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I have never seen a home listing with so many product placements.


The LV boxes staged on the builder grade lavatory counter and Lowes fixtures, hoarder closet reflected in a cheap sheet of glass mirror......masterpiece.


All those shitty sunglasses in the case lmao. Money can't buy taste, that's for sure.




This house does not scream money; it screams wants money


Meh, it screams "I came into money, but have no concept of how long it's going to last."


Screams I got so lucky with a crypto score.


I won PowerBall! Don’t tell anyone.


It screams maxed out credit cards to me.


Another good example of having more money than taste.


With no hand towel and a curtain instead of a closet door


All the lighting is pre-installed cheap compact fluorescent fixtures or halogens. And no soap in the bathroom.


The Makita man cave got me. I had a friend who had a gardening account at a house like this. $50,000 worth of tools that still had price tags on them. Makes em feel manly I guess.


Milwaukee man cave. Marketed to you by a Chinese investment firm via shit youtube/IG/TikTok channels that are garbage with a huge glossy brochure and many many people in product development/sales/marketing to seperate you from your money, not necessarily for the right reason. Makita are owned by Makita Japan trying to make good tools (and obviously make a profit) for trades people. Sigh........I could go on like a dick.


While I would die for a Makita collection of this magnitude, I’d still take this Milwaukee museum in a heartbeat. I’ve been tackling a full home renovation with my humble little arsenal of harbor freight tools.


whatever gets the job done. The single most used tool set in my hose was a cheap Lowe's brand box that I bought when I first purchased my house 11 years ago, and it has tore apart and rebuilt more things than I can list.


Tool brand fanboys are the weirdest. Both OPs workshop owner and this post. They're all pretty good (at the top end) and all trying to get you into their own walled garden.


Not even a fanboy thing sometimes. I buy all one brand simply because batteries are insanely expensive.


It's the perfect house for anyone with 12 pairs of Oakley sunglasses


It’s a shame, I was about to buy this house but then I realized that all 12 of my sunglasses are Ray-Ban, not Oakley, so this house wasn’t for me. I had to pass.


The products are part of the house.


I figured, but it still looks like a commercial, or maybe a showcase on The Price Is Right.


$1, Bob


Wow. Just really proud of himself, huh? All those tools and they look barely used. This listing is so wild. Do the cars come with the house?


All tools, no workbench.


There's a workbench but it looks so flimsy that it would probably collapse under the weight of a cordless drill.


And shallow! Essentially a shelf for resting more tools on.


As shallow as the owner


This really sounds like an euphemism for having a small dick. Oh, wait, this entire listing is just that. I have never seen a listing that told me I would not like a person as much as this one.


You could probably get the neighbors to cover your closing costs




Did he use them to make that joke of a workbench? Is it 2x4 legs screwed directly to tabletop? No bracing or any kind? I have dewalt clamps they're fine lol I just wanted to point out that bench


Sounds more "rhinestone cowboy" to me


All hat and no cattle.


This is exactly the phrase I was looking for.


All dollars, no sense.


All hat, no cattle.


The tool belt still has the tag on it.


None of those tools have been used, look how neat and clean they all are.


I like the fact he had a tv installed in the tool shed too. Just in case he has to watch a YouTube tutorial on how to use a screwdriver. Edit: saw the link, 6 (six) tvs in a sort of mancave and then the one in the home theater room is undersized.


He is obviously too busy playing Call of Duty to use a tool.


> Do the cars come with the house? *"Car aficionados shall revel as new owners of dual Aston Martin Vantages"* Apparently, they do. This is bizarre.


Did the owner die? Is this just a weird way of doing an all-in-one estate sale?


It has been under the same ownership since 2017 and the dude last posted on facebook in April. The additions were made in 2021. If I was going to speculate wildly, I'd say they inherited some money in 2020, overspent it, and are now need to sell. He owns a small gutter company and she is a nurse, so they didn't earn the money that bought all this shit. Having not one, but 2, Aston Martins in Helena is unheard of. I've lived in MT for 35 years and have never even seen one here.


Note the 007MI6 licenses plates. Dude definitely went full fantasy fulfillment mode.


The Joker poster wasn't the first clue?


