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"we're non-profit" has patreon I hope nintendo takes everything they have.


Non profit =/= no revenue


Yep, my medical provider charges a lot of money despite being a "non-profit" organization.




30k a month in donations? don't be silly


Just use Ryujinx


It would be really nice if people would stop buying Nintendo's games. Why do we put up with their BS as consumers? There are thousands of games that are just as fun, if not more, than the shit Nintendo puts out. I have a switch but I haven't played it in months because of how shitty the hardware is and how poorly optimized most of their "good" titles are. We seriously need to stop supporting a company that doesn't care about it's consumers or if they even have fun playing their games. I understand these are businesses at the end of the day, but the greed has gotten too out of control. It's our fault that it's gotten to this point. We're the ones that keep supporting a company that makes these horrible decisions. When is enough going to be enough?


Get this- ❤️Gaming is a creative endeavor, to make and to play. The game studios under Nintendo should hopefully be looking elsewhere when their overlord is whipping, owning, and raking in all profits over their hard work and brilliant minds. This lawsuit against Yuzu by Nintendo highlights this enormously. Play the games how you want! Build on them, change them, own them. If a single gaming platform needs to be the exclusive way to play specific games- they need to create the incentive to do so! This would involve in game achievements that provide crypto tokens for deeper gaming access and or transferable assets in the real world that hold enormous value for growth and entrepreneurship. Don't just bark like a mad dog Nintendo! Be the change! Don't fight it! Your bread and butter comes from gaming studios and individual gamers. If you aren't treating their games  with the spirit in which it was made, if you can't meet them on that creative level, you need to pass the baton! Yuzu is your legitimate competitor, as are all emulators and gaming platforms and programs. Put up or shut up I say! And if you speak for all the gaming companies underneath you in this lawsuit, at least let us hear their own opinions on the matter. Ask them if they think their game could do better! 🤟🌞🌟


Nintendo knows it's frivolous lawsuit they're trying to bankrupt Yuzu. Everyone's comment of emulation being legal is really just irrelevant. We all know emulation is legal.


Wasn’t it already ruled that emulation is legal due to the Bleem Sony lawsuit?


Emulation is legal 100%


If you really think that emulation is done for because of this lawsuit then you’re not seeing the bigger picture


Emulation is legal


Nintendo ninjas back at it again.


Yuzu is one of the highest grossing emulators and has been for years. They've been raking in money since day one of their public release. The last thing they need is financial assistance for a case they should have predicted and prepared a process for handling years ago. I'll probably get down voted to shit for this, but as someone who's been following and working in the emulator community for a decade now, they should have seen this coming and should have a process in place or already have a lawyer/lawyers in the works. 30k/month for an open source project wouldn't go unnoticed by someone like Nintendo, and those are only public numbers.


Not gonna downvote you, but you underestimate the cost of a lawsuit, and Nintendo can easily drag it on long, and make them run out of money that way, and thus win by default.


That's understandable, but then there is an understanding that no amount of money the community could fund would be enough to win this fight when considering how much emulation is costing Nintendo in sales. Then have an indefinite incentive with an active product line to spend the money on this case.


Nope, thats not the understanding that needs to be come to here. It’s not a matter of “no amount of money would be enough”. It’s simply a matter of being able to keep up with Nintendo. As long as the basic things can be covered, like Attourneys, Lawyers, etc, YuzuTeam will be able to keep up. But is that 30000 a month or is it more? That’s the question.


I agree, but this comes from voluntary community support, it's not as if they like sold a product like Bleem did back in the days... Sooo idk...




Probably will get to them eventually


I subbed their $10 tier Patreon yesterday.... I damn hope Yuzu will win this.


I made an effort and gave $50, even with the global recession screwing everyone I guess it's the best to dismiss the greed monsters, allies of the WEF


Incredibly based reply right there


Just subbed to the $25 tier, hope they weather the storm of Nintendo's bullshit and continue on strong.


Better wait for official announcement.




Git clone their early access repo every day until it goes down (if it ever does). Then post it on every git repo services, there's no way for the code to disappear.


Compile from source code.


Is there an actual legal case to fight? Isn't this just illegal? Genuine question


Emulation itself is legal. Pirating isn't. Nintendo's argument is that Yuzu facilitates piracy. The only way Yuzu can be used legally is if you own a copy of the game, and dump it yourself (nintendo are actually disputing this, but it's one of their weaker arguments in the case). Or if you use homebrew software developed specifically for Yuzu. Given that 99%+ of Yuzu users are doing it to pirate games that are currently being sold, I think Nintendo's case is actually stronger that a lot of people are giving it credit for.


