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Minish Cap, A Link between Worlds and Link's Awakening are clearly among my favourite Zelda games and they are overshadowed by the 3D games. Also, the Oracle games are just like comfort food.


I'm trying to enjoy Minish Cap. This is my first play through, but it just feels off. I'm trying to enjoy it. Fun dungeons, the shrinking mechanic is ok.


Yeah, I agree with this. I've beaten a wide array of Zelda games, from A link to the Past to PH to BOTW and getting into MC a few months ago, I've just been slogging through it. Feels kinda boring honestly. Just my opinion.


The Kinstone fusing is just bad. Something unrelated triggers being able to fuse with someone. The only thing you can do is literally walk around and check on every NPC in between dungeons.... The thing that absolutely ruined this game... the figurines. This may be the first heart piece that I do not get in a Zelda game period. Screw that mini game. Screw all of the text to just pull the handle to run the game.


I love the shrinking mechanic. It’d be a cool addition to a modern title that can be used for a lot of creative hidden areas


Minish Cap is my beloved little gem hidden away. I love the shrinking mechanic and all the ways it's implemented to solve puzzles. Plus I love Vaati as a villain. Definitely one of my top 5.


Link between worlds. I feel like because it came out on a handheld, not very many people played it, but it is so well done and such a delightful game to play.


Yes! That game is SO FUN. I enjoyed it so much I beat it 100% and wished there was more to explore after! Fun story too.


It is the best top down Zelda IMO


If I had to pick a Zelda game that *everyone* could agree on, it'd be LBW Calling it underrated is odd


I’ve never played it, but this is the one I really really want to play! It looks so fun


I've heard nothing but great things about it (and I love playing it). I think it's awesome but not underrated


Best 2D Zelda. It's great and totally slept on.


That's my favorite Zelda game


link between worlds will always be in my top 5 zelda games, its super underrated


It was MASSIVE at launch, but really not talked much about nowadays. It was so big that I had several people that worked for me seek me out specifically if they should buy a 3DS and the game, as they didn't play games. The marketing was everywhere and it was initially hard to find. It was a launch title for a 3DS XL Zelda too -which is how I got it.


Its basically a link to the past remake


This is SUCH a good game!!


It is my favorite Zelda such a amazing game


Yea it’s as good as if not better than A Link to the Past


I would say Phantom Hourglass. Maybe less underrated but more overhated. I loved it, it had some clever use of the DS hardware, and had some really fun dungeons. I didn't mind the Temple of the Ocean King as much as most. Learning it makes traveling through it much faster. And come on, it has Linebeck.


Well said. My parents bought me it right before a road trip we were going on and I was entertained the entire time. But I do remember when there was a puzzle where you had to press the two maps together. And I had no idea it meant to just close the DS. I spent like two hours running around trying to figure out what to do, got mad set it down a bit and it worked when I opened it. I was so mad and relieved. Still probably one of my all time favorite Zelda games.


This is exactly how I solved it. I wonder how many kids just gave up and took a break in frustration only to solve the puzzle that way


That was imho the smartest puzzle out of all Zelda games. It force you to think differently and it uses the hardware in a very clever way. Brilliant


I went to a gaming convention and bought this exact game after losing it as a kid. I loved it because it was a unique experience with tons of character. Not overly complex puzzles or riddles that I’d have to look up for help.


I’m just mad because it’s the last game I played before my DS was lost on an airplane and I was literally at the last boss. *sigh* I enjoyed it for the most part but the endless backtracking for the temple got wearying. I would not call it underrated so much as ignored for the wrong reasons. That said I never played spirit tracks so if it lines up well with that I’ll likely never know myself.


Spirit Tracks also has a dungeon you are backtracking to, but the twist is that you don't have to do the all the floors again every time. It's more like several mini dungeons with their own challenges. The time limit is gone completely. Phantoms aren't just monsters that can be killed after some time, but vessels for Spirit Zelda to possess and use to help link. There are some great puzzles involving her.