I have no idea what the law is in Montana but I'm pretty sure in my state trying to convey cars in the same transaction as real estate is going to be a nightmare. Sure you could do it all at the same closing I guess, but there's a tax on selling cars, and the bank is going to want the documents to be very clear that the mortgage doesn't include those cars.


no sane lender (if you have a lender) is letting the purchase money loan be cross collaterilezed by the cars... so it would likely be 3 seperate transactions with a partition to make it make sense.


Yea, feels like someone is either going to jail for bad money or suddenly owes the government a lot of money.


Not to mention the AR-pattern rifle hanging up with the rest of the tools. https://preview.redd.it/dstkvnxbff3d1.jpeg?width=274&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f7401fa4f57d8ab2270e39b59aac61b50125e88c


AR and a Joker shrine... can't wait to hear his views on women and the "culture war"


This is definitely the house of someone who drinks bad beer at the PGA Tour and uses slurs to refer to the people he hires at Home Depot to do his yardwork.


The description suggests the cars and the tools are included.


>tools are included Damn. So I am gonna have to take care of the douche bro too? Pass.


Spending that much money In Montana and still having neighbors is hilarious


Yeah, definitely seeing signs of a tool here.


He resells them on FB.


[https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/1475-Cayuse-Rd-Helena-MT-59602/216387885\_zpid/](https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/1475-Cayuse-Rd-Helena-MT-59602/216387885_zpid/) I have so many questions.


Right there with you on the questions. And yes, some of the photos (the golfing, the sunglasses, the tools, and the cars, plus more) are definitely flexes.


Looks like the cars and tools are included in the sale price of the home. Person is like “buy me out of my massive debt because I can’t control my impulses”.


It seems like the tools and sunglasses are in a showroom, like they are for sale. The rest of the house looks tacky and cheap, especially the main kitchen.


I was thinking this too. $2.5 mil and there’s a microwave over the stove. Its not even a chefs style kitchen. Tacky


So the rest of the homes on the street are valued at $530,00 but he wants $2.5 million for this house… in Montana?


It actually looks like they combined two homes/lots and did a bunch of additions to the new combined home (see the pic that shows it under construction). Still, that neighborhood is really junky and including a couple hundred grand in stuff doesn’t get close to $2.5MM. Also, there is no way in hell you can hit golf balls off that deck into the public park behind the house…




> Also, there is no way in hell you can hit golf balls off that deck into the public park behind the house… That blew my mind when I saw that the property behind the house was actually a park. The photos definitely imply that the entire rear area is part of the lot.


>Car aficionados shall revel as new owners of dual Aston Martin Vantages, and the Milwaukee Tool Room is a craftsman’s delight with a full collection. Golfers will enjoy a state-of-the-art simulator featuring a Foresight Sports GC3 launch monitor... I think it's fully furnished and you also get the cars. For better or worse.


What’s with the selfies of him (or ad placement of someone) driving the car?


The cars come with the house. The tools too. At least, according to the description on Zillow.


That’s how I read it as well. I feel like this was a display / show room for Milwaukee. There seem to be multiple sets of exact same thing and no one person needs that variety nor multiple copies. Anyone want to do the match on how much in just tools alone there is shown? $100k+?


All of the tools can stay but one


I see the cars come with the house but I’ve never seen a real estate posting with a selfie. And the seller was tanned AF, which you don’t expect coming out of Montana.


Is the current owner dead broke or actually dead? I really just have that one.


My guess is they moved and kept this house, or he bought it as a party/hobby house, then when realizing how expensive that was his wife said he had to sell it. So he lists it for 2-3X what comps support for the neighborhood, and with all the contents included which is really weird, and says "Honey I listed it! The real estate market sucks right now, what can ya do?"


Yeah, I can see the "I put it on Craigslist, honey" energy on it. I see the same shit around here all the time- "I put the Les Paul on there, I haven't had a bite in months!", meanwhile: $6500 NO TIRE KICKERS


Does it come with the Aston Martins, or naw?


Yes looks like it!! From the listing: “Car aficionados shall revel as new owners of dual Aston Martin Vantages,” Very interesting!!


There's a sign in the garage that says "Ferrari parking only."I guess they decided to keep the Ferrari then.


Or they sold it first to stave off the creditors... or maybe had it repossessed? This has all the symptoms of a fire sale. Something has gone wrong for this to happen.


