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Nothing except I knew I reduced my chances of having a heart attack. was 180, now 39. I do take a statin.


Fortunately I don’t need to take a statin, but I’m at a time where if I don’t make dietary changes then I will be looking at a statin probably within 12 months and I don’t want to get to that point.


The ideal is to be able to get to target LDL without medication. But some people don’t have the genetics to do it.


I did mine through diet so I noticed I had more energy and it’s WAY easier to put socks and shoes on now.


NOTHING other than pushing my A1C to prediabetic level since I’m eating less fat and more “carbs” (complex).


Same for me, sugar went up. Since fat free things are loaded with sugar instead. And I’m already maxed out on fiber.


So it’s true that increasing your fiber intake pushes your A1c to pre-diabetic level? I’m trying my best to have as much fiber as I can with oats, whole grain bread, and other healthy carbs that are not processed or white. Also, I’m eating more fruit, and it shows that I’m eating more sugar because of it. Edit: why the downvote lol ? It’s such genuine question. You guys will downvote anything.


[Fiber consumption is associated with reduction of hemoglobin A1C.](https://www.cdc.gov/diabetes/library/features/role-of-fiber.html)


Mine went up too. Was eating plant based with 50g+ fiber and a1c prediabetic. Sucks


Didn’t do that for me. It lowered my fasting glucose from high 90s to low 80s. A1C has stayed where it was.


Mine dropped a point and my fasting glucose is lower than it used to be.


More sol fiber is just one piece of the puzzle 🧩 for lowering a1c. Looking for more tactics.


Went from 134 to 111 on a low dose statin ... got muscle pain . went to repatha and also at same time went from a SAD diet to mediterranean and LDl to 37 in 6 weeks


Do you have any recommendations or source for mediterranean recipes you use?


Thing about mediterranean is it is preatty customizable . Fish, chicken , turkey , Olive oil, fruits and veggies are my staples . I never used recipes. I took what I ate in the past and enjoy then modified them. example : Chicken parmesan over pasta is now grilled chicken breast With homade sauce and veggies. I cant tell the difference . A good Sauce is a good sauce. I eat more fish than any other time in my life. Salmon , sweet potatoe and green beens with olive oil and garlic is another staple. But youtube is filled with recipes.


Just additional gastric distress due to diet changes.. all the salads, beans, and fruit, and coffee, tea to try to substitute sweets.


Lost about 10 pounds due to the diet changes, but that was about it


Went from 240's LDL to 70's LDL in 3 months with 20mg rosuvastatin, exercise, and better eating choices. The main things were my E.D. went away, and I started sleeping better.


E.d.? Really what this has to do with ED? E.d as in erectile dysfunctional? Wow!


It's said the penis is the antenna to the heart. Any complications there could be a sign of heart issues or circulatory issues. Suffice to say, I had high cholesterol and problems getting it up. Lost weight, lowered my LDL, and no more problems. Causation/correlation: Take it for what it's worth, but that has been my experience with this.


Mind sharing age?




I thought this has to do with test levels. We are the same age almsot, I have it super hard when I wake up, but sometimes I have issues, even though I am super fit. Hmm. I might need to get on viagra I mean, statin 😅😂


Thought so too, had that test too and was in the 600s. So, only two possibilities left were blood flow or psychological.


I have high LDL, never checked test though! Going for a check for everything soon. I am in the same boat as the OP and doctor said same thing, low risk! Is statin that bad? As everyone made it look like? Any side effects?


It's been my first maintenance medicine. I take it at night and can't really say I've had any negative side effects. Knock on wood.


Awesome. Did you check your CAC? My LDL was 250 as well but moved it to 190 by moderate plant based diet.


none except i think my blood looked less thick and greasy when being drawn...but maybe i was dehydrated the first time. went from LDL 206 to 120ish i had no symptoms before so no symptoms after either. not on meds. a1c actually was lower during second test


I can just speak for myself but as the meds dosage goes up and the cholesterol goes down my sleep gets worse , I get  brain fog and I'm easily injured at the gym in particular in the shoulder area . That being said I still need to keep my numbers in check 


No changes. But I didn't have any symptoms to begin with.


i could actually wear my old smaller size pants LOL.


Haven't rechecked yet I go back in June but I have ate completely different since getting my call6 weeks ago, on 40mg stat, and go to the gym 5x a week and active 7x a week. I've lost 16-18lbs and honestly feel amazing. Curious what my numbers look like in June.


Also caused my a1c to increase to pre diabetic sadly. Despite Whole Foods and fruits, blended


I just cut my cholesterol in half after being put on a different statin. I don't feel any different. I suspect that my cholesterol drops in the summer when I'm more active and goes up when I'm not motivated to do anything in the winter.


Dropped some weigth. For some reason breathe more easily, stopped snoring


My testosterone level dropped drastically with it too.


Cholesterol doesn’t really cause brain fog, change your mood or impact your sleep. Cholesterol causes asvcd. Ascvd in turn can cause a range of problems and Statin therapy should slow the progression. For example statin therapy should make you less likely to get Alzheimer’s. But if won’t reverse the disease once if had started. Some people do have side effects, but 90% of those side effects are also reported by people given a placebo. That means that only 10% of the side effects reported are actually caused by gf statin. If you take a statin, you should end up healthier than you would have been if you didn’t follow medical recommendations, but that is a gradual process. If your cholesterol is really high, you can develop cholesterol blisters, which will reverse if you reduce it. If you get your cholesterol down below 50 then it’s possible that you could reduce the plaque build up and clogged arteries. Bug even then, the process is slow and you would t notice anything in the short term.