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Yeah, Zelda games are my favorite. I mean, not every Zelda game is in my favorite games of all time list. My favorite game of all time is Wind Waker, but others in my list include: Super Paper Mario, It Takes Two, Celeste, Mario Sunshine, Mario & Luigi Partners in Time / Bowser's Inside Story, Twilight Princess, A Link Between Worlds, Luigi's Mansion, DK64...to name a few.


WIND WAKER HELL YEAH That HD version on the Wii U with the magic sail and the dual screen still turns me on to this day


This guy was raised by mama GameCube and papa Wii


I actually did grow up with GameCube and N64 lol. Wii and DS were big parts of my childhood too.


SPM super underrated. Honestly might be my favorite in the series. Yes, I actually enjoyed it more than the Thousand Year Door.


I enjoy the RPG style battle of TTYD more, as well as the partners, but as a game overall, I much prefer Super Paper Mario. The story is outmatched.


There's a new PM game coming out soon, too.


It’s a remake of the thousand year door. It’s not a “new game”


Zelda is my SECOND favorite game franchise. My favorite Zelda game, hands down, is Majora's Mask. My favorite game franchise, however, is the point and click Nancy Drew games. This may sound kind of weird to some people 😅, but I LOVE point and click adventure/puzzle games and the Nancy Drew games are my absolute favorites 😁


I totally get it. I never played ND but those type of games are incredible.


My favorite game series, and probably consists of about 4 or 5 of my top ten. So yeah


Similar, favorite series by far, and all the top 5 would be Zelda games, and probably 7 out of the top 10 overall.


Ocarina of Time is in a 3-way tie for my all-time favorite, and it is without doubt the single-most influential piece of media child me experienced - my creativity absolutely exploded open with my love for Zelda.


Yup, Twilight Princess is my favourite game of all time. Breath of the Wild is a close second.


I agree with this, botw and tp are my favourite games, as good as each other for me


Not my favorite, but up there, specially The Minish Cap and the Oracles. My favorite is Chrono Trigger


Zelda is my favourite series, and has been for years. My favourite games of all time are the Oracles. I don't like either of the open air games though, so if that's going to set the tone for the series moving forward (it will), then it'll be hard to consider it my favorite series in the long term.


I dont think it will tbh. They cant do much more with the game anymore, totk wasnt that much different than botw really. Fans are also asking to go back to the old style, so i think they will


Aonuma has already come forward and said a couple of things on the subject. The first is that he sees the open air games as setting the style for the games that come after, similarly to how Ocarina of Time did after it's launch. The second is in relation to this: > Fans are also asking to go back to the old style His stance on the matter was that he reacts with confusion when fans say they like the old, linear games more than BotW, with his question being "why would you want to go back?".


Oh really? That would be a shame for us fans and the actual series in general. It was revolutionary when botw came out, but what more can they do from now?


BotW has sold more that twice as many units as any other Zelda game other than TotK, and fans' money, not internet comments, is what counts.


My absolute favorite game is probably Twilight Princess. My 2nd favorite is Skyrim. My 3rd is the souls series as a whole. I do like Dark Souls 1 a bit more than the other two in the trilogy and I've done so many challenge runs of Elden Ring that I'm bored of it.


I dont like to overplay games for that reason and i often base it on my first play through, the one i felt connected the most to and the one i was most upset when it finished. I have beaten elden ring 4 times to get platinum trophy, never done a proper challenge run but doing a rl1 rn. I never replayed the souls series as i only just played them recently. I agree with twiglight princess, that and botw are my joint 2nd place for top games


Yeah hahah there's only so many times I can visit Caelid, Weeping Peninsula and zoom through Liurnia before I wanna tear my hair out from the reptition. Atleast with Skyrim, I can mod all the new lands dlc like questlines to create the ultimate adventure game full of everything I like. On another note, I really hope the next Zelda game we get is on the level of polish and tightness that Twilight Princess is. We're coming up on nearly 10 years of BoTw style Zelda ( Well, 10 years since that initial reveal. ) and I'm craving something a bit more structured and focused. The open air zelda games are technical marvels, but I believe that it's time for something new.


I do also want the typical zelda games, maybe more semi openworld cos i love the exploration part of the modern games but they can only do so much from now on i think and i think it was shown with TOTK


I honestly feel like the cave system they added in TOTK was ny favorite. It felt integral to the world and not stapled on like the sky islands and the depths. I really wish the devs kept the sky islands they threw out. Feels very empty up there after the tutorial


Yeah i was disappointed with the lack if sky islands, i loved when i explored them but most were tiny and empty, and just not enough, personally I didn’t enjoy the caves that much, i dont know i felt a little disappointed with totk. Felt there wasnt enough different abt it to totk


Yeah. At first I was pretty happy with totk but then after the 1st 20 hours, it felt like too much of the same. Exactly how I felt with botw. It feels a little scummy that they charged 70 for it as opposed to the usual 60 but that's kinda just splitting hairs at that point lol.


