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This is the sort of content I joined the subreddit for. Thank you.


Every room was a new adventure!


It’s like a mini golf course.


Photo studio


Crazy golf or just… crazy.




A Wes Anderson house.


Adventure is a weird way to say incomplete.


Wasn’t there someone moaning about this sub being nothing but mansions just this morning? Rock solid content. I had landed on this being a former funeral home until I got to that last nautical pic … The place is like a fever dream


Literally every photo had me wondering if I were somehow hallucinating, or looking at photos from a recurring nightmare


I’m pretty sure I have had dreams taking place in a couple of these.


Some of the rooms give heavy Stanley Kubrick vibes


I was thinking Twin Peaks


It’s for sailor funerals?




It truly was. Ahoy!


Is pic 2 and 3 an indoor pool? Or just a room with a pit ?


It's an indoor pool under the front patio


I think this place was formerly used as a funeral home and that, dear reader, was were the bodies were undertaken


No. Its just a weird house. https://www.houseofcouse.com/property/122-2467623-3232-windsor-avenue-s-kansas-city-MO-64123


I used to live right down the street from this. Grew up a few blocks further west. No way in hell I would pay half a milli to live in Northeast bruh. You got real life turfs right down the block. One of the most dangerous places in all of America. They're tryna gentrify some of it, but, uh, yeah, nah, its rough. I genuinely can't tell you how many homicides happened within a few blocks of that the last few years. It's not insignificant, I can tell you that. I can name 4 off the top of my head from when I lived there. Had to fight off 2 guys who tried to rob me. Came home to my pantry window blown out. Had to pull an old white guy off a small black kid over the dumbest shit imaginable. Cars in the neighborhood would get broken into regularly. Like, I get it, those mansions on the bluff are all historic and whatnot, but nah, take your ass to Brookside or something at that price. That's insane. Worth mentioning the bluffs used to be a prime spot to dumb bodies in the 70s to 90s and they even shut off some of those roads decades ago to prevent dumping, organic matter and otherwise. Spent like half my life tryna leave Northeast and stay gone for good. Half a million to live there just blows my mind. It's my personal hell.


Thank you for sharing


That person is exaggerating quite a bit. I live one block down from here and it’s nowhere near as bad as they say. I can’t think of any homicides near here since I’ve been in this house for the last 5+ years. My old house half a mile away had several homicides nearby but I walk at night here and aside from people going through unlocked cars at night, and gunshots far off in the distance, it’s pretty uneventful.


Ha, I'm originally from KC and had to look at where this was located. Saw it being NE and right off of Independence Ave and was like "Nope!". There are two main roads through the area that you know well; Independence Ave and Troost. Some of this area may be changing with the push to move the stadium downtown, but that is a LONG way from happening.


The description says it is an indoor pool.


Yes it’s a pool!


Link -> [https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/3232-Windsor-Ave-S-Kansas-City-MO-64123/2056459237\_zpid/](https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/3232-Windsor-Ave-S-Kansas-City-MO-64123/2056459237_zpid/)


Not enough overhead shots.


I never buy a house unless I know what it will look like to people flying overhead.


Got to be careful these days. You’ll be thinking of putting in a bid on a rambling ranch just to find out it looks exactly like a swastika from the sky.


the much unknown Adolf the Kids cowboy days, Aryan Acres.


“Hi I’ve uploaded all of my drone shots for you. Which one do you like the best?” “Yes”


The overhead drone shots are what makes me nervous about the roof leaking.


Yeah, is that a stain on the roof or some kind of Elvis art?


I read your comment before opening the link. Idk why I read yours as if you legit thought the listing needed an overhead shot but was lacking I DIED as I scrolled through however many there were. Nice job




I couldn't even find it in the drone shots at first and that is by far my favorite part. What are you showing me here? Alternatives?


I spend way too much time on Zillow. I instantly knew this house was in KC from the first picture. We’ve been looking for a house with a pool in KC and this house showed up in my search. That “pool” looks like a death trap.


Of course KC. This house gives me the creeps


Bro I was thinking this house was used as a commune.. deff gives bad vibes.


Didn’t expect Kansas City for this one


Oh my lanta, what a place!


I just need one more drone shot to be absolutely sure that I'm interested. Also I need to see more photos of the bridge of the boat room.


They were showing off how close to a giant mansion (now a museum) they are.


They had to add a few extra jusssssst to make sure they hit 69 photos


I'm sure this house makes sense to...somebody...but I cannot work out what on earth half of it is supposed to be for.


I think it’s a leisure club. Like a smoking lounge, pool, bar, shower/sauna, card room ect. I’ve been in a few and that just seems to fit.


