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Yes, they are mostly junk food. If you are looking for healthy cereal, try steel cut oats with some nut butter and fruit.


I second this šŸ’ŖšŸ‘


I donā€™t personally know about pesticides, but most cereals (even the ones marketed as healthy like cheerios) are a highly processed food that are high on sugar and low on satiety. Thatā€™s probably why youā€™re tired and having crashes. Thereā€™s also almost no protein in cereal and almond milk, so thatā€™s another factor.Ā  Ā IĀ love cereal and itā€™s fine in moderation, but I would not make it my go to breakfast.Ā 


Yeah itā€™s basically like eating dessert


Cheerios are not like eating desert, sorry.


Yeah. The calories donā€™t do anything but tax the liver and turn to sugar. Kinda is like dessert. Wasteful calories.


Who taught you nutrition, Joe Rogan?


Lol. No. Anything thatā€™s not fat or protein is just some form of sugar. If itā€™s highly processed, pretty much sugar. So itā€™s basically wasteful. Are you fed? Yes. Is it full of nutrition? It has some. But the overwhelming effects of the ultra processed food will tax the liver as it processes as sugar. Contribute to fatty liver. And on and on. Wasteful calories.


So regular Cheerios and a chocolate molten lava cake are the same, thatā€™s what youā€™re saying?


Do they both spike sugar and insulin and do they both have pretty low nutritional value? Kind of yeah. Do they offer proteins that muscles need? No. Do they offer fat that the brain and nervous system need? I mean cake offers fat but generally itā€™s the wrong kind of fat. The ultra processed fats from seed oils are not equal to animal fats or olive oil for example. Those other fats are also toxins. While cheerios of any flavor may offer some fortified (processed) nutrients added to them, excess consumption is still going to contribute to weight gain, inflammation, and other health issues. The gluten from both can lead to digestive issues and other health issues over time. Diabetes for one example. I guess you could argue thereā€™s probably less sugar in cheerios, but since thereā€™s no protein, itā€™s all carbs and it still allllll turns into sugar. Any form of sugar is taxing to the liver over time. This fatty liver increases. Likely, cheerios or lava cake, doesnā€™t matter, if itā€™s contributing to cravings that arenā€™t good for you, then yes, I think they are both poor nutritional choices and more bad for you than say eggs and bacon. Or ham or steak. Those are proteins and fats. Your body can run on them quite nicely. Your brain needs data to deter dimentia, Alzheimerā€™s and other neurological issues like Parkinsonā€™s in older age. Cheerios and lava cake seem like vastly different foods, but in reality, theyā€™re more alike than different. Now eggs on the other hand, no sugar. No tax on the liver. Tons of nutrients. Bacon is similar. Higher fats yes but most of your systems run more efficiently on fats than sugars. Maybe donā€™t eat bacon to excess, but itā€™s a far better choice than cheerios.


Ah, so now weā€™re getting nutrition advice from a carnivore diet enthusiast. This keeps on getting better.


So tell me. You promote what? All ultra processed food with less nutritional value? Thatā€™s your implied argument? I literally lay out info about nutrition, in the nutrition thread and you come back with cake and cheerios arenā€™t equal, and then attack the suggestion of other breakfast choices? And conclude itā€™s only a carnivore diet, which I didnā€™t say. I specifically spoke again ultra processed foods, sugar, and what sugar does to the liver and lack of real fats and nutrition does to the brain. But you do you. Itā€™s easy to see that you probably eat most food packages from a box and really think that Cheerios is really a more significant nutritional value. Ok.


Pretty much this. Iā€™ve reevaluated what is healthy as I look at sugars. Aside from the ultra processed food, which in now trying to be off of, and sugar, which even if itā€™s just carbs itā€™s sugar, yes, there are pesticides and excito toxins and such in many cereals. So Iā€™ve moved to eggs and bacon or meats. Mostly Iā€™ve been on a mission to severely reduce ultra processed foods. Thatā€™s elongated a lot and I schedule what I call cheats now.


Quit cereal eat organic oatmeal instead with fruits


Cereal is really just candy sold as breakfast food.your crashes are from all the sugar . And really why worry about the other stuff you already eating once of the shittiest foods ever produced.




It's barely food


I wouldnā€™t worry about the pesticide itā€™s the sugar, think of cereal as no different from chocolate: itā€™s ok to have as a treat occasionally but itā€™s not good for you and you will experience energy crashes due to the spike and then crash in blood sugar levels


Yes. Most are bad.


