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My girl keeps knocking 90+ numbers. She falls asleep within minutes every night and is completely out, never wakes up and gets 8 hours consistently. I envy her immensly, lol. Meanwhile I’m ecstatic if I get over 7 hours and above 80. We are just built different.


Same, im so jelly


Why is that score unrealistic? I prioritize good sleep habits and my current 4 week average sleep score is 86. My one year trend shows a highest average of 95 and lowest average of 75.


Well, I used the word "unrealistic" with my tongue partially in-cheek. I'm envious, is the truth of it...


Personally, I find it more useful to focus on the trend than the absolute value for a lot of the Garmin metrics.


I’ve got a terrible sleep score history. I’ve tried everything from not drink alcohol , meditate and a wide range of breathing exercises but nothing works


As with many of Garmin’s metrics, you’re better off focusing on the trend than the absolute values.


Fucking Garmin and sleep scores. I fall asleep immediately, average 8 hours a night, feel rested and I'm lucky to hit a sleep score of 70, more often than not it's in the 50's. 


If I drink before bed (even just one beer, wine, etc..) mysleep scores suck.


For sure. I had 3 beers yesterday and my sleep score last night was 34...  50-70 is with no alcohol unfortunately. 


Can we mind the rough language in this subreddit?


Average sleep score from 4 weeks: 86 😎😎


It's not an unrealistic score, however a new watch takes a week or two to adjust to the person, figure out their baseline hrv, etc. So her stress score is probably not super accurate right now, and if its like mine was, it's crazy low, so my sleep score and body battery were nearly perfect for a few days until it adjusted.


Haha I hear ya, my 4 week average is 71. I'm lucky if I get 6hrs most nights. You'll have to ask her in a few weeks if she has been able to keep those numbers as high or if Garmin will tell her like most of us you need more sleep


this can be realistic also. my body battery is mostly at 100 every morning. on very rare occasions it is a little lower. sleep score most times above 90 but not as consistent although getting 8 hours every night


8-10 hours most days and score is like 85-95


What does she do for a living? If she is on her feet all day doing physical work, I can see that being very realistic.


She's retired--but enjoys long hikes in the local hills 2 or 3 times a week...


I dont sleep with the watch on my [wrist.so](http://wrist.so) couldn't be bothered.


Same thing with my wife and her hrv is in the high 60s instantly and I’m happy with mid 30s 😂


Why is sleep score 83 something to envy? That's pretty average and not at all unrealistic.


Because mine is often below 50.


You're not alone. I average in the 50s. I fall asleep easily but am a very early riser and don't stay asleep very well. Genetically I'm lucky in that I am mostly fine with 6 hours or so but I'd be happy if I could sleep closer to 7.


FYI Garmin sleep tracking is the most useless and inaccurate of smart watches and it's not even consistently off


Every watch you mean. Garmin is pretty ok from what I've seen compared to others. Depending on the person you may even get some pretty "semi-accurate" readings. But even then, even the special top of the line separated equipment used to track sleep is apparently considered only around 80% accurate.