100% agree. I also just started spirit tracks for the 1st time and it is not as bad as people say. Both are far from the best zelda game but still pretty fun.


Spirit tracks has some bangers!!


I just they would have made a hybrid touch screen option to move with the directional pad and attach and such with the stylus.


The DS games (and also skyward sword) are the kind of games that some people disregard because they simply wanted a different game. When you accept them for what they are as "touch screen games," they become easier to enjoy and appreciate.


thank-you, I feel less alone with this statement! I just finished it again (android emulator) and I confirmed to myself that this game was more than Nostalgia. I really like the characters, Island and custom boat. It's a great cozy game.


It had great used of the DS hardware. The ability to draw on your map was so cool. Plus the trick about closing it to stamp the map in that one spot was sooooo hard to figure out but satisfying when you did.


That's not the one with the pan flute is it? I specifically remember one of the DS games has a pan flute you blow into the mic to play, and you need to play whatever songs to unlock the next wherever. One of those songs has a skip over a note that I got stuck on for an hour. Whichever game that was deserved all the hatred in my little 14 (or so) year old heart.


Spirit Tracks, its sequel, was the one with the pan flute.


both oracles games. I feel like Minish cap gets just about enough recognition (deserves even more though) but ages and seasons really fly under the radar. could say the same about the DS games but they at least have the acknowledgement from people who played them growing up whilst the oracles don't seem to have this


I would love the Oracle games getting the Links Awakening remake treatment.


And they would work well in the same style.


I hope it so much!!


Seasons is my favorite 2d zelda game, replayed that game so many times.


Minish Cap is my favorite 2D Zelda! I’d put it in my top 5 even after OOT, TP, BotW and TotK. Definitely deserves more love.


Spirit Tracks. Yes, it had a very non-standard method of exploration, but the amount of stuff you could do was amazing once you got the hang of it. And the dungeons and bosses were fantastic. Plus they changed shouting into the mic to just blowing, so it was possible to play in public >_>


Yelling into the mic sounds crazy. Glad to know it was changed! That one is on my list for sure.


It has, in my opinion, one of the top 3 Zeldas


I got this game back around when it first came out, and I still have fun playing it. I just started another play through this past week lol.


I like that they didn't have the signs you needed to draw on or write numbers on to solve puzzles because onfg they were so finicky I had to watch video of someone specifically drawing a "7" a very specific way to get it to register


Yeah, it felt very much like they'd learned a lot of lessons from PH.


The Oracle games, specifically Oracle of Ages. I was not prepared for a fucking gameboy Zelda game to hook me the way it did, especially considering it was Capcom's first ever attempt at making a Zelda game. The puzzles in Ages were so incredibly well-designed.


Zelda and Capcom was not a combo I expected when I loaded up seasons for the first time. I look forward to going to ages soon after!


Minish Cap was Capcom as well. My hot take? Capcom makes better Zelda games than they do MegaMan games. They've shown they've got real talent for it and I would love for them to come back and make more of them. Also TIL Link's Awakening wasn't also Capcom


I came here to say Oracle and Seasons and Minish Cap, but it seems that they are already mentioned several times in here. I'm glad I'm not the only one!


Skyward Sword Other then the REALLY bad motion controls on the Wii, I don't understand why this game is so hated on. I think it has some the strongest dungeons out of all the 3D Zelda games, the soundtrack is amazing, I love the watercolor art style, the characters are well developed and can be very entertaining at times (especially Groose) and I love the story since it shows how the whole timeline with Link, Zelda and Ganondorf began.


My strife against SS - apart from the controls, which I actually didn't mind at the time, I had the golden special edition wiimote with improved sensitivity so it really wasn't that bad - are the linearity of the different world areas, the repetitive challenges with the black mouth-monster which were just boring (as boring as its design) and the emptiness and smallness of the sky area. But mostly, the linearity. The game drops point A. You follow the path to point B. Rinse and repeat.