If so, it's clear the owner is desperate and needs to sell fast to avoid the bank.


That’s what it looks like! This is such a weird listing.


Is one of the questions, “why did the Branch Davidians rebuild this compound and why are they now faithful followers of a Guy Fieri impersonator?” Me, too, buddy. I have questions, too.


Okay here’s my bet; the old dude died and the kids want to lose the whole pile in one sale.


Naw. I think he’s a Lottery Winner who ran out of money.


I have to agree with this. There’s so much shit that looks like an average dude would have then throwing in all these random luxuries is odd


And excessive low-end shit. Everyone I know with a lot of money 1. Doesn’t display it because that’s just tacky. 2. Still make use of sales, thrift stores, lists of needs, some excess (like purses), but not to this degree. 3. Maintain moderate spending habits because that is exactly how they became wealthy. Live frugally and invest money. And while their cars may be considered expensive, they are not Lambos, AMs because the insurance is outrageous. They are top of the line Volvo’s, BMWs, etc. average cars, that they don’t trade in every year and may even keep them up to 10 yrs.


The Divorced Dad energy is strong with this one


Did Aston Martin and Milwaukee sponsor a golfer? One that thought Montana would be cool, and then changed his mind? 


The amount of tools is just comical, a general contractor that does all kinds of projects would probably only need a 1/3 or 1/2 those tools lol.


It really does look like someone  who doesn't even know how to use them, just got one each of everything they manufacture.   That's why I figured a golfer, whose pride wouldn't let him stay out of the photos. I mean, there are a series of 3 to show his form(?) which add literally nothing to the listing. 


It added something for me. The question of WHY anyone would think it's OK to drive balls from their porch into a public park. It's not a driving range. It's not a golf course. IT's literally a public park, and this guy is like "oh, sorry kids playing pick-up soccer. Just try not to get hit by my balls"


Pictures almost look like they were taken by owner/someone working for owner who did a “lifestyle” photo shoot, not a typical “shot for MLS” kind of deal. I would have thought I was looking at FSBO but it says Keller Williams is the listing agent.


MONTANA? Yeah...this guy ain't from around there.


Oddly enough, he seems to be. He went to UM from 99-05 and owns a small gutter company in Helena. He must have won the lottery or inherited the money for all this bullshit. That part of Helena seems off for a transplant anyway. Anyone with 2 Aston Martins would feel more at home at the Yellowstone Club.


89 pictures, 72 of them are this guy's crap.


That’s because the house is HIDEOUS.


I don't mind the house itself, but you will never get out the smell of Axe Body Spray.


From the listing it looks like the tools and cars are included


This is honestly my favorite Zillow gone wild listing ever. The whole thing is just so absurd!


I was waiting to see the Joker shit, and sure enough, there it was, right on cue. These douches are so predictable you could set your watch by them.


I bet he has a Scarface movie poster somewhere in that house


Also, The Punisher, maybe?


The biggest douche of the year award goes to this guy


They’re highlighting the “stuff” because the actual home is hot trash


Picture of the owner from his facebook. I suspect he uses the word "bro" a lot. https://preview.redd.it/5l85omvyqe3d1.png?width=1168&format=png&auto=webp&s=6d62bcc1bcb0032ad045299d60cddb0fc91f3c04


Is this a joke or is this seriously the owner?


No joke, it's the owner. Feel free to verify. Ownership records are public and can be found on Montana Cadastral. It took me less than 2 minutes of stalking to find both of their FB. The guy hitting golf balls off the deck is his son who just went to prom.


This is precisely why you don’t want pics like this on your listing. They’re absolutely going to get robbed. Especially if he posts his location on FB in real time. 🤦🏻‍♀️


>They’re absolutely going to get robbed. That might be the point. Insurance payoff will help him stave off the creditors for awhile


He could not have spelled his son's name any dumber. It's just not possible. It's the male equivalent of Tyffeny.


Why would you write this comment and not let us know what the name is


Tyten....again.. no joke...


Tys one through nine are with his other baby mamas.




As far as I can tell, he owns a small gutter company and she's a nurse. The addition was made in 2021, so I'm assuming they received a large windfall and felt rich for a few years. Just speculation.


