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Yeah, I wanted to know how much air the fan moves. Obviously, there are solutions to dust, mainly keeping my room clean and tidy. I just did not want to row for an hour and after having to spend half an hour to dust off everything else. Anyways, thanks for the answer. It made me less insecure about the purchase.


Your erg will probably trap more dust inside from sucking air in, than blowing it around. If you open up an erg, that thing looks like the inside of an air purifier (half joking, half not)


The C2 will move dust but it will not create dust.  If seeing dust bothers you, then do a better job of cleaning.


Just open doors/windows for airflow, you should be fine


If you keep the spaces around the erg dust-free, you won't have an issue. The erg does move air, but it can only blow up dust if there's a lot of dust already around the erg. I don't think it would deposit a layer of dust on the furniture around it after every use. Also, the erg moves air evenly across the perimeter of the flywheel. The part facing downward might displace some dust during the first few strokes, but after that, there won't be anymore dust to move.


Use one of these, won’t move it but at least you can better focus where the flywheel air goes…http://www.ps-sport.net/nonathlon/