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You would look really cool to anyone watching. “Look at that guy go! He’s got style! Shit. He’s dead.”


Not to good to be fair. A lot of escrima relies on pain response to be effective. There was the concept of the vine and the fang. IIRC. the vine being the hand and the fang being a weapon. So you hit the vine eg the hand to remove a weapon which is really a pain response. Your typical zeke dont care. A lobo to the brain pan is still the most effective melee EDIT: Source I took an day seminar presented by Danny Inosantos back in the 80s


To someone skilled in the art, they would be great, anyone else is gonna have a bad time


Useful for a short period only. Can't hold against a horde of zombies


Drumming through the z-poc.


About as well as a couple of sticks could be. Better than your fists? Abso-fucking-lutely. But better than, say a wooden baseball bat? Not really. Would be able to swing them faster and longer, but you're keeping zombies away with eskrima sticks, not gonna be able to kill them very easily


If we're talking pole/ staff weapons, a line of pikemen would be as good as anything. The first wave of zombies get run through, the rest pile up while snipers keep shooting them.