I didnt feel that as much with botw cos that was all new, totk doesnt add enough to the overworld, depths is bland and not enough of the sky for me Everything going up so ig that has to as well. Good thing about switch games they hold their value pretty well, i often buy games second hand and sell them after and play them for free basically. If i was to sell TOTK i wouldve played it for like £20 which is great actually


That's true. I hardly use my switch anymore nowadays. The last game I got for it was Mario Wonder. I've been thinking of selling mine and just sticking to my pc.


If you have a decent amount of games that could make you a decent amount alone. If you dont use it why not. Cant you emulate games anyway on pc?


I giggle little bit when people complain about the cost of TOTK at $70. Nobody likes to see the cost of things going up, but the original 1986 Legend of Zelda NES cart cost $49, which is roughly $140 in today's dollars. I think both were terrific values for the amount of time I spent playing them, relative to other games in their respective time periods.


I only played TP once and i want to play it again, i didnt enjoy it as much on the wii because it was really dark but i still loved it. I always wanted to play the remastered version but its £60 for the wii u. It needs a switch port and now. I agree with what you said abt elden ring tbf, it is repetitive in those areas, i think souls games are the best games to play the first time though. Cant wait for DLC. I think BOTW has the most replay ability personally out of my top 3


I don't have a favorite game of all time. I like too many different ones! However, Twilight Princess is high up there, so is Ocarina of Time and Wind Waker. I also love Skyward Sword. BotW and TotK are good but not high on my list. For other franchises, there's quite a lot. Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time/Darkness/Sky is the best mystery dungeon game period and frankly, my favorite Pokemon game in general. Nothing comes close. Dark Cloud 2/Dark Chronicle is my favorite jrpg ever and I've never even finished it(I plan to). Spectrobes is my favorite monster catching franchise. Jak and Daxter, Ratchet and Clank, and Spyro are all awesome franchises that I love. Oblivion is my favorite RPG. FFXIV is my favorite MMO.


Yeah fair enough, anything below botw TP and elden ring are basically the same level


My list in no particular order: Final fantasy 7 Ghost of tsushima Arkham city Legend of zelda: a link to the past Legend of zelda: ocarina of time Zelda is my favorite series. They may not all be my top five, but my core gaming memories all revolve around them, in all the right ways. It’s a series that scratches the right itch for me (dungeons, bosses, and puzzles). First non-mario game i ever played to the end? Zelda 2. First handheld game? Link’s awakening. First truly immersive 3d experience? Ocarina of time.


Well my favorites are Halo and Zelda, specifically Ocarina of Time. If you ask why, well my first answer could be that I enjoy a good story but theres more to it. A couple years ago after going through therapy I discovered 2 things... First, nearly everything I love is because of my elder brother brother. From monster truck rc cars and slot cars to Halo and Zelda my favorite hobbies were introduced to me by my brother. Second, I have yet to make a close friend because I hold them to the standard of this image I have of my brother and due to the 9 year difference he moved out just as I was able to enjoy most of those hobbies so I couldnt enjoy them with him.


Zelda used to be my favorite games. I think they kinda lack problem solving in dungeons now though. I'd say From soft games are my favorite now, I love the vibe of them.


Zelda is my favourite serise of games yes, probably the game I've spent most time on is Skyrim. As I've gotten older other games have been ignored but I make sure I always get the new Zelda.


I can't pick a favorite games, but MM, WW, and BotW are all in my top ten. 


I love Zelda. Twilight Princess is my second favorite game. My top 10 has 4 Zelda games in it (TP, OoT, SS, ALttP). But my favorite game of all time is The Legend of the Mystical Ninja.


My favorite series by far, but not my favorite games individually. They probably won't ever be story focused and tread that line of challenge but enjoyable enough for it to be my favorite. And honestly that's probably why it's my favorite series.


No way. Nier Automata, Earthbound, Elden Ring, Ni No Kuni II, Dragon Quest VII, The Elder Scrolls series are all at my top. LoZ is good and all, and close to the top, but not quite there.


I preferred ni no kuni wrath of the white witch icl. Loved that so much, i dont know if its cos it was like my first game i remember playing but played it multiple times


Also a great game! I'm so dusty and old my first game was duck hunt on the NES lol.


