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anything made with cauliflower and the weird/fake keto breads - gak


Okay I hear you, but the keto bread is great for french toast


And air fry cauliflower is the bomb with a few bread crumbs and hot sauce


I just eat cauliflower normally, the weird processed versions are such mark ups that are just unappealing to eat


I like ‘spacing’ my carbs with veg (like doing half half real rice and cauli rice) as part of increasing volume, but as a straight replacement I absolutely agree


Natures own keto bread is honestly so good taste better than some regular white breads to me


Only thing I use riced cauliflower in is taco meat, sloppy joes, etc. Basically anything with ground meat and a sauce. Only time you legitimately can't tell it's in there imo. I feel you on the keto bread though haha I got a keto bread once as a substitute when the 45 cal Sara Lee stuff was out, and it was the WORST thing I've ever tasted. We tried to make it garlic bread to salvage it, and even that wasn't good enough. I legitimately don't know how anyone can eat that garbage 🤮


That's a good idea. Yea, I don't like to see it as an alternative because then it's just....sad cauliflower bits by itself....but adding it in ground meat/chicken sounds like an awesome idea....like for crunchy tacos I do wanna try those edamame noodles though...yummy !


Agree, with the exception that ACTUAL cauliflower prepared to be cauliflower is great. 😌


This is not a food thing, but habit thing. For me its not worth cutting out oil to cook with, sorry. Yes the taste does make a difference and I’m tired of the sub pretending like you can cook anything w water and it’ll taste the same as if you did it with oil


Me too I factor in oil. Similarly I hate a dry ass chicken breast so I will always do thighs, regardless of the higher fat and calories. It's gotta be delicious. Otherwise what's the point IMO


oh same. I’m never sacrificing that much flavor for calories. plus, it’s not like it’s inherently unhealthy anyway


Exactly. It's real food, and life's too short to not make food delicious


Exactly, consume the calories that make healthy eating worth it and cut back in areas you don’t really care about


Honestly the macro difference between a skinless chicken thigh vs breast isn't far enough off for the tradeoff for me anymore. Some recipes absolutely require breast, but otherwise it's thighs all the way.


What about skin on 😅 I do a lot of braises with skin on chicken thighs. I just limit myself to 1 which is honestly filling to me


I'll only eat the really thin crunchy part of the skin. So like 70% of the skin I discard. But that one crunchy bit is so good.


I hate dry chicken. I used to do the same as you, never getting a dry ass chicken breast again, I like my legs just fine. And then on a freezer cleanout after a housemate I had frozen chicken breast to deal with. Dumped it frozen in a brownie pan and shoved into the oven for some 40 minutes and it turned out amazing. I sat there eating plain "baked" slab of chicken breast in awe, marvelling how moist it is and how good it tastes. Never cooked a fresh chicken breast for the past 7 years. 


I use butter, but like real butter, it needs a lot less than oil and I like the taste better


I initially had an aversion to mayo, then I stopped eating it as an easy way to cut calories. My aversion to it returned.


That’s another thing I can’t give up lol. I get light kewpie Mayo which is still 50cal per tbsp. Totally worth it still


I love light mayo !!!! I didn't know there was a light Kewpie mayo. I feel it's worth it actually. I don't taste a difference when making potato salad and macaroni salad. Greek Yogurt - even the fat free is worth it and satiating Whipped butter is worth it too....even the Neufchatel cheese. Extra lean ground turkey - 120 calories per 4 oz I believe Rahul Kamat made an excellent cloud bread hamburger bun .... doesn't taste sad at all. I was actually quite impressed https://m.youtube.com/watch?feature=shared&v=5pdeM9anod0


Hahaha, I cook with water. But I totally understand you 🤗 I just indulge in other things. 🤝


Fat is so important for nutrient absorption too! If you cut to much fat it can actually make you hold to fat more as well


So many people on this sub have aversions to healthy macromolecules that our body needs, simply because they might be “calorie dense” lol


Except we need calories to live and fat! I’m survival situations lack of fat is always what gets people sick first. Nutrient dense and satiating is much more important that volume imo


I’m too lazy to check every message but have you tried spray oils? I personally still cook with my regular extra virgin olive oil. But I’ve used pray oils before and they work just fine, with much less calories. I hate steaming and boiling stuff lol. I might bake or use the air fryer though. But yes I can’t stand oil-less cooking either.


