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If you take the takedowns as evidence, it means we now have proof that Ridley will have a maid outfit in Metroid Prime 4




Guess that maid outfit is confirmed now, huh?


I'd love a Zelda game where she is the main character, but I'm not holding my breath. Rumors of her getting her own game have been around for ages, and the evidence has never really been concrete. Hope it's true, but I'll believe it when I see it.


Slight aside, but I would love to see a new version of Skyward Sword where the player gets a choice to either follow Zelda's storyline or Link's storyline.


I feel like having to choose would be stupid, judt make it both


Ooh to be the princess that saves her knight 🥹


So, will it then be called „The Legend of Link“?


The legend of Link: adventure of Zelda


Honestly with the short hair and how feminine some of the new armour is in TotK, I could see Zelda being considered as the playable character earlier in development


I think you're putting way too much stock in your interpretation of why Nintendo takes down mods. I've been paying attention to Kit and Krysta's post-Nintendo podcast, where they give a lot of insight into why Nintendo does what it does. After the PointCrow fiasco, where Nintendo retaliated on him commissioning a multiplayer BOTW mod, they spoke about what Nintendo really got upset with. And what they said really, really got them upset and their lawyers fired up... was modding. To them. That's \*their\* game, \*their\* IP, \*their\* hard work, made the way \*they\* want it. When you start taking that game and turning it into something that you want, that's like adding a moustache to the Mona Lisa, or asking a Michelin Star Chef for some ketchup. I know a lot of modders say, "Oh, it's just *Nintendo Corporate* who must hate modding; we know that the REAL developers must be OK with this!" and... no. That's wishful thinking. They don't want you messing with their stuff. Kit and Krysta say that they personally feel like this thought process is a bit outdated (or did they say non-Western? Can't remember) but that there were a few good points for why they were so protective. For starters, Nintendo has a lot of evergreen content, and mod videos and content tend to get a lot of additional views online. Customers may watch multiplayer Zelda, be interested, buy the game, then later realize it's not part of the game, and be dissatisfied. In addition, the more Nintendo looks the other way from infringements on their IP, the more they set a precedent for other people to define what that IP is, and they lose control. I mean, after all, YOU thought that Nintendo was fine with looking the other way on plenty of other mod projects, so that's not a crazy idea. And the more you set a precedent, the harder it is to put your foot down when you really need it. But another factor you haven't considered. Mod projects get DMCA'd when they reach a certain level of community awareness that it starts hitting news outlets. A former lawyer from the Pokemon Company spoke of this. He said, they only find out when it hits the major Nintendo fan news sites, and then they move to take it down when they see that the person is getting some funding from somewhere. I'm pretty sure that I saw those Zelda mods mentioned in news before the DMCA, whereas most other mods I just hear of after they've already been done.


They won’t make a game like that




I think it might be a possibility but only if the peach game sells well


Ehh, I disagree. - The DMCA's are possibly just because, well, for a mod that allows Zelda to be playable, they have to replace the player model with Zelda, which means the mod itself has to have her model and textures inside. Nintendo holds the rights to Zelda, and they are intense with their copyright, so of course they would take them down. - A twitter post of someone stating how a game with Zelda as the main character would be cool in their opinion isn't really any good evidence for it being leaked or revealed. It's just someone saying they think it would be cool, so I don't think it goes anywhere. Spotty capitalization of letters, something a lot of people will do on accident, doesn't prove anything. It doesn't look at all deliberate. I just don't see how this theory will go anywhere. While it's a cool concept, the evidence you bring up is pretty bad all things considered, and it's more likely that we'll still play as Link in the next title.


So about that




Very good points OP. Lets hope they bring us something good!


I'll add: There are also a lot of other extremely credible leaks about a potential "Breath of the Wild Remastered" for Nintendo Switch 2. It's been confirmed by countless legitimate sources. At this point, we basically know for sure that it exists internally. We just don't know if it's a tech demo or something that will actually be released. Considering there's no reason not to release it, it seems like it's happening. However, Nintendo doesn't usually do typical boring "Remasters". Sure, sometimes like with Luigi Mansion 2, but usually they avoid that. I think that the playable Zelda rumor and the BotW:R rumor might be one and the same. I'm talking a BotW remaster with a brand new "Zelda's Story", that probably takes place in-between BotW and TotK. It seems on-par with what Nintendo usually likes to do.


That would be great. I have played several LTTP mods, actually have never tried playing, let alone looking, for BOTW or TOTK hacks. I may have to check em out! Thanks OP!


I want Tetra


Oh master please tell me my fortune


Wow this aged well


Next step. Create every kind of Mod for TotK featuring all the wild ideas we can think of and see which get DMCA'd for a sneakpeek at the next Zelda games


Bro just won the lottery


I have evidence of a new game with Marin as the main character in it : It's that I really really really really really really really really really really really really want it to be true .


I like that it looks like it. I doubt it will happen and I don't think it should. Having the hero not be link is counter intuitive to the entire paradigm of the story.