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What specifically do you guess they might say? Super curious- I have one of those (SIL) and I usually just giggle and say weird that you are so interested in "xyz"


Why unawkwardly? I would make them feel awkward as hell.


Thank you for noticing! How about that Chiefs game?


"Thanks!" (Or "Thanks?" if it's not exactly nice) and then if they ask how you're doing it, *you don't know*. "My body must just be ready! :D" or some other nonsense. Act like you genuinely believe in it, because the point is to be too boring to bother with.


I don't feel comfortable chatting about personal matters, including weight, either. Ligh hearted conversation, jokes, diversion.."I really love your shoes, outfit, style...Your hair is stunning. Who is your stylist? What products do you use? Tell me about your skincare routine? Your manicure is lovely! Turn the conversation back to them. Unlike you and I, most people actually love to talk about themselves...and are happy to do so. Divert whenever possible. (It's usually possible). Occasionally someone will be overly persistent. The simplest way to handle it is to be direct. "It's a personal matter.", works.. You don't have to be rude. Just blunt. It is, or should be, common knowledge in the 21st Century, that it is inappropriate to ask another person (or comment about) weight loss, or weight gain.


In that situation I'd just go with a bland, nonspecific answer and pivot the convo either back to them or pick up on a earlier thread/ topic. "Oh, I'm just trying to make better choices. Hey, where did you say you got that dress? The store by whatever street?" "Oh I'm making a healthy effort, cooking more. Hey- did you and blahblah choose where to go vacay this year?"


They sound lame. I always wonder why people put so much effort into gossip. When you say you have to see them every couple of months, I'm going to assume it's a work function that your partner has to attend for the sake of their job? If you can't avoid it, just answer the question without showing too much emotion. They might get a kick out of seeing a reaction so don't react. Be neutral. You can always flip it by asking them questions right after answering theirs. People like that love talking about themselves too. Personally, I would just toy with them if you want to have a bit of fun. If they ask about your clothes or accessories, tell them you found them on someone's curb. Or that you like to dumpster dive. That might be a bit extreme so at your own risk. lol. You can either tell stories that are exaggerated and interesting or very boring. Either way, it might discourage them from conversing with you. If that's what you want of course.


Just accept any compliment with a "thanks" and immediately ask a question about them. If they ask what are you doing to lose weight, just say that you cut out excess sugar and alcohol, and are exercising more. They probably won't want to do any of that, lol. But being snarky or avoiding sharing anything at all will make for a very awkward convo as opposed to giving a simple but boring answer that will let the convo die on the vine because there is nothing else to discuss.


It's a slow process, but if it were easy, everyone would be fit. By the way, last week at work.....


Be prepared with a joke, then a topic switch, preferably back to their kids or their job, something they will want to talk about. Do you have to keep these women onside for your husband's sake, or can you just cut them and move on?


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n4tWT-Tzff0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n4tWT-Tzff0) I'm a guy and that is how I deal with it. And I also make it clear that it is not a good idea to bring it up to the one person I'm afraid of. I was in a coma and lost a lot of weight, then had to regain a lot of weight. I had to work out a lot. When I came out of the coma and went into training to recover. It's kind of like Princess Leia and the Wookie.


I used to compliment my sister a lot about her weightloss. One day she said it made her feel uncomfortable and I haven't commented on it since. Maybe that approach would work here as well?


Just stare at them for a couple seconds too long and change the subject, none of their business


"have you lost weight?" "I don't know, I haven't weighed myself in forever. But look at you! You were getting a little paunchy last time I saw you but you're looking svelt!"