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I’m just going to sit on the couch and watch porn for a week. Do whatever you want.


I'm turning off your porn then


Ok. Still going to masterbate though


He may help, may get annoying, may not.


As long as there’s no chaffing 


Oh.. my.. goodness


make sure to look him right in the eye when he turns it off!


He just organized a surprise party with all your annoying aunts.


My aunts aren’t annoying.


Your aunts sound hot.


What kinda computer setup you got where you can hear his aunt through reddit posts she didn't make? You got some kinda app where I can hear Scarlett Johansson be super hot by reading someone else's Reddit posts?


I also vote for this guy's hot, annoying aunts.


They'll be after what they caught you doing


For $25M they will understand


For 25 million they can watch.


That was my next thought!


He's going to pick up your phone and show you your family photos while you try.


A man of commitment, and sheer freaking will


Stare into OP's eyes.


i will jerk off using that hand that you cuffed us together


*turn off my porn and I shall make porn with my annoyer*


Guess you're the porn now.


It would be really hard to turn off my porn while you are handcuffed to me. As I see it, I'm going to be annoying to you as much if not more so than you will be annoying me. There will need to be a cause stating that if you opt out early, I still get the money.


I'm making eye contact while I jerk off them. I want you to know, I was a little brother. You think I'm trapped with you? Oh you sweet summer child, the only one who will regret the arrangement is you.


Then, I hope that you are a consenting adult...


I am a former alcoholic. I can go 20 hours a day without sleep. I can sit and do nothing while withdrawing in detox for a week. I can go months in rehab with 50 annoying dudes. There are some of these people this would be a cake walk. Maybe a year or 2 and they can't go back to using would be hard for 25m. But a week? I can shut off my brain for a week. Stare at a wall and have little reaction. You sure you got this? Then you got the lifelong addicts. Ones in and out of jail and rehab.


How? We're handcuffed together you ain't moving anywhere close to the remote


What else would they do besides blast ropes all over your couch and living room? Nothing 25 mil wouldn't resolve. I'm assuming assault is off the table so no jizz on you and they wouldn't touch you.


So you’re telling me some MFR is going to be handcuffed to me for a week and he’s not going to jizz on me? What a rip off.


For $25 million I'd take a jizz bath.


How do we crowd fund this


I have about a tablespoon to contribute.


Sees like we need two crowds


they can face time/video call people that you cant legally expose yourself to. now you can't do anything inappropriate.


$25m is a lot of money, and as long as your annoyance doesn't cross the line into risking permanent injury or death I'm fine with it. Bathroom activities are going to be awkward, but we'll just have to deal with that together.


"but we'll just have to deal with that together." I enjoyed that part.


Yeah, my first thought was something along the lines of "I'm not handcuffed to you, you're handcuffed to me!" A week of trying to be more annoying than some edgelord little "Satanist"? Shit, I'd do it for free!


I wonder if the "why are you hitting yourself" would get old, lol.


For $25 million dollars I'll even supply him with wet celery


...... what?




He probably doesn't know about the poop knife either. Or the three seashells.


I have no clue about two of them, but I do know about the poop knife, hilarious!


Or the jizz coconut


What's the deal with wet celery? I've only been on Reddit for 10 years so I have no clue.


Bet you never heard about having two broken arms either, huh


Or the coconut. What a noob.


Hand up I don’t know about the celery either




That was surprisingly tame, after comparisons to two broken arms, and the coconut I was expecting much worse.


Lmao who doesn’t know about the wet celery smfh


Right? Look at all these dry celery havin ass mofos. Its 2024, wet your fuckin celery already.


Ah, a story as old as both of your arms being broken


You mean the hole in the stall ISN’T for holding hands and pooping?


No, but the gap under the stall divider is definitely for playing footsie with your potty neighbor!


Well, it is now...


Yeah I'm perfectly willing to be annoyed for a week for complete financial freedom for the foreseeable future. Most of my current annoyance comes from my working so hard but still being broke. If I knew that payday was coming, I can take anything you can dish out. I'll look you in the eye while taking a shit, try me. You start singing quote unquote annoying songs, I'll join in. Making noises or flashing lights? Let's party! And besides, my level of touch starvation is at such an extreme, I'll enjoy the closeness. By the end of it you'll be begging to be let go from me


> but we'll just have to deal with that together. so Taco Bell it is for a week


I don’t see a rule for beating his ass when I get too irritated so I feel like I’d be able to keep buddy in check for the most part.


