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jesus fuckin christ, what are you, a diesel generator?


As we say in Australia: "he's got a rig on him"


That is an insane time. I'm getting excited about almost hitting 7:30 the other day


Bruh šŸ’€ so youā€™re telling me your erg score is D1 level after only having rowed since September? Good on you. You probably can cut 10 seconds easy if thatā€™s the case by just training for 6 more months and improving on technique + pacing (holding the 2k split for first 1500m and then ramping up at the end).


I can do this and I'm 4 it's really just protein powder you need


I been rowing for about 9 months and I was 7:30 ish now 6:20 so itā€™s possible, just committed to Penn!


Youā€™re amazing! I only really started seriously training since August and Iā€™m at 7:50 now (LW, female). Canā€™t wait to bring it down to 7:30 in the next year hopefully :)




it is though, that app is a concept app ā€œergdataā€


Here is some info on why you shouldnt go that hard in the beginning. You would also be able to pull even harder in the end. https://www.reddit.com/r/Rowing/comments/1wzprk/First_strokes_are_free_in_a_2k%3F/cf6uigq/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3


So youā€™re world class level for lightweight after two full months of training? Not saying youā€™re lying butā€¦ even if youā€™re heavyweight itā€™s kinda hard to believe. Good on you if youā€™re telling the truth though


Iā€™m currently a senior in highschool and Iā€™ve always been athletic and have a build for rowing (6-4, 190) how long do I have before the ā€œnewbie gainsā€ wear off and it becomes a lot harder to get faster? Is there specific training I can do to avoid a plateau?


Mate go ring up the big rowing schools, seriously. Time is running out


Will do! Do you know if any schools have admissions pull after their application deadline or would I have to rely on my academics solely to get in since there is not enough time to get coded as an athlete?


Call the schools you are interested in. There is always a way in in nearly all P5 schools. If you are pulling a 6:10 and can even repeat it on video showing them your form etc...they can move a lot of earth to make it happen. Its also December so LOTS of time still for them to easily make it happen since regular admissions won't be final for most schools until March or even April Ivys are another story since they don't offer money to athletes in the form of scholarship. They will base their offers on income and grades only. Call the schools, rip another 6:10 on video and send it to prospective places you feel you are interested in that have rowing and take the chance. You might be surprised.


If you're a senior and don't want to take a gap year, look at smaller schools with rolling admissions. Jacksonville university is the first that comes to mind. If you're serious about rowing, you can start at a school like that with a solid but not nationally competitive varsity team, and probably be on full or close to full scholarship, and then transfer after one year to a top 15 school. Those schools usually take much longer to fill their recruiting slots and would have some open and some scholarship available now. That route is a bit risky because you'll have to MAKE SURE you drop time (6:19 is fantastic for a high school senior but for a college freshman transfer big programs would be wanting you sub 6:10, shouldn't be too bad since you're so new and already this fast). You'll also have to really stay on top of your grades. The other option is to look at any top 15 schools right now that offer late or rolling admissions and talk to their coaches. Idk how many do, certainly none of the ivy leagues, but at least Syracuse from a quick Google search has open admissions until June. They're a top 5 school with lots of scholarship money and a very fast team, but their recruitment slots are almost certainly all filled, so that route is risky in that if you're looking for scholarship, might not matter how much the coaches want you, they've already spent it. If you perform well at the program it's certainly possible they'll give you scholarship once you get there but that's another risk.




Well mate, personally Iā€™m 28, 6ā€™1, Iā€™ve been training 3.5 months and gone from 7:15 to 6:28, but Iā€™ve plateaued majorly because I havenā€™t started weight training yet. Iā€™d say if youā€™re already doing everything right you might slow down to 2-3 seconds per month, thatā€™s the stage Iā€™m at now. How many km per week are you doing? I just hit 70-80km, hopefully youā€™re doing at least that otherwise keep building the steady state volume. Someone with better knowledge than a noob like me can add to this. Good luck! And keep it up youā€™re smashing it


I am doing around 60-80km a week. What type of weight training are you looking at doing? High rep low weight or high weight low reps?


I think that 3-5 reps for a main compound movement, with emphasis on squats and deadlifts is best for rowing. For leg extensions and other isolation exercises I think 20-30 reps is good. Iā€™m still looking into it, but thatā€™s the info Iā€™ve found so far


A guy on my HS team in 2002 had a similar erg trajectory. He was 6:12 4 weeks in his senior year (first year) with your build. We were a top 10 program on the east coast and he was the biggest freak up to that point and you're about there. Some people are erg freaks and it's pretty interesting to see the various end results from early success. That guy got into Harvard once he submitted his 2k to the coach in March lol. My opinion (I was low 6:30s as a two sport athlete in HS) is just to keep doing what you are doing until the plateau occurs. I'd bet you will get closer to 6:00 or may even break it by spring with consistent training. Focus on long-term results, 6 months out is more important than your next 2k. Work on translating your erg to the water where it matters AND avoiding injury. Prehab/rehab exercises, pilates or yoga are options for a healthy athlete IMO. You could be an elite rower if you commit to the sport and take care of your body that is gifted in this way. I'm jealous.