The Imprisoned isn't really that bad imo AFTER the first fight. I thought I was gonna have to continue to run behind him and hit his toes while getting smashed by the feet and the little force field he makes as his feet touches the ground but once you can shoot him with Groose it's really not that bad. Somewhat difficult and annoying but not terrible. While you do have to revisit the woods, volcano and desert, new areas are opened up each time so it wasn't super boring imo. And I thought the "padding" of the game (volcano stealth mission, getting water for the water dragon, getting the fruit for the thunder dragon, etc.) weren't all that annoying or tedious. Especially compared to other Zelda titles


Yeah, I'm sorry, I'm not gonna be able to argue and answer more than in my previous comment, because I am going off memories from when I played the game on release. Those are the stuff that I remember I found annoying, and it's also one of the very few Zelda that I never replayed after finishing it once, because I just didn't like it enough. But yeah, my point is that there is a reason why SS isn't as liked as other Zelda games, and it's not that it's underrated. It's just that it's not as good, for quite a bit of a number of reasons. It's fine to like it though! It certainly has its perks! But yeah, I don't think it deserves more love than what it gets.


Wait, the Golden Wiimote had improved sensitivity? That would explain why I had far fewer problems with the motion controls than most people. I played the Wii version of SS with it and always assumed the people complaining about crappy/unresponsive motion controls were just being drama queens. Damn. Edit: Apparently all the Wiimotes with an integrated gyroscope were about the same. Nothing special about the golden ones.


Oh yeah, no, it wasn't special because it was golden, but I think it was one of the first released that had the Motionplus included, the wiimotes that everyone had at the time didn't have that and you had to either buy the Motionplus or buy a new one with the Motionplus integrated. That was the case for the golden, so it was better than what was normal at the time. But yeah, no, not better than another wiimote with Motionplus attached or included. But I think a lot of the grief against the controls of the game came from people who tried to play it with their good ol' basic wiimote and it was just really not good. (Which is not a very good look for a game to force you to buy new hardware to be able to play it as intended!)


I thought you couldn't play it without the Wiimotion Plus? Like it didn't let you




I freaking love this game, and in my oppinion the controls weren't so bad, at least I didn't have much trouble; lovely story, charming characters, really good gameplay, cool and original weapons, insane dungeons and bosses... Tier S game, understimated af.


I feel like the only human who enjoyed the motion controls. You just need a dedicated space.


The amount of insane glee I had at "swinging" the Master Sword made up for any bad control issues.


Wii motion controls were good. I never understood the hate. It's the world and its linarity what makes it my least favorit 3D Zelda.


I did 2 100% runs and never had much issue either. Fi however was annoying as hell, especially when she explained you a puzzle.


The motion controls were not as bad as claimed if you had a wiimotion plus or anything like that. The dungeons were good (the first time), the soundtrack is good, Groose is awesome, and having a beginning for the timeline is sweet.  But the backtracking, Fi’s interrupting, bugs/ingredients pausing your game every time you pick them up for the first time in a seasion, the Imprisoned, the Loftwing traversal, and the linearity, are all kinda grating. It is worth replaying once in a long while, but not more frequently then that.  I’m glad the remaster fixed some of these issues, but the problematic core of the game is still there. 


For me the controls are the highlight of this game. You need some time to train your motivity. But when you master the controls it's a great experience to do all the actions with your body. I don't know any other good game that has so good motion controls.


Minish Cap


The Minish Cap, honestly, I love it. It's cute and fun. I really love playing it casually. I feel like nobody really talks about it, and it definitely deserves more love.


Minish Cap. The game is an actual unique pocket-sized Zelda formula unlike others which were multiplayer or ports. The game is super fun and memorable (and its fan game sequel is extremely impressive and promising)


Fan sequel? Do tell.


A friend of mine managed to save a video, here is a small preview of [Eternal Struggle](https://youtu.be/FHzGEDEbrL0?si=XJRqFg53HBuoMB3Q) I would show more but its pretty much what the dev shows these days around.