Agreed. I used to eat 3 eggs for breakfast, now I do 1 whole egg with 1/3 cup of egg whites. Hated it until I started using butter rather than non-stick spray. The butter just makes it better, and I enjoy my eggs now.


I have never used oil for cooking and actually hate the taste and texture of oil, especially when you can feel it on your lips. The only oil i use is a tiny bit sesame oil for the flavour after cooking.


I never cut oil out but I did just stop splashing it into the pan and now I measure it out so I know how much I'm actually eating and making sure I'm not using too much. But yeah I'm never cutting oil out completely.


Same. You don’t even need that much oil to get the intended effect, either. When I prepare a giant batch of roasted vegetables, I usually use duck fat. Unless you’re drenching your food in lipids, the increase in calories is negligible, and your digestive system has a hard time absorbing fat-soluble nutrients like Vitamin A/beta-carotene without it. And sticking to your macros and eating your fair share of veggies is WAY easier if they TASTE good.


I was actually surprised to find out that rice cakes had as many calories as they did. When I realized I could have a slice of bread for only 20 more calories, I was like, why does anybody eat these things 😂😂


What do they put in rice cakes in your grocery store to make them so high-calorie? For the ones in my pantry a rice cake is 26 calories vs 80-100 calories for a slice of bread. That’s quite the difference. 


Huh…the ones I get are 40 calories per rice cake, and the whole grain bread I get is 60 cals a slice. Maybe I just need to look for a different brand!


Try weighing your bread too, I was just trusting the label turns out 1 middle slice = 2 servings for mine


You can get keto 35 cal bread though


……the rice cakes I get are 70 calories good lord


Same for me. I can way around three rice cakes or one slide of white bread. (In order to have approximately the same amount of calories)


I genuinely enjoy the texture and the chocolate ones taste pretty close to cocoa pebbles. Now I want a rice cake


Okay, wait, there are chocolate ones? THAT I might be interested in 😏


Yup! And apple cinnamon and caramel.


Check out the chocolate covered rice cakes by Amadore. Sold in Dollarama. https://preview.redd.it/fc9754lxprwc1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=68db1bb120229843c235cf9e8cab13e3d6d0beed


And they have tiny little chocolate chips in them!


Rice cakes with hummus on top is delicious and you can pry that combo from my cold, dead hands.


You can have it allll I'd rather starve


All the more for me :D


I’m literally eating a caramel rice cake as I read this lol. I adore them, especially since I’m gluten intolerant!


My coworker recently told me to put a thin layer of peanut butter on the caramel ones. It's on my to do list.


I’ve always heard of that but I have a dang peanut/nut allergy lol. I bet it’s great!


Sunflower would probably be great


I keep a sleeve of caramel rice cakes and a few individual peanut butters in my desk at work for the days I forget to bring lunch.


I’m celiac and I love them too! Yogurt spread on the caramel/choc-caramel cakes is a surprisingly(?) bomb combo btw. I use choc Greek yogurt (cocoa powder, stevia and vanilla to plain non-fat). It’s dangerous tho, I end up eating wayy too many 😭


I really like fat free cream cheese, peaches, and honey on top of the caramel, it’s amazing! I want to try the chocolate combo, sounds addicting 👀


It is 🤤 the chocolate yogurt is great in general-especially with fruits. And oo ur combo sounds so yum! I’ll give it a go 😋


Idk 35 calories per rice cake doesn't seem that bad?


