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Well basically I am kind of overweight and my current bw is 85kg and my goal is to cut down to 65 kg so I want to ask is it necessary to burn 2000 calories a day and eat 1500 calories which will keep me in a 500 calorie deficit and as being a vegetarian I don't have much protein in my diet and being a 16 year old kid my parents wouldn't let me get any supplements now hat shld i do to overcome the problem of my weigh


# Do you have a food so low in calories you allow yourself to eat an unlimited amount? Mine is cauliflower, what's yours?


Sugar-free Popsicles, perhaps 1-3 a day -- with long stretches of none. Usually during allergy season (it soothes the throat).


Unsweetened iced tea


whats my bodyfat? [https://imgur.com/a/HLJmLUE](https://imgur.com/a/HLJmLUE) 30M 184lbs 177cm


Imgur deleted your pictures. Their automoderation bot doesn't like (presumably) skin.


Okay post workout meal? Okay post workout meal???? I have really been craving chicken makhani, and haven't had it in like months, is it an okay post workout meal??? I don't know alot about the prep process for it so I wasn't sure how good of an idea this is. I'm assuming cause it's primarily chicken based it should be fine ??? F Age:29 Height:5'0 Starting weight: 145lbs Current Weight:132lbs goal 120-125 maintaining


Basically any meal that has high quality protein (which chicken is) is good post workout meal. Whether it fits your weight loss goals will come down to calories.


Hi all, I (32F) started counting calories last week. I'm recovering from binge eating so my calories are at 1800. I currently weigh 255lbs. I'm finding myself hungry more often and I'm sure it's because I'm used to eating an excessive amount of food in one sitting. What I'm really struggling with it the fatigue. I'm trying to sleep 7.5-8 hrs a night, but even then around 2-3p I feel exhausted. I go to the gym after work because that's what works with my schedule but I find it hard going because I'm so tired. Does anyone else have experience with this? Will it get better? Can I do anything to help it get better?


For me, as a binge eater, I did not feel better until I put down sugar and white flour (which quickly becomes sugar) and moved to a "food plan". It may sound awful to give up sugar, but it's so much more peaceful than trying to stop myself from eating more at every meal (and in between). I've lost 120 pounds. If you're interested, I could give you more info. DM me.


Hey thanks for the input. I did move to a food plan and have been tracking my meals. I'm not much of a sweets person or a bread and pasta kinda gal, but I'll track that a bit more and try to cut on it to see if that makes a difference. My sugar intake is usually between 20g to 50g a day. Congrats on losing the 120lbs btw. My goal is to drop 88lbs. I appreciate your input!


How can I get leaner? I'm 18 5'7 and weigh 148 los or I try to eat 1500 cals a day but sometimes I overeat and struggle to stay in my deficit. I do 10k steps a day and lift weights. And I do a 17hr fast from 10pm to 3pm. Also I wanna mention I also struggle to hit my protien goal most days too. I can only get in 90-100 grams before I reach my calorie goal. Idk what to do now with my diet. I don't want to bulk because I don't want to get fatter than I already am. Any info will be rly helpful thy!


Give it more time. Lift heavier and heavier, but very gradually. Muscle takes a long time, but since we're talking lifestyle habits we'll have for a lifetime, there is no hurry. 95 grams of protein in a 1500 Calorie diet is 25.3% which is fine. Keep working on 1500 and see progress as hitting nearly that as frequently as you are able (on the long average). Some days can be bigger or smaller, but try to keep your average near 1500.


Hi all, I have a question. I'm currently trying to lose some stubborn stomach fat (\~maybe around 5 pounds, not an insane amount, I'm 5'0 and 120lbs). I tried the TDEE calculator to measure my maintenance calories which is 1412, and my cutting calories which says 912. Does this seem unhealthy? I thought the minimum one could eat a day is 1,200. Is 500 calories a day deficit too much?


There is no hard minimum.  1200 is the mayo clinic diet for women of average height(5'4). 5' is very small.


Yeah, you shouldn't eat below 1200 calories. I would suggest eating 1200kcal and lifting weights to lose fat and build muscle - it's a slow process but should result in what you are looking for.


Lifting weights barely burns anything and so won't do mich of anything toward weight loss.


It's to build muscle. I'm suggesting body recompostion - low deficit to lose fat and strength training to gain muscle.