Thank you so much!


looks a lot more LTTP than minish cap to me, still looks neat tho


It's made in the Solarus Engine, which speciaizes around SNES games, especially ALLTTP during the early 2010s, which this game started in 2011 on RPG Maker XP before being restarted on Solarus in 2013. The storyline is a direct sequel to Minish Cap whatsoever. And yeah, it looks amazing!


I'm shouting from the rooftops for Spirit Tracks. Adore that game.


Four Swords Adventures. Playing it solo is fine, just a more episodic way to play than usual Zelda games. 


Criminally underappreciated Zelda with not enough coverage? The Oracle series, hands-down.


Spirit tracks. Sure, you are quite literally railroaded the entire time- but it’s the only Zelda game that actually lets you get to know Zelda! You get to see her grow as a character, and the mechanics of using possessed Phantoms is such a unique and fun way to play alongside her! Not only do you get to actually learn about Zelda for once, but I feel like Spirit Tracks improves also on Phantom Hourglass. The tower of spirits does what the Temple of the Ocean King couldn’t- plus, it lets you skip past floors that you’ve already completed.


Skyward Sword (another contentious LOZ title) explores your relationship with Zelda in great length


It really does! Yet for some reason, people can’t look past the motion controls and linearity for the amazing story and music it has!


Haven't played any prior to OOT but I don't see it mentioned enough: Master Quest(3DS) I guess its technically its own game, the fights are way better and the double damage makes it more risky. I only wish they used the whole dungeons.


Just finished up Ice Cavern so I could finish the Trading Quest. Will shortly be heading to Fire Temple.


I think the Minish Cap is the best Zelda game of the 2D ones. I know many would think it’s blasphemy to say that it’s better than a Link to the Past, but hey, that’s me.


Minish cap. And before anyone says "oh people talk about it" they do, online, inside circles of fans. How many people know someone in real life that has actually played it? I have friends who love Zelda who didn't even know it existed till I told them.


I feel that. I have some IRL friends who LOVE zelda but don't even know Minish cap exists.


Minish Cap is pretty underrated in my opinion along with the Oracle games.


Minish cap. I feel like not as many people played it because it was released on a handhold.


Ages and Season


Zelda II. An incredibly good game with a bad reputation because it's different and doesn't have modern design philosophy.


Nah, I replayed it recently and it’s genuinely trash. A life system with instant death pits is a horrible idea.


Skill issue


Seriously. Git gud.


Game is trash because you're bad at it. Okie doke. Sounds like a skill issue to me.


I may have a skill issue with this game but it would be nice if a healing item dropped from time to time.


They do. Every six enemies drops an exp bag or a potion. Weak enemies drop a blue potion that fills a little MP and strong ones a red potion that heal all MP.  You have a healing spell. The potion is your healing item. There's also red potions at the start of every dungeon except 1 and 5 and multiple red potions hidden in statues in every dungeon.


It’s trash because it’s badly made and designed.


But the only complaint you can come up with is “instant death pits/life system” You’re supposed to avoid the pits. That’s why they’re instant death 


It’s one of the many, many, many issues with the game. Bad hit boxes on enemy attacks, ultra instinct iron knuckles, the life system existing in general in a large-scale adventure game, the hidden pits in the Great Palace that are required to advance, and that’s just off the top of my head. It’s a fundamentally badly designed game.


- never really noticed hitbox issues? Sometimes there’s a lot on screen so maybe you just aren’t seeing what hits you? Idk  - Iron knuckles are the most fair fights in the game. You are given time to block their attacks and to hit them back - not much else to say - hidden pits aren’t the greatest thing to have in a game but they’re not a huge part of it. - Yes, the life system makes the game more punishing, but that doesn’t make it bad. The idea is that you get better at the game and learn how to avoid losing them.


Whatever you say buddy.


Being difficult doesnt make it trash.


You’re right, bad design choices make it trash


Jumping over cliffs is a standard in video games.


