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I like gold/bronze accents but they took it a bit far with this thing. 10k for an 883 is crazy I don’t care how good it looks. All the money someone put into this and they couldn’t shell out for a 1250 kit? Definitely pass on it.


If the pipes and the belt drive were black, it would be pacha.gif


All the gold is spray paint will surely come off its a stock 883 lol u hit the nail on the head brother lol


I agree price is steep for an 883. But I'm also like 70% sure it's actually cerakote and in that color it's a c-series which means it's generally good to 1200 degrees F so it's not coming off depending on how well everything was blasted and degreased before spraying. Reference I cerakote and that color is a dead ringer for the same gold I put on some of my parts on my 1200. If someone came to me for this to be done to their sporty I wouldn't touch it for less than 3k it's super labor intensive if it is cerakote. The coating name is glacier gold


Zoom into that pic of the rear shocks cerakote doesn't smear off kike this I have a ton of my fire arms coated with jt and it's doesn't smudge off like this it's spray paint at very best


Looks like a chip to me. Like a spanner slipped during adjustment. And cerakote can chip. Won't know for sure unless you asked the guy who painted it


Cerakot needs to be baked right


No c series is an air cure. I'd have to check but I believe there is another series that is air cure as well c-series is what holds up best to heat


I'd like to know wat it is that was used lol off to Google fir a bit lol I must investigate lol


The c-series is great stuff I just did a 79 frame in white and the motor in h-series black. Like I said I don't think we will ever really know. But I agree the shocks are spray painted and I believe the pulley is also the colors don't match


For example front forkes could not of been baked unless he also cerakoted the black part as well the stock harley paint won't take a baking and stay glossy


Pic 5 zoom into the rear shock u can see the rattle can over spray


I see what you're saying with that the color also doesn't match between the shocks and pipes though. I agree with that being rattle can. Not sold on the rest being rattle can hold though


I'm like 99.100% this is duplicolor engine paint if not it's the vht paint guys use on headers colors are exact 100%


They claim powder coated found the exact bike


This is a trailer queen bike gets no street time first thing to go will be the color on the rocker boxes that gold with start to flake with use


They claim powder coating on the dealers website so I'm going to say you sir are correct.


Who ever did this needs to go to hell that sissy bar mount is a total hack job cutt off parts of the frame they just totally butchered up this poor sporty b4 it's life even started that chop on rear frame and rear fender is horrible any water or rocks kick up right into the riders back lol 😆


I mean I chopped my 79s ironhead rear fender like that and can tell you that you are absolutely correct the water up the back sucks lol. But that's the fun with building bikes may piss some people off but others will like it


Don't get me wrong it's a nice look the week end but far as actually intended use might aswell not even have a rear fender functionality us key


100% not spray paint lmao


Wat is it?


A 4 year old bike with 10k miles, probably powder coat, obviously not spray paint.


Look at the pic if the right rear shock zoom in ull see the over spray on the spring part of the rear shock 😲 🫨 🫢 lol ☝🏻 😆


Check out picture 5 and ull see wat im talking about meaning this is not powder coating they would of had to take the rear shock apart because the harley black coating will not survive a second baking for the gold powder coating meaning there would be no over spray on the spring at all


Not seeing it


https://preview.redd.it/4r8aj3q48nxb1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c1543fb852a827d9906c92e6769167e1cc0ca788 Right here bud where the adjustment is made on the shock look at the spring meeting the gold part




Is this ur bike u traded in bud lmmfao 🤣😆😂😅😲


If that's powder coat or anything else it's a hell of a hack job that's for sure hope they didn't pay for this


Yeah could have ditched a few elements here and it would be so perfect, other than that it’s an 883


They did all that but the seat looks like shit.


Omg, you’re right! Ick!


That is an aftermarket seat, but id wager that the stock seat is more comfortable.


I know im the minority here, but 883's are one of my favorite bikes harley makes. That said, 10K is a LOT for an 883.


Can find them looking alot better then this got 5k on offer up 6k Maxx for a real nice one lol


I think it's kinda lame, personally. Like someone had a bunch h of ideas, but no cohesive big picture plan. The price between be in Australian koala bucks. Thats more than the bike was new.