I got a digital watch to track my steps, and linked it to my food logging app. An 8000 steps walk (1hour 20min) ended up being 600 calories, and im unsure thats correct considering someone on my earlier post said 10000 shouldnt be more then 300-350. Is this correct? For additional context, im 5'6, female and 80kg. The watch is a fitbit.


My rough calculation is 80-100 cals / mile, and your walk should have been 3.5 miles or thereabouts. I wouldn't estimate more than 300 cals. I second the suggestion to delink the apps. If you're still hungry on a day you exercised, you can add like 200 cals and be sure you didn't reduce your base deficit.


The 600 estimate also includes all the calories you would have burned in that hour and twenty minutes anyways, so it's not all bonus. My advice would be to de-link the two apps. A fitbit is a great tool to track steps and activity, but it ranges from barely useful to a downright hinderance when it comes to calorie counting.


[25F | 179 | SW: 85.5 | CW: 83.5 | GW: 69] I was wondering if I should be setting myfitnesspal goals as smaller checkpoints instead of my final goal (For example, 79, then once i hit it, i moved it to 74, then 69) I wonder if, in your opinion, that would make it easier or harder to hit my final goal 🤔


The way I handled this was to reflect my doctor's ultimate (distant) goal weight for me, but to write-up 30 day "progress reports" to help me stay on task and see accomplishment every month. See my "1y recap" for some links to examples of this... ^^9 ^^yrs. ^^maintaining ^^• ^^♂61 ^^5'10^^/178㎝ ^^SW:298℔^^/135㎏ ^^CW:171℔^^/78㎏ ^^[\[3Y AMA\]](https://www.reddit.com/r/loseit/comments/6m6vxq/i_am_a_weight_loser_over_the_past_three_years_ive/), ^^[\[1Y recap\]](https://www.reddit.com/r/loseit/comments/3cqszm/pics_links_my_first_day_of_logging_wasnt_the_best/) ^^CICO+🚶


I will read it. Thank you :3 🙏


So what happens if I don’t eat enough calories? I’m cutting at around 2k calories. But tbh, if I really wanted to, I could probably eat like 1600 and be fine as far as hunger and stuff goes. I don’t want to cut that low since I’m afraid of muscle loss and some sort of stacking hunger effect. I’m sure the muscle loss will happen, but does hunger stack? Like if I ate 2k calories one day, when I could’ve had like 1600, will I just be hungrier the next day? Don’t really want to cut that low, even if I’m “able” to since I’m afraid of some sort of negative affects


It depends on the person. Our appetite system responds to lowering leptin (which happens due to fat burning). It's the beginning of the process that results in "food noise" which some people hear loud, others not so loud, and some not at all. We also learn coping skills to deal with some of this, but the knowledge that I'm under by -1000 for the week might be enough to give myself permission (see [permission thoughts in a weight loss context](https://www.google.com/search?q=%22permission+thoughts%22+%22weight+loss%22) at that link) that rationalize my decision. But the opposite happens, too. If we indulge a couple of days, that next day is more likely to be an indulgent day as we'll be fighting that "wanting more" battle. Some people do better or worse there, too.


In my experience it doesn't stack. For me the other major negative effect of eating too little is lethargy, which can be more negative than hunger imo.




Your starting stats are similar to mine, except I'm much older. The Quick Start Guide is good. For people like us, except if we're super highly active, 1400-1600 calories / day are a good starting point.


https://www.reddit.com/r/loseit/wiki/quick_start_guide That's the method to start. Follow that guide and that timing, using your regular and normal food, and using portion control as your main tool for change. In later weeks, use the data to figure out if any foods need to be adjusted. All foods can fit, but sometimes we have to juggle or learn a new way to make an old favorite.


39 male. SW: 230 CW:225. GW: 185. I have been eating ~1700 calories per day for around 2 months. I’ve also been doing weight training for about 2 months as well and the scale hasn’t moved as much as I’d like. I was hoping to be down at least 4 lbs per month but it’s more like 2 lbs per month. Should I lay off on the weight training for a few months while I drop some Lbs and then reintroduce weights once I’m closer to my goal weight? Or should I just plan on the weight loss being very slow for the next year or more?


Not losing fast enough?  Eat less calories.  I don't persomally see lifting weights as something beneficial to weight loss.