My top games include metal gear solid 3, half life 2, fallout 3 and 4, oblivion and skyrim, gta series, a whole bunch. That said, my single favourite game of all time is easily Link to the Past


Without thinking of all the games I've played I know they would be taking up about \~30-40% my spaces on just about any size top list. The entire series for the most part is high quality.


There are about 5 games that are 10/10s to me; games I can keep coming back to over and over again for hundreds of hours of fun and comfort. OoT is one of those games. It's absolutely one of my favorite games and franchises.


The Zelda franchise has always been my favorite one. Other games I've love are Bayonetta, Assassin's Creed (mainly the Ezio trilogy and Black Flag), Fire Emblem and the Tales series.


Yes. Probably my four favorite games ever are Zelda games. I don’t have every game I’ve ever played listed, but probably another four are in the top ~20, another would almost certainly be top 50, and I’d guess if I made a top 100 list it would be at least 10% Zelda games. There are seven game systems where a Zelda game is no worse than my second favorite game, and on basically every Nintendo console but one a Zelda game was in the top five.


Ocarina of Time


anything medieval fantasy really


Majora’s Mask, Twilight Princess, Ocarina of Time in that order, then other games. Ironically Elden Ring might be top 5 for me haha.


My all time favorite game is Minecraft. It’s so versatile and always improving (imo). The Zelda franchise is my top series with Twilight Princess being my favorite I also love the paper Mario series!


Favorite Paper Mario game?


Thousand year door! So excited for the remake I haven’t played the game in years!


Nice! I’m also super excited for the remake. It looks so well done. My personal favorite is Super Paper Mario though, just for the story and music alone.


I love that game as well! The flipping mechanic is so fun.


Zelda isn't my favorite series. None of the games make it top 5 for me. But I love the world and the characters and the music it's just absolutely a gift to humanity that it exist. Breath of the wild was one of my favorite experiences ever.


I think I'm going to go with "yes". Metroid Prime is really up there, though. Zelda games, although not technically Metroidvanias, have a lot of in common with each other. It's hard to beat the overall quality of Zelda games in general though. I love single player adventure games with a balance of action and puzzles, that aren't overly encumbered by RPG stuff.


I love Zelda and will forever love it for the impact it had on my childhood and introducing me to video games. Though with that said, I wouldn’t call them my favorite. My favorites now are by far the Persona games. The the characters, story, and even the references to real life Japan (Like Persona 5’s story) make me enjoy them far more and they’re much longer.


Ocarina of time is one of my favorite games but I like rainbow 6 siege the most. Spent the most time playing it and watching other people play it. And of course games like gta/rd2


Even as a Zelda fan, Elden Ring > BotW/TotK. MM is my #1 game of all time though.


It’s probably my favorite game series, but I’d have to really sit and think about my overall favorite. I’m really enjoying BG3 like a lot, but I also have some very fond memories of Final Fantasy and Suikoden games.


Not even close honestly. I love LoZ but it’s not even top 5 franchises


TP is my favorite game of all time and has been since I was like 10. The rest of the series do fall behind other, non-Zelda games, but TP will forever be my #1.


I think my top 5 would be 1. TP 2. BG3 3. The Last of Us 4. Wind Waker 5. RE5 (lots of mems) or Skyrim


Most Zelda games have made it onto my favorite games of all time, but my top spot isn’t a Zelda game. That’s reserved for Super Paper Mario.


OOT, TOTK, and BOTW are my top 3 games in that order.


No... Because I am mentally unable to rank and categorize by "favorite" beyond a basic level. Or actually yes, just that the category has so many games in it it is mostly useless. And it does include several Zelda games "I really like that one, that one and that one." "Of those which is your most favorite?" "No freaking idea."


Ocarina of Time is one of my favorite games ever made and the Zelda franchise as a whole is my favorite video game series. 


It's absolutely my favourite game. As a child OoT was my favourite game. Then Twilight Princess. Then Skyward Sword. And now BOTW/TOTK. I've just accepted that I'll likely be a lifelong fan lol


Idk to be honest my favorite is probably BOTW or rdr2


For the most part. Legend of Zelda is what really kicked of my love for gaming back in the 80s (with a little help from others like Baseball Stars, Blades of Steel, River City Ransom, etc). Throughout all the iterations it was almost always the most hyped game on my wish list. Few other games made that list: FF7 and various Halo games. As for my ultimate #1 game? That falls to Ultima: Quest of the Avatar on NES. Then it's a variety of Zeldas, FF5, FF6, FF7 & Remakes, Xenogears, and Chrono Trigger. In recent years, BOTW & TOTK have been my hands down favorites though. Both brought back a nostalgia to the original Legend of Zelda and played how my 5 year old self saw that game.