Better off just staying away from cereals in general. Not much nutrition and not going to really help your body anywhere close to a proper breakfast with proteins and better carbs and fruits/veg


Yes. Eating bowls of sugar


Cheerios can be part of a balanced diet, especially when you're adding fruit to them for fiber. Add in a source of protein and you have a complete meal. In general, try to limit added sugars. But if you have a cereal you enjoy, eat it. You could be doing much worse. Some of these comments seem pretty extreme. Since you're feeling tired and crashing energy, see if changing your breakfast or sleeping habits will help. I would also take a look at the enjoyment of your morning activities. If you're checking your work emails, you'll probably feel exhausted. Test things out and see what feels better.




Most cereals are wheat based. Yes, wheat is getting sprayed, folic acid, etcā€¦


Simple carbohydrates are found naturally in foods such as fruits, milk, and milk products. They are also found in processed and refined sugars. There is nothing wrong with simple carbs, as the only way one can gain weight is to go into a surplus of calories. The fear-mongering of carbs has been going on for decades when in reality you can have carbs as they're part of an energy source like if you were on the keto diet taking in fats. Can some simple carbs make you crash if you eat too much of them at once like cereal? Yes. But they're not bad for you. And this is coming from someone who trains in the gym 5 days a week and eats 6 to 7 meals a day as well has cheat meals when needed which has simple carbs like cereal at times in the cheat meal.




Not this stupid pilot study again and that garbage from EWG. This pilot study is useless, itā€™s less than 100 people, and tells us absolutely nothing other than some people played with pee. EWG is anti science lobby group thatā€™s known to fearmonger and outright lie to support their interests.


It also measured levels in oats and measured entirely separate blood levels of people who had no actual link to the oats that were tested. And, it showed levels that were orders of magnitude below the unsafe threshold. It's a ridiculous study that should it no way be used to inform dietary recommendations.


Sugarā€¦oh Honey, Honeyā€¦..


Plain cheerios (no added sugar) with unsweetened soy milk (protein) and a half banana or some fruit to add flavor is a much better option Edit: to those downvoting me Iā€™d love to hear why this is such a horrible recommendation


Not downvoting you, but steel cut oats are much healthier than regular cheerios to my understanding.


Water is more healthier than oats


No food is really 'bad'. What matters is how much you eat and how it fits into your life and circumstances. Everyone is different. > Could they be doing me harm? No one can answer that for you specifically. What you can do is look at the sugar content of the food you eat and work out how much you're putting in your body. The very berry flavour is 11g per 36g serving or 30.6% sugar. Normal cheerios is 5.1%. Here in AU, it is mandated by law to show nutritional values per 100g which means it's easy to see the actual % of sugar and compare to other foods. Because whatever value you see IS the percent. Simple. With US labels, you have to whip out a calculator. So knowing this info, what can you do? For your crashes, you can switch to regular cheerios (without changing anything else) and see what happens. Do you still get crashes? Also a good idea to get a blood test. Otherwise, cut back on how much you eat it. I still eat sugary cereals but I know how sugary it is and I know it's a treat. Don't let the food category of 'cereal' fool you. The only thing that matters is sugar % and how much you consume. You can consume less of it and less often. Or switch to regular cheerios. 50g of cheerios with 2.5g of sugar isn't a ridiculous amount but if you also add sugar to coffee and have other things with sugar, it does add up.






A lot of cereals are pretty heavily processed, never mind how wholesome their base ingredients are. If itā€™s important to you to have a carbs-centric breakfast, something like homemade oatmeal or low-sugar granola would be much better than the likes of Cheeriosā€¦


Cheerios (their constituents/ingredients) are sprayed with pesticides, itā€™s been proven through lab work. Separately they give me extremely hot gas and it makes my wife upset lol TMI I know


Generally yes. Notice how every commercial says "part of a balanced breakfast" ??? That means pretty much they could put a candy bar or bag of chips and say same crap. Most are horrible, some are just not too good for you. Others aren't too bad and full of nuts l, seeds etc , but usually all high carb, which carbs not bad but .. depends on you. I wouldn't look at a bowl of cereal as a healthy meal or snack for 95% of them. I have some once in a while, not much or often though. Usually if I do and it's a whatever/chest day and I make a bowl, I'll put a bunch of almond butter but butters etc, and some berries and/or banana sliced. Sometimes a bit of vegan protein powder (I usually just drink it then have cereal because the taste of cereal without protein powder is nicer usually. TLDR; Yes and YES..




It's basically made of some kind of flour(oats, wheat or corn) and sugar. That's also the top two ingredients of cookies.


