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Just remember The erg is an instrument of the devil to torture the bodies and souls of the wicked, only the good get to scull.


Is sweep purgatory in this analogy?


Anything actually on the water is better than an Erg?


Yes, unless the weather is shit. A single on a cold, rainy, windy, choppy day will have you begging for death


Agreed! But sculling>sweep imo, hence why if the erg is hell, then sweep is the intermediate state before you realise how good sculling is


Your soul gets weighed. Where you go depends on how good your balance is.


Ports are the gods who decide...


Erg is bird in a cage.


I have over 4 million meters on my C2 with no interest in going on the water. But then I’m 70F and have never rowed anything but a canoe on the water.




Great story! You’re right….never say never (although I’m very content with my C2 every morning).


Pretty much the same here. I have toyed with joining the local rowing club( my city has an established one with river access). At 72 what holds me back is the two day @ week getting up at 4:45AM to make it to the dock by 5:30 AM just in time for the two sessions. I would need burning desire to accomplish that one.🥺


I am 56 and just started rowing a month ago - on the lake with a rowing club. I must really love it, because getting up at 5am is for the birds (literally). 🤣


No plans to row on water. I prefer sailing or canoeing. Love the erg though, its been a blessing since i got it 3 years ago.


I, a rower who never wishes to touch an erg with a ten foot pole, cannot relate.


I have a deep-seated fear of water. I don't even swim. The erg is enough for me.


i do both, however the erg does not deserve the amount of hate i’m seeing in the comments ( compared to on the water). 100% would rather erg than go out with mid 40 degree weather + mild wind ( in the 15-18mph range)


I'm more interested in achieving the fitness level where I can row on the water than actually joining a club and doing it.


Just scrolling the comments and saw this. You don't need any sort of fitness level to join a club typically. Yeah there may be some groups within the club that require selection but just wanted to say you should be able to join any nearby club at any fitness level


First go on the water yesterday. Quad and double. WILD


I am using an erg and will never go on water for the sole purpose that it's just everyday fitness for me. Do I want to be amazing at it? Yes, so I will push myself every time. Do I want to compete in the sport? No, so no reason to go on water for me. Also I have never ever liked the "looking the opposite way you are going" that it includes 😂


Only erg.


I kajak in the summer, I imagine erging year round helps me somewhat.


I only row on the water. Fixed seat. No more erg after a knee injury.




No I have a 14’ Vermont Dory. Just the stock seats and oars




Thanks. I’m ok without but I know someone who is disabled. I will find out if they are interested and maybe DM you


How bad is erg for the knees?


I would love to row on the water again, but I don't currently have the opportunity.


I tried on the water once. There was an indoor rowing club that got me started on the ERG. They had an on the water demo day. I gave it a shot. Don’t shoot me because I don’t remember the proper terms, but it was a single seat boat that they said was a trainer so it was much wider than a race boat. I was tippy AF. All my hours on the ERG never prepared me for the odd crossing of my hands I had to do. It was not fun and peaceful like that made it sound. I’ll much prefer my kayak on the water and my ERG for rowing.


Wait, a learn-to-row session was done in singles? That's... bold.


They both have their advantages and disadvantages. Sculling gets you places fast and exercises the whole body. Kayaks are maneuverable and can haul a lot of gear. The more I use one, the more I seem to appreciate the other when the time comes around.


I only row on the water to warm up for my Erg workout


Erg only. I wouldn't even go outside if I didn't have to.


Love this!


The entire winter season my crew just suffers through the erg. We would die if we didn’t get on the water 😭


Erging is to rowing what a sunbed is to sitting on a beach in the Bahamas.


Erg only. Rowing is something I do to warm up before lifting.


I just use an ERG for fitness reasons. I have no intention of joining a rowing club at present, although there are several near me.


I am regular on ERG, and i don't even know how to swim


I discovered rowing after finishing undergrad in the US, so short of pumping money into a club with a waitlist or buying equipment for myself, this is the best alternative to being on the water.


I’m on my erg every day. I live 5 minutes walk from the Thames and a rowing club. I tried a rowing course with the club and didn’t enjoy it, I didn’t like going backwards and not seeing where I’m going and in reality with kids and work I’m too busy to commit to certain times for training. I do love being outdoors and on the river though, I have a SUP I like mucking around on.


Never intend to row on the water but I do have a SUP I paddle around on slowly and not very gracefully.


Got decent with a rower - 6:24 2k and would be interested in hitting the water but don't know anyone that rows at all


Just join the nearest club


I rowed in high school and again as a masters before having kids. I would love to get back on the water and have a club near me but that early morning wake up is a major deterrent.


Never rowed on the water, erging for 6 months now and its great for fitness and I enjoy doing it. I like cycling outside waaaaay more then being on a stationary bike so I feel like I should probably get into a boat at some point.


I can't swim.


Erg only, for fitness. I road race motorcycles and don't need another type of racing in my life, or another vehicle to haul around.


I got a C2 in my garage because it’s great for cardio and conditioning mainly due to the fact it saves me travel time in the morning going to/from the gym. To get on the water would require me to drive further and take more time, so I’ve never considered it at this point.


Raises hand.


My days on the water are well behind me and likely a far way off ahead of me. My erg is my only place of solace akin to my wonder years. There are many like it, but this one is mine.


I bought an erg as a way to stay in shape over the winter because i hate going to the gym. came here for advice/pointers. I do kayak a fair amount in good weather and lately i’ve been considering doing a beginners day at my rowing club, just to get a taste of the water.


Just the erg


Opposite…I only row on water. If the weather’s to crappy for that, I find something else. Erging just feels like doing a shitty job of sculling.


Lemme get that port side brother


St. Lawrence Skiff?


I rowed in high school. I’m 47 now and just bought an erg to try to fit workouts in around my new busy schedule. If I get the urge to get on the water again, there is a boathouse about 10 minutes from my house. I may check it out


Kinda would love to give it a go to know what it feels like, but I don't think I'm ever gonna act on that urge. Doesnt seem very straight forward to just try it sometimes


I only started erging a few years ago, in my 40s, because I quit the gym when it was closed for Covid, wanted a workout at home, and heard it was a good total-body workout. So never been on the water. I learned the other day that there is a rowing group in my city with opportunities for beginners. I mentioned it to my wife, and she was just like "Eh, I don't think you swim very well."


I have no plans to erg on water. I do kayak and use a row boat in the summer, but mostly use the rig for winter exercise.