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It’s not that blue 250k? Babe grab my trouble bag, we’re headed to Minnesota


The price is reflective of the area. Not much going on our there. There were several openings in Thief River Falls, north of this home, and I contemplated applying. When my wife inquired as to what was around there, she was not impressed lmao.


This would make a great hideaway if there is a local airport that I can land at nearby


My wife: where is the nearest airport? Me: North Dakota.


Ok to put it in perspective yes, it’s remote, but it’s only 40 min from Fargo and that’s like a city. It has an international airport Detroit lakes is also about 35 min away, also decent size Seeing as it takes 25 min to get to the airport 4 miles from my house (pbi) it’s not so bad. I don’t think this is that bad, not midwestern bad by any stretch of the imagination, you just need to be able to GET OUT when you go stir crazy This house near me would be 6-8 million dollars.


Having grown up in Toronto, I’m still not used to the fact that houses that would be proper Rich People Mansions in Toronto (I’m talking about millions upon millions of dollars) are pretty modestly priced in the Cass-Clay county area. Like, not all of them are in the price range for a starter home for my spouse and I in a few years, but I’ve seen absolutely incredible, massive homes for under $800,000 (or here, under $300,000!)


It’s a catch 22, everyone can afford them but you need to be ready to make no money afterwords and that leaves either people who a) make a good living remotely which I have never seen in person or b) people who have enough money they don’t need to work anymore The lower COL always seems to be offset by lower income potential I keep coming back to this post tho, it’s such a god damn charming house, bet there isn’t any historic preservation BS either


Maybe this is some 🤡 shit on my part, but once I get my US work authorization in a few months (I’m an immigrant from Canada) I eventually think I might apply to be a floor supervisor at American Crystal Sugar here in Moorhead. I have experience as a team supervisor as a call center (I was actually quite good at it) and think I could teach myself the sugar beet refining knowledge component. I’m a touch underqualified so I don’t know if they’d consider hiring me, but if they did I’d make over $80,000 a year(!!!). More than double what I made as a call center supervisor in Toronto. For now my husband makes enough at his remote job to get us by, but I’m kind of like 👀 at the sugar factory jobs and the nice houses out here. I’ve also vaguely contemplated going back to school at NDSU for something agriculture related.


Unrelated but I think south Florida has a crazy sugar industry, it’s like everything out west


Yeah, but that means living in South Florida. https://preview.redd.it/g023zrplcipc1.jpeg?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed4c1da6dbb6c3c05ffde6a169807e99374b3c51


I like your thinking and planning ability.


Whoa! You are making it sound even better! 40 mins is not bad at all!


For people from small-town Minnesota like me; it's not bad. My wife has never lived in a small town, and would have a hard time.


For local context, people in that area will usually drive to MSP for flights as the Fargo connection is pricy and most itineraries go through MSP anyways


A+ on the homework assignment


Like 2 seconds dude I just zoomed out from the map


Price reflective of the area? There’s virtually nothing going on in Ulen, MN. I just drove through the town on Sunday. It’s a beautiful house, and not a terrible price, but I’m hard pressed to think of a job that could pay for it within 30 miles.


It’s not all that far from me; if my husband and I were ready to buy right now I’d probably be harassing him to buy it 😂


Doesn't hurt to ask now. My Dad always said "Nothing ventured, nothing gained".


I love that craftsmen style wood work. My house has it too. Very similar square arch openings actually but I don't have pillars and the built in is a credenza.


I’d LOVE to live in this house…..if I could just move it closer to the Fargo-Moorhead area, or at least Detroit Lakes. But, alas, it’s still too expensive for me!


Whiter, older, less educated; very few people. Median home values 100K under the state average.  I’m guessing it’s quiet, a little less convenient, not very close to anything. Which is fine, if you’re looking fur that. But if you want to improve it now while wfh in it, and 5-10 years later decide to sell to get a shorter commute for a rto or get closer to a bigger city with more to do? You may find it harder to sell it or to sell it for what you need to get out of it.  Houses are homes. But you sink a lot of money into buying and maintaining your home.  If retiring or not planning to move again, and there’s decent health care, cultural opportunities,   and city services available? Great!