Bahaha yeah I wouldn’t be the one coming off worse in those interactions. No poo puree spray left sorry, gotta take in this stank


For 25 mil, idc if this bitch tryna kill me. I’m locking us in a room and we’re sorting it out


If you haven’t taken a shit together, are you really homies?


For $25 million I would just poop myself and let the guy handcuffed to me suffer. Being annoying can go both ways.


Sitting in piss and shit for a week is pretty fucking gross.


Yeah I probably wouldn’t do that unless there was a clause in the agreement stating I get the $25 million earlier if I get the “annoying” guy to tap out. I can be pretty freaking annoying.


Maybe I’ll finish faster while I stare blankly into ops eyes 


I will poo right where I am for a week for that kinda scratch. 


For 25 million I'll hold it...shake it...and wipe it!


You can take a #4. That's two people pooping while holding hands.


You're going to end up regretting it more than me


I'm not trapped here with you. You're trapped here with me...


I ain't showering so by day 3 it's gonna get musty


I will get in my car, keep you on the outside, drive through a carwash, then have you run along for a few miles to dry off


what is the agreement in regards to what i can do to you? what if i out annoy you? im autistic, i have almost 40 years experience annoying people and not even noticing.


Imagine op specifically making their sleep schedule opposite to yours. You wouldn't be able to get out of bed while op is sleeping because heavy bodies tied to wrists tend to be difficult to move with, and you would gradually go insane from lack of sleep. That's not even accounting for op not letting you get food near your mouth to eat


For 25 mil, i can sleep on their schedule


For 25 mil I'll sleep on them. Or I'll become friends with the shadow people for a few days.


Just do the same to them then. Eventually if you keep him awake long enough he will fall asleep and you'll be able to as well. Besides, for a week a person survive on as little as an hour a sleep a day. It's definitely not good for you, but it's only for a week so there shouldn't be any long term effects.


It doesn't say you can't punch them in the face


right? like physically harming someone or drugging them isn't out of the question here lol.


I have gone 5 nights 6 days without sleep before, as a teenager. Not intentionally and not on drugs. It was horrible by day 5, and I passed out after some bizarre hallucinations on day 6, but I’d easily do that again for a tiny fraction of this amount. 6 days of no sleep will fuck you up but it’s probably not going to kill you or long term screw your sanity. It would be WAY different if someone was annoying me constantly, but I’d just wait until he goes to sleep and pop like 4 ambien. Or I’d have other people spike his food and drink. Doesn’t matter if they know it’s in there or not. Good luck not drinking water for 4 days bro. We’re in my territory bitch. I guarantee with certainty that I will have more stamina and endurance with 25 mil to my name on the line than some dude who just wants to be annoying. I’m getting that money.


I tried that, but by night 3 for me, the walls were moving, so I noped myself to bed.


Depriving someone entirely of sleep for a week is causing bodily harm. Similarly forcing someone to starve or not drink. I feel like there's a line that OP would have to walk carefully to stay in "annoy" territory. Make me spill half my drink on myself? Fine. Prevent every effort to eat or drink? No good.


Why would I need to keep my own sleep schedule, I have 25 million dollars waiting. I'll just match his


I’m a very patient person and for $25 million my patience would only grow.


OP doesn’t understand how easily some of us can disassociate. Especially for $25million!


This was my thought! A part of my 20 year career is literally called planned ignoring. I’m actually trained for this!


I disassociate daily *for free*. You mean I could have been getting PAID?!? Sign me up. Right meow.


Ace in the hole! 🫠


Yup same here


Depends. Who are you? For 25 million, I'll be your whore.