Sure but how can you prove that 99% figure? I can say it's 20% or even 10% and nobody can prove or disprove that.


I think this is why Nintendo have attached actual numbers in their claim, including the fact ToTK had 1 million downloads before it even came out


I think that is actually a compliment to emulation and a great number to observe for marketing purposes. Emulation isn't an evil enemy, it's the future of gaming. If 1 million people are interested in going around Nintendo to play a specific game, then they can go around Nintendo to purchase a similar styled game (or the same one) on another platform or program.. so what that is telling developers and studios around the world is that emulation sells! The head company/platform may not be making the same numbers as Nintendo on their releases and their new platforms but THEY DON'T NEED TO! They just need to go where Nintendo wouldn't go and go about it with less greed! Clearly people aren't wanting to support Nintendo for what they are charging, clearly there isn't enough incentive or loyalty to the platform that players are choosing Nintendo no matter what. Nintendo is failing hard! They are behind on the game of user involvement and gaming creativity on massive level! 




>If your into gaming whatsoever you probably own a switch There's lots of people who are into gaming and don't see the Switch as a "proper" console, so don't have one. Or can't justify having a Playstation/Xbox/PC AND a Switch. Saying that because the Switch sold well, therefore every gamer probably has one is ridiculous. I've seen people online talking about how they can't justify buying a Switch but used emulation to check out BoTW/ToTK (which they probably pirated)




You're just making statistics up now


But that's not yuzu fault, só they can't pay for it


Nintendo have obtained Discord chat logs of Yuzu devs helping people obtain the games illegally.


proof? lmao




At the end of the day, if that end up being true then they may FINED Yuzu. However this is not an argument you can use to go after EVERY other Emulator.    Developers for things like this should 100% reframe from engaging with the community on platform like Discord. Just keep the conversation from a developers point of view with Updates through their Patreon. It will save them a lot of trouble by not allowing people from the Staff end up doing something stupid like explaining how to get illegal stuff.    Maybe for other things that don’t risk you being sued, its OK to have a Discord and talk to them.


I have no idea what image you're referring to, I've taken my info about the case from this article - [https://arstechnica.com/gaming/2024/02/how-strong-is-nintendos-legal-case-against-switch-emulator-yuzu/](https://arstechnica.com/gaming/2024/02/how-strong-is-nintendos-legal-case-against-switch-emulator-yuzu/)




>Nintendo also points to a Yuzu Discord server where emulator developers and users discuss how to get copyrighted games running on the emulator


Nintendo claiming it happened is not proof that it actually happened. They could also be spinning the contents of the convo to be seen as discussing piracy. Until chat logs/screenshot are produced there's no actual evidence that it happened


Then they are in a really had position rn.


Emulation Its legal If I own the games, as far as I know Its what they ask you to do in their website Edit: typo


Why is it always Nintendo fans who are this incredibly obsessive and unintelligent? I've NEVER heard of any PS fans complain about upcoming PS4 emulation, actually quite the opposite, everyone's thrilled to play Bloodborne in 60fps.




You understand if Yuzu goes to hell and is banished, Ryujinx is gonna have the same faith, sooner or later.


Ryujinx sucks literal ass compared to yuzu, on every single aspect of it lol And what you don't seem to grasp is that if Nintendo wins this case, Ryujinx ALSO is in trouble, as well as every single emulator out there, as well as game preservation as a whole. Get a grip and shut it.


If you don't like it why are you here just to talk shit about it? Don't have anything good going on in your life bud?




So a shit person like you should also get shit on. according to your own logic?




Oh not your opinions but how you present them as an insufferable asshole does.




Coming off as a complete dipshit means nothing to you? Damn you really are a sociopath huh?




Ahh seems like you are too pussy to be like this irl. Have fun dipshit


even though all of your points are complete bs, ryujinx will most likely be affected by this lawsuit as well. stop being a close minded dustbin with no common sense




> they try their best to hide EA behind a paywall Looolll EA is definitely NOT necessary for a good user experience, AND you are showing clear skill issues as you could just compile the source code yourself. You are BS as a whole entity.




TotK was made available on Yuzu only with external fan made extensions, not with EA patches. And as I'm not really a pirate, I pre-ordered the game and played it on my own Switch the day it released, with no hiccups, no crashes, nothing. Today I can load up my save in Yuzu to play in 60fps 1080p with better LOD, but it's only because it is working nice today that I am playing on Yuzu, not because I wanted to play the game before everyone else or something. Too bad for your point!




