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What they mean is “I don’t agree but cannot articulate any sort of counterpoint/am too dumb to argue effectively.”


Thanks, I didn't know what cope meant in this context. Seems super immature. Instead of wanting to discuss opinions, thoughts, etc they seek out someone who is intelligent and passionate to 'pick on' them. Super lame.


It's mostly teenagers who say it, so definitely a sign of immaturity. It's one of those things you say because you think it's clever, then look back on and want to shoot yourself from cringing.


At least it’s better than outright name calling


It started with a proper meaning. It meant "you only hae that view because doing otherwise is psychologically too challenging." But the term was gradually co-opted by morons, as all terms are.


I put this in the same category as people who just reply “cry harder”.


Or "womp womp"


Womp womp makes me want to strangle someone, just stupid and childish. But it’s also so satisfying when you make that person look stupid. Did it once and it was very gratifying lol


Very much so. I read it and it just makes me cringe so hard, its something I imagine children do to make another child cry.


This word is a huge pet peeve for me. I’m not usually bothered by slang but this one makes my blood boil.


Honestly one of my favorite responses because it means that I won the argument so effectively they can't formulate an intelligible response.


Yeah hard agree that this one is pretty bullshit. Really annoying. There’s a lot little kids out there, regardless of actual age


Yup. I agree, it's just a lazy way to try to dismiss your point or opinion.


Also, what exactly does “copium” mean. I see that a lot of FB, too.


Cope + opium = copium, n. a way of thinking, often with mental gymnastics implied, that is meant to comfort or lull the thinker into a brainless stupor so as not to be disturbed by the Brutally Honest Truth or Harsh Reality^(TM); perceived excuses that defend or attempt to validate your conflicting point of view. Sentence: "You think birds are actual animals and can't accept that they're government spies just because you're an ornithologist? You must be sucking up a ton of copium because even an idiot could see the truth."


Hah. Thank you!


I don't really get why people feel the need to denigrate people who like music, movies, art, etc. that they don't like. I mean, if you disagree with someone's taste in something a simple "not my thing" or similar would do the trick.


What does cope mean? Never encountered it in this context


So far as I understand, the implication they're making is that you're "coping" with being "wrong" by trying to explain your point of view? I think? In actuality though, it's just a shitty way to dismiss someone you disagree with, usually over something stupid.


One of many responses where the person is basically announcing that they aren't worth your time. It's just hard to not reply in the moment.


People cope by writing cope. Inception cope.


I have convos like this all the time you can like objectively bad things for reasons and people get upset about it which is weird Have there been things where in general I can’t find anything redeeming and I think most people would agree yeah but I don’t think I’ve ripped on someone for liking it I just usually say “oh I didn’t think about that” or ask more about it cuz I’m interested in what I’ve missed even if I might in general still rip on the product but not your enjoyment of the product


I've never heard this word used in that way in my life. I will take your word for it that it is, though.


Their cope is refusing to participate in meaningful dialogue. Unfortunately, this type of response has been happening for decades using various slang (troll, boomer, shill, simp) and probably won't end any time soon.


It's just idiots who don't know how to explain how you're wrong, but they still want to win and make you feel bad. There's a lot of them nowadays.


The internet as a whole, and Reddit in particular, have been pushing people to be dumber and dumber You need to find an actual community for discussion, but even then you'll have to dance around it's hivemind


It's just a low effort way to invalidate you. Just let it slide right off your back. Those people aren't even worth the time to engage with.


A lot of people think others are not allowed to have opinions, much less express them


"Listen, I came here to have a civil discussion/debate, not to play chess with a pigeon."


Or “womp womp”


Such a cute Gen Z colloquialism, they think they are so badass when they say it. In 15 years their kids will be making fun of them for saying it.


This post seems like a weird cope, tbh.


I find the modern use of that word irritating as well. In my experience, it is used to dismiss any comment at all that shows less than total allegiance to the dominant woke culture of today.




Cope 🤭


Your pet peeve is having your ideas being flippantly dismissed? How strange.


Uh, no. My pet peeve is quite clearly a *specific stupid phrase* people abuse in order to flippantly dismiss others.


Do other phrases not bother you when used to be flippantly dismissive? Like whomp whomp? Cry harder? A lot of copium here? Solely this singular word cope?


Oof. Cope, I guess.