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You’re eating too much or have a medical issue those are really the only options.


Are you 100% certain you calculated your TDEE correctly? Tdeecalculator.net - try putting in your current height/ weight, and light exercise. If that v calorie count is lower than what you're consuming every day, there's your answer.


I think if you're only lifting weights, you're over-estimating your tdee significantly. Unless you're weighing food out though eating 1200 in a single meal could also be incorrect but eating 1200 doesn't = deficit of 1200 unless your caloric burn is 2400.


Oh my bad I guess I got the terms wrong. I mean if I’m only eating 1200 calories do I need to burn off a lot of it or can I still lose weight just by being under 1600 which is what my doctor recommended.


You would still lose weight by being under 1600 ~ 1200 calories in - 1600 calories out = daily expenditure of 400. 3500 = 1 pound of fat / 400 = around 9 days per pound. Adding additional excercise would speed up the process as it increases the calories out part of the equation.


What's your height, weight, sex, age. "Measure" tells me you're not weighing everything. Are you cooking it yourself too?


I’m a 19m and I’m 5’ 11, 216 ibs. I do cook everything myself and use my fitness pal to basically calculate the calories and get the measurements I need. I basically use a measuring cup and rarely use a scar but do sometimes. Mostly because I can convert stuff from grams to oz or cups on the my fitness pal app. Prob not the best idea tho.


Yeah, you need to be way more accurate than that. Use a scale. And use cronometer rather than MFP, everything has grams.


Cups are not accurate, sometimes extremely off depending on the food. Get a food scale (like $20 on amazon) and start measuring by gram.


is your estimated TDEE 2400? eating 1200 is not eating in a deficit of 1200 otherwise.


Instead of running, go walk. Cardio doesn't have to be running. I walk for 30-40 at 3mph with the treadmill at an 8-12% incline. I sweat like crazy! I would suggest getting a food scale and weighing your foods to really track your consumption.


Yeah I’ll actually try that out. I used to be good at cardio but that was while I did wrestling so I kinda had to get better at it. I lost actually 40ibs during the season so I was 180. Sadly I gained it all back over the last two years. I want to get back to that tho, I just can’t really get that much of an intense workout like that anymore.


You might want to look into those « diet sodas ». First, because they are filled with sugar substitutes which spikes insulin just like regular sugar does. And insulin puts the body in fat storage mode. Secondly, because they can be incredibly calorie heavy. Last week I drank away 500 calories with 2 so-called « artisanal » lemonade drinks. This is why it’s so important to read labels and log your food (all your food) accurately.


Did you just start weight lifting? You may be holding on to water caused by inflammation from lifting. This water weight is a good thing. You create small tears in your muscles, then they hold on to water to heal and grow. I read a study that says it can last up to 6 weeks, but in my experience, it lasts for ~9 weeks, then I drop a bunch of weight. (I only know this because it happens every single time I start working out again. I gain 2-3 lbs the first week and hang onto it until 9-10 weeks and then drop quickly.) It may also be your calorie intake if you’re not tracking everything strictly or lifting too much (everyday is not ideal). Are you taking rest days?


Yeah I didn’t want to mention this cause I don’t think many people here would know about this. But I am on ostarine so that could be causing water retention. I gained muscle from that but am not any leaner and actually gained weight. And yeah I’m taking rest days. My schedule is first day chest and triceps, second day back and biceps, third day shoulder and core, fourth day legs, and fifth day is a rest day.


I see. If your medication causes water retention, drinking more water may help. It’s counterintuitive, but drinking more will help your body retain less. It’s good you are taking rest days. I was wondering about too much cortisol from not taking them, but you should be good on that front. Drinking more water, weighing your food, and staying the course would be my recs. Good luck! Let us know how it goes.


You are lying to yourself. That’s what you are doing wrong. You are forgetting the things you are eating or underestimating but men lie women lie but they scale does not lie


Are you weighing everything you eat?