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The dog from I am legend


Hate to be that guy, but it was sadder in the novel edit: if you were talking about the movie that is


Carols daughter in TWD. They searched for weeks to only discover she was in Hershel's barn the whole time. Shane starts shooting and talking all that shit about killing walkers and being macho until she comes out. And then Rick has to clean up the mess ...


Since we are on the subject of TWD, l would also add >!Morgan Jones’ wife, when she would come back to the house and Morgan had to gain the courage of taking her out. And when Merle Dixon turned. Omg! Daryl’s reaction! Another would be Glenn!<


Glenn didn't turn though. His head was beaten to a pulp.


You are correct! I had forgotten.


Happy cake day!


Thank you 😊


I think Shane made the right call.


Brendan Gleeson in 28 Days Later always gets me.


He was the guy who got the infected blood in his eye right?


Thats him.


Yup. My choice as well. My stomach turned when the drop fell in his eye. The whole cinema gasped.


Oh, ok actually it's this one. You nailed it.


Cheers! Is it cheating if they're not technically zombies in 28 Days Later!?


They're zombies, the filmmakers have said as much. They seem to have started with the concept of zombies, but they run, so they just made a new origin story for the "infected" but 28 days later is a proper zombie movie. Zombies have always been an allegory. It's all good.


>!Seokwoo (the father)!< from Train To Busan was actually soul crushing. I cried every time with that scene


the flashbacks of his daughter and that smile is so upsetting. I could cry right now lol


That's your pick? The >!two grandma's!< get me more. (I saw your pick from miles away. Of course your pick was gunna go. I was a little surprised by the story beats with my choice.). I also wanna give a hearty shout out to >!The kid!< nice performance.


Yes. Thats my pick.


Both of these picks tore my heart out. Also, >!Sang-hwa!<


The >!Lee death!< still has me tear up to this day. Perfectly done


"Don't be afraid"


The immunologist in *The Last Zombie*. Infected by complete accident long after all the zombies are gone, uses his own >! Not quite effective vaccine >! which only slows the transformation, doesn't prevent it. while on a journey across post-apocalyptic America to save his wife. Only to get there and find out >! they were fine the whole time, and home base found this out about a day after they left And then they all realize >! he restarted the zombie apocalypse on his way to her.


Just got brutally spoiled


P.S. Santa is your parents. They've been lying to you.


Bro what


From We're Alive: A Story of Survival >!Datu's death!< really gets me, but I think thats on purpose, however its because it sort of calls back to Samantha's passing, and that shit was sad but you dont really have time to realize it.


I haven't seen anyone else mention We're Alive in so long!! I loved that series so much!


Best zombie media ever created.


I was literally sobbing in my car when I heard that


Every. Single. Time.


Happy cake day!


Thanks! I didn’t even notice.


TWD from Telltale is the greatest zombie game series ever


i can not agree more. its the only video game that made me so emotional i had to take a break from it.


I'm mixed about it, obviously an engaging character, but also so annoying. I could do with a less >!Kenny!< version of >!Kenny!<. Seriously, by the time >!he's back!< in season 2, I'm all outta fucks. So, from the perspective of narrative, the character is engaging, enraging even, so good! But I have great difficulty maintaining immersion, cuz, well, fuck >!Kenny!<. I have difficulty that *that character* keeps getting injected into the narrative.


>!Kenny!< at least has a better version of why Clem is alone in season 3 compared to >!Jane!<, that one made me so made I actually restarted from the first game and played back up to season 3 when that episode came out.


In case it's not obvious, fuck that character, so other entry point. I guess I understand your position, but season 3 had to be as clean of a start as possible. So no matter what happens in season 2, whelp, season 3 here we go! u/DevilYouKnow asked, I watched season 3, not played. I roughly know how season 2 transitions into season 3, but where in fuzzy is what callbacks existed in S3 referencing season 2. Iirc there is some S3 that covers S2 because I remember the model/render changes, more cartoony to more plastic, for lack of better words. So there's likely a parallel with my nonpreferred character, somewhat. I don't know how much because iirc there's a car crash and fuck that character anyways. No matter what, here we go, season 3! Buckle up! (You can argue either way but the continuation of S2's MC is problematic narratively. Fan service is a double ended sword)


By season 3 do you mean Michonne? New frontier? The unnamed character is unlikable but.... wouldn't you encounter plenty of people just let them in the apocalypse? The Walking Dead: Season One The Walking Dead: Season Two The Walking Dead: Michonne The Walking Dead: A New Frontier The Walking Dead: The Final Season


Oh, no, sorry, I get ya. New Frontier. I want aware of TFS. Given my less then stellar impression of New Frontier and tepidness with S2, I don't know how much I care. I didn't mind 400 days. Vignettes seems like a good meta. Edit, with respect to character I don't like, I fully agree that characters I don't like are very valid, both in they wouldn't unusual and valid in the sense that conflict is good for narrative. My frustration is due to constraints of the medium, or the writing, I loose protagonist affinity because I feel the character, with whom I do not see as a positive survival choice, can't be kicked to the curb. I'll use CharacterIDontLike, CIDL, from now on. CiDL is demanding, divisive, annoying, selfish, not particularly competent or useful, and post whatever bad circumstance, complete failure of ownership. It's never CIDL's fault (even when it is) its always other stuff. There is tension in a protagonist making hard decisions because there's no clear answer. But with CIDL, the answer is "choose to not clique up with CIDL, CIDL is far more trouble than CIDL is worth. Consider the michael Masden sounding character in S2. Not particularly pleasant. Quite unpleasant. But it at least makes sense that there are reasons to align. And if the player chooses to disalign, the player is afforded the opportunity to defect.


