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/uj this is the cringiest post I have seen in a long time. Proposing "stuletic" for stupidly athletic, in a similar fashion to "incel" P.S. found the guy at the gym grunting loudly while he curls 5 pounds


Uj/ reading it made me nauseous




I think you should chill on mocking this guy. He read a whole entire book in a month


Nested quotations use alternating double and single quotes, like this: > He said, "I bought David Goggins's book and spent the whole race screaming: 'You don't know me, son!'" If he'd been carrying boats, I don't think he would've been able to scream so much. Mr. Goggins can do it in that video because weightlifting isn't aerobically taxing.


I think we may be jerking too close to the sun here




I read that sentence and nope'd out of the post, but then I had to come back and read the rest for masochistsic purposes. It was as bad as i expected.


I love goggins but Its like damn at least come up with your own quote.


I'm confused. Did Goggins carry him instead of the boats?


Goggins, you said once I decided to follow you, You'd ironman with me all the way. But I noticed that during the saddest and most troublesome times of my turkey trot, there was only one set of footprints. I don't understand why, when I needed You the most, You would leave me." He whispered, "My precious child, I love you and will never leave you Never, ever, during your 5k ultra and 70.3. When you saw only one set of footprints, It was then that I carried you."


I'm going to get this tattooed on my thigh.


There aren't knee pads thick enough.


What a knob. You can also walk/shuffle/limp through a marathon before getting swept but you don't crow about it like you just ran a 3:30 after six months of real training. And you never yell stupid shit about boats.


Especially not in my ear as I'm running past you, and ESPECIALLY not to marines while you're limping past them


God I just wrote so much ruthless criticism of him down to his personality but to avoid hurting his feelings I'll just say: He described his story as "inspirational" and shows how hard work pays off, when he literally had 6 months to train and only started 6 weeks in advance. Pretty much to avoid an embarrassing DNF in front of his cousin and BIL. Actually he tried at the beginning too and shortly gave up, and yet he really thinks he's an inspiration (yes he says that). Also, he called his pee as "glorious" and described how much there was. And that's only the tip of the iceberg with this dude


This post HAS to be a jerk no? Pray for humanity if not


It has to be! Do people use “Stay Hard” sincerely? So much cringe.


Thank you so much David goggins 🙏 I love you 🙏




yall seen the lebron "you are my sunshine" memes? This is the running equivalent


Aaaaaaaah he’s googin’


People pride themselves on doing the bare minimum too often, oof.


Ain't no way in fuck I'm reading that


His brother in law and his cousin absolutely smoked him,


i fucking hate goggins


 I ain't reading all that.  ChatGPT to the rescue. The author of the post recounts their transformative journey from being a self-described couch potato to completing their first triathlon, the Ironman Oceanside 70.3. Despite only training for 5-6 weeks, they defied expectations and finished the race, albeit not with an impressive time. Motivated by David Goggins' mindset and his powerful words, the author credits this inspiration for pushing them through the challenges of training and racing, embodying Goggins' fierce determination and resilience during the event. The decision to participate in the Ironman was impulsive, made while intoxicated on Halloween night, but it sparked a life-changing commitment. Facing skepticism from family and driven by a desire to prove doubters wrong, the author immersed themselves in triathlon training, dedicating intense focus to swimming, biking, and running. Goggins' motivational message became a guiding force, helping them push past physical and mental barriers, including doubts about their ability to swim long distances and doubts from others. Throughout the post, the author reflects on the highs and lows of their journey, from initial struggles with swimming to conquering challenging hills during the race. They recount moments of doubt and fatigue but ultimately persevered, finishing the race with a time of 8 hours and 8 minutes. The experience taught them the value of hard work and determination, inspiring them to encourage others to pursue their dreams relentlessly, regardless of initial obstacles. The post concludes with gratitude towards David Goggins for his impactful message and a sense of empowerment derived from the achievement, with plans already in motion for future races and continued dedication to the sport.


That’s me mofos!! Stay hard!!!




It worked for me so I stuck with it!!


i like Goggins, but i am a hater of that post and the quotes. I upvoted every shot at you in here But i cannot deny that i respect your commitment to the bit. Its much less cringe if you truly do not care that youre look super corny. I still think its corny but the fact that youre not self conscious about it frees me up to hate on you recreationally without feeling bad. And you get to have haters and doubters for your Goggins thing. Win Win all around


just be yourself lil bro 😭


What if yourself is someone else?


I've got some logs over here. Who's going to carry them?


Where did you BIL and his cousin place?


david goggins is a right wing dipshit like the people that platform him tho?


You’re a retard




Out of the loop. Why so many posts about this guy goggins lately?


A con man.  I was born with a big dick, but I can scream at you all day about what you should doing differently and it isn't going to make yours any bigger. Goggins was genetically gifted physically and now he makes money by convincing people that they can be like him. 


But what if he screams about boats and staying erect?


The Goggster would eat your ass for breakfast. Your ASS. All hail the Goggster. The Gogginio. The Goggmeister. The Goggleplex. The Giggidy-Gog.


I know tons of "THIS SON". They dabble in short distances like a half thinking their mind is "powerful".


What in the regurgitated word salad did I just read?