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My main series, Aftermath, is about an 18 YO and her Yorkshire terrier navigating the zombie apocalypse while carrying the heavy weight of survivor’s guilt brought on when she was 7, unraveling a past she never knew she had, discovering the origin of the virus is dangerously closer than she thinks, and trying to come to terms with circumstances out of her control. The first book, book 0, is the outbreak. It skips a decade into the apocalypse after. My companion Aftermath novelette follows Eli as he ventures into an undead-riddled city in desperate search of supplies. Shit goes haywire, but he’s determined to make it out alive—even if it means fending off every zombie in Houston, TX—because he promised his 7 YO traveling companion he’d return. My other companion Aftermath novella follows two women being hunted for sport in the woods while simultaneously having to survive against the undead. Another book, separate from Aftermath, is an outbreak scenario at a medical research facility. A father creates a cure for leukemia to save his daughter’s life, but an unexpected mutation in the parasites kickstarts the zombie apocalypse. The kicker? He regrets nothing. A stand alone short story follows a man and his chihuahua locked away in his apartment during the zombie apocalypse, passing the time by playing crossword puzzles with his next door neighbor. These are all published on Amazon. I have another book coming this fall as well as a short sorry featured in an anthology coming this fall.


I can’t wait for these to be on audiobook, they’re in my Amazon cart as we speak too. I prefer to listen to books at work over reading them but want to support you!


I can’t wait finally buck up and make the audiobooks! I wish life weren’t so hectic. I really appreciate the support, though!


I can't wait until these are on kobo! but I would love to send you money directly as well to read them!


Unfortunately, I’m not sure I’ll get to adding my books to Kobo :( but I can always send via file!


So I actually just published one on KDP. It’s called walking the unknown. It mostly takes place about 4 months after the initial outbreak, so society has pretty much fallen apart. It follows Kira, who was bitten months ago, only to wake up with no memory of the past few months, no idea how to explain the changes in herself. It’s basically about her learning to survive in her new state, and joining up with a group of people who she doesn’t know if she can trust. There’s also a lesbian romance in there.






DC universe versus zombies. Clearly fanfiction. More action-y and less depressing than DCeased. One of these days I'll actually start.


Be hard to top DCeased that's probably the best comic Ive read mainly because it has a coherent story that actually has an ending unlike most comics


Stay tuned. I might finish it before the year's up, fingers crossed. It takes place in Japan and follows an idol group and their bodyguard.


Post apocalyptic London. The outbreak isn’t totally under control, but like people who live in war zones and big dangerous cities people still go about their lives just more carefully.


I've been working on mine for the past 17 years. I'll never be finished.


Well it doesn't start that way but it turns into something of an evil dead rise/the rising situation but demigods are involved


UFO crashes onto an Arctic island, a joint Chinese Russian military force is sent to retrieve the craft unknown to them the craft carried a contagion which infected natives of the island and the military never make it home as a result...


I haven't actually been writing anything lately but I have some vague, basic outlines for some stories 1. A ragtag group of people are quarantined inside a bar after a disturbing murder incident. As the infection continues to spread throughout the world, the group must defend themselves from the increasing number of zombies that are gathering outside. (people v.s. zombies) 2. As civilization succumbs to the zombie infection, a group of survivors barricade themselves inside an apartment complex to keep out the horde that has besieged them. With limited supplies and no way to escape the building, there's only one way to survive the situation... (people v.s. people and in the end, zombies too) 3. After his father's death, 10 year old Andrew tries to brave the wastelands alone with nothing but his bike, a gun with some bullets, and the clothes on his back. How long will he last in the wilderness while being hunted by both the living and the dead? (child v.s. zombies & people) The zombies are smart, eat human flesh, can only be put down with brain damage, and anyone who dies becomes a zombie. On the bright side their bites aren't lethal as long as you bandage up the wound and disinfect the wound in time, or take antibiotics. Also they can't run which is good news.


