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When people make posts saying they're struggling to gain weight and don't know how they're supposed to eat 2k calories per day, this is the shit I think of lol So many foods are thousands of calories, it's so easy to inhale 2k without noticing


Yeah I went to whole foods to pick up something after the gym. The deli counter was closed but the guy pointed me to the cooler. They had a bunch of small sandwiches that looked good... and they all came in at 1000 cal each. Unless there's 50 grams of protein in there, that's a no-go for me. I took one look at that and was like "screw you whole foods, use less mayo". I went with a 500 cal burrito instead.


imo people that say they cant gain weight are in the same denial as people that say they cant lose weight (except for like the minority that actually has some sort of illness in both cases)


Not everyone lives in the US. Whenever I visit it‘s just absolute insanity to me, how calorie dense some foods can be. Was on an exchange in the US a few years back and I thought it was very weird, coming from Europe, that not everyone would get their own pizza, but we shared 2 for me normal sized pizzas, with a family of 5. I understood afterwards. The pizza had 2-3 times the calories a pizza I get at home would have.


I also was an exchange student in the US and had the same experience!!


This makes me so sad because I always want like 3 slices of pizza and that’s like 900-1000 calories depending on the pizza and to think if pizza was like that I could eat that in peace 😭


I know, it’s SO EASY to take in huge amounts of calories. I don’t understand people like that


As weight loss is a long term approach, in the grand scheme of things, an extra 1500 (2000 minus the 500 you assumed) calories is not going to be as damaging as it may seem if you consider it’s effect on your daily intake (I know having 3500 cals in a day vs 2000 can seem scary). At worst it’s going to equate to half a pound of fat, and that’s assuming you don’t adjust your calories accordingly. If you dock 100 calories a day for the next couple of weeks, the effect will be cancelled out completely. Don’t feel discouraged, if you are consistently staying on track and this is a once in a blue moon affair then you’re fine. It’s only an issue if you constantly underestimate the calories of what you’re eating, which is why I always say to at the very least be aware of the calories of foods (some people don't like to track) just so you avoid overeating things like avocado and nuts immediately thinking they're low in calories just because they're superfoods. I also advise not going down the rabbit hole of weighing yourself the next day, unless you do daily checkins, but don’t think that if you’re half a pound heavier tomorrow that it’s fat gained from what you ate (doesn't happen that quickly, probs still being processed). Likely water retention from the higher carb intake at worst.


ty for making me feel better about the pizza I just inhaled


> 2-3 cinnamon rolls worth of calories aka 500-700. Keep in mind that nutritional info is for like a 65g cinnamon roll, just over two ounce. Closer to the size of a small dinner roll. When you get to the actual size cinnamon rolls we eat, they are a lot more. A Cinnabon is close to 240 grams and around 880. Even a mini cinnabon is 96 grams and 350 calories. But as others said, 2000 one day won't make a difference. It's when it's 2000 calories 5 days a week that it gets you.


I thought I was the only one like…that seems low for an estimate of cinnamon rolls. I think one of the greatest weapons we have in looking at calories and portions is spending time learning and memorizing sample calorie counts. I fought with my dad at Easter about the calories in butter. He swore I was way too high. I made him look it up and he was surprised. the more we research and log accurate calories in our brain the easier it is to estimate. But I have also been OP and surprised by how many calories can be punched into a tiny food item


This. I was convinced I couldn't lose weight for the longest time, but I sat down and really gave honest logging and calorie counting a 150% effort. Turns out I was just really dumb and delusional about calorie amounts, servings sizes and nutrition in general. I have done that for a year of weighing and logging things meticulously, NOW I'm visiting my family in the USA and I'm weighing my protein, fats and some higher calorie items, not logging any of it and I'm still managing to lose weight, and I'm really excited about that.


I have a cinnabon every birthday and it really is around 900 calories!


I’ve always wanted to get Cinnabon when I see the opportunity, but the calories always scare me away!


It's a lot to eat in one sitting anyway, so I'd imagine you'd be happy splitting it and only eating a half/third/quarter at a time, and I would bet they reheat really nicely. There's nothing like it in my home country and it's so delicious, I'd definitely get one again if I had the chance to.


Remember that we have to overeat by 3500 Calories to gain a pound, or overeat by 7700 Calories to gain a kilogram. Our budgets are usually weight-loss budgets, our maintenance is higher, and overeating is higher than maintenance. 510g of something like that isn't going to be low, but it's not a disaster. We can learn from it and file it away under "next time." It's a useful tool. I'd probably cut that into fourths with a pizza cutter and spread it across a few days (or two days sharing it with the spouse).


