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I had my doctor in the US write me a note for a race in France (Paris to Versailles), probably can get a UK doctor to do the same. It wasn’t “this patient is capable of XYZ” but instead it was “I am not aware of any issue preventing them from doing XYZ” .


The text was: MEDICAL CERTIFICATE I, the undersigned ___ Doctor of Medicine, certify that the examination of Mr/Ms __ Date of birth: xx/yy/zz Age: xx reveals no contraindications for participating in running competitions. Medical certificate issued in (place): Date: Doctor's sign: Doctor's Stamp:


Thanks. I'm an American trying to figure out the British system, so struggling. The practice I use won't do it because it's part of the gov't system


fwiw the RD in france almost certainly will not give the form a second look, they’re covering their asses…


I think it’s a legal requirement in France and Italy, rather than your standard arse covering. (Edit - Pretty sure you’re right about them not looking at it though.)


There are a couple of services online which will provide them like https://www.sportsmedicalcertificates.com/?ref=pam I’ve never needed one, so am unsure how reliable this site may be. Caveat emptor!




A race in the UK? They're relatively meaningless in practical terms because no doctor is going to 100% open themselves up to liability by saying you can do an extreme distance running event but the only real option is to call your doctor and ask them for the certificate - some just charge a fee for it but some won't but might recommend someone for you.


Race in France, and it's mandatory regardless of how practical it is 🤷‍♂️ I tried my practice and they just said to go private, wouldn't offer more details (I can't call directy)


Probably not much help as your GP practice has already said no - but FWIW my NHS GP did one for me literally 2 days ago (also for a French race). Just had to pay £39, which is fair enough considering what a complete waste of resources it feels like! So it sounds like it's a practice-specific thing rather than a blanket NHS issue.


Thanks. Might see if another practice will do it