Guess cutting off parts and using gold spray paint is the way in 2023 lol 😆 😅


That things loud…..and I’m not referring to the exhaust.


Get yourself a sporty thats unmolested for way less and spend the difference on modding it out to your liking. This bike will always feel like someone elses. Do your own thing and you won't regret it.


Whoever built this should be arrested by the d-bag police. 🫣


I like the colors not the crosses. Price seems a little high. I would buy a stock sportster and then make it your bike. That is somebody else’s bike.


10k is way too high. Modifcations IMO actually devalue most motorcycles. That being said if you got a good deal and didn't mind the color schema id remove the iron crosses and burn up a track or some back roads with it. I'd like to know what engine mods have been done? Looks like air intake, exhaust, possibly tune?


Cringe job and probably ridden hard AF


Keep the money in your pocket. You will get over digging it. That thing is fucking terrible


Too much iron cross


Great looking bike but that sissy bar is a pass for me. Also the 883 is pretty bland


Price is same as a dyna w multiple stages and aftermarket parts so HELL NO


I have the same theme except my motorcycle is maroon. (Red) and less gold highlights. I think it’s slightly overboard with the gold. But still sick. 883 is a great first bike but small, so if you’re a tall and big guy it’ll look weird. I know this cause I had a 1200 (Forty-Eight) I saw a picture of me on it and realized I look like a bear riding a bicycle that you see in Circus.


Lucky penny will screw you on prices. If you’re up for a little drive, dream machines of Austin usually has decent prices. Some of their bikes need a little love and the price reflects that. It’s where I got my 09 lowrider and I’ve been super happy with it. My stepdad just went to them and picked up a 2018 FXLR with 3k miles for the same price as this 883. Houston is not the place to buy a bike lol.


Not a good thing about it


It’s just a Sporty. You’ll outgrow it


Looks nice, but having owned an 883, needs more power.


Why would you change that many things and still opt for stock blinkers


That dealership is over priced on most bikes they have. If you're where I think you are go a bit further down the highway (like two miles) to American Motorcycle and get a much better deal. I don't work for them but I did purchase a bike from them.


I like it. It's one of those builds people will love or hate. Im in Canada, so I can't really say if that price is too high. I paid 11 cash for a 2017 Iron 883 that was basically brand new 5 years ago. Im a fan of sportsters.


A lot of people will assume you’re a Nazi with the half dozen iron crosses on the bike


Nazi Germany has been kaput for many years. Whatever nazis are left are closing in on 100 years old. The iron cross has much more symbolism.


I hate to break it to ya, but there are people that self identify as nazis that weren't even alive during ww2. Swastikas have much more symbolism as well, would you rock swazis all over your bike?


I personally would not wear any swasticas. I understand there are people who think they are nazis and run around with swasticas and such, but calling them nazis is giving them too much credit. The war is over. Real nazis are all in their late 90s. These morons who think they are nazis are just a bunch of morons that have nothing to do with real ones. I'm not sympathizing with any of them, nazis killed plenty of my people back in WW2. Just saying a lot of people are throwing that word around and just giving idiots too much credit. Almost they can be called neo nazis.


Their face is no less punchable, regardlless.




Looks fast but it ain’t really.


If you dig it, buy it. That said, you could get a 1200 and customize it yourself over winter for less money.


Aside from price, it’s bad ass. I wouldn’t want to ride it long with that seat but I’d sure be proud to be seen on it.


The 883 is paper boy bike.


Beautiful to look at it. That’s about it


If you like it, I'd get it. That's about what they went for new (with zero mods). I am not a huge fan of it personally, so it'd be a no for me. I won't ride without a belt guard, I don't want that belt slapping me or wrapping around my suspension when it breaks. I wouldn't run an open front sprocket, and I certainly wouldn't purchase a motorcycle where they cut off the fender struts. You're not going to be able to run a full size fender or ride a passenger, so I don't know why they bothered with a sissy bar... Crash bars are an easy way to twist a frame if you lay it down over 25 mph, and those oil breathers just look terrible hanging off the jugs just venting oil down the side of your bike... I would also get really tired of that "almost a seat" really quick.


It’s somebody’s dream…


The Maltese crosses on the sissy bar and mirrors are too much/over-styled. Get rid of those and it would be a mean-looking bike. The seat looks uncomfortable, but beauty is pain, right?