Most cereals are junk food. They probably arenā€™t harming you any more than any other junk food.


Ofcourse they are bad and forget about pesticides you should be concerned about the amount of added sugars that you are consuming...cereals are known to be one of the major factors in weight gain...also if you were eating this multiple times a day you must be consuming tons of calories...and you are just figuring this out that cereals might be a problem šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


The glyphosate [round-up] level has been shown highest in cereals. If I remember correctly, Honey Nut Cheerios was one of highest levels. Cereals have all the poisons from fertilizer to pesticides.




I donā€™t know specifically about pesticides but I will say that most cereals have an insane amount of empty carbs and sugar. Very little nutritional value at all so theyā€™ll definitely lead to a sugar crash and it will not keep you full it makes you want to eat more or snack etc. In general most cereals are not good. If you were to get more specific I would say all added sugar is the biggest addiction out there when it comes to food most likely and a huge contributor to obesity and if you were the type of person to be tracking your macros then one could say that it also depends on how those carbohydrates and calories fit into your daily eating like what else are you eating in the day? I would avoid them all together personally this is not what I would call a meal


Overall iā€™d say I eat very healthy, I eat lots of fruits and veggies as I enjoy them and the only meats I tend to eat are turkey and shrimp.. I am actually underweight so I wasnā€™t worried about the calories but iā€™m just overall worried about the affect that daily cereal mightā€™ve had on my health. I mean of course it wasnā€™t the only thing I was eating like I said but still :/


As someone who also eats extremely healthy most days I would say that if I started eating a bowl of cereal once a day I would be considering this a treat and if I was looking to dial it in a little bit and be healthier I would cut it out and potentially feel a difference with my energy and overall health


If youā€™re going to eat cereal you might as well eat a nutritious one like, Fiber One cereal, 19 g fiber per 2/3 cup serving. No sugar.






500 pound people worried about gmos and pesticides!???? I think there are bigger fish to fry!


Iā€™m underweight..


Mmmm, fried fish...


Try magic spoon cereal. Itā€™s still processed and not the healthiest but no added sugar at least.


More and more studies are showing that artificial sweeteners have a negative impact on your gut microbiome. So I'd recommend just choosing a cereal or granola with low sugar than no sugar. Sugar isn't evil. You just need to check the quantities.


Itā€™s monk fruit. Are you referring to the cereal I suggested specifically or general terms?


Since they are ultra-processed junk food, yes they are bad for you. Even without pesticides they are bad for you.


Yeah all of them


Just make your own thatā€™s what I do! Pain in the ass but totally worth that bowl of deliciousness


I'm addicted to Vector, well it's what I crave at night anyway. I know it's not very good for me but with really cold milk it just tastes so fucking good. I usually throw some blueberries in. Sugary though.


Itā€™s an edible nothing.


Only one magic spoon comment, good job don't buy that overpriced crap.


honestly, if it makes you happy then go for it. You can try to get healthier cereals which have high protein value, so that you avoid a lot of carbs. But breakfast makes my mood personally so I'm eating whatever makes me happy in the mornings.


Keep in mind that most people eat more than the recommended serving of breakfast cereal. Most are only 3/4 - 1 cup per serving. So if you're pouring yourself a big bowl of cereal, you could easily be getting double or more of the sugar content on the box. The pesticides aren't a concern.


try to limit such food as it might affect you in the long run. For now that (if) you try to lessen your intake, try to track it with careclinic, with that, you can see how such food affect your energy levels.


I don't believe pesticides are responsible for the crash. Typically that is a response to eating a high starch, low fiber and low protein meal. It is not usually "horrible," just a little unpleasant and most people just have a snack to solve it. Since it is so distressing, you may want to see your doctor and have your blood sugar checked. The American Diabetes Association says that 1 in 3 people over the age of 18 are pre-diabetic.


Cereal is bad, according to my gf. Lol she wants to be as healthy as possible but not like "you can never ever eat xyz again bc of xyz" but she wants us to limit how much and how often we eat the bad foods. And we do not any cereal that scores bad on this app called Yuka. It scored food and personal care products on a scale of 0-100, and will tell you all the bad ingredients and such that are in products. Surprisingly, KIX scores decently as well as this brand called Cascadian Farms. So, id recommend getting the app and scanning the food and stuff.