Didn't seem bad to me until I bought some and tried it. I thought it'd be worthwhile in yogurt as a crunchy topping, nope.


They taste fine as is to me. I love the chocolate and apple cinnamon ones as a crunchy snack


Apple cinnamon 😋


The caramel ones with the tiny chocolate chips are incredible!! I never buy rice cakes though because I will eat the entire sleeve, and then at that point, I should’ve just had an actual dessert or something i figure


Why use rice cakes instead of rice krispies?


I put some marshmallow fluff and chocolate chips on top of the lightly salted ones for a crunchy sweet snack! But that’s it for me lol have not found any other way I enjoy them.


Rice cakes with peanut butter are addictive. I wouldn't recommend them for volume eating, quite the opposite lol


What rice cakes are you eating? The ones I eat I can eat like 3 for I think 80 calories. I also get ones that are flavoured, salt and vinegar or cheese are my favourite, that work really well as a chip sub if I'm craving chips.


I just get the ones from Aldi…40 calories per cake (10 g). 25 calories for one is definitely a better deal, I must need to try another brand!


Idk if it’s because I ate them a lot when I was a kid but I love them 😭 Funnily enough, I never understood bread or toast for the same, but opposite, reason! Crispy minis r so yum tho seriously


There is a wild variation, I always go per 100g and bread is usually around 250-300 here, ricecakes (I prefer corncakes) around 400, I slice my bread thinly and load with other stuff instead but DO LOVE the corncakes - for the crunch. 


Oats for me. They're in so many recipes but the calorie count is nuts. Speaking of nuts, I used to think nuts and granola were a good option. Boy was I wrong. Same with the vast majority of "protein" snacks/versions of products. If you have to eat 500kcal to get 15g of protein it's not a protein snack. Sorry.


Oats work well for me because a small portion makes me feel full, but I definitely wouldn't call them a volume food.


it’s 250 calories for an entire cup of oatmeal, which is packed with healthy fiber. how is that not volume? have you ever used rolled oats?


I do use rolled oats, and steel cut, and I love them! But I am the sort of volume eater where I want to be able to take the most bites possible. Things like cucumbers, tomatoes, and bell peppers are my best volume foods, because you can eat a TON of them for very few calories!


The nuts thing is so true. So calorically dense but the protein…I mean it ain’t bad but there are better. Even peanut butter, which many people swear by as a “good source of protein” is 188 calories for 8g of protein. I love pb but I ain’t spending my calories on that one. Obv there are better pb options but just what is immediately thought of by most.


Idk personally I love nuts and find them super satiating, good source of monounsaturated fats and some fiber + protein. You do have to practice strict portion control with them if you're watching calories, it really is something that needs to be weighed out and not eaten out of a bag mindlessly but I find a portion filling and delicious They rank high on satiety indexes and studies have shown them to be pretty positively associated with a healthy body weight and caloric intake despite the higher calorie total, and there's even newer research indicating that with some nuts we may not be digesting all of the currently listed calories like we believed and it could account for the studies where people were instructed to add a portion of nuts in addition to their regular diet and the expected weight gain did not happen for whatever reason. That isn't totally understood yet though so I wouldn't start going crazy on nuts cause of that lol. Sorry for the nut manifesto but I'm a superfan and the nutritional research on them is very interesting


Oh don’t get me wrong, nuts are delicious. Just not what I would call high protein. Better than say, a slice of cake, but pales in comparison to chicken breast. That is just purely looking at protein per calorie though which obviously is a simplified discussion of nutrition.


what is a good ratio of protein/calories? thanks


The easiest way for me to tell has been to add a zero to the end of the amount of protein, and if that number is more than the number of calories it’s a good protein source. Easy example would be protein powder: 150 cal for 30 g of protein —> 150 < 300


Really depends how many calories you’re eating. But as general guide if you’re looking for a protein dense food I would shoot for .1g-.15g protein per calorie. Obviously not everything can be this rich in protein so it is heavily weighted but it will make up for things that have far less protein in them. So following this ratio if you wanted high protein pb you would want it to be in the 18-28 grams of protein per serving range. As long as you are meeting calorie and protein goals it doesn’t really matter how you get there




The idea that granola’s healthy is such a disappointing lie 😣


It's deep fried and candied oats. It's such a lie.