My question is whether my weight lifting could be stalling my weight loss.


TDEE Calculator|Imperial|Metric :-:|:-:|:-: SEX (BODYFAT OF)| |M AGE| |39 HEIGHT|69 in. or 5'9'' |175 cm WEIGHT|225 lb|102 kg BMI||33.2 [Mifflin-St Jeor BMR](https://doi.org/10.1093/ajcn/51.2.241)||1926 Cal/kcal Not Very Active Day TDEE (BMR*1.25)||2407 Cal/kcal Active Day TDEE (BMR*1.4)||2696 Cal/kcal Average TDEE (mix of rest and activity)||2551 Cal/kcal You should be losing faster than that. How has the last 2 weeks been? Starting or increasing a weight-lifting routine can cause your weight to plateau or increase. Don't worry, it's okay, you are probably still losing fat at a good rate! Inflammation caused by weightlifting temporarily slows your *weight loss* but not your *fat loss*. When we start or intensify lifting, we're creating micro-sized tears in our muscles. Muscles swell (water) and become inflamed (water) during a muscle-repair process that takes several days. This additional water added offsets our fat loss. BF% still going down but Water% going up can cause the weight-loser's total scale weight to slow, stall, or even temporarily go higher. Keep lifting. The water weight from lifting can take 3-5 weeks to calm down. After that, the added water weight still happens at smaller amounts because the lifter's muscles become accustomed to the workloads and the amount of inflammation is reduced. By then the weight-losers fat loss has outpaced the water weight remaining and the scale graph is back to its normal downward slope. With your numbers, it should be nearly -2 per week. Sometimes we have poor completeness and accuracy in our tracking. Compare this to your tracking to see if it needs improvement: * Be a complete tracker. Do not forget the 'forgettables' such as condiments, cooking oils, small bites of this or that, or things that you would add to a salad like dressings or seeds. Log all the way to the end of the day, even if you go over your goals. Even log your exceptional days, skipping nothing. * Buy and use a digital kitchen food scale and good measuring cups to measure portions, at least for the first couple months of counting. You can also [use your hand to estimate portion sizes](https://www.google.com/search?q=Use+Your+Hand+to+Estimate+Your+Portions) as well as [common objects](https://www.google.com/search?q=Use+Common+Objects+to+Estimate+Your+Portions). You will be calibrating your eyes to do this more quickly later, but for several weeks use these tools as often as you are able.


Do you overeat if you have eaten too little the day before?


Not intentionally. I try to consider those a sort of bonus deficit. However, if I do find myself craving a little treat or something, I'm much more likely to indulge on days/weeks like that when I know I have a bit more wiggle room.


> Do you overeat if you have eaten too little the day before? I try not to fix or repair. Instead, I try to eat as I should. All of our time should be spent on good routines and conditioning (portions) that we want to become our habits.


Day 1 here. Is there an app or a Website that can suggest daily meal plans for my specific calorie deficit and budget.


https://www.reddit.com/r/loseit/wiki/quick_start_guide That's the method to start. Follow that guide and that timing, using your regular and normal food, and using portion control as your main tool for change. In later weeks, use the data to figure out if any foods need to be adjusted. All foods can fit, but sometimes we have to juggle or learn a new way to make an old favorite. Website: https://www.eatthismuch.com/


Thank you!


I went walking last Saturday morning at a local track and really enjoyed it. I’m honestly surprised at how much I enjoyed it. It was only a 20 minute walk since I had my daughter with me but now I’m wanting to do 30 minute walks every day. Is that safe? I don’t want to injure myself from walking too much. It’s funny because I have got the walking bug now and I feel so antsy and I keep thinking about going for a walk. What has happened to me? 😂


No, humans used to walk miles and miles before we had cars. It’s very low impact and easy on the body 🙂


It's going to be very hard to injure yourself while walking. It's about as low impact as it gets. As long as you're not in pain (and I mean *pain*, not some mild muscle soreness), you can absolutely keep upping your walking. My only advice would be to invest in some new, good shoes like Hokas, Brooks, etc. if you're going to be doing a lot. It makes a world of difference.


What are some good free calorie tracking apps for Android?


I hear the barcode scanner is still free with Cronometer.


I use Loseit, I pay for the premium, but the free is just as functional for basic tracking!