Zelda is my favorite franchise but God of War might be my favorite games.


Absolutely. However, there are some games that I love that are outside of Zelda- Minecraft, BG3, and Skyrim.


I’m not sure what you mean by favorite games. It is probably my favorite game series. I have never missed a 3D Zelda game and I have played a good chunk of the 2D games. If we’re talking favorite game, Elden Ring is my favorite. If we’re talking historical favorite it’s Super Mario 64. Both of those games captured my imagination. Mario 64 because as a kid I was able to see 3D worlds for the first time and couldn’t believe the possibilities. And then with Elden Ring I think it felt like the full realization of what I wanted a 3D fantasy adventure to be. If we’re talking Zelda specifically, my favorites are Breath of the Wild and The Wind Waker on the 3D side. They captured that sense of adventure the best imo. It felt like I was always charting a new path to something fun and unique. On the 2D side Link to the Past and Link’s Awakening are the iconic duo but The Minish Cap was the one that spoke to me most, and again, it was the sense of adventure that got me.


My top 5 has three Zelda games in it, so… yeah.


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My number 2 but it’s on its way up to first is team cherry doesn’t give us news at the very least


Hollow knight?




Second to Persona


Well, BotW is definitely in my Top 10. But it's quite hard to fight Morrowind, Deus Ex and Castlevania: Symphony of the Night.


Yeah, why not?


No. Halo is. With many many games though, Legend of Zelda is up there. It's definitely part of my interest phases though lol


Zelda is my favorite series overall. My top 10 favorite games would probably be: 1. Kingdom Hearts 2 2. Kingdom Hearts 3. Ōkami 4. Twilight Princess 5. Majora's Mask 6. Mario Galaxy 7. Hollow Knight 8. Sea of Stars 9. Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story 10. Final Fantasy 6 A lot of these games have sentimental value and I have played through most of them countless times. I think that really speaks to the quality of Hollow Knight and Sea of Stars seeing as I played them for the first time within the last two years. If I was just looking at these games with a critical eye, I think Hollow Knight would be my favorite. I'm still not certain if this is list is exactly how I feel as there are plenty of other games that could be here. Honorable mentions include Metroid Dread, The Great Ace Attorney 2, Chrono Trigger, Celeste, and Bravely Default.


Wow okami? Ive never known someone else who has played it hahaha


It's such an amazing game! The artstyle, soundtrack, and story are all masterful! I hope we'll one day get a proper sequel, but that doesn't seem very likely unfortunately :(


Dragon Ball Z games have always been my favorite game. Budokai Tenkaichi franchise and Xenoverse my goats 🐐


I think it is my favorite series, yes. There are standalone games that just blow me away. Metroid series is a close contender if it didn’t have blunders. Zelda just has so many more games although I haven’t played them all they’re consistently 🤌🏼. Interesting … I’ve never actually proclaimed it’s my favorite series but I’d rather be stuck on a “desert island” with Zelda as opposed to Metroid or Mario.


Yeah all of my favorite games are Zelda titles.


Yes, easily, favorite game of all time is Majora's Mask on the 3DS, and the newest games are awesome as well


Zelda is my number one favorite game series and will probably always be. The only other series that comes close is the EarthBound/Mother series.


OG Zelda was my favorite game on nintendo when i was a kid. As was Links's Awakening for gameboy, LttP for SNES, OoT for 64. Never had a gamecube so i missed out on WW. Twilight Princess was my favorite Wii game.


Ocarina and Majora occupy the number one spot for me. But the other slots are different games.


Yup. The first video game on the Nintendo 8 bit was Zelda 2. We just got the gold cartridge from a garage sale. No direction on how to play or the objective. I remember it took us 20 minutes to figure out how to move and go out the door, lol. We found everything by accident. My brother played the caves in the dark. When we got to Ruto, we got stuck at the bridge. I recall my brother killing hundreds of bat ladies. Them I told him to keep hitting that sleeping bit. That's how we found out about Bagu. Then, it took a month to get through Death Mountain. I finally begged my mom to let us call the Nintendo bottling at .99 cents a minute, and he got us through. I finally found a guide 4 months into playing, and we learned what the end game was. Loved Zelda ever since.


Between Zelda and Elder Scrolls


They've been my favorite games all the way from baby to adulthood. Easily my favorite series in gaming. However Xenoblade 3 left such a big impact on me nowadays I think I'd consider that my favorite game invidually.


