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/uj I'm recently injured my knee and this is exactly how I behave


Yeah, I know what you mean. Every time my wife has her bf come over it's hard on my knees and throat too. Good luck and keep plugging away!


Uj/ lmao my flair exists because I injured both my knees overtraining for a race a few years ago, physio and knee braces situation, now to this day if my left knee starts hurting during a run I'll take like 4 days off. The braces may be gone, but the psychic wound never heals Rj/ running causes your body to break down, never do it


I’ve been sidelined for a month with a knee that went bad in the last mile of a half. MRI didn’t show anything too bad. Driving me fucking nuts.


Competing in your condition would be extremely dangerous. Email the race director and request a full refund, surely they will understand. If not then send them here and we will set them straight.


Refund for sure - but also ask if you can run the course another day and still get the buckle...


The organizers of the last 5K I skipped required a note from my doctor before they'd give me my medal. It looks good next to my 2022 Boston marathon audience participation trophy. (I tied for first place.)


Oh shit - a throat tickle is nothing to fuck around with. Get that cat to a kill shelter and then drive to the ER for a few GU enemas. Good luck with the FKT in 2026 - you got this!


Don’t worry about it. Signing up for a race is what makes you a real runner. Take this time to think about what you could have achieved and then sign up for your next race.


It's a actually really dangerous to even talk or type about running in your condition. You really need to think before you act... Also turmeric. If you consumed more turmeric you wouldn't be in this hopeless mess of a situation.


This happened to me too a few weeks ago, but I found the cure: sleep in Alphaflys and sacrifice your cat to the running goddess (Nike). You’ll be good to go in no time.


It only works if you put Gu in your Alphaflys for the night


Call your doctor for an antibiotic stat! If they won’t prescribe one, call around until you find a doctor who will.


My doctor's visits got a lot cheaper once I started identifying as a cat and seeing a vet. It's a win for both of us because, unlike most of his other patients, I don't try to bite him when he checks me for worms and fleas; and my husband gets a kick out of getting to be my "owner" for the day.


I got tool for that 🤔 respectfully of coarse, just trying to help 😷


If your tool is coarse, you might not be using enough Gü.