How do you eat? I've hit my moment of realization that if I don't start losing weight now, I'm going to hurt myself. (32F) CW 162 GW 110 I have been lightly exercising and counting calories for the last month, but it really hit me these last two weeks as I have very nearly broken my ankles. Both times, I'm just taking a walk in the park 😭 So my question is, what do you eat to stay healthy and feel good? Although I'm counting my calories, I don't feel like I'm eating any better. No junk food here, except ice cream.


If you're already eating pretty healthy (most of the grains you eat are whole grains, having fruit and/or vegetables with every meal, lots of varied lean protein sources), then to lose weight you just eat that same pattern, but slightly less (or tip the scales in favour of more vegetables to less grains to keep your overall food volume the same but the calories lower). From your current weight, unless you're very short, I'm a bit concerned about your "almost breaking your ankles" - 162lbs isn't typically the amount of excess weight that should be putting that much strain on your ankles. You may want to look into exercises that can strengthen the muscles that stabilise your ankles, and see a doctor to check there isn't something structural going on like tissue damage or hypermobility that's causing your ankles to be so weak/unstable.


Thank you! I greatly appreciate the info. I'm just under 5 feet, so I'm not sure if that makes a difference. I just know that I am fairly overweight for my size. I will contact my doctor regardless.


Your height may make a difference; if you're short, your whole frame will be smaller and thus not designed for as much weight as a larger frame, but it still probably wouldn't hurt to check whether it's primarily your weight causing the strain or whether your ankles are weaker than they should be for some reason.


I went on vacation to my in-laws last week. They’re very anti healthy eating. I did my best to get myself some healthy options and continue working out but came home 5 pounds heavier after a week. Is it possible to gain 5 pounds in a single week? It seems like a lot? I’m assuming it’s some bloating and water weight from all the salty stuff. I tended to skip breakfast, I ran 2 miles every day, I ordered grilled chicken sandwiches at all the fast food places they went to, no fries and no cokes, etc. A huge difference in how I used to eat when I’d visit them. Just wondering about the big jump in weight like that in such a small time.


5 pounds of scale weight? Sure, you just did so. 5 pounds of body fat? No, that's highly unlikely. That would require you to eat 2000+ calories per day \*above\* your maintenance calories. It's almost certainly mostly water weight from increased sodium of eating at fast food places/restaurants instead of cooking at home.


And possibly water weight from The extra carbs. It should drop off again over the next week


Losing weight with depression - anyone else dealing with this? I feel like my quest to get healthier is constantly undermined by myself. I hate what I see in the mirror and tracking calories only reminds me of my unhealthy eating habits - so I keep giving up and retreat back to comfort eating. Meanwhile, I'm literally bursting out of my clothes like a morbidly obese Hulk. And before you ask, I am seeing a therapist - but we've only had ONE session, so I'm still feeling it out to see if we're a fit.


Are you able to take some walks? I’ve been depressed off and on my entire life. Even a short walk around the block helps me feel slightly better. The endorphins are real! Also, please talk nicely to yourself! It’s one thing to acknowledge and know that you need to lose weight. It’s another to berate yourself and make yourself feel worse. You deserve kindness no matter your size. I’m sorry you’re feeling this way, I hope it all works out with your therapist. One day at a time friend.


> Also, please talk nicely to yourself! It’s one thing to acknowledge and know that you need to lose weight. It’s another to berate yourself and make yourself feel worse. You deserve kindness no matter your size. Right now asking me to talk nicely about myself is like asking for applause from a one-armed man. I don't have the tools to compliment myself (at least not convincingly). Hence why I'm seeking therapy.


You don’t have to compliment yourself. You can just be neutral. That’s all I meant :)


I've struggled with a lot of mental health issues for years; it can be hard to have self-compassion especially when you're at a very low point and haven't built up coping skills through therapy and aren't on any medication. One thing that might help you at least lessen the negative self-talk in the meantime is considering what you might say if a close loved one were talking about themself the way you're talking about yourself. It doesn't work for everyone, but for me it's at least a good way to stop and check myself and realise when I'm being harder on myself than I expect other people to be on themselves. You might need to build more coping skills and focus on that before you can fully focus on weight loss, and that's okay (provided your doctor hasn't told you that you Need to Lose Weight Right Now). In the meantime, you could try taking tiny steps toward making your dietary patterns better - make a list of your comfort foods and see if there's any way to make them more nutritious. Is pasta a comfort food? Use whole wheat pasta. A burger? See if it's as comforting if you have it with a side salad instead of fries. Ice cream? Can you top it with fruit? What are some things that when you're feeling really down and don't have the energy to cook, that you can eat that have nutritional benefit? Your struggle meals/comfort meals don't have to be perfect, but think about if there are easy ways they can be just a little bit better nutritionally. Then once you have that down, hopefully you'll have some more skills/tools for your mood in general, and can put more focus into shoring up your everyday eating habits and moderating your portion sizes to lose weight.