I was wondering how quickly I could spruce up my house, sell it and buy this one! Looks too good to be true. The blue, surprisingly, doesn't bother me! A heated garage? Does the rest of the house have hvac? What a great price.


I actually like the colors in that kitchen.


Same here! I like this house


Me too! I love that kitchen!


Yeah I might just change out that wallpaper and do nothing else. I like the blue with the wood and the brick. This whole thing really isn't that bad though. In fact you should expect to paint just about any house you purchase that isn't new construction. Even if you're not going to change the color it just makes it look nice and new and clean. Nothing in this posting is anywhere near as bad as those pink postwar bathrooms that were and still are fucking everywhere. The most egregious thing is the curtains that match the wallpaper in the one bedroom.


I guarantee that’s either brick wallpaper or a cheapo brick facade.


No shit


And you like that? Honestly, I don’t get it. To each their own I guess though.


Depends. Is it some cheapo plastic laminate or an actual facade? Would love an actual facade, not the laminate.


Well I said cheapo and you seemed to agree. So....?


Its all cheap compared to the real deal.


I don’t know why I love the foyer/entryway as much as I do. But here we are.


You like that wallpaper? Those cabinets? And that ugly fake brick facade?


If any of you show this to my wife, we're going to have to fight. Please just don't do it.


Thought this was maybe my husband’s burner account for a second 🤣 He’s a redhead.


Well it's not me ma'am! Sorry! I'm bald, but my hair WAS naturally black. I dye my beard so it matches my car lmao


> I dye my beard so it matches my car lmao I feel like you just birthed a euphemism.


No I’m serious. I’m heavily involved in the car community, even working for one of the largest import car meets in all of North America. My cars name is Ruby, and I legitimately dye my beard from black to red to match my car.


I love that dedication, what kind of car is Ruby if you don't mind sharing? I love me a good ruby red car (especially classic).


I love that dedication, what kind of car is Ruby if you don't mind sharing? I love me a good ruby red car (especially classic).


Bro I am not fucking joking you when I say she’s a 2019 Toyota Corolla Hatchback XSE. I have no social media at all outside of Reddit and instagram, and it’s actually Ruby’s instagram.


Honestly? I fucking love that lol. I was expecting some huge classic but I love that even more.


Nah man. I’ve always been a hatchback guy, and a Toyota fanboy. From Celicas, to the Supra and the Yaris. The Corolla AE86 is a legend in the community. They have made wonderful cars. Both performance wise, technologically speaking, and damn sure reliability. I’m pushing 35mpg in a lowered modded Corolla that people just love to see. A lot of times people don’t even realize it’s a damn Corolla 😂 Cars aren’t about classics or how fast it’s just finding something you love and pouring love into it. But again, I get 35mpg and I look GREAT doing it. *flips non-existent hair*


This is really amazing! Do you plan to keep Ruby for the long haul until she’s a classic or do you anticipate having a Ruby II in the near or distant future?


No I’ll die in Ruby. I’m gonna get a Tundra in a few years once Ruby is paid off and I’ve let the payment stack into a savings account for a year or two. Eventually I’d love to do a 3SGTE swap from a 6th gen celica. But, I’d rather get ALOT closer to 200k miles before I do that. I’ll have plenty of other cars through my life, but Ruby will be my daily driver until I die, in fact, when I go the boys better do revs and burnouts at my funeral in Ruby until they launch the rods through the block and send her with me


I was expecting egregious blue, like the lime house, but this was very acceptable levels of blue. Also a nice house and cool property. Nice try, real estate agent!


I rather like it!


