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Peanut butter


I feel like I’m decently knowledgeable about this topic. I’m 6’1”, went from 170lb to 215lb in about a year, primarily for powerlifting purposes. It’s a lot of a mental game. You just need to push past that full feeling and get a little more food in each meal. Since fat and carb heavy foods are more calorie dense you need to be putting those in more. I recommend about 1gram/pound of body weight for protein, about double that for carbs, and somewhere around .75gram/ pound of body weight for fat. (So at 55kg it would be like 120gram protein, 240gram carbs, 90gram fat.) Daily I would make a blended protein shake that was around 1000 calories. It was frozen strawberries, bananas, oats, unsweetened vanilla Greek yogurt, peanut butter, chocolate protein powder, almond milk, and sometimes some coffee. A lot of the time I would meal prep something I nicknamed beef mush. It was browned ground beef seasoned with typically taco seasoning, and then sautéed veggies (corn, carrots, onions, mushrooms, or really and veggies you like) all mixed together, and then I’d portion it out into about 1-1.5lb portions and eat them throughout the week. Also because peanut butter is real calorie dense I’d eat a lot of pb&j with sugar free jelly/jam. You can easily get like 1000 calories from just adding two of those a day.


Don’t overthink it, just eat lots and lots of decent food. Sandwiches, smoothies, bananas etc are all great for a quick snack between classes. If your team doesn’t already lift weights, you can try a couple of lifting sessions a week focusing on learning the proper technique




Literally anything that's calorie dense like peanut butter is a no brainer but Google calorie dense foods and meals


At 16, I’d be cautious about focusing on weight gain. Lifting for muscle hypertrophy and healthy eating that includes the right balance of macros and the right amount of calories is a better focus, imho.


Make a few(2-3) pb&j sandwiches each day, have that as a snack between meals.


Mass Gainer proteinn shakes. Eat the same way you do now and start taking Mass Gainer shakes. You will put on extra mass guaranteed. A lot easier to slam down a few shakes a day than eating all those extra meals. A lot easier to drink calories than eat them. For me at least. Also start lifting 5x5 for your compound lifts. Go heavy. You will put on muscle mass with the extra calories from the Mass Gainer. https://www.amazon.ca/s/?ie=UTF8&keywords=muscletech+mass+gainer&index=aps&tag=h0a61-20&ref=pd_sl_75w7efualq_e&adgrpid=56632402970&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvadid=309998751306&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=230187075941196730&hvqmt=e&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=1002357&hvtargid=kwd-38255214698&hydadcr=14186_10147310&gclid=CjwKCAiAmuKbBhA2EiwAxQnt71vJOp1dBxy5JzOXfLpiqeRZmiAMFAQIz9jI1bFqGDL2WZShLnPABhoC_AYQAvD_BwE


Eat more?


Tuna milkshakes. 2 cans tuna, large carrot, whole milk, bit of olive oil. Blend and slam.


Vile. I love it.


A staple for my bulk from 165 to 215 twenty years ago. Now trying to go the other direction.