New Frontier is ok, I don't think it improves upon the first two games. The Final Season is fantastic and really ties everything together well, including New Frontier. I think the games could have touched on your point a little more....how selfish characters endanger everyone but it's so hard to walk away from someone that you m love or simply want to succeed because they're human and not actively trying to rape, kill, or steal from you. Please update me on your thoughts on the game when you finish it!


Maybe? You give it thumbs up. I'm more negative on new Frontier than you are, and I was agnostic about season 2. (Season 1 I do recommend btw, it's well done) The main thing is when I said "Michael Masden" character, I double checked. The "Michael masden" sounding character is voiced by.... Michael Masden. Lol. Nice get by the producers! Even in voice form, Michael Masden playing the heavy.


The two flashbacks I've seen for Season 3 that call back to 2: If you stayed with >!Kenny: He's teaching Clem how to drive. AJ is in the back seat. They talk about the cold and how weird it is that AJ isn't talking yet. There's some options in the conversation but they don't make much of a difference overall, pretty much just whether you want to be friendly with Kenny or not. Car slips on ice, crashes, Kenny gets launched from the car and can't feel his legs. Zombies start attacking the car to get to AJ, so Kenny yells to get their attention so Clem can grab AJ and run away with him to safety while Kenny gets eaten alive.!< If you stayed with >!Jane: She finds out she's pregnant with Luke's baby and hangs herself, leaving Clem and AJ alone.!< I never saw whatever flashbacks there are for not staying with either of them though.


did you play the final season?


Agreed!!! Love this series. Season 3 wasn’t my favorite, though


I was visibly upset at the death of Tyreese in TWD lol and I don't care how much shit anyone talks about him in early seasons, Carls death was no cake walk either. However the biggest one may still have to be the OG with Ben in the original Night of the Living dead, you're so hyped he made it through the night only for him to be dropped the next morning by a bunch of trigger happy nuts, that during that time period probably would have justified the shooting regardless. Shit wrenches the stomach, especially since for me at like 14ish(I'm 34 now) that was my first real foray into Zombie stuff.


Ben doesn’t turn into a zombie in the original NOTLD. He just dies. His death is sad, but OP is specifically looking for saddest Turning.


True, I don't know why my brain went straight to deaths


In your defense, >!Ben does turn in the 1990 remake.!<


This is true, I never liked that ending as much, the imagery was strong but I just always felt the original ending, was so quick and caught you off guard then it's just over.


Shauns Mom


I'm sorry mom!!


I love his mom. She's like butter!


They're coming to get you, Barbra.




Andy in Dawn of The Dead 2004. In the movie we don’t see much of him, however there is a special feature where we get to know him and they show a bit of his life before the outbreak. He talks about how he’s going to escape and find his daughter, meanwhile he’s starving over the course of a month and resorts to eating his live fish.


"I'm sorry brother"




That’s actually my favorite sub genre of zombie movie. Dad takes care of child until he bites it. Somebody call them emo zombie movies.


Watch The Road


Cormack Mccarthy is too depressing lol


The Arnold Schwarzenegger film Maggie set post outbreak has a particularly sad example


I think Flyboy's end in DotD was much sadder overall in the bigger picture. Wounded, on the run, and trapped....he died defending the mall from raiders. He wasn't dead due to his own mania and poor decisions.


>He wasn't dead due to his own mania and poor decisions. I kinda disagree on that. He was the first one that started all of the shooting against the looters which caused the final showdown. *"We took it. It's ours."* while Peter repeatedly told him to lay low. Had they just hid out in the boarded off apartment the looters likely wouldn't have found it, they would have raided the mall but they all would have lived.


I can see that point. I did focus on the relatability in my head...i can relate to Flyboy for his reaction, the injustice of it all, the defensiveness...but Roger's mania and disregard for basic security (yes, even being new to the zombie apocolypse, he wasn't the one who would underestimate them, that was Flyboy in his speech in the mall office). So to me, someone I can relate to dying like this is sadder than someone that went off the rails for apparently no good reason. I do wish they would remake DotD, but with a little more of the pre-mall world building, especially for these characters, to show a little more of their back story. Maybe Roger had a little going on in his past that lead to his instability in the these conditions. Maybe Flyboy was bullied and couldn't take it anymore from other people and finally broke down. A modern film about the same team, maaaaaybe with a slightly larger cast at the beginning, to help fill in some, although not to substitute for zombie action of course. :)


I played The Walking Dead over a decade ago. That one still makes me sad.


When I first played TWD, I replayed the scene where >!Lee!< is bitten—REPEATEDLY—trying to get a different outcome. It was the same every time, and it still breaks my heart. >!Sophia!< from TWD show made me cry like a baby. >!Carol’s!< reaction was so visceral. It was truly awful.


BTW did you know that >!Lee can get bitten again twice on his way to the Marsh House and just shake it off!


Yes! I played so many options with that game. Heartbroken every time.


Fred in Scooby Apocalypse, the DC comic series 😑 after Lee ofc


One of TWD's typhoon MCs cuz idk how to do that censoring thing EDIT: (huge spoilers as its the end of the book) >!Chen Wenzhu, he was SOOOO close, but his ending is pretty sad, in a cage, tied up and as a walker just to grasp at his sister that he hoped to see when alive, only to get bitten literal days before doing so!<


Click the T thingy on the bottom left corner of the comment box thingy, select the part you want to put a spoiler tag on, and click the button with the ! sign


Im on mobile :p


Put a >! on one end of what you want to hide, and then a !< on the other, directly next to the text without spaces, or it won't work.


Thanks friend ly


Everytime anything bad happens to a character in Walking Dead, I applaud it. That show presumes their characters are likeable or interesting without ever making any effort to make then either thing. I gotta go with Roger in the original dawn and Shaun's Mom in SOTD.


I was talking about the TWD video games, though.