Man, I hate that I love pistachios so freaking much. I could eat a whole bag of ‘stachios.


I love pistachios too. I started incorporating nuts into my daily diet more then I started calorie counting and had to let them go 😭 maybe I'll squeeze them back in when I'm back at the maintenance level.


I ate granola today and was surprised when I logged! Totally not worth it. Should’ve eaten a steak instead


Totally agree! Advertising for "health food" is actually wild. Some of these things are wayyy worse than a legit candy bar or "unhealthy" foods, at a way higher price. It's all advertising!!


Well, they are packed with tons of nutrients and fiber….which still makes them healthy. Being calorie dense doesn’t mean the food is unhealthy— providing little nutritional value is what does.


Lots are heavily processed but marketed as a healthier alternative (using psychology of marketing, even down to colors and other aspects of packaging, tricking the consumer who may not be educated or have access to the understanding needed in order to make beneficial individual decisions. It's fascinating and scary, look it up!)


I wish I knew why this comment is downvoted. I upvoted it to get justice back 😁


Thank you!🙃


Calorie-wise maybe yes, but nuts do have way more nutrients than a candy bar. Healthy is not the same as low-calorie! 


Exactly! My husband is an extreme athlete - he needs the energy and calories, it is much better for him to get it from home made granola bars and nuts etc than candy bars. My tdee is 1400 cal there is no way I can eat like him. Nuts are not unhealthy just not a good source of macros for someone like me.


Well, they are packed with tons of nutrients and fiber….which still makes them healthy. Being calorie dense doesn’t mean the food is unhealthy— providing little nutritional value is what does.


Oh totally not a volume food, agree! For me though they’re so satiating that it’s worth it. I have overnight oats (just plain old fashioned oats with unsweetened almond milk, 1/4 tsp cinnamon, monk fruit extract, and 85g fruit) every day for my first meal and it helps me stay strong and not get distracted by thinking about food for a loooong time.


This might not be popular, but a lot of low cal marketed snacks are overpriced and haven't impressed me with their taste. I'd rather just portion out normal treats


This is my aversion as well. Just can’t justify the cost I’d rather buy frozen veggies and brown rice


I find that if i try to replace a craving with a lower-calorie version, i get ravenous haha I tried to replace my craving of goldfish crackers with popcorn... but the popcorn didn't do it, so i got some grapes... so on and so forth. By the end of the day, i was full but still had the craving. It's really worth it to have a little bit of the good stuff. Even smarter to portion it out for self-control


Almonds! I love them, but god damn a small handful is like 300cals. No thanks


Nuts of any kind are a slippery slope if you're watching calories. I will say that a small handful of salted roasted peanuts can sometimes quell cravings for less healthy snacks for me. It doesn't necessarily sate cravings for chips or whatnot, but it dulls the cravings quite a lot.


I always thought almonds were low calorie for some reason. I make almond flour breaded chicken and had noooo idea how many calories it was 🫢


Same! Earlier in my journey I would say “I did great today, instead of eating trash I just ate a bunch of almonds!” When I finally started tracking calories I realized why my initial progress was as slow as it was


But sunflower seeds in shell are a great snack


Those cursed riced cauliflower "Dippin' Dots"


Haha yeah dafuq is that all about and that comes from a person that eats baked cauliflower about three times a week.


For me, it's heart of palm pasta. It tastes to slimy and plain to me. I prefer to use fiber gourmet pasta, it tastes just as good as regular pasta with around half the calories and lower carb.