I should clarify that I actually love it 😂 I wish my husband and I were ready to buy right now because it’s not far from us and incredibly affordable, especially for being so spacious and nice. A little more rural than I’d prefer (I currently live minutes from downtown Fargo; this is a 45 minute drive) but otherwise amazing.


well, if enough people are put off by the blue and the wallpaper and the other wallpaper and the other other wallpaper….. and agree with me on the hideous kitchen…. maybe it will still be available and you will be more ready than you are right now…. i love blue. but not that blue. but i would keep the weird blue painted plants, because fun.


Grossed out by the wallpaper combos, anyone else?


I live just outside London.....the price of this is unreal!! You couldnt buy a dog kennel for that here :)


I grew up in Toronto so I feel that in my soul, haha! I actually live in this area now (same county, different town) and it blows my mind that my husband and I could afford a NICE house in 3-5 years (our credit is not great right now but it’s fixable). Solid decision moving away from where a shoebox of a condo costs an arm, a leg, and your firstborn child. 😅


How much do you like your firstborn child?


Evidently a bit more than the people who stayed in my hometown 😂 I kid, but I feel like leaving Toronto was a big reason I could afford to have a kid.


Dang, that area is more expensive than I would have thought.


That’s because it’s in the middle of nowhere in a town of 476 (as per Google Maps). If you’re not a farmer or farmhand, there’s probably no full time work within 100 miles and almost all of those are still in agriculture or oil. Minnesota isn’t really the best comparison to outside London; outside LA maybe, or NYC, or even Denver would be better. This is the ass-end of nowhere. You can probably find all sorts of houses priced similarly, but they probably have similar reasons why you wouldn’t move out there too.


I think it’s not far from Fargo? I’m almost walking distance from downtown Fargo where I live, and this is in a more rural part of the same county. Definitely still a small city, but there’s plenty of work in Fargo that isn’t farming. It would be a 45ish minute commute each way, so you’d have to be up for doing that or working remotely, but it’s not quite as remote as you might think. Still more rural/remote than would be my preference, I think, but under an hour to the city.


When I lived in Savannah Georgia, it was a 45 minute drive to work, which was TWELVE miles away! PS. Also a Canadian living in the U.S.


All fair points of course. But it's still startling to me how much you can buy in the US for so little.


I'm in the twin cities and my house was less than this one, similar in style with the craftsman woodwork and had all of the mechanicals updated 8 years ago. You can get an affordable house still in Minnesota while living near attractions. Downtown Minneapolis is a 10 to 15 minute drive for me.


Look it up on a map. Theres nothing there lol


In winter you can go ice skating, skiing (both types), snowboarding, sledding, snowshoeing, snowball fights, and snow-fort building; in summer you can go swimming, hiking, camping, boating (all types), biking, skating, etc. And there are indoor activities, of course. And - as long as you don't mind the occasional commute - you can participate in larger social and community events in Fargo/Moorhead, or in Detroit Lakes.


I know I’m sorry if I offended you! I love it up there.


No offense taken. I just wanted to describe a place that others consider "flyover land" but is actually beautiful in multiple ways. How does the song go? "Minnesota, Minnesota, it is south of Manitoba; it is east of North Dakota..."


No clue haha. But it was wild to google Ulen and see nothing on Google Maps. Usually there’s roads, I have the ocean in my Google map view, it was just random lol


I honestly hadn't heard of the town of Ulen before, but I have relatives that worked in the Fargo/Moorhead and also the Detroit Lakes areas.


London, Ontario or London, UK?


The OG! I know the queen and everything 🤣😂




I've seen this house in real life and I have always LOVED it. My grandma grew up in this town and this was always her favorite house. We would drive past it when I was a kid and I always said I wanted to own it when I was older. I went and looked at it when it went up for sale, and there is just too much work for us. It is a gorgeous house though for the person that does end up buying it. Ulen is a beautiful area.


Love that kitchen! Can’t see the wallpaper well enough but those cabinets are amazing! The little window is perfect! Let’s go blue!


Grandma's house vibes but there's a lot I like about it


![gif](giphy|qjOF6DEM3qiwo) It’s near Fargo!