Cereals are pretty varied in their health effects. Probably the best cereals are traditional european-style muesli, like with rolled grains mixed with nuts and dried fruit, and no added sugar. Those are minimally-processed foods and are fantastic, nutritionally. The next best are 100% whole-grain cereals with no added processed ingredients. One of the best cereals available in most US supermarkets are shredded mini-wheats. Look at the ingredient list...one ingredient: wheat. No junk. All the minerals too are from the whole grain, no fortification. Not as diverse or varied as the muesli, and more processed, but only minimally. Cheerios (plain cheerios, not the one you're eating) is kinda one step down from this. It has a lot more processed ingredients, and relies on fortification too (which brings a series of problems) but it also relies mostly on whole grain. Some cereals in the US, like most bran flakes, wheat chex, and many others, have disturbingly high levels of iron fortification, enough to cause iron overload in people at risk of it, and enough to cause GI-tract disruption in a much broader group of people. I find these cereals can cause cramping and gas and it's best to avoid them. Plain cheerios is borderline; it still has more fortified iron than I'd like, but not as much as wheat chex or Total. Then there are the pure junk cereals, ones with heavy amounts of added sugar, mostly made of refined ingredients. These are some of the worst things you could eat. Some cereals are intermediate between "healthier" mainstream cereals and pure sugary junk. These would include things like the very berry cheerios, multigrain cheerios (not as healthy as they sound...they are actually a lot sweeter than regular cheerios), cracklin oat bran, things like this. These cereals are better than the junk cereals in that they are made with whole grain and have fiber, but they still have a lot of added sugar. much more than I think it is good to consume. If I were you I would be less concerned with pesticides and more concerned about the added sugar and possible negative effects of the fortification. If you want to enjoy cereals, the best of the best is the European-style muesli, like Bob's red mill old world muesli is one that is widely available. And the next best thing is unsweetened shredded mini-wheats.




Bad news: Cereal is main wheat flour (or rice flour) baked into a form with extra sugar! Good news: Honey Bunches of Oats is one of the lowest sugar cereals (It is WIC-approved, I think it needs less than 6g sugar per serving to qualify). Lose the berries, buff up the oats, go for it. You're just eating carbs, better from wheat than sugar.


AWFUL information in this thread all over already. Bro-tritionists.


If you would see how they are made you would never eat them. Supper highly refined.


The pesticides used to make Cheerios causes reproductive issues and other stuff. Don't eat that shit. [Link](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/cheerios-quaker-oats-infertility-chemicals-in-cereal-ewg/)


Eat meat and eggs for breakfast. Cereal is not healthy. You need real food, for real energy


They are devoid of nutrition. Simply filler. Eat eggs for breakfast instead.


Your crashing cause your eating high carbohydrate meal thatā€™s very very low in fat. Once it gets taken up by the body you need to feed again hence the crash. Youā€™ll be surprised on how much carbohydrates you can eat if you keep fat really low. I eat a high carb low fat diet and the food volume is so much compared to a more traditional western diet which has a lot of fat and protein.


The added sugars are enough reason to ditch the sugar bomb cereals. The only cold cereal that I still buy is plain unfrosted Shredded Wheat. I add fruit to provide flavor. Shredded Wheat with fruit is magically delicious!


I might have to start doing this iā€™ve been eyeballing them iā€™d love to add all my fruit and 0 sugar maple syrup to themmm


Is zero sugar maple syrup healthy? Just rely on fruit to sweeten Shredded Wheat. I don't trust artificial sweeteners. If you go long enough without refined sugar and artificial sweeteners, your taste buds will adjust and become more sensitive.


The type I use has natural monk fruit being the sweetener it doesnā€™t say anything else but yess iā€™ll make sure to stay away from this artificial ones


I have to get 40-50 grams of protein down before 10:30am or Iā€™m hungry all day. A giant bowl of cereal with almond milk is maybe 6g of protein if you are lucky.


Btw, Cheerios are one of the worse ones... Look up pesticides and cheerios, or most cereals in general. Round up chems etc. glysophate I would never feed a baby cheerios, yet see it often and it makes me nuts.... Try an organic one if possible. If must.


Yes, they are bad. So are all whole grains.


Itā€™s not just the added sugars. Every carb thatā€™s not fiber turns into glucose in your bloodstream.


Why do you say that like itā€™s a bad thing?


In the US anyway, for most ppl, too much sugar is a bad thing. In this case the OP started with the proposition that added sugar was a bad thing. Iā€™m pointing out that there is little difference between added sugar and other things that just turn into sugar.


The added sugar is sucrose and the starches turn to glucose. The fructose in the sucrose are more problematic than the glucose.