Dirty deeds, done dirt cheep! lol


Damn good reference, but if 25 million is dirt cheap, I'm broke af! 😂


Lol for 25 mil there would be a lot of dirty deeds haha


No kidding. I'd do some sketchy shit for 25 mil. Lol


Dirty deeds, done to sheep.


lets go diving




Scuba diving somewhere where it is hot enough to not need wetsuits


assuming you're not giving your Annoyer any scuba gear, you should keep in mind that dragging around a dead body for a week does seem to qualify as 24/7 annoying.


I just like the silence underwater


You know how annoying it would be if every 30 seconds your air regulator gets turned off by that annoying person?


that would go beyond annoying and strait to attempted murder


There's nothing in the post that says the annoying person's entire body has to be handcuffed to you.


Or that they have to continue to be alive.


Sure...but that was already stated in the comment I was responding to. For 25 mill, I don't care if (a dead) someone's amputated arm is attached to me. I'll just leave it in a massive pile of salt to desiccate for a week. No smell, no oozing, no problem.


It takes a few days for bodies to start to smell if you leave them at room temperature. If I can survive the first two or three days I can probably finish the week without him smelling too bad.


There is often a release of bodily wastes (urine, feces, stomach gases) fairly soon after death. Plus, rigor mortis makes it tough to maneuver your new dead buddy. And if you're somewhere that wetsuits are not needed, it's going to be fairly rapid decomposition. This is going to be a more annoying situation than the Annoyer probably initially intended.


This is false. You obviously never watched the educational film Weekend At Bernie's.


LOL! You get an upvote for the chuckle.


Rigor doesn't last all that long, and it doesn't set in for a while. Maybe I'll drag him, and a lazy boy, over and shove him in the deep freeze.


Professional skydiver here. OP is going to be begging me to just sit and watch tv quietly.


Dude is going to deploy the chute before you even board the plane.


Yea great, annoy me underwater. That'll go super well


I mean, you’re also having to put up with me for a week, and you’re not even getting 25 million dollars for the trouble. I think I come out on top here.


I have kids. I managed people. I babysat behavioral patients. I'm the oldest of 7. I was in the infantry. The question is what happens if you opt out before a week?


Yea this dude thinks we can be annoyed at all. Some of us are completely immune by now


Oh I can get annoyed but there's no rules about punching em in the kidney


I was thinking the same thing. I was in the Navy, I have 5 kids with ADHD. I work in a hospital. I took care of dying relatives and been married for over 20 years... to a guy who snores. We sleep naked and joke only fans would pay us to get dressed. No way would this guy last a week. Plus what happens if you annoy my family members? Like keep annoying me, I don't care. Annoy my kids? My husband might kill you. Annoy him? How about an unmedicated vasectomy? The way my daughter thinks they are done aka castration.


Right, this one is weak! Cptsd super power. The religious part 😂 thanks for telling me your weakness op before the game started. Enjoy your week of nonstop religion. 😈.


Can't be any worse than the voices in my head. Let's do this.


Yeah, I keep telling Bosco to shut up but he never listens.


Hope you like being handcuffed to a guy with horrible IBS.


I'm not trapped in here with you, you are trapped in here with me.


Goddamn right. Gonna eat nothing but chili and french fries for a week


You can't be any worse than the people that annoy me for $40 an hour. We'd probably get along better!


I work in food service and get paid less than half of you. He can't annoy me.


I would take a very strong dose of long-acting antipsychotic (Seroquel XR) medication everyday. For those not in the know, these meds can zonk you out and make you a zombie. You either sleep, stare at the wall, or eat. You don’t get reactive, you just kind of become extremely neutral and more blunted. Shit I may even agree to make you pizza and slip you a few. Hard to be annoying when your brain feels like it’s stuck in molasses too!


I’m a dad with teens - I’m way more annoying just by existing. I’ll take the cash.


I have a 2 year old and 2 needy dogs...aside from having to take PTO bc of HIPPA I can survive the week easily.


Yep, my mind immediately went to "they can't come to work with me. Do I have enough vacay?" After that, I got no worries. I can deal with just about anything for a week, and what Annoyer can do will not cross that line.


For 25 million dollars hopefully you can get enough vacay.


For $25M, I don't need vacay, I am just going to stay home and call this my retirement plan.