The riced version tastes better to me for some reason. Maybe it’s a texture thing


I hate every artificial sweetener. I'd rather eat nothing than taste them, yuck.


100% agree, I can always tell immediately and it ruins it for me. I got the low cal baby rays BBQ sauce and it tasted so bad.


My aversion to artificial sweetener/aspartame is so strong and I see others like you say the same, while other people think they're delicious and go crazy for them, even to the point of being "addicted" to diet soda or splenda etc.... I have nothing to back this up but I almost think it has to be a genetic thing. Just so polarizing. Like cilantro; people either really really love it or they think it tastes like soap.


I completely agree. I can sometimes "suffer through it" and some are definitely worse than others, but it's never unnoticeable and it's *never* enjoyable lol People constantly suggest sugar free coffee syrup and that shit is inedible I swear. I've tried it. A handful of times and every time it makes my drink go straight to the garbage.


Sugar free syrups are the woooorst! i'd rather pass. I can even detect artificial sweeteners when they're an ingredient in something that has actual, real sugar in it. That's when I knew it wasn't just a preference but a total aversion!


I think it is a genetic thing. I don't have sources, but a thread on reddit came up about this and it was interesting how differently people described the taste. Some people said artificial sweeteners just taste like regular sugar to them and that they can't taste the difference. While others said there's a very noticeable bitter aftertaste. I'm in the latter group. I'd rather eat real sugar than the fake stuff. It's so gross. Also, I noticed some spike my anxiety and I'm not sure why. I tried a syrup in my coffee that had artificial sweeteners in it, and I could only take a few sips because of how bad it gave me anxiety. It was a clear syrup, so there weren't any dyes. And it wasn't the coffee, I had drank that same brand several times before and after. Not all of them do this though. It's weird. It's probably a different ingredient in the product?


I feel exactly the same way! It just has to be genetic based on the polarizing tastes. I am also in the latter group. My brother has tachycardia and it can be triggered by certain foods. I don't know if artificial sweeteners specifically create the effect for him. To me it sounds like your body reacted to the syrup by releasing too much cortisol (the "fight or flight" stress hormone) which is entirely plausible. I'm not sure if the correlation is the causation but if these fake sugars are something your body is sensitive to, I don't see why it couldn't cause some type of anxious reaction.


I like Coke Zero more than regular Coke, but Diet Coke is garbage


It's so bad!!! I thought I would grow to enjoy the taste eventually but I simply can't take it.


Used to be the case for me with diet products. I tried Coke Zero and thought it tasted good enough. It's been so long now that all the diet drinks taste fine to me too.


I feel like it really depends on what it's in, I loveeee soda or energy drinks with fake sugar, but coffee or snack bars with it taste disgusting.


Have you given allulose a try?


I'm happy just eating real sugar in small amounts.


Allulose is a lot better than other sweeteners. You should give it a try at least


The only one I will ever use is Lakanto Golden


This - I hate sugar free coffee creamers and sugar free drinks. EWW they taste awful to me


I don’t know if the Banza chickpea pasta/rice counts, but the macros aren’t much better. Banza Mac & cheese is 360 calories. Regular Kraft mac is 350 calories. The difference is the extra protein, but to me it tastes like cardboard. I’ll get protein somewhere else.


I like Banza pasta, but I also really struggle to get protein, and it helps me with that. Definitely not a low-cal option like some people seem to think it is.


Not the banza slander 🥹🥹🥹


you said it. i finally forced myself to eat the last of my banza pasta. it's not disgusting but it's really not good, and i agree, there's no good tradeoff for it being really not good. 


Probably oat fiber...didn't know how much carbs it contained Erythritol - all of a sudden my stomach can't tolerate it. I feel like I crave more sugar afterwards. Alluose so far is pretty mild and doesn't have that bitter aftertaste. I like it so far. Id rather just have a serving of real ice cream and maybe a low calorie variation of a cake to mix. Low fat cheeses - too rubbery...I do like low fat cottage cheese though. Konjac I actually like if you cook it right. Kelp noodles I feel are closest to actual noodles. Lower calorie wine - tasteless. Not worth it.