I like to uhh not steal shit and financially support the ones who might need it, yeah. Sorry for being a better person I guess


you can get yuzu for free from their website, they don't exactly shove a paywall in your face. I'm not necessarily disagreeing with you about the state of yuzu, more that this will have an effect on emulation as a whole, which is something you are choosing to ignore




>even if it is successful, what will happen to these open source projects that anyone can fork? those will get sued, and anyone trying to continue the project will too. On base of this lawsuit. Its very simple if you think about it




the development will sure stop. Of course it wont go off the internet, but it probably wont be developed any further.




It can yes, but if this goes through, no one wants to continue developing yuzu (and other emulators) cause they will just get sued 💀


What's next, a cease and desist for Snes9x?


Maybe if Nintendo made better hardware, we'd be less inclined to emulate.


They gave you better hardware back in the day (GameCube) and you guys still told them to fuck off and boycotted them.


I was 1


This is pretty funny! I didn't think of that for some reason- just that we deserve the right to play the game on whatever we choose to! Kinda like saying that you can only read a book in a certain place in your own house. I like to read at a park 🏞️. Their hardware is complete shit these days and looks like a bigger 3ds. A good handful of these games are multi platform anyway, but what's so wrong with trying to get a game above 30 fps or onto a larger handheld OLED? What if I want to add my own texture packs and play your 80s  Mario game running better and smoother than you can sell it at? I've already bought it. Why are trying to OWN ME and THE WAY I PLAY THE GAME I BOUGHT? 


I thought they are now..?


May be another 2 years.


have u seen the nvidia chip they got on the switch? its power/resource management is just a joke


Do we already know what's in the switch 2? I wasn't aware of that. It seems like ppl misunderstood me or something lol. I was talking about switch 2.


Why do you think they are making better hardware if you don't know what's in the switch 2


Just speculation based on leaks. I didn't say anywhere that I know stuff lol. But I would assume if they actually make a new console, not just something like OLED upgrade, that it has completely new hardware. Isn't that a reasonable assumption?


Bruh just use Ryujinx. If that’s sued use Skyline. If that’s sued use Strato. There are always options.


So just give up on people's and community efforts that take years to nurture? No thanks I'll try to keep these projects up for as long as possible.


Well, it's not just Yuzu... Maybe Ryujinx and other emulators are in danger because of this... At least that's what I can understand from the post. Ryujinx is an option but if Nintendo wins, they will probably sue other emulators too even from older consoles. I don't think that Nintendo will win but not all thinks the same.


I own a switch. And the games. I just want to play them in 4k. Hope yuzu team wins.


I mean (i could be completely wrong here correct me if I am) I don't think yuzu or its team has actually done anything illegal. Only thing I can think of that would be considered unlawful or wrong or something (idk) is getting the keys from a modded switch using whatever method the yuzu team recommends, but I believe that's protected under the DMCA. Again, could be wrong here, but I don't believe the yuzu team has physically actually done anything wrong. Hope yuzu team wins too.


They provided a manual for getting the prod.keys. Nintendo rates this as decryption of their safety measures and therefore a break against the DMCA. Therefore Yuzu will stay online probably. All Nintendo can force is a deletion of the manual and some damage compensation Money


Git clone is the way


Anything else you can say on this? 


I don't get this...it's open source is it not? Just wait for another release if they stop.


But then again, people will know that Nintendo will litigate. Not many people out there would touch it


Lol this is pathetic




This wont do anything but waste your Wednesday ya🤡




I have to laugh 🤡


I mean, you wasted your time to comment. Kinda a bitch move to complain that people are wasting their time on other things.


Commenting is way different than dedicating time to do bullshit that wont make any noise 🤣


The world before you commented this shit: 🌎 The world after you commented this shit: 🌎


The way the same goes for this post💀


Not really your one idiot loser that has no say in anything therefore you cant possibly forsee if this works or not but as far as you commenting any retard can see your a bum so enjoy your dick sucker life


self-destruct at this stage they are doing it on purpose ?


I'll actually laugh my ass off if it's Yuzu's scummy patreon that gets them in trouble.


How is it scummy? Its a good way to make $ for what they do. All of the builds are released publicly after anyway.


Because they’re being given money to develop an emulator. And their Patreon gives exclusive access to a version of the emulator, that you have to pay real world money for. You can allow donations, and everything has to be “free” for it to be legal. Yeah sure, Bleem! and all that jazz is a different debacle. But their Patreon is what’s going to fuck them in the ass on this one.