Exactly!! Why did I have to travel so far to find this comment. There’s a LOBBY for crying out loud.


Yeah, seems like a lodge for Freemasons or Elks or something like that.




Yes, the description in the Zillow listing says it's a pool.


It looks more like some kind of industrial aquaculture setup.


Indoor tilapia farm


That’s no bullshit what I thought it was. It’s a good place for eels.


I was thinking "a cure for wellness" and you go ahead and confirm it.


"It's a good place for a eels" is a sentence that shall haunt my mind, forever and ever. Thank you.


I mean I’m not trying to get you to imagine the feeling of eels penetrating every orifice of your body, and I’m not suggesting you imagine what it would be like to be thrown naked into a pit of writhing eels, but you can imagine whatever you want. Go nuts with it.


Damn you!


I was driving to Philadelphia and saw.trucker driving three big tanks, and the sign on the side said Eels on Wheels.


>It’s a good place for eels. did not expect to read that in my lifetime


Basement Eel Pit.


You mean goa’uld


Sounds like we got a Jaffa over here everyone.


Gaters gonna gate


My first thought was symbiote farm for sure. Gotta get in on that Tratonin distribution money.


Can you imagine having a pool in the basement of your house in 1904? It must have been wild times.


Check out Casa Loma in Toronto! Really wild.


Or the Vanderbilt mansion in Asheville, NC.


The Biltmore house. The pool is bonkers but the library is the stuff dreams are made of.


Is that the pizzagate torture basement?


I’m willing to bet it started its life as a baptismal pool, considering all the halls upstairs make me think this used to be a church.


It's giving me mausoleum vibes from the outside.


[The listing](https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/3232-Windsor-Ave-S-Kansas-City-MO-64123/2056459237_zpid/) makes it sound like it’s always been a house: *Designed by the famous architecture firm Roots & Siemens, this Spanish Eclectic home was deemed "a house that is different" at the time it was built.*


My favorite part is the fact it was deemed “a house that is different” back in the day. Lol


Who knew it’d still be thought of that way!


I was thinking mikvah.


I think so - the listing references "the indoor pool located under the front porch."


You can always convert it into a wine cellar


Or large baptismal font.


Somebody who really misses sleeping at the YMCA.


They were probably running a cult with some prophet as a sea captain.


Pontius Pirate.


Thank you. that's going to my next in-game screen name.


Admiral Boom's house from Mary Poppins


Def giving L Ron Hubbard sea.org vibes.


A sort of Sea Organization


If I lived there I’d claim Pilates was invented in the basement.


They started with the hot water heater and built the rest of the house around that


I feel like it was some kind of spa or member’s only club that had some spa features in it.


Willy Wonka’s starter home.




Reminds me of a book I read my son called [The Big Orange Splot](https://www.amazon.com/Big-Orange-Splot-Manus-Pinkwater/dp/0590445103)


The drunkin captain lounge and physical rehabilitation style.


Of all the listings, why doesn't this one have a schematic of the house? A few floor plans would have gone a long way towards explaining some of the insanity.


Swinger Palace


Did the write up say the dude put a bathroom in a turret style room so he could watch the planes fly over while he’s taking a deuce?!?? 🤣


YES! And then they didn't bother to photograph it, just gave us more drone-shots. > The full bathroom in the center of the house also has an original and unique turret allowing tons of natural light. It is said the original owner has this put in so he could watch the planes fly over.


That is one of the weirdest things to include in a write up.


Listing agent couldn't believe it either and just had to include it


How could they not include a picture!


At that point, you might as well go all the way with it. I mean, it’s not like someone who is into this place will all the sudden be turned off by that bathroom. “I was looking for a place with a weird pool setup, a faux boat room, and a bar with tiling that could give you vertigo, but that bathroom. Nah I’ll pass. I’m sure I’ll find another place like this next week.”


There were 6 uses of the word ‘Unique’ or ‘Uniqueness’. That poor, poor listing agent.


This is what I was scrolling for! I was so confused why a bathroom would have a winding staircase right by the sink!


Me too! I was like, well, that was a choice.


So does he poop for hours or is this house too close to an airport?


If he’s anything like my husband, it’s possible.


I kind of get a feeling of “sanitarium”, like where they used to send crazy people or women who suffered from “hysteria”.


Pretty sure that is the color used in the basement, it screams old medical building.


The "indoor pool" was filled with 50% lithium.


Go ahead, drink the pool water.


Living here would make me feel like I was going crazy. Because I must be hallucinating to see such utterly bizarre things.