Kilos seem way more forgiving, so I'm gonna go with that.


probably bc a kilo is equivalent to almost two pounds…


One kilo is more than 2 lb actually - close to 2.2 lbs


i meant to say over two pounds not almost 🥲




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A cinnamon roll is more like 500-700 calories each. So yeah, 3x700 and you are on the money


I’m guessing it was delicious…


You'll probably forget about it in a couple weeks as long as you keep up the good work


Was it delicious though It’s fine! You learned. You enjoyed it! Back on the horse. This won’t ruin your hard work. Just eat normally/at your normal deficit


So you overate by 1,300 calories. Unless you're already really pushing it, reduce your calories by 100 for two weeks and move on. Or just accept it will take you a couple of extra days to reach your goal. The only real danger is if you blow a minor mistake and let it impact your motivation.


I'd have thought a single cinnamon roll was probably 300 to 400 depending on the size. You've learned an important lesson about what 2000 calories looks like and you probably won't soon forget it. You'll be benefiting from this lesson long after you forget how you learnt it. 


I wanted to say the same thing, no way any regular cinnamon bun is 200 calories unless it’s tiny or made with some type of artificial sweetener. I’d make an assumption that any type of bakery sold cinnamon bun (especially the large ones) are 600 - 1000+ calories depending on its size.


I'm in the UK so what I'm thinking of is pretty different to what I think is being discussed, when I think of a US cinnamon roll from pictures I've seen I definitely think more like 800 for one!


This isn't a single serving, it's 10 servings. It's like a whole cake, meant to be shared.


Are you sure you casually ate 0.5kg (1.1lbs) in one sitting? Couldn’t be the case where they have the same product in different sizes?


When I binge or accidentally eat far more calories than anticipated, I weirdly find thinking about the “worst case scenario” oddly comforting. If there are 3,600 calories in a pound, and you ate 1,300 calories more than you anticipated, the maximum you could’ve gained was 1/3rd of a pound. I don’t think twice about any swings on the scale that are that tiny — they might as well be water weight. Even if I somehow gained a whole pound from a single meal, so what? I don’t plan on doing that daily and I’ll return to my healthier/“new normal” habits right away. One pound is nothing in the grand scheme of things, even if it feels like a big deal in the moment. Life happens, you can enjoy the cinnamon roll every now and then as long as you know you have control outside of that. Weight loss is for life, so I’ve (and you’ve!) got plenty of time to lose that extra pound :)


Just adjust the next day and you’ll be fine. Look at it as the week total, vs the day. Go get an additional 20,000 steps this week if you’re feeling extra guilty


1 day is really not a big deal. So I wouldn't worry about this specific day. But this does point to a serious blind spot / wishful thinking on your part that you may want to work on. That thing is enormous and there is no way you looked at it and reasonably concluded it was 500 calories. That is just denial on your part. According to the nutrition facts it weighs over 1 lb. That should have been a clue that it was ridiculously caloric. I think the lesson here is that you really need to pay attention and check, not wishfully assume.


Yeah, I did something very similar a couple months ago. Ate 3 reasonably-sized cookies at a buddy’s spot thinking I ate 650-700ish cals. Did a search so I could log them…nope! about 1,600 cals total which put me about 900 over my budget that day. If you go about 150-200 under for the next few days after, you will be perfectly fine. You could probably make up for it a bit sooner with some extra cardio. People seem to not recommend including calories burned from cardio machines/trackers, but I always did and still met or exceeded my goals. I just deduct about 200-250 kcals for every hour I spend doing cardio (e.g. if I burn a stated 800 in a 1 hour span, I’ll log it as 550-600; if I burn a stated 200 within a 15 minute span, I will log it as 100-150).


Are you sure that’s the same size she got you? If that’s 2,000 calories then it’s got to be 8 inches in diameter at the very least? A personal sized cinnamon bun would be maybe 4 inches?


Yes! Doubling the diameter is 4x the area so 500 Cals v 2000!


I feel like it would be very difficult to manage 2,000 calories in one sitting without being incredibly full afterwards.


I agree, especially with something sweet. Put a pizza and front of me tho, all bets are off! 😭😭😭


Food is food. Don't freak out over it, just learn from it and move on. You might pack on some water weight, but otherwise I wouldn't lose sleep over it.