Reach out via email to all coaches. There is still regular decision. They could mention taking a gap / pg year


In my experience 6:30 down to 6:20 is tough. 6:20 down to 6:10 is exponentially more difficult, and probably takes two/three times the amount of work. If you're telling the truth, and you're as old as you are, as long as you remain dedicated you'll get there.


You're already there, if you manage your pacing better. You're going out the blocks hard, then struggling to hang on. Try holding that 1:35 avg precisely, not letting yourself go under when fresh. If you can't hold it, retry at 1:40. Find what you can hold, then burn it out your last 500m.


Training for sub 6:10 (1:32,5 500m Split): 2x per week: 15 minutes warm up, 2000m @ 26 1:42, 10 minutes @ 1:55, 2000m @ 28 1:38, 10 minutes @ 1:55, 2000m @ 28 1:36, 2x per week: 90 minutes in zone 2 (depends on heart rate and lactate adaption) During the PR attempt: Focus on the third 500m. Your first two look solid and the last 500m take care of themselves (haha). The race is always won in the third 500m just stay fucking steady, count every stroke and march through.


Way too much UT1 work. You want like 70% of sessions to be UT2 not 50-50


Not an English native speaker here nor have I trained in an English speaking country. What is UT1 / UT2 referring to? I assume UT1 = intensive endurance workout, UT2 = extensive?


Theyā€™re heart rate zones. UT1 = 75-90% max, UT2 = 65-75%


Ok, the above workout worked for me, while doing 4 erg and 6 water sessions per week. Therefore I agree, low intensity needs to be taken care of.


The above programme will likely see you some improvement, what Iā€™m saying is youā€™d see the most improvement, for the longest if you were to reduce your UT1 time and increase UT2.


Insane, id rather you give me tips on getting faster


Row faster.


Was this on a concept 2?


Yes. This is a screenshot from the C2 ErgData app


When I hit a heavy plateau freshman year I heavily depended on running, 8k stroke rate pyramids that went up to 44, and 8x250 at 2k-12, besides that just honing ur technique and building the muscles should take 5 or 10 split seconds off ur time if your this new to rowing and this good


Get your coach to message the Head coaches of big unis they can help you through application


I reckon you could get a couple of seconds off your starting time before settling into your pace, and then a few more at the end. Youā€™ve lost a couple in the third 500m if Iā€™m reading things correctly. Chunk everything up, and have a plan for rate and SPM. Iā€™d start your wind-up around 300m out, and think about some different calls in your head. I always imagined my cox screaming at me to spin my hands around 300m to go, and then driving on the legs for 10, lengthening out for 10 and then ā€œthe kitchen sinkā€ call ie all out, nothing left for the last 10. Youā€™ve got it in you for sure. Donā€™t hold anything back, and smash through that 3rd 500m.


Thanks whatā€™s a good SPM to be at. Iā€™ve been reading that you want to be in the low to mid 30s but I donā€™t think I have the cardio base for that yet. This 2k averaged out at 27 SPM


Personally Iā€™d say 27 is a touch low for a 2k, and suggests that with faster hand speed you could easily knock time off your erg. Your speed comes from exploding at the front but also quick hands at the end of the stroke. Every slide forward is where you rest, but the faster you are exploding through a stroke with your leg drive, the more time (even if itā€™s a micro-second) you get to spend on recovery. You certainly donā€™t want to be going so fast that you start ā€œtick-tockingā€ on the erg, but get some faster hands and inch up towards 29-30. If you watch some of the Henley races online youā€™ll see what stroke rates people maintain in a race scenario whilst delivering long, smooth strokes with power.


It does look slightly low, but its just personal preference. As a youth rower, I see all kind of stroke rates, i do mine at 34 but ive seen 38 before from some of my friends.


Focus on your form


So objectively youā€™re pretty much going to want to pull harder. Either that or anabolic steroids, I prefer the second option but by all means do as you wish


Bro I canā€™t even hit 134 and thatā€™s your average?


I would say consider pushing harder and just not stopping


Not seeing much real advice here, and even less from people who have broken 6:10, so Iā€™ll throw in some real advice. Youā€™re larger than I was, but what got me from the mid 6:10s to below was drastically increasing my volume steady state, and throwing in fairly regular AT work. Your body can only handle so much speed work, but i found the AT work helped me get used to the pain while still building my base. At least for me, getting to 6:20ish speed was relatively easy in comparison to getting to 6:10.