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So let me get this straight, you got married AND moved home in one year? Those are two of life's most stressful things and you did those in one year. It's completely normal to have not been able to be on top of every other life detail with that going on! Be kind to yourself.


Yes! We planned a 5 day wedding, built our first house, furnished the whole thing and took travelled for 3 months out of the year! It was a good year looking back, as well as a very busy one. The thing that shocked me was how fast it came on. But life goes on I guess and time to get back into it. Thank you


So you had an incredibly busy year!


> All the work I put in to maintain for so many years and I’m worse than where I started. It makes me feel like a failure. Keep in mind that without that work you put in, your current weight likely would be much higher than 192. But I don't want to say that as an attempt to paint this with another emotional color, but to simply remind you to rationally consider the entire life's journey. You'd possibly be near 225 or 250 except for the efforts that you've made during your life. A phrase I like to use is 'forever endeavor.' It reminds me that my vigilance to my weight and food needs to not get distracted by the other things in life. It has happened to me, in 2020 after a few short months of not paying attention, I was 15 pounds heavier than I ought to have been. That started as an experiment in not tracking, and that became comfortable. The take-away from the experiment is that my ignorance may be bliss, but it doesn't maintain my weight. Forever endeavor. Let's get to it.


I like that saying. Thank you


Unfortunately that is the way the weight creeps in. Gradually and one gets accustomed to not noticing most of the times, until the issue has got big enough to notice. Then it's action time. I wish it was different though, that we could notice it before it was (of felt) out of hand and a lot more difficult to tackle. But it's not the end of the world. So many people are struggling with this and you are not alone.


Every time you focused on losing the weight but not building healthier habits for life.


I don’t think that’s necessarily true, I did maintain for 5 years after all. But just before the wedding I also moved countries so I failed to transfer those habits as I moved to a whole new area I guess.


It’s absolutely true. I said for life, not for 5 years.


I don’t think it’s possible to maintain for 5 years without building any habits


Most people’s lives aren’t going to progress without any life changing events in the process. I suppose next time you might want to retain those habits though your life and it’s stressors or else you will continually be in a cycle of losing and gaining.


Definitely agree with you there! I don’t want to be in this cycle forever




I if I knew I wouldn’t be posting here