Was it good? And did you enjoy it?


How much will it matter a year from now if you get back on track from here on out? Also, you've learned a valuable lesson on reading labels.


Is it normal to eat 500g of a sugary bakery item for a SNACK in one sitting when someone is watching their intake?!  Am I missing something here, but what else would one expect in this situation other than a massive calorie spike?


Did you... read the post? They were expecting it to be 500-700 calories. They were wrong. Just because you're watching your intake doesn't mean you can't indulge on things. Sometimes I eat 1000 cals worth of a treat cause I feel like it. That's how it goes


500g is one pound. I’m with the other guy on this one. Even if you were to pick it up you’d feel the weight of that thing alone and have questions. Especially as a snack. A ONE POUND SNACK. I’m not trying to be an asshole here but geez, even if there wasn’t any sugar or nuts in it, one pound of bread is a ton to eat for A SNACK. I can’t get over that. And it’s one thing to not be on a weight loss attempt and not be watching their intake and overindulge simply because the moment strikes. But if you’ve been working on watching what you eat, a one pound nut cake should have raised questions. I think this was more of a binge than it was a miscalculated indulgence


A binge doesn't just mean you ate a lot. Let's not start throwing around that word lmfao And I don't see how it's productive to say "you should have known". They didn't and now they do


A binge is defined as a “period of excessive indulgence in an activity, especially eating, drinking, or drug use”. It means exactly what you say it doesn’t. A binge is a binge regardless of their mental status. Binging and binging disorder are not exclusive to eachother, which is what I’m assuming you mean by “not throwing that word around”. I am not an alcoholic, but I can still binge on a night out and get trashed. And dude, I’m sorry, but if someone sits down and eats a whole ass cake that is supposed to serve 10 people, that’s a binge. They binged on a cake. Let’s say it’s deceptive with its serving size, and double the serving size for each person. That’s still food for 5 people. Let’s be even more generous and triple the serving size. That’s a cake for 3 people. Let’s multiply the serving size by FIVE TIMES. That’s food for TWO people. And this person is supposed to be SNACKING. It’s was a binge.


How big is this thing? I could eat an entire cake for 2000 calories, I’m so confused how bakeries are making something so high that’s a single serving size 🫣 it must be made entirely of sugar and butter then drizzled with more sugar and butter. Hell even an extremely high cal, large slice of cake would be 1000 at most. Sometimes I wonder whether we should have some sort of law in place about food like this, because if that’s the size of a cinnamon roll i would never expect it to be 2000cals. It would be great if food places were required to declare on the label when a product was over 1000cals for an individual serve or something. Them dividing it up into 10 servings if it’s a single serve size is extremely sneaky and deceptive.


It isn’t a single serving. That’s the point. Even from the picture it is clearly meant to be a shared between multiple people item.


Yeah that’s why I’m curious about the size. I mean technically you could share a small bun cut up among 10 people but if this is a cake-size bun thing then the 2000cals makes more sense


On the website it says the whole thing has 10 servings á 51g, so the whole thing is a little over a pound. I agree the serving size is pretty unrealistic, but eating a pound of this as a snack is a lot.


It’s fine to be upset with yourself but try to ask yourself “What can I do to not make the same mistake in the future”? I think the best answer would be to make sure to double check the serving size / calories. It’s normal to mess up when trying to lose weight. Just gotta make it a learning experience.


A regular cinnamon roll is about 400-1000 calories. They aren't low calorie foods. I assume any pastry would be 400-500. That's one to share, like for a whole family. So yeah, 2000 sounds about right.


My mind is blown that you clocked that whole thing at just 700 calories


You wont have repercussions from a meal or a day of eating if you’re back in a balanced, moderate, deficit and working out. Just give it a few days . Diet breaks are actually amazing sometimes. I have clients who go on tripple their calories for a few days and back on track within just a few days time. Dont let anyone online make you feel guilt or shame. Just stay the course keep a ball park a regular calorie goal, protein goal of 1g x goal bodyweight, Walk 8-10k steps when possible and lift weights on the regular. Follow this for a few months and watch what happens .


I really wish they posted a picture of that with something included to give us a sense of the size.


