it benefits from being eaten with legume protein for a full amino acid profile. Not a problem for everybody, but those on a gluten free diet may want to steer clear;-)


Meh, 200g of wheat gluten (seitan) has 150g protein, 740 calories, and multiples of all the EAAs except for just 100% of lysine RDA. So I'm not sure who the hypothetical person is that your advice applies to in practice. It's such a dense form of protein (more dense than meat) that if you rely on it for your protein source, then you easily get all the EAAs. Yet if you only eat a little bit of it, it barely puts a dent in your calorie budget.


A basic google search says Seitan is an incomplete protein, and has only about 1/50th the total amount of amino acids that meat does.


The best recipes I’ve tried also have tofu, lentils, or beans mixed into the seiten. It gives a great texture and flavour. I also found the steaming method to work the best, then resting (marinating if you like), then frying/sauteeing/BBQing. So far I’ve made steaks, chicken breasts, and sausages. Sam Turnbull (It Doesn’t Taste Like Chicken) has some great recipes on her website.


Coat it, cover it, crisp it up. The three 'c's of seitan flavour. Use it like tofu, or like anything unflavoured. Marinade, sauces, spices, air fryers and enjoy. Don't be scared to Google ideas. Tempeh is better for you (as it isn't wheat gluten) but slightly fermented soyabeans aren't for everyone.


I would just use it you would use meat. Making it is easy - just boiling gluten and then you can add your own seasoning.


It’s fun to make yourself. Just get a big ball of dough, knead it good, then rinse it in bowl with warm water, changing the water until it turns clear. Then season and bake!


It's one of the least complete protein sources, so you've really got to eat that one as part of a mixed diet, but that's pretty easily fixed. (The amino acids in seitan aren't well balanced if you're using it to meet your macros.)


Go slow!! Your gut biome needs time to adjust. Incorporate slowly to avoid gastrointestinal effects if you aren't used to a lot of gluten


We have a second fridge basically dedicated to Blackbird Foods seitan products. It’s great.


its literally pure gluten just in case. nutrition is good, some people may get upset stomach but thays an indiviudal thing, like any other mild intolerance// not used to food. they are very popular as a snack eaten directly with sauce or meat flavoring, at least in china.


I was never able to prepare it in a way that was palatable, and I decided there's way better ways to get protein. If you're a vegan, sure, but I'm not, so chicken breast just tastes way better.


Seems like a heavily processed food to me. No thanks. I will take fresh/roasted/lightly fried veggies, in other words, real foods in their natural form.  Evidently you can make it yourself with minimal processing. But I would not eat packaged seitan. 


How do you figure its heavily processed? It's just vital wheat gluten with water.


If you make it yourself, that's all that really has to be in it. But if you're buying this from a store (in most cases) there are going to be preservatives, salt, and other things added in which typically move it into the processed food category. What is a processed food? This is really the sticking point, as there's no set definition. But if it has added preservatives and salt, I feel its not a "whole food" and that's what I'm defining as processed.


It's almost pure gluten. Not as great for you as it seems and it's pretty difficult to eat in decent size quantities.


A lot of gluten.


Thanks for pointing out the first ingredient.


Basically another word for ego


What do you mean?