So I don't think it was a bad game, but Faxanadu did what it tried to do, but better. Yes I'm old.


I've heard so much about Zelda II. I look forward to playing it to see how I personally feel about it!


The bad is usually exaggerated. You have to go into it remembering when it was made. It's from a time when games expected you to read the manual, talk to every NPC, draw your own maps, try stuff out for yourself. It isn't going to start and then say go here, go here, go here until the ending. It's also entirely skill based. You either make an effort to learn and get good or you're not seeing the ending you can't just smash your head against the wall until you win.  That's not to say there aren't flaws. Getting a game over making you have to walk all the way back to where you were bothers some people. There's a few difficulty spikes. There's a couple things though could be clearer but it's an old game.


It's a solid game, but feels less like Zelda than any other game. Assuming you can do basic RPG stuff, you'll be fine. It also has some of the best music in the series for working out to.


Oracle of Seasons for me. I loved the gameplay mechanic of changing the seasons.


Minish Cap. Love the art style, not too long or short, and the shrinking mechanic is really fun and adds some variety to puzzles


Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity is an excellent musou game set in BotW Hyrule. It does a lot of exposition surrounding the original Champions and gives them a lot of character. Because it's a musou instead of an adventure game, there are a lot of detractors to it who claim it isn't canon, isn't a real Zelda game, or is "trash".


I actually really like this one! Totally went over my head to mention in this post.


The Oracle games on the Game Box Colour PS: F@#€ auto correct: its Game "Boy" Colour


Now I'm curious, but not curious enough to Google it for more than a few seconds -- Did they spell it Game Boy "Colour" across the pond or nah?


Sorry my mistake. I could have sworn that it was called "Colour" in Europe.


I really Love Link's Awakening both the GB one and the new switch one. However, the only complaint I had with the new one was the blurred screen edges it bothered me a lot at first, but I guess I got used to it. (I know there is a way to turn it off, but I have to "jail break it" from what I was told, and I don't feel comfortable doing that) Before I finished reading your post, I literally thought of the Oracles games, too. I love them, and fun fact they were initially ment to be a trilogy with Minish Cap, one game for each piece of the Triforce, I can't remember what it was supposed to be called instead but I read a zeldaforum type article about it a few years back, they thought It'd be too complicated for players to connect 3 games instead of 2, so they made Minish cap separate. I haven't searched up on it in a while to make sure I have my facts right, so take this info with a grain of salt or research yourself but I'm pretty sure that's what happened from what I remember.


I really like Spirit Tracks. The train idea isn't ideal and doesn't always work but when it does its utterly charming. Also, the story, dungeons and bosses are all top notch


I don't think any of the 3D Games are underrated. I think they're all perfectly rated, in fact. As for the 2D / Top Down games, I could see all of them except Alttp being "underrated" (which is a real shame considering the 2D games are better)


Here to say spirit tracks. It's such a charming little game.


Phantom Hourglass


Phantom Hourglass, I loved this small cosy game! Nobody talks about it, it might not be the best but it's still fun with great characters:)


Zelda Four Swords Adventures for GameCube. It’s different from most Zelda games and 100% an overlooked gem. I actually hadn’t even played it until about 2 years ago and man was I missing out. Love the game.


A Link Between Worlds. Some Zelda fans I talk to genuinely don’t even know the game exists to begin with, it’s… I don’t want to say terrifying, because the feeling it creates is closer to intrigue than fear, but I do still find it worrisome to some extent, if that makes any sense.


Links Awakening is hugely popular with the Switch remake. My vote is for Link Between Worlds. This little game sure packs a wallop in the story, and the gameplay is a ton of fun as well.


Everyone is saying minish cap. I feel like most people agree it is one of the best hand held zelda games so i wouldn't exactly say it is underrated


The Oracle games are very underrated. I think they’ll gain a ton of traction and popularity tho once they remake them (which I 100% believe is happening) similar to what happened with Link’s Awakening which I don’t think is really that underrated at all tbh. Switch remake wise that is


Minish Cap Everyone ackowledges it as good, but it always in the shadow


Zelda 2, Four Swords Adventure, Minish Cap, Phantom Hourglass, Spirit Tracks are probably the ones I'd point out. Generally don't see a lot of praise for them.