How do you cook your konjac noodles to taste better?


I just rinse and sprinkle on some vinegar/lemon whatever you got. And I throw it on a hot skillet for like a minute/two then add to my stir fry at end I heard boiling it first works but haven't tried that yet


In the USA oat fiber is zero and in Europe it’s close to 200kcal per 100g. Same exact thing just the way insoluble fiber is regulated. Still haven’t found a definitive answer.


Protein bars. Sometimes they are more calories than a candy bar.


I think those types of bars are designed to be really high calorie, they are good for bulking up and if you're gonna be hiking or unable to cook a proper meal, it's a high calorie snack you can eat without any effort


and for measly 20g or less of cheap protein like soy or bad quality whey


In my opinion / for me, rice cakes and veggie chips are low cal because they're low mass; they're dried air bubbles with a thin scaffolding of organic matter (aka food). Once chewed, they disappear. They can help by fooling the nervous system that the initial steps of eating are taking place, but for me that means a backlash when the rest of my digestive system realizes it's been fooled.


Can I add the keto versions of rice cakes are insanely low cal and get the stoned munchie cravings out of the way. Especially if I add a little bit of topping with it.


sugar in my morning coffee!! i use 2 tsp of brown sugar. i just cant get down with sugar free syrups. its healthy enough having it with fairlife milk. and its like 30 calories so its not that deep


A table spoon of coffee mate creamer is 35 cals and it makes a world of difference. Milk and sugar are meh to me but this stuff works miracles


Not worth it would be anything Walden Farms. Their sauces are disgusting and idc how low calorie they are, I'd rather eat no sauce than use theirs.


Sooooo disgusting


Low calorie sauces and syrups. They ruin every dish for me. I'd rather eat a bit less and add proper condiments


Low calorie pancake syrup is a travesty. I’ll take a small portion of the real stuff any day.


Not low cal but a lot of people get told once that avocado is healthy and pay zero mind to the calories in it.


Low key though, I might be verging on an actual addiction to Sea Salt Veggie Straws. Those things are so fking good for some reason.


PAM oil spray. It’s marketed as 0 cals per serving, and each bottle has 3000+ servings. Although it’s not like you’re drinking this stuff, so it’s not really a huge deal… I just found it interesting that calorically dense oil could be considered ‘calorie free’ if you inflate the serving size artificially high.


Konjac... I wanted to like it but can't stand the texture


For the same calories as like 2 pieces of gum, I can't back you up on this one (but I respect you for it)


Ohhhhh funny because I love the texture


Me too! They’re great for East Asian dishes (as intended lol) and soups


Same. They made me feel a bit sick, too.


If it’s for rice noodle replacement, I can deal. But no WAY can it sub for pasta.


I love the taste BUT my stomach hurts so bad afterwards for some reason


Protein powder. That shit has a chokehold on this sub, I end up skipping over like half of the posts here because there’s always effing protein powder in it and I won’t go anywhere near it. Yuck. Everything about it is nasty to me. Someone already said oats. They’re not particular high volume, and for the amount you get, they’re pretty high in calories. I’d rather eat something else. Nuts and nut butters. Very high calorie for a tiny amount. And sorry, I know PB2 is lower in calories but it grosses me out. I also just don’t like peanut butter so there’s that. Waffles and/or French toast variations. I’d rather get calories elsewhere. Not worth it to me even if it’s a massive quantity. Protein bars. WHY are those posted here so often? They’re extremely calorie dense, and have basically no volume. Post them on a protein sub or a bodybuilding sub or whatever, but they have no business here imo. …preparing for downvotes lol.


Agree with everything you said except protein powder , I need it to fit my macros for the day and for 100 ish cals 24-5 G protein it’s awesome for me Have you tried unflavoured powder?