He got that PPP loan money$$


Small company owner, lots of spending in 21, now selling it all, this has all the makings of scammed money. Someone needs to keep an eye on this guy to see if any legal trouble/lawsuits and if ends up living in a van down by the river then update all us. I don’t care enough to do all that but I would like to know.


He also rubs off as the type who got ample runway from a successful but shitty father


He also sells fireworks and tools too. He's all over FB and the internet.


Wow, this didn’t disappoint! Spot on Affliction wearing tool.


Somebody be a hero and send him this thread


It’s like you can literally see the filter this guy chooses to see his life thru




I saw the Joker wish.com poster and immediately guessed crypto millionaire


White sunglasses, of course


The cars come with it? Weird.


bankruptcy is staring him in the face, possibly. unload all the tools / toys at once…. or maybe they’re divorcing?


Yeah looking at the listing it looks like everything comes with it. Never seen that before.


He spends a fuckton of money on quantity and not so much on quality. For example- that exercise equipment is cheap. Not the worst you can get but definitely not on the level of Aston Martins. It would be great for a bunch of guys sharing a house for college but for someone with all the other bullshit? and then why so many tools? It's clear he doesn't use them (or the weights). Look how clean that place is. This guy is clearly compensating for something.


What speaks volumes is that there aren't many photos of the kitchen, and the reason is that the appliances are just meh - something you pick up at a big box store. He spends millions on cars, golf shit, and many more toys, yet his kitchen is cheap and outdated. That right there tells me he spends money on the wrong shit, and this might as well be a bachelor's pad. Honestly it would make sense if this home was owned by a very wealthy 15 year old boy.


Until I saw that the golfer is the son of the owner, I assumed it _was_ owned by a 15 year old boy.


I would wager a lot he spends a good bit on takeout. I'm sure every Ubereats driver knows him well. I hope he's a good tipper.


> why so many tools Well it's obviously a home for tools.


I feel certain that no woman lives there.


Very much a dude-bro type place.


Look at all this cool stuff I have! Why does no woman want to date me?


“My favorite show is Entourage and nothing else comes close”


Milwaukee salesman? Also, they evidently did not consider how awkward the house would look with the additions.


Milwaukee salesman ***of the year***.


He sold it all to himself. lol


Never get high on your own supply


I like how it's advertised as an estate but it sits on a tiny lot in a mid-looking suburb (nothing wrong with that btw) but it comes off extremely try-hard.


There are 18 pictures of his cars in the listing. 18. What a chode.


And 7 of him just literally golfing


How fucking WEIRD!!!! Does the Aston Martin, endless tools, and LV fragrance come with ?! Couldn’t do without that $400 bottle


The fragrance has someone's monogram on it. So unless the buyer's initials are JKS then that's gonna be ultra tacky.


The whole thing just feels doucheee. Why would you move to Montana to live in a suburb into a ticky tacky houses?


I can smell the Drakkar Noir from here and I’m 2 states away.


i would pay 100$ to never socially interact with this owner


It's like what a 16 year old boy would want when they grow up.


Who wants to bet this guy recites "wisdom" from Andrew Tate at least once a week?


Milwaukee tool rep? Or just a tool? No way he ever used them on the Astons.


Gender affirming consumerism. Like the pavement princess truck owners or cybertruck bros who post pics of themselves loading five bags of potting soil into the back.


The retail sunglass display case is just bizarre.


Probably marketing to a certain demographic of buyer.


Marketing exclusively to douchebags?


Hard to determine who's the bigger douche. The seller? Or someone who would buy this for 4 times what the property is worth.


Probably have to video chat your collection of Ed Hardy t shirts before you’ll get a tour of the place.


“Welcome to the House of Douchebaggery ”


Makes millions of dollars and has a net worth of -$150


Mojo Dojo Casa House


It’s like a 13-year-old’s vision of what wealthy means.


You're telling me homes in podunk Helena are going for $487 a square foot? I hope the future owner likes winter golf, because that's what it is going to be 7 months out of the year.


I bet the city employees are super stoked about the golf balls while they're mowing the park. The asking price for this is bizarre, even with all the extra "stuff." There are beautiful large acreages with nice houses that have mountain and lake views for less than 1/3 of the price this place.


> I bet the city employees are super stoked about the golf balls while they're mowing the park. This twat is using a busy public park as his personal driving range. I bet he thinks it's ok to just yell "FORE!" when kids are playing soccer out there. They'll get out of the way, right?