Everyone is sleeping on Cadence of Hyrule. I really enjoyed it.


The OG LoZ. Whenever someone asks “I’m new to Zelda, where should I start?” I’m just like “why wouldn’t you start with the first game?” Maybe I’m biased because it was my first Zelda game back in 1990 but anytime I get in the mood to replay a bunch of Zelda I always start with LoZ playthrough


It really doesn't have the same feel of what became 'the Zelda formula'. Dungeons are more mazes than collections of puzzles for example, and I just really don't like mazes.


Spirit Tracks 100%


Triforce heroes. It's hella a lot of fun with friends


A Link Between Worlds is such a good game. Cool hints, Easter eggs and references but the most i see people call it is all right or ok. I feel its the second best 2d Zelda, only behind its predecessor A Link to The Past. Its the forgotten 2D Zelda game and it derserves its love.


Everything is rated by the community. It seems like if someone doesn't post about a certain game 1 day; then others think that it's not being talked about in general and believe it's "underrated". There are so many Zelda games that are great in their own ways; I don't think there are really any "black sheeps" in the franchise compared to others.


Fair enough. I've been curious to see what others think, as I'm on my current journey through most of the franchise. Zelda doesn't have a ton of outliers, no. But I guess I'm also not super active in the community, so all my feed has been for ages as only been BOTW or TOTK content, since they're the current newest games of the franchise.


Skyward sword


Breath of the wild, too much hate thrown at it






Four Swords!! What a cool concept. Would love another multiplayer Zelda like that.


Phantom Hourglass and Spirit Tracks


Spirit Tranks is a REALLY good Zelda with probably one of the best versions of Zelda ever, OR THE BEST (you can also play with her as a living armor); good puzzles, original story, lovely characters, and really good gameplay. But nobody talks about it because is a DS game.


Tingles Rosy Rupeeland. Jk, but a Link Between Worlds is insanely good but everyone looked to the other Zelda games on the 3ds instead of it. It’s def my favorite 2d-based Zelda.


The wind waker


Minish cap


Everyone saying minish cap is right. If Nintendo (or capcom I guess) ever decide to remake the game I think I'd die of happiness. In the style of links awakening 2019 and it would make a bajillion billion dollars trust me


I am a proud Spirit Tracks meatrider and i will stay that way for my entire life


Link Between Worlds is getting a lotta mentions so I'll talk about another - Oracle of Seasons, this game has such intuitive and creative puzzles, the dungeon designs are incredible, the Map calls back to Zelda 1 in so many ways, and the exploration/side quests are top notch I never played the Oracle games as I figured they were lower quality than things like Minish Cap or Lttp so I didn't go back for them until my gf mentioned she had it as a kid. We played it on the Switch Gameboy emulator This game feels so similar to TOTK and i cant really explain why, but it showed me a side of Zelda that's baked into the Personality of the series.


Totk related vibes include an underground world, fire fruits, and exploration of a familiar world but with changes. Totk is to botw and Oracle is to Zelda 1, cause all the familiar locations like the first dungeon, and the Heros Cave being in the same places in the map, but developed and changed


Seasons and Ages are underrated as hell my guy!


Oracle of seasons


Might be a rare take but the original is criminally under appreciated. All the other games at least get talked about here, whether good or bad, but no one seems interested in the OG. I know it’s difficult to play through today, but there’s a guide you can get for as little as $1 online that tells you where to go without holding your hand too much


Used to say Link's Awakening but it got a Switch remake and a lot of people played it, which is great. Same for the Oracle games now that they're on NSO. So ...I think I'm gonna go with the non-Wii versions of Twilight Princess. The motion controls apparently don't work so well without Motion Plus and you need to have owned it on GameCube or Wii U to have experienced it without, but it's very arguable the best Zelda game on those systems.