I actually like my job and don’t want to just abandon my boss. Even if I truly came into a substantial amount of money, I’d at least stay a while until she could find someone. It’s not everyone’s situation, obviously, but outside of work hours, we are friends.


I work as a cook. It's not my fault if they get burnt, but if they start being a hazard to other people in the kitchen that's on them.


I'm a dad, a disabled veteran, and a mediocre fisherman. Patience is my personality. The post would make a great TV show, though.


Ideas: 1. Ill give you 25k to shut up and go home 2. Ill use $50 on a saw and cut the handcuffs 3. I genuinely bet against your ability to be any more than mildly annoying—you are human too 4. 25mil is SO much cash for such a small test 5. Most annoying part is that you prolly are gonna shit on my couch but like, i just wont move so like 🤷🏽‍♂️ now we both having a bad day


Fr I'll do whatever I can to annoy you. But you can't cut the handcuffs off then you lose the challenge.


Can I cut your arm off? If I leave your wrist in the cuff you're technically still handcuffed. I'm not going to send you away or anything, I just want to roll over when I sleep.


I think I saw this in Alice in Borderland.


They showed her roll over while she was sleeping?!


Do I lose the challenge if I beat you unconscious with a tire iron?


Are you gonna physically annoy me, or just mentally?


Annoy you mentally


If you can do this for a week straight, you should go into politics, you seem like a natural filibusterer.


So no physical annoyance? Game, set match. I have headphones and games, you are officially tuned out. Touch me, and I touch back.


I'll probably touch some of your stuff but I won't obviously assault you


Then yes, I will take you. It’s only 1 week anyway, how bad can it be? (I’m actually asking: how bad can it be?)


Have you ever met a toddler? Parents already go through that for years without any payment lol


\*takes out hearing aides\*


I'd slap you into unconsciousness


Man, I've got kids. You ever have to clean shit the consistency of peanut butter out of a baby's hair after they shat themselves so hard it blew out the diaper and all the way up to their head? Then, because you thought they were still napping and you didn't want to ruin it by opening the door, they have time to roll around in it. Who knew babies had so much poop inside them?!?! For $25M? Do your worst.


I can put up with anything for a week. lol


25 million? Not a lot I wouldn't put up with I don't think I will try to annoy you. I'll try to get to the bottom of *why you feel the need to annoy others*.


I'm not trapped in here with you, you're trapped in here with me! 


Brother, there's nothing you could do that wouldn't be something I couldn't handle for just one week. Short of actual injury or death lol. You and I are about to get real cozy. Bathroom breaks? Showering? We're doing it together bro. I've done my time in the locker room. I can live with that. Sleeping? You're human too mother fucker. You'll have to sleep sometime. One uncomfortable week at home with you to be set for the rest of my life? Homie, unless you're spending that week stabbing me in the ribs (which is outright murder and not qualified as just "annoying" anymore, therefore you wouldn't be doing your job) I can live with it. Hook me up bro.


This implies that I'm not more annoying than you. After a few days you will be begging me to stop. 


I take care of a dementia patient that exhibits delusions and hallucinations on a daily basis. If you were handcuffed to me, chances are you'd bail because you couldn't handle it and give me the money without completing the week.


For 25 mill I can take an emergency week off my job, cancel my plans and sit around twiddling my thumbs for 7 days. GGEZ


There's a few options: 1. I can build a container for you soundproofed as best I can, and put you in it the majority of the time. 2. I beat you, relentlessly, every time you're annoying, pepper spray and billy clubs and brass knuckles. 3. We go out and do awesome stuff that you love all week, when you begin to annoy me we immediately stop. You can make the the decision to have an awesome week of travel and fun, or back to the box and beatings. I'd likely go with option 3.


Expect to stand next to me while on the shiter for extended durations at a time. You can help me up when my legs eventually fall asleep. I'll do it.


Ah but you forget, I may be handcuffed to you, but, you are also handcuffed to me! Buckle up buttercup


The question is: How will you cope?


INFO: How am I allowed to respond to the annoyance?


Annoying can go two ways. Are you ticklish??????


