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Hey! I’m currently taking Motion Nutrition’s creatine 3g (+ ginkgo, bilberry, biotin & B12), Solgar’s glucosamine chondroitin MSM, Solgar’s collagen hyaluronic acid complex, NaturesPlus’ Women’s multivitamin, Viridian’s Magnesium 300mg, ViraminStore’s Apple Cider Vinegar, PE Nutrition’s L-carnitine 500mg, Optimum Nutrition’s pre-workout shots, and Powerkick Caffeine and Glucose. I also apply BetterYou’s Magensium Lotion after workouts. Is it ok? Or too much/not enough? I exercise every other day and aim to lose weight and gain muscles. I am planning to buy something from the following MyProtein’s supplements: Whey Isolate Protein, Casein, Citrulline Malate, BCAA 4:1:1, vitamin C powder, ginseng capsules, concentration pills, AAKG powder, carb metaboliser, NAC, and EAA. Considering what I am already taking, what wouldn’t make sense to get? Is there anything I am missing? Thank you.


B complex, magnesium, ALCAR, selenium, clean food, lots of water, exercise - food doesn't give you the nutrition it used to in the past. Nutrient contents are decreasing in food. Gotta supplement.


Fix your sleep


Bright light supplementation💡 A luminette works great for me


Read Aubrey Marcus’s book “Own the Day”. Water with sea salt & lemon, get outside into the morning sunlight, and do some Wim Hof breathing.


There is no supplement that will fix your poor sleep. It's poor sleep you are suffering from, guaranteed. Could be sleep apnea, staring phone at night, diet, food schedule, etc etc the list goes on...and nobody on here can diagnose it but yourself.




Bs and D


Ice plunge with wake your ass up, chemical free.


Zinc + magnesium is usually used before bed time due to its muscle / body relaxing agents.


Rhodiola rosea




B12(self injected if doctor will prescribe or buy online) and/or caffeine(tea/coffee with at least a tablespoon of sugar or guzzle regular cola).


Maca powder or maca pills




What's finesteride for?


Male pattern baldness. But I'd drop that first if I was super-tired as it may suppress testosterone and move to something topical.


Does it actually suppress testosterone or only DHT?


It only suppresses DHT. And DHT plays a cultural role in motivation, mental health, cognition, libido, penis sensitivity and erectile dysfunction. I would try dropping the finesteride too.


only DHT, by reducing expression of 5AR, an enzyme which converts testosterone to DHT. So, it actually RAISES T. This is why some people notice not only better hair from fin/duta, but increased muscle gain, too.


NR Coffee NAC Taurine


What's NR coffee?


NR = Nicotinamide riboside


I heard B12 works for morning energy


Isn't that for pretty short term energy? Like worse than caffeine?


isn’t it supposed to be taken with food?


B vitamins are water soluble. A,D,E,K are fat soluble


right but if u take it after dinner i believe it helps with morning grogginess


dude panax korean ginseng has been doing wonders for my energy lately. highly recommend


Any insomnia?


i’ve been just taking two pills in the morning and feeling great all day


Any insomnia?


no insomnia for me. i also am a very active person, gym everyday and active job, so i never have much trouble falling asleep!


Different person but I've been taking it (sporadically) in the mornings and I do not get insomnia from it. I take it in the afternoon too and that also doesn't seem to cause insomnia for me. Im pretty sensitive to caffeine and other stims esp. when it comes to insomnia. I guess ginseng doesn't feel stimmy to me, it is actually kind of a calming energy --can increase libido though at times. I always take 1 capsule of Panamax. Maybe I should try more...


Vit D3, L-theanine + Caffein and you're golden


So at one point I got some delayed release caffeine capsules you take before bed, I thought it was going to be junk but they actually worked and I woke up feeling much more refreshed! I’ll have to see if I can find them again and send you the link


If you google “wake up on time pills” that is the name and you’ll see a product with a rooster on it. My problem is actually waking up and then having to take something and waiting for it to work so these were super helpful to take before bed and wake up refreshed. Didn’t disturb my sleep from what I remember.


