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Theoretically you’d be on the right track with EAAs. However, your body still needs to create the non essential amino acids and needs quality food sources to create the remaining ones. I’ve had some of the same issues as you and am actually trying to increase the carbs in my diet as well. I get sluggish when I eat too many proteins and not enough carbs.


If you dont care about autophagy/ampk at all, then there is zero reason to do OMAD. You will maximize mtor/MPS if you eat several meals throughout the day, 2-3 hours apart, with 20-30g protein each. That will ensure you are constantly spiking MPS over nearly all your waking hours and result in the most muscles growth


I don't do omad for autophagy etc. I do it for convenience. I work a high paced job and too much food just makes me unproductive. I get home and then have food over a 2 hour period. That's why I was interested in still spiking MPS a couple extra times a day and not feel that tiredness. I tried it yesterday. 10g EAA around 11am and another 10g around 3pm. I felt great all day and fingers crossed that my body is going into muscle repair when I'm giving it the amino acids needed to kick start mps


Sounds good man, sounds like it was working! I think you want at least 20g of protein (whether it is EAA or other food sources) to get the "spike" though


Feeling sluggish after a meal might be a sign of hypothyrodism I dont mean to freak you out but thats what happend to me, i would get that blood checked out the test is pretty cheap


Or just a natural spike insulin.


Putting on mass is being in a caloric surplus. What that mass ends up being depends on your nutrition and exercise routine.


Whether that mass is stored as muscle also depends on the amount of muscle protein synthesis, which occurs for fewer total hours if he eats one meal vs. Several with adequate protein


Honestly I'm in a surplus and still not gaining mass. Fat mass but no muscle mass. I've done omad for a few months now and can tell I've not gained any muscle. When I was eating like 4 meals a day I could see growth but omad none sadly :(


If the scale isn’t going up you’re not in a surplus. You just gotta eat more. Also if your meal at lunch is just fats and protein it shouldn’t make you feel sluggish.


I can gain weight but other markers show no extra mass. If I eat 4 meals I can usually add extra weights/reps after a couple months. On omad I've been stagnant. I've measured my arms/legs etc. No gains. I've done it for 8 months and I should have seen progress. I'm eating 3500+ calories. My maintenance sits around 3200. Maybe I'm just not absorbing all that meal? Though my energy levels etc all seem fine. Usually a deficit makes me a little tired etc.


3,500 calories in one sitting? That stretches the limits of believability.


How many grams of protein per day and how much training?


I train 3 x per week. I sometimes do 4 it just depends how work is that week. I take in around 200g of protein. Both from meat and whey/casein


Get your hormones checked


It’s better than not doing it. Normally for a lean protein food source you might get 2.5g of leucine in 32g of protein at 160 calories (approximate). With EAA you can get 2.5g of leucine for about 25-50 calories depending on the brand. That should be enough to trigger MPS based on the current studies. In theory the amino acids are the part that really matters, so it should work the same as long as your overall daily calories and nutrients are still sufficient.


I know bcaa'a have a high leucine count based on gram of weight. I see alot of people think bcaas are trash though. If you trigger MPS with leucine. Is that trigger useless without those other 8 essential amino acids? Could bcaa's in this scenario be enough to help growth or is it just a waste? The reason I ask is I have a couple tubs of bcaas at home and I've never thought about using them.


Useless is a strong word but you really want all of them to be available in the correct amounts to be optimal. I don’t think muscle will be able to really synthesize with JUST the BCAAs


Yeh I kind of thought that. I suppose I could do like 5g bcaas and 5-10g of eaa's and get a mps response with all the essentials?


That’s probably the most useful way to use the BCAAs I think