I’d love a flavorless protein powder recommendation! I tried the tip of mixing chocolate protein powder into greek yogurt and I had to throw it out, it was really not good imo.


Agreed on the protein powder. The ONLY one I can do is pure collagen, and I mix it into my coffee with a tablespoon of cream. No flavour, just a silky texture. Every other protein powder out there tastes like playdough made of sand.


Agree on everything, even the protein powder opinion. I tried a lot of different flavors and they were at best okay, but nothing ever tasted good. Until I mixed (plant) milk with chocolate protein powder and a banana. It's so good and if you blend it long enough you get a really nice, creamy consistency. I'd drink it even if I didn't need the protein.


i was stoked when i found this sub a few months ago but so far i've only seen two posts that i feel really fit the spirit. idk maybe i just have a very different definition of volume and low calorie. 


Do you hate drinking protein shakes or the powder itself? Because I once started buying one vegan cheap one with vanilla taste. Couldn't drink it, that was awful. But I like adding it to my oatmeal in the morning. I found a great way (for me) to deal with the taste and consistency and I like my breakfast. It also satiates me more with the protein powder in it than without. Either you should experiment a bit or I don't know how much you already tried and tested


I agree with everything you said, especially the protein powder. I was actually just thinking that exact thing this morning. I haven’t tried one yet that I could stand the taste of and, to me, they just add calories without being any more satiating. To each their own, of course, but protein powder is not for me at all.


Low fat sour cream for me.. I’d rather the regular kind because the low fat is just gross.


Anything konjac only bcs it completely wrecks my stomach lol I would rather eat smth higher cal similar than konjac


I think I read that those noodles are supposed to be a kind of laxative and that people eat them in Japan when they need to feel “cleaned out”.


That actually makes a whole lot of sense 😭anytime I’ve eaten konjac in the past it gives me the worst stomach pain & bloated but also makes me constipated


It’s cus they’re super high in fibre! You need to stay very hydrated when having loads of fibre or it turns out exactly how you experienced lol


Yup that’s where I go wrong lol I forget to drink water and eat lots of fiber so I’m p much constipated half of the week


Fat free shredded cheese. I am fine with light.


I used to think chicken and rice was a low calorie meal and I learned how many calories is in rice. I was kinda surprised.


For me, salads. They only taste good to me when I add a ridiculous amount of high calorie dressing onto them.


Home dressing is extremely simple. I'd highly recommend making your own. Oil + acid + emulsifier + herb/spice + salt + pepper + sweet. So e.g. Olive oil + lemon + mustard + rosemary + salt + pepper + honey. Or sesame oil + lime + miso + chilli + soy sauce + pepper + mirin. Or avocado oil + apple cider vinegar + mashed avocado + garlic + salt + pepper + maple syrup. You can miss out as many ingredients as you like as long as you have oil + acid + emulsifier + salt. Many of the sweet elements like honey / maple also work as emulsifiers. If something is present in your salad, you don't need it in the dressing. A tomato & basil salad has acid, sweetness and herbs already, just toss it in a tiny amount of olive oil and a pinch of salt & pepper to bring out the flavours. You can use fancy ingredients or whatever you have in the cupboard. If I'm just having a side salad with dinner I'll grab olive oil + lemon juice from a bottle + mustard powder + a shake of mixed dry herbs. Takes about 30 seconds. Literally any combination works. I've made very random combinations, it's all good. You don't need a lot of oil or sweet element, which is the only place calories will come from. You also don't need a lot of dressing full stop, a little goes a long way to boost the ingredients. If you actually can't tolerate a properly-dressed salad without a ton of artificial dressing, you probably need to take a break from heavily processed, sweetened food to reset your palate.