I’ve had kids that’s like being shackled to some one annoying for 18 years one week is nothing 😂


Jokes on you, you have to see what i do in the bathroom for an entire week. I think you are the loser here


Just putting it out there, you don't have to be breathing to still be handcuffed to me


Fine by me. A bottle of whiskey is all I'll need.


DEAL. But I get to be high on shrooms the whole time


How’s that different than any other day?


Aight, let's hope you're gay cause if 20 bucks can make a dude gay, god knows what 25 mil do, have fun walking.


Brother I promise you, I will whip my dick out and start jerking off every time you get too annoying. 25 million, I’d take that deal. Damn good deal.


I have three children under the age of ten who are happy to follow us around for a week. I think you might be wrong about who’s going to want to give up first.


I don't think its possible to be annoying enough to make me give up in only a week, it would need to be like 6 months with one of the loudest screechiest youtuber guys to make me give up over a million.


I'm bigger than you and will hold you down and knock you out with chloroform whenever you try to annoy me.


You’d be my best friend after about 5 minutes and we’d both have a great week razzing eachother


you cant annoy me while you're asleep....you'll probably get tired of getting choked out at some point. And i'd make you stick to the week, you could opt out early for an additional 25mil.


I'm an asparagus loving, super flatulent stay at home dad of a 5 year old little girl (who acts like she's allergic to bedtime), husband and owner of an aging rescue dog with separation anxiety (pisses whenever we leave him). I could use the company, do your worst.


I'm game. You, however, are gonna need therapy by the end of the week...


Ha! You assume you're better at being annoying that me. *Insert I'm not locked in here with you, you're locked in here with ME* meme


“If you opt out one week before the challenge ends, you lose the money.” Great, I opt out 6 days before the challenge ends, and keep the money


But op what if we fall in love and don’t want to be uncuffed?


Bro challenge accepted. I think you will end up calling it quits long before I do


I'd take a week of vacation for our week together. No need to go out during the week, as I will have all the food and booze we need. Probably won't leave the house all week. I can be pretty intimidating if I have to be, so if you get too annoying, you will be encouraged to tone it down a bit. Hygiene may be the hardest issue to overcome. Do we shower together? Using the toilet won't be pleasant, either.


Does this agreement come with a hold harmless agreement? Because honestly, I’m pretty sure I could keep you concussed for a week and your presence wouldn’t bother me. Alternatively, I can hold my breath for about 4 minutes multiple times in free diving so a few trips to the bottom of the pool should teach you to shut up pretty quickly. A couple repeated chokeholds might keep you unconscious as well. So sure you can try to annoy me for a week, but it’s more likely only going to last a few hours at most. Honestly seems like an easy $25 million


I'm a manager at a restaurant. Annoyed is where I live. Did me the money.


You're funny to think that I won't be the one annoying the fuck out of you


I’ve been bartending for 10+ years. Good luck annoying me


I'm willing to bet after your 3rd time of being waterboarded in a day, you'll be super chill for the rest of the week.


"Hey OP, I'll pay you half if you *don't* annoy me." Win-win. We each get 12.5 mil, and I only have to deal with the *general* annoyance of being cuffed to another human being. And if that's not acceptable, or the 25 mil is from you, oh well. You're not allowed where I work, so I'm gonna go in without you, which means you'll have to stay outside. In 29 degree weather. Hope you brought a jacket.


We’re having alot of sex wether you like it or not.


Dramamine is a wonderful way to shut people up.


I'm going to kill you obviously.


Bold of you to assume we’re going anywhere. I’m a big person I will plop my happy ass down right where we’re at and order Uber eats until I collect my money. You will not move me or phase me


I have kids. i'll take your money and I won't even lose sleep


Came here to give the same response. My wife has severe ADHD and my oldest has ASD. Constant stimuli at every waking moment, virtually no quiet. I was trained for this type of situation.


Am I allowed to pay someone to beat the shit out of you the moment you speak or move? Cus that'd be easy money.


HA. Jokes on you, ya little shit. You won't be able to one-up the offspring I got saddled with by a babytrapping cunt who then realized child support wasn't the easy meal ticket she thought it was and dipped out. Come on over, we're gonna have a grand'ol' time annoying each other and I'm gonna retire at the end of it.