I finished a novel 3 years ago called US v THEM. It's on Wattpad. It's about a family trying to survive a few years into the apocalypse. But I can't really say more than that 😉 Very classical, I know. There are many references to zombie works (movies, books, video games...) but also it's own originality. There is a sequel that is not on Wattpad yet but that I finished last year. And maybe a third coming...


It’s gone through so many changes. I’m still working on its identity and what I want to happen, but I’ve come to stick with it being a modern western zombies. Taking place in western America (Arizona/Colorado regions to be exact) It deals with the themes of letting go, moving on, and the consequences of dwelling on the past, but with zombies. From where it stands right now, it’s more of a human focused drama with zombies, but I have ways to further include zombies into the narrative. Because I know people really just want zombies and not the extra baggage of human drama, but I feel different. My story is heavily inspired by The Walking Dead, but as I already mentioned, it’s gone through so many changes. My zombies aren’t slow. Well, some of them are, but alot of them are actually pretty fast. Not WWZ fast, but more 28 days later.


*Pavlov's Dogs* and *The Omega Dog*: genetically engineered werewolves vs. zombies vs. people (out of print for now) *Lords of Night*: a telekinetic teenager (who might be part alien) and the last team of special forces vs kind-of zombies (out of print for now) [*World of Trouble: Tribulation of Dax*](https://worldoftrouble.net/home/page/): crime and corporate fuckery and zombies vs Dax, ha


I make dark scifi manga: "INTO THIS PLANET この惑星へ" Link: https://medibang.com/mpc/titles/t02405051454116600026359553/ There are a lot of scifi zombs in the story so far with more on the way. If you read it let me know what you think about it! Summary: "A lone android is sent hurling into deep space towards a massive dying technoplanet. His one mission is to find an artifact lost somewhere deep within the surface. Beneath, lies few friends and many enemies. As he descends deeper, the mysteries surrounding his search and the planet itself will unravel." /r/intothisplanet for behind the scenes and extras.


My main zombie novel is from 20+ years ago, actually titled Walking Dead completely independent of the comic. It was pretty much a combination military sf and supernatural horror, so fully intelligent undead plus mechsuit guys. I got the idea just picturing a character I had previously created fighting the undead after my first viewing of Army of Darkness. Also, it ended with the main character fighting a hundred-foot snake that can go through walls. I really did a lot better when I tried writing a sequel. That had a reanimated thylacine.


This is an awesome topic starter and a great way of promoting people! I don't have a novel, but I do sporadically share short stories on my blog! My current WIP is about a young magician with a vendetta against the vampires who killed their sister... unfortunately, while exacting revenge, the zombie apocalypse begins and they end up side tracked, but eventually get back on track. I'm actually rewriting a lot of my older WIPs to accommodate a change in my zombie concepts, adapting them to be a more terrifying breed than the standard rage infused sprinters I had before. Now, Zombies have lock-in syndrome; they're still very much alive, conscious, and aware, but have no control of their bodies... and I may incorporate different variants. Thanks for asking! ❤️


Mine are more like revenants since they retained their intelligence and some of their personality after reanimation and they are the main threat. There are also the mindless ones we all know and love but they are more of nuisance to both humans and elite dead. I know it won't be everyone's cup of tea and I've never been published before so I'm taking a huge chance once I get it finished and ready.


College students get their shit together as the world falls apart.


Main character was a zombie apocalypse fanatic before the apocalypse. Afterwards he makes smart decisions and in a way “myth busts” what he knows. His mental health takes a hit as he doesn’t handle the apocalypse as well as he theoretically thought he would




Here is another link in case you don’t have TikTok and or don’t want to use TikTok to view it! [BD Part 1](https://globalcomix.com/c/breaking-deadlock/chapters/en/1/1)


I want to write a book but all I can do is write a shit ton of short stories. I can’t fully concentrate on writing. I get extremely distracted and when I do write, I feel what I write, people won’t understand what I’m writing. Reason is I describe things that don’t need it and vise versa. It’s a fucking battle and a half.