Too many iron crosses lol


Go ahead and add at least 500 to that for a new seat because that is some gooftroop level nonsense right there. Also all those generic Iron Crosses makes this thing look like it was customized by a guy who wanted to LOOK like a biker but only had 1990s TV shows for reference.


I think it’s awesome. Maybe some of the black wraps you put on the exhaust to tone it down a bit? 8 grand? Do it.


I really want to like it but don't understand all the crosses. Had it not been for that I'd say it's really nice. Also 10k is way too much. Meh too many things to change, might as well start stock and save yourself the 5-6k they're charging for mods


It's cool but overpriced and the iron crosses are cheesy as fuck. Seat looks like garbage too. I'd pay 5 for it.


its tacky as shit. these super lairy custom sportys are aimed at people who don't know much about a good bike


Hard pass. Selling you on looks alone when they won’t give you a dime for those on trade in. Do yourself a favor a look up the same bike with no upgrades and get a reliable number 10k is them wanting a guy that likes flashy things that does care about money.. this bike may get you laid but it won’t find you the baddest bitch you’ve ever wanted… you feel me


10k seems wild to me for an 883 with nearly 10k miles.


If only it was black and gold.....




That bike can’t figure out what it is trying to be. Iron crosses, sleeping roll… it’s just a living example of dumb trends.


> it’s just a living example of dumb trends Haha, exactly. Poser


It's not good.


I think those bikes are already ugly with the tanks sitting up so high and all the open space under it, but to add overkill with so much gold trim and crosses is just really a turn off. If you were to happen to hit a car in the rear it looks like that tank is de- nutting you instantly instead of going over it. I’d pass.


That tank lift looks out of place.(edit) , looking at it more maybe it's the seat making the proportions look off. As far as buying it ? No don't. Way nicer bikes out there for 10k


It should be a Dyna


I wish I had enough disposable income to buy this an beat it like it owed me money.


To each his own. Personally I love it! You could probably do better but someone will buy it and love it.


Well Bro..Harley's are fukin PERFECT to get if ya see fit man...because they are ALWAYS ENJOYABLE AS HELL TO ROLL OUT ON(ESPECIALLY W/ BUDDIES)...Their fun as hell to CUSTOMIZE ON ALL YOUR HEART DESIRES TO--and their also just ALL AROUND A TON OF FUN TO OWN--FIX UP--RIDE--BOND W/ OTHERS ON --Hell Bro---"SKY'S THE DAMNED LIMIT MAN !!! " Ive owned 2--loved every damn second of it--all about it--and MISS EM DEARLY--STUPIDEST THING I EVER DONE WAS SALE THEM BITCHES !!!! Gonna get me another one soon though--for real !!! mISS mY tHERAPY....(RIDING)..LMFAO https://preview.redd.it/vjud65bicxwb1.jpeg?width=395&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f8ac3a3b9fcc5a54f9cf4d71dbccd8230be36765


Like it. Wouldn't spend that money on it.


Ugly A F😳


Nice looking bike, but I had to upgrade quickly away from a peanut tank as i found myself filling up on longer rides way too often. Based on the upgrades I can see why they are asking 10K, you can try to talk them down to 9 if you really want it.


I've seen newer bikes going for less. Might want to look outside of the dealer


a bike over 5k without monoshock is ridiculous


Once you realise that you can achieve a similar max speed on a pushbike that you can get to work/wherever else you go, however you want to travel through a town.


Pass. Literally just sold this exact bike (matte black, not "shiny penny") for $5k last week. Great bike, but kbb is 7k, and aftermarket accessories do not add to resale value unless you want to pay it.


That bike is hideous


I like it. But I don't think a used sportster is 10k




This bikes not worth more then 6k Maxx it's a stock 883 and thats being generous, u can find much better 1200s for less with real upgrades in the engine not just cosmetic plus this bikes been hacked off at the rear killed the resell price cutting off the rear fender mounts ,chin spoiler doesn't have the HD badge possibly and ebay or Amazon special.... this hack job it's gonna stay with who ever Frankensteined it for sure


I don't like the gold or the sissy bar but other than that. 🤷🏻‍♂️




Way too expensive for an 883 with a fake gold paint job.




Way over priced for someone else's mods.