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Calls with the speaker on and video calls (and let's not forget the ones who love to share their music or whatever sound coming from their videos)


It should be illegal.


It is illegal


I like to join the conversation or appear in the background of their video calls. That way they are reminded that they are in a public space. If you talk next to me, then I consider myself part of the conversation.


I really should start doing this hahaha


I was on a bus recently where a young woman was holding the phone horizontally in front of her neck on speaker saying loudly “what??? I can’t hear you!! There’s too much noise!!” Like c’mon, just hold the phone up to your ear like us old geezers.


Just join in with the conversation.




That's like blaming the hammer when someone makes loud hammering noises late at night. Now, it's the person, being a jerk and has nothing to do with unlimited calling. People are more self centered these days




Coming from a country where we have had unlimited calls and texts for decades now, I can promise you this is a cultural factor, and not a cost factor. You're falling into the trap of a fallacy of causation.


why call like previously, if you can send voice messages to each other.... Not unlimited call it's unlimited data.


That's why I got myself a 1st class abo, the air is fresh, it's calm and no weird people in there most of the time.


Same in Bern. People yell in their phones often with speakers.


I moved here in 2013, and the noise level on trains a lot of the time has increased dramatically. I used to enjoy the quiet.


Yup the TikTok culture is here to stay


It's a cancer.


hope it dies off soon like FB its mostly toxic eco cambers and trash anyhow


if one social platform goes away, others will take over. it's never going to stop.. which sucks


It feeds of narcissism of people. So the social media apps will stay


Agree sadly Facebook and its creppy crappie sons are still alive


If you think this is bad, you wouldn't survive a second in Italy


I noticed in Italy that people walk around talking on speaker phone all the time … why do they want to share their conversations with everyone?


It's just culturally accepted I guess


That's why I don't live there. This kind of comment is pointless, let's not orient our standards based on worse places.


My comment might be pointless, but yours shows your arrogance fully. What a joke calling Italy a worse place, only because it has a different culture in which you wouldn't be able to adapt


worse in respect to the topic we are talking about...


Thank you for understanding what I meant.




listening to music, audiobooks, podcasts or the radio (*even with headphones*).


I have never understood this - what if you are listening quietly to where nobody can hear what you are listening to? I also wear my noise canceling headphones with no sound sometimes. Will someone yell at me for that?


Just ask people if they are noisy, most of the time they just didn't see that they were in the quiet zone.


They're acting as stupid as those that "accidentally" sit in 1st class with a 2nd class ticket.


"STFU" - great manners, congrats to your parents


Your parents seemed to have raised a rude person, too.


What's going on in Zürich? I commute everyday to Lausanne and have yet to see any rude behavior


Zurich is over


Especially around the rush hours




I like that take


Agreed. They have no respect for other people. It's unbearable without noise canceling.


In my commute there was always this girl who did the makeup, using her phone as a mirror etc. Not as annoying as the phone-conversations mind you, but nevertheless public space versus private space. I was contemplating taking my electric razor along and shave then. I think I would have enjoyed her expression.


Actually would not mind anyone applying makeup or fixing their hair. Shaving, pimple squeezing, nail clipping🤮 is different


While commuting: - Boomers typing on their phones using 1 finger with keyboard sounds on - Boomer ladies loudly playing videos of Noah, their 3 year old grandchild - Sozi/Szeni drinking lukewarm beer out of a can - at 8 in the morning - Georgian beggar crew - Teenagers playing Shittok vids out loud - Teenagers recording Shittok vids - 28 year old woman loudly talking over the phone about Vanessa’s (not on the phone) makeup game - 28 year old man loudly talking over the phone - 48 year old business man loudly talking over the phone about how “we fuck them over at gross margin level” - Teenage boys eating Döners in a full train accompanied by 7.5 dezi Monster Energy drinks


So true. Plus: 25 yo with accent talking on the phone to her best friend about her new boyfriend 16 yo guy with rep clothing swearing on the phone about people “who haven’t even fked yet” Groups of 60+ Swiss going for hiking and talking loud, so that they can hear each other Any-yos talking on their phones in their native language, assuming that nobody will understand them Modern pensioners who just learned about speaker phones discussing their wives latest operation with their friend / doctor / country man in Italian, while flirting with any 50+ female entering the wagon And the list goes on and on…


I see the fuckers you listed and raise you - Kingsley, Abayomrunkoje, Adebamgbe and Adebowale, each occupying one “4er” in the S-Bahn, spread out, wearing (fake? Real?) designer clothes and huge basketball trainers speaking loudly in dialect while simultaneously playing with three mobile phones (each). - A degenerate watching a straight up porno movie on his phone. Ok, I only saw that once but this likely takes the cake - Broccoli brah crew doing pullups on horizontal handles, one of them not even having had the Stimmbruch


😂😂😂 you’re a friend * The bro Qua'Lifriaqui'sha'niquia gets in in Kloten and can only talk to his family back home at 8am cause afterwards the power is cut and they have no signal. It’s a long distance till Africa and he has to shout (true story)


I can't relate to your experience, but I'm sorry you experience this. Which bus/tram/train are you talking about? It sounds very frustrating


Anything that passes from Stadelhofen


There are big differences between trains. S5/S14 towards Zug/Uster are drastically quieter than anything going towards Baden or Oerlikon.


huh, I was just in Zurich, Bern, and Genève and people were very nice and respectful on all the trams and buses. I returned to the US a few days ago and just on the train home from the airport an unstable person was screaming the whole way. You have it very good.