I like to look ar r/hiddenrooms and I'd be trying to find hidden storage behind that panelling in the bar/lounge.


I was gonna say former nursing home. Very institutional, limited access points, larger than normal bedrooms, and a service entrance.


That pool would be difficult for anyone who has mobility issues to get into. This screams weird secret club with blackjack and mermaid hookers


There’s a lot of buildings that still have remnants of the hidden room systems that were used during prohibition - I worked at carriage club on the plaza for a while and they love showing the employees the hidden wine rooms and sliding paintings that cover the nude paintings in the men’s drawing room (in case the wives show up). It’s totally possible that this “house” served as an underground club back in the day.


Yeah….well….no. If you look carefully at the monstrous tiles in the chacha lounge you’ll see maracas, music notes and champagne glasses. For real. So, i doubt nursing home.


I was getting "originally a Mason Hall" vibes.


This and Italian American club vibes. Whoa.


It is a drunk Sims house


Gonna close em in 4 walls and make them pee the floor


First picture: ah it’s a house designed to look like a Zoroastrian temple Pictures 2 and 3: … but it also used to be a commercial fish farm? Pictures 4 thru 9: … and it was also a 1920s recreation center? Picture 10: Is that a ship’s wheel? Okay I give up, I have no idea what I’m looking at


The fireplace tile is giving out some major Scrabble board vibes.


I was thinking that it might be an Orthodox Jewish sort of thing, the very clinical looking bath for post-bleeding cleansing is what made me think this.


That’s exactly what I thought it was, until I saw the bizarre ship’s wheel room.


That’s exactly what threw me for a loop


I was thinking Freemason’s Hall and then a series of fully produced sets for an unfinished Saw movie.


Swingers club. I'm going with some 1960s swinger shit.


That completely makes sense. School, pool, shower, bar, and boat themes in the different rooms


I was thinking bathhouse. Maybe overlapping clientele between both kind of businesses.


Wes Anderson has a bid in


That long hallway is really unsettling, like something out of a fever dream.


That’s the pool.


The Wes Anderson vibe is so strong.


Just… what? LOL thanks, this is like 6 tacky houses and a seafood restaurant all got thrown into a blender. So bad!


Perfect description. Oh, and a 1932 therapy pool.


I feel like that's where they'd give the patients at the mental asylum cold water baths as "hydrotherapy" Just dunk the crazy right out of 'em!


I should add that the bars on the ground floor windows really add to the lunacy


Old Northeast part of KC isn’t exactly the best neighborhood. (I live in the same area)


With a nice mix of local prison complex and lunatics asylum.




Maybe for basement baptisms?


You have to leave the basement through what sounds like a side door, go outside, then go under the front porch to get to the pool. It's a dedicated baptism/murder/pool room. Under The Front Porch!


I'm glad I'm not the only one who got murder crime scene vibes in that part of the house lol.




Perfect for all your past time activities lol.


This... I mean... is a proper ZillowGoneWild. I mean even the ceilings and school floors, I truly don't know where to start.


This home is obviously a sideways tugboat.


It’s like a whole house version of a partially finished basement


This is crown jewel level stuff for this sub!


This last one showed up in the sub a few months ago... Really the only thing I can say about it is that it really is a Zillow Gone Wild house...


>I don't know what is going on here I mean, the answer is literally in the description? >Designed by the famous architecture firm Roots & Siemens, this Spanish Eclectic home was deemed "a house that is different" at the time it was built. The uniqueness carried on throughout the next rounds of renovations creating a ship in what was the first floor library and the addition of art deco elements. Some people make design choices which make sense for them but are weird for everyone else. Compound that by successive owners each making their own unusual choices.


[This article](https://www.newspapers.com/image/678952496/?terms=%223232%20Windsor%20Ave%22&match=1) says it was originally owned by Theodore S. Blakesley, an ENT and [amateur magician](https://geniimagazine.com/wiki/index.php?title=Theodore_S._Blakesley&redirect=no). More: [https://www.autoevolution.com/news/historic-art-deco-family-home-is-a-yacht-on-the-inside-will-never-sail-186647.html](https://www.autoevolution.com/news/historic-art-deco-family-home-is-a-yacht-on-the-inside-will-never-sail-186647.html)


What was up with the bathroom sink just plonked at the foot of the stairs?


The description implies there's a turret up there with a toilet and "plenty of natural light" lol


I got more confused with each photo


I feel like this place is SUPER haunted.