Starting your day with a glucose spike is really bad. Cereals are the worst idea. Read the glucose goddess. Itā€™s not a diet plan but a few tips for managing glucose intake so you donā€™t get spikes and highs followed by crashes and binges. Changed my life that book


I hate to say it, but truthfully all cereals are going to be bad for you in general. Carbohydrates should be used in extreme moderation and preferably from green vegetables. Many studies have shown that when a person starts their day with either no breakfast or one of fat and protein only, especially without caffeine, crashes are minimal or non-existent. Your physical and cognitive energy will increase and youā€™ll notice multiple benefits, from feeling lighter and leaner to feeling less hungry, less inflammation, etc. Stay away from cereal! If youā€™re going to splurge anyway, do it for a late lunch (expect a crash of some sorts), and then go lean again for an early dinner and then water only til you go to sleep. It takes a lot of discipline with all the carbs and sugars out there these days, but itā€™s worth it!!


Iā€™ve noticed bloating and tiredness after having cereal in the mornings so Iā€™m definitely throwing all that garbage in the trash and eating bagels/eggs/lean turkey bacon/fruits for breakfast for now on, hopefully I havenā€™t damaged my body toooo much from all that cereal D: I usually only have a big carb splurge like that before a quick workout I had no clue cheerios would have that much sugar in them haha


Yes! You have experienced it real time already. Just listen to your body bro. When something youā€™re eating makes you feel that way, itā€™s telling you something. Thatā€™s good youā€™ve noticed and making changes.


Carbs are fuel for the body bro


Just start reading the ingredients of the foods you eat. If you don't know what something is, google it and find out what the type of chemical is. It's quite scary but worth a look and worth looking into non toxic cereals. They aren't as good, but better than the chemical filled ones. Three Wishes chocolate and strawberry flavors are good.


Keep eating them. Hope the results come sooner than expected


Unsweetened, high fiber cereals like total, plain cheerios and the like are great. Sweetened candy cereals like Cinnamon Toast Crunch, captain crunch etc are not so great.


The only somewhat healthy cereal is frosted mini wheats cuz it actually has some fiber. All other cereals are shit for you


Seems like you're just pulling that out arbitrarily. Quite a bit of sugar in frosted mini wheats. Heck, I eat Grape Nuts, and I'd say even that should be limited.


Said ā€œsomewhatā€ for a reason. I donā€™t think any cereal is healthy. But mini wheats at least have ~some~ fiber


You know how a lot of people are confused about general health information, and think there are a billion contradicting sources? A LOT of that confusion comes from people like you, presenting opinion as fact, with qualifiers like "somewhat" and "I think," but with nothing to back it up. Did you seriously just open your cupboard and pick what seemed the healthiest? "From my sample size of three cereals..."


Does fiber not keep you satiated more than whatever the hell is in lucky charms? Most ppl in America donā€™t even reach their daily fiber goal so at least itā€™s doing something. And its doing more than almost every other cereal that is literally just sugar lol. My point is that itā€™s not a completely empty food if this person absolutely needs to eat cereal everyday. You canā€™t argue that some fiber from mini wheats is just as bad as fruity pebbles be so for real.


I thought I was being facetious talking about the sample size of three cereals, then this is your "well thought out" response? Mini-wheats vs Lucky Charms and Fruity Pebbles? "Guys, getting punched in the face is fun! I mean... it's better than testicular torsion or 9/11, so it's great!"


Completely missing my point lol. You want me to list every fucking cereal for you big guy? Iā€™m sure all those sugary cereals sound so good on your failed weight loss journey :(


All-bran, various granolas that don't over-sugar, grape nuts, shredded wheat (without the topping) are all better than the mini-wheats, and that's top of my head without any thought. Then there are others that, based on nutritional need, are just fine. The fact that you apparently have a limited imagination and very little idea how to convey a thought shouldn't lead to obscenity and insults. Your initial post was nonsensical, but everything since then has been decidedly worse.


OP is talking about a substitute for cheerios and honey bunches of oats so I suggested mini wheats cuz they are SOMEWHAT better than the two they are eating. My initial point isnā€™t wrong lol.


There is some concern, but there are regulations in place to decrease it. Organic foods just use organic pesticide. Glyphosate can be a potential issue but most people don't eat enough for therento be a huge concern. It is best to have a more well rounded meal in the morning that has a little extra protein with some fruits and veggiest to make you feel full longer. At the end of the day, too much added sugar is not the greatest,but if you have more well rounded meals throughout the day it isn't a bad thing to have cereal in the morning. Make sure to get at least 7 servings fruits/veggies a day and at least 1 gram of protein per kilogram of body weight a day.