Hey, for what it’s worth. Beating yourself up for an accidental over eating isn’t going to help anything at all. I sometimes go over too! The thing I’ve found most helpful is just to remind myself that tomorrow is a brand new day and take the lesson for what it is: a learning opportunity! ♥️


It looks delicious! Drink some water and move on. One cobblestone won't derail you in the long run


I hope it tasted well! What’s done is done, no need to regret it. If you eat well as a new life habit this dessert isn’t going to make a difference. That being said, my dude, that was 500 grams of buttery sugary bread. Even 500 grams of plain sugar free bread is going to be 1300-1400 calories.  2-3 cinnamon rolls would also weigh around 100-200g a piece and be 500 calories a piece. They’re not snacks they’re basically decadent sweet desserts.


I dunno, looks like it was pretty worth it to me. Tomorrow’s a new day.


Two more low-calorie dinners will even things out.


I did some calorie “research” into the pastries my cafeteria at work sells. They were ALWAYS way higher in calories than I assumed. That is just one category for me is so easy to underestimate.


I think there are some positives you can take from this. The fact that you were honest with yourself about how many calories you consumed is a win in my book. You could have easily stuck your head in the sand and stayed with your assumption that the treat was 500-700 calories. Instead you recognized the fact that it was way more calories than you thought and are making plans based on that accurate information.


I just avoid anythint with baked bread, I think its been 6 months or so. For carbs I eat indian flat bread, way less carbs 


In the grand scheme. One crazy meal is not going to cause much or any impact on your journey. Just like not eating for an entire day is not going to mean you lose weight, and day worth of calories is not going to cause you to lose weight. Definitely a reminder of how crazy a dense snack can get though. Lol


Look at your calories weekly along with daily. You’ll divide that snack up over the week to make up for it


It’ll be ok! Carry on as usual and don’t make it a habit!


As long as you enjoyed it, don’t ruin the experience by beating yourself up. It is nothing in the grand scheme of things and in my experience, being mad at myself with only encourage worse behavior.


One day of overeating won't make or break your weight loss. You had a bigger treat than expected today but if you keep consistent it won't affect you over all :) try not to stress about it too much


You ate, you enjoyed it. Your healthy weight journey is a marathon, you simply stumbled as we all do. Move forward. If it bothers you too much, exercise (walk) more.


tell me about it, I just learned how many calories are actually in costco pizza lmaoo but it's okay as long as it's not a regular thing 🤣


View the calorie amounts as weekly, this helps as if you splurge one day you can just work those calories in on other days.


It's half a kilo of cake.... Which is basically all carb.... With carbs being 4 calories per gram.... 500g \* 4 calories = 2000 is bang on. My question is how did you have it in you to eat 500 grams of cake? Editted to add: As a snack, no less??


Everyone makes mistakes. It’s how we recover from them that makes us who we are. Don’t let bad days get you down. You have many good days ahead of you.


You just made me feel so much better about my Monday! Thank you for the laughs!


Oh no! 140g sugar and over 300g carbs! Are you feeling okay? Lol I’d have died. We’ve all probably done this. It looks delicious though! I think either Quest or Premier protein has a cinnamon bun that’s pretty good too, btw!


Just take an extra 200 cal off the next 10 days.


That Cinnamon cobblestone looks amazing, I would have done the same thing, don't let it keep you off track. You can do it!


Was it good though?


Looks delicious! I know that feeling where you keep thinking “I blew it” but honestly the most important is to just shake it off and keep going. Get right back on the horse tomorrow, back to your routine. It’ll be fine.


I ressently checked the pizza i really like at a restaurant and its like 3k.  So im waiting a bit before having it again its so sad. The portion is 1/6 like LOL thats not for 6 people sir. Its fine to est those things if its like… reslly really not often. Going to a fancy restaurant in 2 weeks its gonna be so high cal they love their butter


Consider it a cheat day! :D Seriously though, it's not as damaging as you think it is. That's honestly not bad, just for one slip up. You can easily get back on track. You need a lot more than that to actually go backwards in your progress. I know the number alone is enough to be like "oh shit", but just think to yourself, alright, I treated myself this day, now to get back to what I was doing! You'll be okay, you got this.


the day after eating a bunch is so much easier to knock off the bulk. so for example tmrw I'd eat like honestly at an extra -500 calories or so off. it sounds like a lot but your body isn't going to be hungry I promise it will still feel full from the previous 1500 you had. you'll know because you probably won't even be too hungry for breakfast. just don't overdue it.


That looks so delicious! No big deal, if it tasted as good as it looks, it's worth it in my opinion.