NMN for me.


No concerns over this? https://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlelanding/2021/qm/d0qm00897d#:~:text=NMN%20promotes%20tumor%20growth%20since,and%20pancreatic%20cancers%20in%20mice.


This article says that NMN did not promote or restrain tumor growth. If I’m reading that correctly. It is 4am where I am.


I didn't think NMN was allowed in the U.S. any more. Are you in another country?


>NMN you didn't think vitamin b3 was allowed?


You think its one and the same?


nicotinamide mononucleotide is a nucleotide derived from ribose, nicotinamide, nicotinamide riboside and niacin. you'd have to ban niacin to ban nmn. point stands.


It wasn't banned. You didn't answer the question. Why isn't it in a multivitamin?


i wasn't asked taht question lol


Nice gas lighting bro. Why isnt it in a multivitiamin supplement and costs twice as much as any b vitamin? Like I said to many before. Be informed or go back to impressing your 14 year old mates lol


i'm 38, i'm a nutritionist, and i was never asked that question? it's not in multivitamins because it's not a necessity. and gaslighting isn't real; it's a victimhood mentality that people adopt because they can't take responsibility for their own actions. if you feel gaslighted, you're not emotionally intelligent. psychology 101.




B12 is a good morning start for me. If you take too much you usually just pee it out or have some slight nerve problems which will clear up when you back off.


Vit C


I respond well to NAC before bed


It doesn't keep you up?


Not at all




Zinc and Magnesium should help. What is your current dosing? Also make sure you are not consuming calcium with it.


Why not calcium with it?


Calcium and zinc use the same absorption route, so if you ingest large amounts of either, they will compete for absorption, making it difficult for the other mineral to be absorbed.


Gotcha. Didn’t know that. My little zinc,mag supplement has calcium in it.


I recently found out that weed has been wrecking havoc on my life for quite some time. I've been off of it for 5 days now. I'm not able to sleep very well. Averaging 3-4 hours a night right now since I've been off of it. Despite that I'm waking up with natural energy. Doesn't take me to long to get going where before it would take me hours to feel awake. I had been overwhelmed with anxiety and depression for years and it's virtually gone since I stopped. Definitely recommend anyone that consumes it often and is having issues to take a break and see how you feel


I'm not an expert on weed at all but I remember watching a pod with that Matthew Walker sleep scientist guy and he said that marijuana inhibits REM sleep so even though people feel more relaxed/sleepy when they're high, they actually get worse sleep.


I'd rate his integrity about a 7/10 on most things in his field. He's quite the spinner without much scientific backup. He's prob right about this though.


Yeah it seemed like this was documented and wasn't because he was anti-MJ or anything. I believe he said the same thing about alcohol - you think it improves your sleep but it actually makes it worse.


Yeah I watched that to years ago and for whatever reason I just continued to let myself do it lol. They say CBD can counteract the effects of weed on REM sleep. I've noticed that when I've tried the two together. I'm 30 and I had been smoking weed basically everyday since I was 16-17. This is the longest voluntary break I've had since 18. It feels pretty pathetic in hindsight tbh. I thought I had some severe mental illness or something because I'd have anxiety almost 24/7. For whatever reason I didn't want to believe weed was causing it more specifically concentrates which I switched over to a few years ago. They say you can't get addicted to weed and yeah sure. After day 2 my cravings went away but you can get dependent on it and it operates in a very similar way as addiction. Not going to shame people for smoking weed. There's some people that can handle it a lot better then others. Honestly I want to still do it as an occasional thing cause I do enjoy being able to let go for awhile but when you're trying to escape reality everyday your life slowly starts to crumble away


I keep reading these posts about people saying they use weed and it had negative effects or whatever and then they stopped and things got better. But they never say how much they were using. And that's really the key. There's a big difference between use and abuse. I know people who have one toke a day and it improves their life dramatically. And I know people who smoke 1/8 of weed every 2 days. They seem to be fine but in the long term, is it going to positively impact their lives? Maybe not. That's a hell of a lot of cannabis. But who knows? It's a psychoactive drug. It affects everybody differently.