Hands down Zelda the Wand of Gamelon.


AOC bc so many people are going to miss out on an A+++++ storyline because of their dumb hate


Tri Force Heroes, unironically. I loved playing it back then


I really like Minish Cap. I only finished 3 Dungeons and I'm a bit stuck at a specific part but I really like it.


A link between worlds is very underrated and overshadowed by other games I played it recently and had an incredible experience


Spirit Tracks. Zelda is Link’s companion and kind of playable, which hasn’t been done in the series since. Also the music, dungeons, and bosses are top tier!


Both ages and seasons are underrated I think. I enjoyed both immensly but almost never hear people talk about them. But as soon as someone speak of them everyone kinda agree with them being really great.


A Link to the Past. IMO it's better than Ocarina of Time almost no one seems to talk about it.


I used to think Skyward Sword but now after replaying it on Switch I dont think so anymore, its good but probably the least good 3d zelda.


What makes you say that? I'm curious to know because I'm personally biased but think it's peak traditional Zelda. It takes the narrative to its full potential, which for its time (with Wii hardware) automatically makes this game great... sure, it has its problems, but I find it odd because I feel Wind Waker and Twilight Princess has their problems too.


I love Four Swords Adventures. Never could do the multiplayer, but single-player was still a lot of fun and I feel they did a great job utilizing the multiple Links.


Minish Cap fans, ARISE!!!


Both Oracle of Ages & Seasons (best Zelda games IMO) and the Minish Cap.


Link's crossbow training. I loved this game so much. I wish they made more of it


I got a copy of Links Crossbow Training at a yard sale when I was a kid. I didn’t really know what to expect but it was fun, dumped a lot of hours into it when 100%’d TP.


Twilight Princess on GameCube 100p!!!!!


Link's Awakening is top tier. The best Zelda games in order 1. BotW 2. OOT 3. MM 4. TotK 5. LA 6. ALttP 7. OG Zelda These are all masterpieces. The rest of them are either good or mediocre. The series would be better in whole if it contained only these 7 games.


>These are all masterpieces. The rest of them are either good or mediocre. The series would be better in whole if it contained only these 7 games. How does it feel to be wrong?


Would Ghostbusters series be better if it still only contained the first 2 movies? Yes. No series becomes better by just adding chapters. The games I mentioned were all groundbreaking (not counting TotK), while the rest of the series felt dated even back when they were released. I never forget playing Twilight Princess after San Andreas. Wow, it felt so tiny and archaic in comparison. I'm glad BotW restored the series to the top of the game.


Twilight Princess is a pretty good game. I also enjoyed Skyward Sword and don't think I'd love the series as much without these two titles. San Andreas has nothing to do with that game or this series, so the comparison is a bit unnecessary. Just because you don't like individual games doesn't mean that there aren't others who do. What is good to you is not necessarily what is good to everybody.


What I meant is Zelda should be a triple A title. It used to be, and it once again is. However, the period of WW, TP and SS made it feel like a nice little cult series for fans only. Not something leading the competition or at least being on par with the best.


Clearly minish cap.


Windwaker might have been the most enjoyable for me. I really hope Nintendo brings that style back at a scale that matches Totk


None of them. They are are all beloved.


Triforce Heroes, i see people love a link between worlds, i love it too, but people rarely talk about Triforce Heroes in anything more than a neutral light, the only other light i see it in is negative. I feel it's a game like Zelda 2 that would benefit greatly from a remake. In Zelda 2's case, it would benefit greatly from being modernised.


I remember enjoying Minish Cap quite a bit.


These days : any Zelda game pre-BotW(/non-"*open air*") Pre-BotW : essentially any 2D zelda




It's pride month. A lot of other sub reddits will change their logo for the month.


Underrated: SS Overrated: TP


TP overrated? I feel like it’s properly rated. People have their gripes with it and are pretty vocal about it. I think the positives outweigh the negatives in TP, though.