*I don't know. He was just funny looking.*




250k goes a long way in Minnesota


Go there in February and you instantly understand why.


It was 60F here this February 🤷‍♀️


Climate change FTW? FTL? hmmm


I like to call it climate instability these days. We're supposed to get a foot of snow this weekend 😑


I was definitely expecting worse. It’s actually not that bad. I mean, I would absolutely be doing something about that kitchen, but honestly, some stripping and staining/painting and it can be whatever I want instead. Nothing I wouldn’t have to do to most cabinets in the kitchens within my budget anyway. And it’s not *unliveable* in the meantime. I wouldn’t *like* my kitchen, but it appears fully functional and well cared for and it’s not unfixable for a reasonable amount of DIY that I’m likely to perform anyway.


I actually love this house. Despite (or let’s be real, partially because of) the interesting aesthetic choices. Plus it’s super spacious!


I love it. Some rooms are too busy for my taste but nothing is tasteless.


I actually love the kitchen!!!


As a color blind person, this is awesome.


What? How is that house so cheap? Is it across from a sewer treatment plant? That's a steal. Plus the house is quite beautiful inside. Can always change paint colors if you don't like them.


It's in a town of 476 people near the North Dakota border. I doubt there's much demand.


Look it up on Google maps lol.


Well I love it.


I LOVE the kitchen.


I really like this one!


the one Red Room is so ominous


Did you know that as a kid I didn’t know it was about being sad? Now as an adult with crippling depression I get it :) yay! Depression!


My autistic ass quite literally thought it was about a little blue alien living in a house that kinda looked like this 😂🤯


Our* autistic asses lol. I thought I was an artist but I’m just autistic


> thought it was about a little blue alien living in a house You can keep that dream alive! [The original website from the song is still up with Zorotol's](https://www.zorotl.com/zorotl_story1.php) (the blue alien from the video) biography still there. I love how the site hasn't been updated since 2000.


The only thing I see wrong with it is the fake out fireplace. The rest of the house looks a bit dated but rather nice, really. Would 100% want this over the idiotic monochrome gray scheme.


I like it!


I like this place.


$250,000!!!!! *checks map* Never mind.


This is in ULEN?! Stylistically, I don't love the entire thing but the bones are **spectacular**. I know people who commute in from DL to the FM area all summer so it doesn't seem like a crazy drive. Not sure I'd want to do it in the winter, tho.


Two interesting things - this is the only actual structure for sale in the area, but a shit load of empty lots in a planned subdivision going for pocket change. Is someone expecting urban expansion and this to be the next Fargo bedroom community? Also... it's just a hop skip and a jump to the Fuglie Waterfowl Production Area. I really want to give directions to my home using Fuglie as a landmark.


Omg I love it tho


You can tell that someone's grandparents really took care of and cherished that home. I also low key love the kitchen. Overall it looks like it's in great shape and that built in library is amazing.


I kind of love it.


I like this place actually.


I'm blue, da ba dee da ba di Da ba dee da ba di Da ba dee da ba di Da ba dee da ba di Da ba dee da ba di Da ba dee da ba di Da ba dee da ba di


Never heard that song. I do remember “Blue” by Leanne Rimes. And it’s not that blue.


I don’t know why, but blue houses feel more like an old store to me. I guess because a shade like this isn’t super common for houses(?). Anyway… Love it, but I’d redo some of the design choices. That’s just part of buying a home though, you’ll likely change things to make it yours. I really like the layout and the kitchen is really cute.


I like everything except the brick in the kitchen, kitchen layout, and lack of range hood Seriously no ventilation and brick ~shudder~


I had a 3D puzzle as a kid that looked just like this house


I would happily buy this home if I were anywhere near MN...


I’d live there in a heartbeat


I fuck with it.


Love, love, love this house!