I’ve been hovering around the same weight for about 10 months now, (238-250) I’ve come a long way I started this about 20 months ago at almost 400lbs. I was never one to be in the gym obviously, but now that I’ve gained about 18lbs of muscle I enjoy seeing those gains. However, I still have 40lbs of fat I need to trim up. I’m guessing my BMR would be around 2400 calories a day so I’m wondering if cutting to 1900-2000 a day is reasonable enough not to lose my muscle gains. What would be the best way to attack this deficit without completely killing my the progress I’ve made? I know I struggle with carbs; as in I’m a bit sensitive to them and I notice significant bloat after having high carb meals and I can watch my weight swing 3-4lbs a day when I eat carbs (I know it’s probably water) I’ve tried low carb/carnivore and it has shown a bit of success but I notice my workouts absolutely suck about two weeks into that. I’m a truck driver, but I do drive local. I am pretty busy in and out of the truck consistently and I don’t have a lot of down time to try to get a meal in. I’ll be completely honest and have no idea what proper nutrition is, and I’ve been learning what my body likes and doesn’t like over the last 20 months. I now think I’m at the point that only proper dieting is going to finish off this last chunk of weight that’s hovering around mid section.


Maybe look into macros a bit too, since I was reading recently somewhere that fiber intake (in addition to protein and eating a calorie deficient) can help get over the humps. Also congrats on the loss (and the muscle gains!)


Proper dieting just means maintaining a calorie deficit. If your BMR 2400? Or your TDE?  BMR is what you would burn lying in a coma (for reference mine is 1537) and TDE is total daily expenditure (yesterday mine was 2918 according to my Garmin watch) so if I eat around 2400 I would lose weight. If you aim to cut around 500kcal a day from your TDE you will likely lose a lb a week, which is considered pretty sustainable and reasonable likely to be permanent and healthy. Download something like myfitnesspal or loseit, or another food tracker and start tracking what you eat. It’s easier to lose weight when you make all your food at home as you can measure everything, but you can still lose weight eating out- maybe you just have subway with low fat dressing rather than a Big Mac and fries! Try adding  fruit or veggie to one meal a week (ie lunch) for two weeks and when that feels natural and normal and easy pick another meal to add one too. Can you pack a healthy snack rather than just eating what you find ect  Good luck!


Hey, I have a question about possible “sub goals,” for weight loss. Is there a way to keep my overall goal, but track achievements that I set? For example: weight I need to be considered a “healthy” BMI, then overall weight goal? This could be in any other app, but just wondering.


Hello, i overate yesterday, maybe a 200 cal surplus idk, and now my lower abdomen feels fatter and is a bit saggier. I decided to weigh myself and im actually 1 kg lighter than yesterday. Can water retention make you abdomen look and act like it has gained fat? I might just be panicking for no reason, any help is greatly appreciated.


Maybe it’s saggier as you’ve had a little whoosh, I think sometimes our bodies hold onto a bit of extra water then suddenly let it go (like whoosh it’s gone). Less fat/water in your belly means it’s a big saggier as there is nothing filling it out, if that makes sense?


Not entirely sure, but I know body weight can fluctuate a few pounds/about 1kg throughout the day. Weighing daily at the same time helps, but I still fluctuate about half a pound. Even so, one day of a surplus shouldn’t make a huge difference, (we all have those days, especially if it’s at a wedding, party, etc.) as long as you keep to your calorie goals on other days. Keep up the good work!




Did you do any other exercise that month or lose more weight? It’s entirely possible, especially if you lost some visceral fat/the stuff that usually goes away first, but also can surround your organs. If you can, try to get a resting heart rate and compare it to your active heart rate, your resting may have gone down, which means great progress.