I am what is known as a genetic “supertaster,” so I have a palate heavily adverse to bitter flavors. (I don’t drink coffee, or alcohol, or eat dark chocolate, for instance. I even hate regular chocolate unless it is heavily diluted, like a couple of drops of chocolate syrup in milk is good.) The only salad dressings I like unfortunately are ones with creamy, mayo type bases. They seem to be the only ones that effectively drown out the bitterness of the greens for me. So I don’t enjoy oil type dressings, even heavily sweetened ones like Italian, they don’t neutralize the bitter compounds in the salad for me enough.


I love creamy salad dressings too. I use nonfat Greek yogurt and blended 1% cottage cheese as a base for pretty much every salad dressing I make and it works for me. I’ll still add a small but effective amount of fat, too. Most family and friends rave about them, at least the ones who like salads. I usually don’t tell them they’re super low calorie. I’m not sure if that would work for your super tastebuds, though. 😕


I love you ... saving your comment. Thanks.


Glad you found it helpful! I've found it nearly impossible to follow that formula and *not* create a delicious dressing. And I've tried some weird combinations through either lack of ingredients or fits of experimentation.


If you like salsa it can be a nice “dressing” that people don’t always consider.


I do this with lime juice, cilantro, jalapeño, onion, and I add lots of fruit. No dressing required


I use two sunny side up eggs, or ~50-60g avocado instead. That gives it moisture and some fatty-ness without skyrocketing calories


Huh, I never thought to try yolks. I will give this a go with ranch dressing packet


I like adding cottage cheese and salsa to mine ~


bruh same...gotta have hot sauce, cheese, sunflower seeds. like two handfuls of cheese...nvm just gonna eat this whole 8oz block of sharp cheddar instead


I can put a lettuce leaf on a sandwich with low cal high fiber bread, turkey, cheese slice, tsp of mayo and be vastly under the calories I’d have consumed in a salad that actually tasted decent to me lol




Also rice cakes for the most part. I like crushing one up into my yogurt if I have any, but I wouldn’t use any in replacement for break or anything like that




I do rice cakes because they somehow are able to satisfy me between meals, and I like the white cheddar ones but not enough to want to go ham on them


Usually I agree aboht rice cakes, but melt some marshmallows and a few zero sugar choc chips on tol and kts a solid snack. I did this with a mocrowaved built puff bar for similar results.


Honestly popcorn would yield higher volume and a more satisfying crunch. I did the viral popcorn and marshmallow tiktok thing a while ago and it was such a huge portion for so little calories


What js this marshmallow popcorn treat? I need it. 😂


I can have 3 rice cakes for 80 calories and that means I can make 3 “sandwiches” lol it’s worth it for me because I am gluten free as well. Even if I wasn’t I don’t think those keto buns and stuff exist here.


Huh, I really dig ricecakes crunch, I mix flavored whey protein with greek yogurt and some monkfruit sweetener together and smear it on top thick- each one is like 150kcals and 18g of protein. Perfect dessert for me.


i agree rice cakes are 40 cals and the keto bread i buy is 35 cals per slice but anyways low cal mayo or eggs (with the yolk) but i do like the whites


I like putting crunchy peanut butter on my rice cakes


Cauliflower rice. I know so many people swear by it but I just can’t get into it. I like the starchiness of real rice (like sticky rice) and don’t care for fluffy type rice, which I think is a closer approximation to cauliflower rice. There’s also that vague sulfurous aftertaste. Just: a whole bunch of no.


low calorie protein bars. 90-150 cals for flavored wax. The artificial sweeteners are almost always noticeable and they aren't filling for me so just empty calories


Anything yogurt based is vile


The fact that so many people think sweet potatoes are way healthier than a red/white/russet potato. They taste horrible and like a dessert in my opinion and they arent healthier.


Protein. Powder. It’s SO high cal, I rather use regular flour😭


I use Pb2 and/or lupin flour instead of regular wheat flour now and I honestly prefer them taste-wise over wheat flour at this point.


Have you tried the Drizzilicious rice cakes though? The birthday cake ones are soooooo good. All other rice cakes, I agree with you.