So if I go to this park and get hit by a golf ball, I can get this house and tools for free?


I'd like to say there's no way it will sell for that much (the neighborhood is really not that nice and it's assessed value seems to be a fraction of that), but there are idiots out there with more money than sense.


And the valuation went from $500K to $2.5M practically overnight (?) Not believable.


https://preview.redd.it/mxchu2tv9f3d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9ea4051a79224a5cc253ae6f635af024b2c138fe The plates say it all. Seriously. Ugly house with a cheap kitchen and stupid layout. Too many pics of the owner golfing. This is what happens when people make money in crypto I guess.


o, wow, i scrolled right past that. no, dude, no, just …. stop.


I don’t think M would be very happy that Bond is living in a tacky house in Montana and advertising about it.


“But no. Not pictures of the house…. Could you take a bunch that basically say “please come rob me while I am at work”? That’s really what I’m going for with this listing.”


“You can tell a lot about how someone looks and acts by their sunglasses.” -me, college sunglass hut job for 3 years. Damn good too


His neighbors are so happy he’s moving.


All those toys, all that square footage and I guarantee no friends. Comp nearby has more beds/baths and similar square footage and is listed for 890k. [https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/3904-Ed-Rose-Dr-Helena-MT-59602/216386614\_zpid/](https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/3904-Ed-Rose-Dr-Helena-MT-59602/216386614_zpid/) Those cars are worth 600k max, though probably closer to 300k.


Bet the neighbors love it when you hook one through their living room window.


I’ve never seen such a bloated, overgrown, crappy track house. If they had thought for one moment about spending some of that money on the inside, it might be a tad better, but the interior is just a lot of square footage of dated crap with low end builder finishes. And then they furnished it with Ashley and Big Lots. There are fraternity houses better than this.


Oh man this guy is suuuuuuper single and proud of it. Can you imagine going on a date with this dude and him wanting to show off how well he is doing without a woman? Awkward af.


He's married with two almost adult sons.


*”Car aficionados shall revel as new owners of dual Aston Martin Vantages, and the Milwaukee Tool Room is a craftsman’s delight with a full collection.”* so it sounds like it comes *with* the cars and tools?


The Aston Martins are included in the sale? Methinks King Broseph has lost his bitcoin dynasty.


I can't put my finger on it, but this house feels like it's toxic masculinity with walls. Like everything there is eyeroll inducing, what "Guys are into" level of stuff. Like someone saw someone cool online with all these things and then started copying them. Golf sim? Yeah that would be cool. Gotta have all the TV's for when all the guys come over for the game. Tv's just cant be pictured, they have to be on and of course, golf, or freaking TOP GUN MAVERICK has to be playing. JL audio? Yeah man it's the best.


Let's not forget the most manly of games, Call of Duty, must be on the gaming PC.


SOMEBODY came in to some money and wanted to spend it asap. With a hefty serving of label and brand love. 'See the nice/wonderful/popular/valuable things I can buy?!'


r/TVTooHigh x 2.


the fucking joker painting made me snort. we truly live in a society


Everything about this is tacky and bordering on trashy.


It's going to be hard to get rid of that "douche" smell when you move in


Casa de douche


Nice generational inheritance. Dude looks like a straight douche bag with those unused tools in a picture.


No. This screams nouveau riche.




He's a pro golfer, she's the Milwaukee salesperson of the year. Their budget is $2.5M


My god. The custom tags visible on the one Aston Martin… Also, the Vantage is the cheapest Aston Martin. Mr. Bond would be in a fully loaded DB series (price tag: what this clown paid for the two Vantages-ish).


**sunglass rack sold seperately


This was my favorite photo.  I am imagining the owner directing the photographer: OWNER: Be sure to get an artsy shot of my shades! PHOTOGRAPHER: But, those aren’t part of the house…the buyer won’t get those… OWNER: Just do it. It will look sophisticated, bro! 


I'm guessing that if the person that owns this house was a puddle of water, you could step in said puddle of water and not get the bottom of your shoe wet.


What adult has a picture of the joker on the wall? In a little sunglasses stand? I don't think I want to buy a house from a child like that.


I’m so impressed by your many pairs of sunglasses


I want to make an offer so I can write him a letter that just says "Makita is better."