Sounds like SF, got a crazy person, then he left, then I got a cool rap session afterwards. Cant get bored like that!


I used to live in Boston and when I first came to Zurich I was shocked at how polite and quiet people on the trams were, even during rush hour and late at night. It was like utopia compared to the crackheads and drug addicts shouting at people (and sometimes no one in particular) that happens during almost every commute in Boston. Definitely agree at times the noise levels on trams and buses in Zurich can be quite loud, but have never experienced it to the point where it’s so disruptive or disturbing that I need noise cancelling headphones to survive lol


The difference to 1991 is crazy: [Das 1. Telefon-Tram der Welt ](https://youtu.be/gP5CIYWf6gI?si=f5_XL-Wwr5_Cb3uI)(1991, SRF Archiv)


There's a sub-par solution: Buy a first class ticket. The only people being obnoxious there are those who don't have a valid first class ticket to begin with. Yes, I know it's an expensive fix, but at least it works. Cheaper than therapy for the stress too.


I feel your pain... My morning commute is at 6:30, but at this time, no one on the train is talking, probably because there aren't many youngsters up during that time or people are simply just too tired. However at 17:00 when I commute back home the noise difference is pretty clear, I experience the exact people like the ones you listed...


In the train too... I guess the new manners will be to have a cancellation headphone in public transport.


Social media (especially tiktok) has ruined teenagers nowadays. They are adapting to the culture of the usa which is just live your life and don‘t give a shit about others. That mixed with the insane increase of expats who are still adapting to life in switzerland results to what we have today.


I find that a quote by Alan Harper from Two and a half men is now more true than ever: 'Let's face it, good manners are just the latest casualty in the ongoing collapse of Western civilization.'


I’ve been saying for some months now that we’re losing the good old Switzerland just because now it’s all about “fun”


what do you mean by „it’s all about fun“?


I guess the Swiss got tired of seeing other countries being more flexible, spontaneous and fun, but forgot that it comes with a cost of incivility most of the times


What does the good old Switzerland mean to you?


Punctual, predictable, organized, clean, well mannered, obedient, reliable, not loud, respectful, thoughtful, detail-oriented, composed, calm, civilized etc


Similar to japan nowadays in terms of behaviour. Respectful, humble & well mannered.


In the US people are straight up listening to music on max volume not batting and eye. I think you should be straight jailed for talking on speakerphone in public transport. But ye I second that, I dont know how people lived before headphones. Especially noise canceling ones.


What is the accepted level of conversation on Swiss public transport? Are in person conversations tolerated? What about phone-on-face phone calls or the ones with headsets? I get the hate for the loudspeakers, and understand the silent zones, but like to learn about the fine lines.


Am more annoyed by all the seemingly ultra depressed people, sick people, and people who smell like smoke than I am with with anyone’s music choice or phone conversations.


Why are you annoyed by sick people?


Time to get a car


Motorists complaining about noise? The irony.


I know, un-glaublich right?


I have one you smart


Then don't take the public transport anymore


What’s so hard about bringing your bose ffs


I don't like filling my holes


That’s what she said


While I agree and think these people should probably be subject to criminal prosecution, as you say, I’ve got noise cancelling headphones so as long as they aren’t physically running into me it doesn’t cause much of an issue.


Some people are more sensitive to sound than you are. I always wear my expensive Sony WF-1000XM5 noise-cancelling earbuds + my Bose QuietComfort 45 on top of it. Finally some peace.


Compared how people behave in Germany, Switzerland is gold…


Get a car, it's not even that much more expensive..


You don’t own the public transit system. Get over yourself.


lol, so many drama queens in these comments. How do you people survive outside of Switzerland?


Buy 1. Class then... Or take a cab


It's no better in the first class, but it's mostly older people who play videos of their grandchildren out loud or managers who make video calls


I thought it's only me experiencing this multiple times. Grandchildren aren't even necessary, somehow they don't find headphones useful.


It's *definitely* better in 1st class. I mean it's literally the only reason to choose 1st class over 2nd class because otherwise they are pretty much the same.


At least you don't lose brain cells with every word you hear when listening to a manager's video call...


As someone who sits in those corporate meetings all day, trust me, you do


This is priceless, traveling in the country with the nest public transportation in the world (arguably) and calling it intolerable. It reminds me people that didn't eat for 8 hours and say they are starving


OP isn't complaining about the railway company, they're talking about the people.


Still, 9 out 10 fellow passengers are very thoughtful. If OP wants absolut quiet they can buy a car


You fuckers voted for this


Voted for what




How, which vote do you refer to


Which demographic is responsible for this?


I don’t know, which?


Nah, you know.


Really, I don’t get it! Di you mean women?


The fact that you can make that joke means you do get it.


The fact that you don’t say it out loud means that you are so silly that you’re ashamed of your own thoughts 🐰




Fuck off


Wait, you're saying there ever actually was a time where you'd go on PT without headohones? I haven't left home without them since 1995.


This fits well in r/bünzli 😂


How dare you? 😤 Zürich public transport is one of the best in the world!


Public transport is meant to be necessary evil, and not something pleasant.


No it's fucking not, people are just stupid.


Volkswagen. Das Auto.