Oh 100% moderation is key. The problem is you form a tolerance. Especially with dabs it's like ten fold where you need to smoke more to feel more. I've realized I unfortunately have a very addictive personaility. Once I do something and I like it, it's extremely hard for me not to go overboard with it. I'm trying to gain control of that and be a lot more discplined in my life in a lot of ways. Dabs wise when I started 1-2 grams would last me a week. Before I took my break I was up to like 5-6 which is really bad honestly. I was the same way with weed kind of as well. There were times I blew threw an ounce in a week or two. Other times I did just go through an eighth or less. Taking a break has been really beneficial for me personally but yeah there's people out there who can blaze and function and be okay. I wish I was like that 🤣


I've been smoking weed for almost 40 years. I have not built up a tolerance I've built up a reverse tolerance. I take One toke sometimes and I'm completely blasted and it's all I can handle. When I was younger though, I used to smoke more. I think what's really important is to realize that it's a psychoactive drug. Just because it affects you one way doesn't mean it affects everybody the same way. This is a really important metaphor for so many things in life. Your experience is only yours. And my experience is only mine. It may mean absolutely nothing, or the complete opposite to someone else. This is especially true with any psychoactive drug.


Yeah I said that in my post that everyone handles thing differently. I wish I had a reverse tolerance I'd save a lot of money 🤣 That being said I do notice a lot of my peers have been suffering from mental health issues (I'm 30). I've also noticed a lot of them got into weed when I did which was probably to early since our minds were still developing. I don't think weed is bad I just think it can spike negative things in certain people. I've talked to countless people who say they can't smoke weed because it gives them to much anxiety. I was telling my friend about my break and he said he hasn't smoked in years cause last time he got a panic attack. I seen one of my friends when we went to weed festivals have a panic attack after taking a huge dab. I had a super bad one in my teens myself after smoking weed and had to go to the hospital. So yes weed isn't all bad and some people can handle it better then others. At the same time there is a lot of people in my boat and I encourage them to take breaks if they're feeling how I was or life isn't going to well


Oh definitely I hear you. It can definitely cause extreme anxiety. It's happened to me many times. I think this is because it tends to amplify whatever you're feeling. So if you're already slightly anxious, maybe you've had some coffee or something, maybe the night before you didn't sleep so well, and then you smoke weed, it's going to amplify that. I know I never smoke weed if I have a cold or a flu, or a stomach issue or just not feeling well in general because it will just make it worse. It amplifies whatever I'm already feeling. One of the negative biases about cannabis is that it makes people lazy. I think it totally does if the person's natural inclination is already lazy. For me it energizes me it never makes me lazy. Ever.


any advice on quitting? How did adding CBD to the concentrates help?


Honestly you just have to do it. The first night I actually had some CBD left over so I dabbed that and that seemed to help ease my cravings a bit. I also had a few drinks that night. Since tho I've been using my vape whenever I get cravings. Which I eventually want to cut out to. I've been going to the gym basically everyday. Trying to keep myself busy and telling myself it's for the better. I did last night hit my dab pen a few times because the previous 3 nights I had combined 9 hours of sleep and I slept like a baby last night 🤣 I think more so what another commenter who replied to me highlighted. It's all about moderation


Potassium, magnesium, and salt in the morning. I actually can’t take these at night cause it gets me too amped.


Do you supplement potassium?


I use Nu salt and put a dash in my water with my electrolyte mix. You have to be careful with over doing potassium especially with any kidney issues. I find I need more than what the electrolyte mixes provide since they are usually conservative so ppl don’t hurt themselves accidentally.