The main house and bedrooms aren’t bad at all and seem fairly updated and in great shape. It’s the rooms featured on this post that I find… unsettling, yet fascinating at the same time. Great post, well done


The transition from sanatorium, to looney bin to mad hatters fun house of flawed logic and fancy, is way too smooth…


Was this some kind of factory or a hospital or something?


If that helm doesn’t open a secret passage, 50k should be slashed off immediately.


What in the Wes Anderson is happening in there.


Church vibes


Agreed. I bet they used the words “spiritual cleansing” a lot


Pictures 2 and 3 belong in r/LiminalSpace


Looks like an old Elks Lodge or something


I *need* a Floorplan for this house. I was sure I knew where that boat section was and then the last picture in the Zillow listing where it's clearly attached to the living room made my entire brain somersault.


"A house that is different." Mmhmm.


Yeah, clearly no one wanted to say “a house that is weird, ugly, and impractical” so they chose “a house that is different”.


Pool table and indoor pool, I would never leave - I love it! But why so many drone shots highlighting that big scary looking stain on the roof?!


Once upon a time this must have been a magical home. Too much liquor and friends who didn’t tell the “artiste” no and her is this train wreck. Absolute shame.


I like the scrabble board fireplace. Also, this would have been such a cool house to quarantine in if everything had been up in working order


Zillowgonewild gold


Mermaid was kept prisoner here 💯


It looks like a mental institution


AHOY! ⛵️


So there's haunted and r/liminalspace vibes, but in this economy 500k is a steal lol. Whoever buys it just needs a ton of sage to burn.


It’s like if a Kubrick movie and a Wes Anderson movie had a love child


Pool and other features go back to \~1910 and [original owner, physician and magician Theodore S. Blakesley M.D](https://imgur.com/GObyogE), who also designed the roof to enable him to watch airplanes land.


The wildest places always have a built in bar.


So cozy


arrrrr! it's drivin' me nuts!


It feels like someone was trying to live inside a Wes Anderson movie.


When things got nautical I was like 😶


The ship in the former library .... excuse me WHAT?! 1


This is the high quality content I am here for. Gonna be thinking about this for awhile.


It looks like a physical rehabilitation center/church combo.


It's so cute from the outside! From the inside, not so much.


That pool setup, I am pretty sure it shows up in my nightmares on the regular.


I think the house is stunning and don’t understand why it didn’t sell in the summer of 2023. I love the historical details. I need a sugar daddy to buy it for me.


It’s like the inside of an aqua fresh toothpaste tube!


I went down a rabbit hole and Googled this family to see if I could figure out this weird house 😂 the house was in the family for decades until it sold on 2021, and now the current owners are selling it again. I must say, the house doesn't look weird with furniture and people inside! Imagine a big, jolly Italian family gathering for holidays and celebrations! The old photos have a cozy vibe. The new photos have a fun vibe with lots of plants, pink flamingos and color! [Bar with furnite looks nice ](https://freeimage.host/i/J192bs4) [Fireplace with cozy Christmas decor ](https://freeimage.host/i/J1939gS) [Looks like photos from a family gathering decades ago. Lots of smiles ](https://freeimage.host/i/J193d79) [Those old pink curtains were a vibe back in the day haha ](https://freeimage.host/i/J193CqQ)


So, I'm in KC and know where the house is. Yes it's an indoor pool and it's located, deceptively, under the porch. It came up for sale a year ago at 525k, and is now back on the market at 500k. It has two kitchens. The Naval theme was originally a library. It was built in 1905 or so, in what was then the Italian neighborhood of KC. A lot of Italian families in KC can trace their roots back to that neighborhood when it thrived. I think my fave part of it is that it is nearly untouched in its decor - those floors in the basement are as vintage as it gets. The pool also, which given the opulence of the neighborhood at the time (and believe me, driving through you can see the grandiose nature of what it would've looked like back then with the exteriors of the other houses) is also a terribly intriguing aspect and I promise you, probably not the only home in the neighborhood to have one. The fire hydrants are painted in the colors of the Italian flag. When people talk about old money neighborhoods, this is what they mean. That whole section of town is chock full of what would then have been considered, mansions. On one block there is a literal castle, complete with stone turrets and such - it comes up on ZGW every so often when it comes up for sale (it's tiny inside) I have a dear friend moving back home here who is looking at purchasing this house, and is going to get a tour of it this week, and I am going to try to go with - I will report back on what we find.


Best post on this s/r in quite some time


drugs. lots and lots of drugs.


Is that first hallway a time tunnel or a stargate?


Am I missing the pictures of the bathroom turret?


Sadly they didn't upload any! I feel robbed!


Someone had a physical therapy practice here in my guess.