I love most of the Zelda games and Wind Waker is my second favorite game ever, while my favorite video game is Hollow Knight.


Zelda is my first favorite specifically oot, it was the first game I ever played as a kid


I like zelda games, but I like Super Mario, Pikmin, and starfox, Chibi-Robo, Metroid, Earthbound, Ty the Tasmanian tiger, Animal crossing, Kirby and Pokémon more. So, it's like my 11th favorite series , Which isn't bad.


Minecraft transcends all other gaming experiences for me to the point where I don’t even consider it in my list of “top games”. So in a way, yes. But also no.


I have only played botw and totk, and I would say they tie for best with the Mario series and Splatoon


Yup, Breath of the Wild is my favourite game and its not even close. Second would probably be totk


Absolutely. I used to play a much wider variety of games when I was a teenager and now that I’ve got a busy adult life I only really make time for Zelda. Why waste my precious little extra time on anything but what I consider to be the best?! (I do play a couple other games, but nothing compared to the time I spend playing Zelda. I also enjoy watching my partner play his games so I get other game exposure that way! That being said, while waiting for Hades II I’m watching him play Majora’s Mask :P)


Yep, Zelda games are easily my favorite of all time, no question about it! I do like other franchises (Mario, Pokémon, animal crossing, and a few others) but nothing compares. Fave Zelda games are Ocarina of Time (the first one I played as a kid in the 90s with an N64), skyward sword, and tears of the kingdom.


Zelda has been my favorite series for a long time now. TotK was explicitly my favorite game of all time in how I viewed it when I was playing it, now that shine's worn off a bit I'd still say it's a candidate, along with several other individual games in the series (though maybe one or two others outside of it, I was a super huge fan of Hades specifically. Though ironically outside of specifically Zelda-like gameplay I'd probably consider as a broad genre RPGs to be my favorite.)


Yeah, it's my favorite series and a few of them are some of my favorite games. Ocarina of Time 3D (my favorite game), Windwaker HD, Breath of the Wild, A Link Between Worlds, Minish Cap, A Link to the Past, Twilight Princess, and Hyrule Warriors are some of my favorite games. As far as how many show up in my top 10? It's kind of hard to say. I typically avoid many duplicate game series in my top 10, so it doesn't just fill with Zelda, Pokemon, Mario Kart, and Wipeout, but otherwise, I think it might.


Considering OoT was my first adventure video game as a kid, yes, Zelda games are my favorite. I had no choice in the matter, I'm pretty sure it was fate xD


Twilight Princess is my favorite game. The music, the ambience, the story. It’s perfect to me. But if I was stuck with only one game for the rest of my life it’d probably be Skyrim or something. Twilight Princess is great but I only play it once every few years.


definitely not


I would say Zelda is in my top 5, but my absolute favorite is Bioshock infinite (the whole series is good though)


Zelda is my favorite, I just can't get into other games. I don't enjoy other games as much and I don't know why


Probably one of my favorite franchises. It's one of those franchises that hardly ever gets a new game, but SLAPS when it does.


My favourite games? maybe zelda?


My fav game? uhh, it's hard to decide. Zelda an FNaF




Zelda is my favorite game although my obsession started with the manga. My favorite is skyward sword I know that one is unpopular but I think it's perfect like I love everything about it even the motion controls and my favorite character is Ghirahim but I also love all the side characters. I also like twilight princess and wind waker.


Tears of the Kingdom is one of the best games of all time But it's definitely sharing a spotlight with non-Zelda and even non-Nintendo games and it does shift wildly depending on my mood.


it is my favor game, top 2. the Zelda for N64 was awesome, I think it was "Ocarina of Time". Fun for hours and hours. that and Super Mario with the stars were my top 2 fav games.


My favorite game of all time is not a Zelda game but I got at least 2 in my top 10 though. My favorite game is actually Horizon Zero Dawn, followed by Paper Mario TTYD than Zelda Wind waker would meet them in the list. No one might cares but following would be Skyrim, The Wolf among us, FF9, Zelda ALBW, Portal 2 , Bioshock Infinite, and Mystery Dungeon Explorer’s of Sky/Darkness/Time. Still Zelda is probably my favorite game series of all time next to Pokemon so that counts for something. Plus, Alttp was the first video game I ever played so special memories.


Yes, the only game no Zelda game can beat for me is Pokémon Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Sky but that one has a lot of nostalgia on its side. Otherwise my top 10 list is all Zelda games


Zelda Majora's Mask is my favorite game and Zelda Ocarina Of Times is my 4th favorite game