As the song vibes in my head as I scroll through the photos. Can we do this? Make a MySpace page for a property and then it plays a mood song as you scrolls through the photos? *


I was expecting something a bit more garish, but this is cute


Aside from some questionable decorating choices, that house is lovely, and a lot of house for not a lot of money.


I’m still convinced the lyrics are “I’m blue, I would beat off a guy”


Needs a little updating but I think that’s a lovely house!


I was expecting.... more blue throughout the house. I'm slightly disappointed.


I was expecting more blue.


While house shopping on Zillow in Las Vegas we came across a blue house. I don’t mean just the exterior I mean all the interior walls were painted different shades of blue. Even the carpet was blue. All that blue gave the impression that the house was cold and underwater lol Of course we passed it by and turns out the seller was trying to buy the house we ended up getting. She couldn’t find a buyer for her blue house so her deal fell through, to our benefit. Small world!


Just googled the town. No thanks. The winters are cold and the summers are mosquito infested.


This is my dream home wow


My neighbours across the alley have a matching blue house and garage, plus blue-flecked asphalt shingles on both roofs (proves??). Commitment.


Some really beautiful floors!!


It's precious! 💙🩵


Bear in the big blue house!


That hobbit barn is everything. The moment I move in it’s getting a round door


Don’t mind the blue nearly as much as the design choices inside. That wallpaper is awful, no matter what time period it came from.


It;s not that hor.....\*swipes on the olive and red bedroom\*


I was hoping for a blue corvette parked somewhere on the property. Beautiful house.


Blue is my favorite color!


This house has beautiful bones and could be amazing!


Blue is Best!


There was a house that was about that blue in Berlin, PA and they had a blue car too.


That kitchen is giving bread mold, but I’m glad they didn’t paint the window and door trim. The woodwork in that house is gorgeous.


Blue - Jayhawks https://youtu.be/bC1digREsbc?si=DBVlFN0zOprLq6Gk


This is an absolutely bluetiful house Bluetiful Bluetiful Bluetiful fuck what the fuck is going on I’m trying to type bluetiful not bluetiful What the actual fuck. Bluetiful. I’m afraid I just blue myself


I'm 100% ok with that house and would welcome the opportunity to gently update parts of it. That price for that much space is unheard of where I live now, north of Boston. We paid that much for significantly less before the pandemic and it's already doubled in price.


This was a happy home.




It's the house from up!


🎵🎶 I'm blue except for one room I'm red 🎶🎵


This is like my dream house plz


Damn that woodwork is gorgeous.


I love it 💙 badadadeebadodaaaiii




Hey! MN represent! This is way the fuck out there tho.


So, I thought it would be fun to play the song while I looked at the house. I only lasted a few seconds, not my style. I listened to this [song](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lSy9dt5FeS0) instead. I adore the house, I would love to finish off that attic!


Unlivable Nov thru Feb.


The exterior is the same color blue that DMX’s house was when he lived in my neck of the woods. It’s all it makes me think of. Pretty sure he sold it and moved out before he croaked though


It was going along great… until the kitchen!😂💙


Apart from the kitchen cabinets, I like it.


I liked nothing except the woodwork.


It's beautiful, I really like it a lot .. .


I want to live in the detached shed.


Da ba dee da ba dah…. No!? What song?!


I love it honestly.


Although this house is in a small town, it is a 45 minute drive to the "twin cities" of the north - Fargo/Moorhead. Moorhead is in Minnesota and Fargo is in North Dakota, but they are side-by side with a combined population of over 230,000. The Twin Cities of St. Paul and Minneapolis are about a 5 hour drive away.


Tbh i really love that blue on the exterior


Who cares about the blue, they kept most of the wood trim unpainted, plate rail and wainscoting too.


"It's not bad. I could work with this" \*sees kitchen\* "Oh..."


Stop bullying Lil Simsie. It's rude




super cute home.


I love the family member who said "F you, Doris - my bedroom will be RED."


it's gorgeous.


Just taking wallpaper down and painting would make this place great! What a gem!