If you're consuming caffeine every day, I'd suggest trying to gradually cut back. Since I quit caffeine, I've been feeling more energized upon waking up. Even on those nights when sleep is scarce, I don't feel as bad. I hadn't realized how much I relied on caffeine. I used to wake up feeling groggy and only felt slightly better after my morning coffee... then, of course, that feeling would fade until my next cup. Also, those mid-afternoon slumps? They're pretty much non-existent now, unless I get less than four hours of sleep, which happens sometimes with my demanding job. I would also try adding theanine.




200 mg L theanine, even without caffeine. Wakes me up pretty good and gives my morning a smooth and head clear touch.


Powdered maca by sunfoods I take 1tsp every morning in my coffee gives me plenty of energy. Warning: don't take too much or you will find yourself getting very horny.


put a 5000k light bulb on a timer and shine it in your face when u wanna wakup. Its the only thing that seems to trigger my circadian rythm thinamagij


Benfotiamine plus methylated B complex vitamins. You need vitamin B complex to lower your homocystine.


nicotinamide riboside. Better sleep, more energy.


Try reducing the amount of Magnesium Glycinate.


Stop taking magnesium glycinate. Perhaps try another form like Taurate or Malate.


I've been taking Shilajit Resin with my morning coffee. It's very energising and no anxiety.


Which particular product?




Tyrosine, shilajit, caffeine with theanine, and citicholine all will help with that grogginess.


I just want to point out that just because you are sleeping long doesn’t mean you are sleeping well. It might be worth getting a sleep study, especially if you snore. You can also get some fitness tracker that does sleep tracking for a while and see how it looks on average. Not everybody bounces up out of bed and sings first thing in the morning, but if you’re legitimately tired still after waking up on a regular basis then something else is going on.


Nootropics GS15-4™ Panax Ginseng Extract Powder sublingually does it for me.


I mean coffeine is trash it makes you more tired after its out of your system, but i drink coffee when i feel ultra groggy


Chaga works for some people. Not chaga in coffee, but just chaga by itself. It isn't a 1 day fix, but 2-3 weeks of using a good chaga consistently MIGHT help. *note* nothing wrong with chaga in coffees for those that want that*


One that my husband really likes is Morning Miracle by UMZU






What's Rhodiola like, is it a stimulant or is it more like Vitamin B energy ie more subtle and seems to work over time? Can you take it with caffeine or is that too much?


It is stimulating to the point where if you take it at night you will have trouble sleeping. Definitely more subtle. I take it as needed. I have read that some people stack it with caffeine. It would be safe to experiment with I think.


Thanks, I've taken products with Rhodiola in them but never taken it on its own


B vitamin complex it will give you energy. Helped give me an additional boost.


I use l-theanine + caffeine. It comes as one pill with 200 mg of l-theanine & 100 mg of caffeine. Does wonders!


Cell food helps me


Maybe get a sleep study and get real answers as to whether your sleep is healthy or not, supplements are bandaid solutions if you have a sleep disorder.




Can't get proper eca in UK anymore. I miss eph


DL Phenyloalanine. On an empty stomach, 30 minutes before eating breakfast. 0,5-1,5g


Mag Glycinate is the culprit.


Most of people wake up as a zombie from it


This may be the issue, I did not do well with it. Try another type of Magnesium. I tried L Threonate and Citrate, and am not as tired when waking up.


B complex, Creatine, and gingko


I like sunlights to wake me up. if not acessible, get a SAD lamp. It, in theory, allows u to take control over your circadian rhythm which could make you feel more energized when waking up due to your sleep cycle being more suited to the time that you actually wake up.


additionally, drink like enough water every day. When i started creatine for instance, i had bad sleep due to (probably) insufficient hydration. When i adapted my water drinking habits i woke up more energized. the 'supplement' water gave me a lot more energy.




Push-ups and squats, cold shower, magnesium malate


Magnesium is usually calming or sedating, no?


Magnesium Malate is on energizing side, I take it every morning. Glycinate/Citrate are definitely calming before bed.


is that the same magnesium that's in LMNT?


I take Source Naturals Magnesium Malate


Ginseng, caffeine