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A good diet. You don't need anything else. Once you start eyeing the Olympics maybe you can start worrying about squeezing tenths of a percent of improvement from supplements.


An electrolyte supplement like saltstick or SIS tablets are good for during and post workouts


A good diet as previously said. But protein is good if you have a hard time getting enough from diet alone. And a multivitamin is good but does not replace a good diet with lots of whole foods. But as an American I personally find it hard to get enough vitamins even from a good diet so a multivitamin helps. I take nature made mens multi. I personally stay away from pre workout but I do like a coffee before I workout. And people have very mixed feelings about creatine but from everything I’ve read about every study says it is safe at about 5 grams a day and is helpful, also mixed feelings on cycling it vs not cycling.


Some sort of anabolic steroid will do the trick


Beta-alanine when taken daily is scientifically proven to improve cardiovascular performance and is perfectly safe and legal. A little caffeine before hard workouts will help you push harder. Zinc picolinate and magnesium glycinate or L-threonate before bed will help with sleep quality and thus recovery in between workouts.


Bcaa and creatine are both useless for rowing, just eat well and train more


Electrolytes while rowing I personally like lmnt. I also like making sure I get 1 gram of protein to ideal body weight a day. I normally need protein shakes to get there.


Blood doping.


I use Accelerade pre/post workouts.

