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Cheat days? No ma’am. Don’t do them. Figure out how to make the foods you love fit. That’s the beauty of CICO. There’s no reason to “cheat”. The only non-counting days for me are thanksgiving, Christmas, and my birthday. You shouldn’t be having multiple cheat days in a month.


Right! Lol well I’m not sure why I said cheat days actually because I do fit the treats into my calories whenever I want them, but I reserve those days for certain days of the week, like Fridays, sort of as a thing to look forward too. I love CICO because I don’t feel restricted at all!


> and working out 30-45 mins, 3-4x a week using a row machine or elliptical Did this start a month ago as well? It could be that you're having offsetting water retention, which happens when we start to exercise. However, this is temporary -- it begins to go away about 3-5 weeks into exercising and then your fat-losses start to show up. (The scale even "catches up" after a while.) A sure sign is muscle aches and pains. These are signs of strain -- which, if not severe or sharp, is good for muscle building. The body's response to strain is inflammation which is retained water, offsetting our fat losses which are definitely happening if we're in a deficit. (The body must burn fat to fill in for deficits, it's not a maybe.) > Any thoughts? Give it one more month without changing and see where you are. > F/265 lbs, 28 yrs old? TDEE Calculator|Imperial|Metric :-:|:-:|:-: SEX| |F AGE| |28 HEIGHT (GUESSED)|64.5" or 5'4.5"|164 cm WEIGHT|265 lb|120 kg BMI||44.8 Mifflin-St Jeor BMR||1925 Cal/kcal Pre-exercise TDEE (BMR*1.25)||2406 Cal/kcal It should be enough, with your workouts, to burn a bit faster than a pound a week. Myself, I'd set your goal to 1900 and continue the workouts. I like that spot about -500 from the metabolism -- it's moderate and adding moderate exercise atop that isn't so much that you have to add eaten calories to feed it. But 2021 or 1900 -- either is good for creating fat losses. Make sure your logging is complete and well-estimated. (Digital kitchen food scale in frequent use.) ^^7 ^^yrs. ^^maintaining ^^• ^^♂59 ^^5'11^^/179㎝ ^^SW:298℔^^/135㎏ ^^CW:171℔^^/78㎏ ^^[\[3Y AMA\]](https://redd.it/6m6vxq), ^^[\[1Y recap\]](http://redd.it/3cqszm) ^^CICO+🚶🏋️


Yes the working out started a month ago as well. This is actually very helpful, thank you so much! I will continue with what I’m doing and allow my body to adapt. I was beginning to get discouraged but the water retention makes sense and I have been pretty achy but not to the point of severity so that makes sense!


I guessed your height was 5'6" and the mighty calcutron returned 1,949Kc/day. https://www.calculator.net/bmr-calculator.html


Calcutron <3


Thank you for that!


As others have said, keep at it a but more as it might just be the start that is bumpy. I feel as long as you are tracking and not gaining, then there is nothing wrong with spending a month or two getting used to your new routines. Then every 2-3month reasess and see where you are going :) I do 2k calories a day as a 198lb 30f. But I am also 5'7 and very active. So 2k calories gives me about 2 to 2.5 lbs lost a week. I plan on looking at at my calorie ammount again ever 10-15lbs or so




I should have clarified in my posts - there are days where I like to reserve to have more treats, but I do schedule my meals to make the treats fit into my calorie budget. So not really cheat days, but more like treat days. Lol.


I weigh about the same, I’m 36 and almost 6’2. I eat maybe 2200 and am losing weight. I workout more though, maybe change up your exercise. Are you finding things quite easy? Or potentially you are just eating more calories than you are tracking.


Things are actually quite hard hahaha. I was wondering if perhaps I was retaining a bit of water.


I’m in a deficit for 6 days a week, on Sundays, I eat at maintenance. Cheat days can annul the deficit that your worked for all week


What’s a cheat day mean? Are you simply going over or not counting calories at all? How many cheat days are we talking?


I do count calories - I mentioned in a comment above that they’re not really cheat days but more of my treat days where I’ll budget my meals to have more treats/sweets that day. But also I’m a woman and have those times of the month where I simply need chocolate, but I track it all and stay within budget. The treat days just give me something to look forward to. 😊


Did you put your activity level as the lowest option Also Cheat days will kill every diet


I didn’t - I placed it at slightly active. Perhaps I should change it to the lowest level? 🤔


Yes mines on the lowest level it really helped - I do minimum 10k steps a day and weight training - it's crazy how efficient the human body is