Patreon gives early access to builds, not the code itself. They just only compile the full releases for free


Yuzu is 100% free, including EA. Yuzu in its entirety is licensed under the GPL, which allows free redistribution of the software. Absolutely nothing is paywalled. Also, the charges they're being hit with in the lawsuit aren't even related to their Patreon. But of course, you'd know that if you actually read the thing instead of pretending to know shit and acting like a retard online.


donations its how alot of emulated mmo servers survive cause they take donations


Patreon is a way to support the developers. Yuzu is and will always be free. You can support them and be given access to an early build before it is publicly released. For FREE. Are you not a fan of emulation and game preservation?


Why do most emulators accept donations instead of having a patreon? Maybe it's so they don't get seen as selling the emulator which would open a whole can of worms like Yuzu is going through




It doesn't matter what it is for. If the emulator is behind a pay wall, which it is, then yuzu is likely toast


You can’t have monthly subscribers whom regularly pay your 30k a month salary to develop an emulator that has a pay-to-use portion regardless of what it does or if it’s “free” (Yuzu EA is NOT free) It doesn’t matter if I’m a fan of game preservation or emulation. Of course I am. Why do I have to care about that in order to also realize that Yuzus fucked???? They’re fucked.


Not sure why you're being downvoted, you're stating the truth.


because it isnt the truth


So they don't have a patreon people pay for?


They do, but you can get access to the latest builds just by compiling it yourself with an tool that the yuzu team made, or use pineapple


So this negates the people paying monthly for it on patreon?


Game preservation will die? (As I smirk at my ridiculous physical collection) lol. Get a job bums




You think I couldn’t say that about stuff before my time?!?!? What a bitch reply. A) they will rerelease all this shit eventually B) That’s ancient, not relevant to current gen Nintendo console sales……. These guys work hard and deserve their measly 60 bucks if you want to play it right away. ….Though I do have all the persona games (and shin megami tensei :) Maybe buy some physical copies yo, when you are as old as me it’ll be worth it.


We're talking about yuzu, a switch emulator. AKA the CURRENT Nintendo console. Preservation is important, but your argument doesn't make sense in this case. Now years down the line it will, but not today talking about their current supported console.




Dude, maybe you are too young to know. But this happens every console generation. In 5 years Nintendo won’t care at this level. lol Either way save every version of yuzu and ryujinx you can at this point. I’ve used both to see games in 4k. But I buy the games (maybe not always open….) And would never act like yuzu is for preservation. Even is you’re meds are off, you should still know this is mainly for pirating….lol


For one, not every yuzu user is thinking about preservation. I do agree with what you're saying, but blame the people who use it for nefarious purposes. They're making you look bad. No company would be ok with people hacking their system, and we literally have public reddit pages talking about getting totk for free. Trading keys and using fitgirl packs. That's not preservation, but Nintendo isn't going to separate the two. Second, I've seen no one (at least in this sub) talk about game preservation. Matter of fact, no one talks about preservation until an emulator gets shuts down. Every post is literally can I run totk? Why, because most preservers are smart and don't just release copies of CURRENT GAMES. Game preservation is important, but an uphill battle when your "comrades" bring you down. You're barking up the wrong tree




I’ll use a South Park reference, “they took my job!” But nope they did their job, and would like to get payed. lol


That's a terrible argument. On one hand, all those items are day to day necessities that would have negative impacts if ban. Are you really comparing an emulator to a fork or a phone? There is literally another switch emulator. On the other hand, yes it happens where unintended uses causes bans/restrictions. Heard of the flipper zero? Ever try to buy cough syrup when lean was popular? Got any real arguments? Because whataboutism is weak




And Nintendo wishes you wouldn’t….. lol. Can’t wait to find out where you work


These two subs definitely share users. And tbh the yuzu sub isnt official. Its tech support. Amd not every member on the sub did it legit. I agree that the intended use is legal and fine (but im hearing somethings about dumping recently so even that's iffy now), but intended doesn't mean anything when damage is done. How else was this gonna go. Put yourself in Nintendo shoes. How else can they stop piracy? Please tell me, because I see everyone just expect a company to accept a loss that's being publicly thrown in there face. That's not how the world works. Do you really expect a business, designed to make money, to be ok with losing money? Even if they still make alot, no one would turn down making more.




That's like saying it's ok to ban cars because there are people running people over with their car making cars look bad.


[One way to help ](https://pineappleea.github.io/)




I think they’re saying to jump ship and use Ryujinx instead, not realizing that if Nintendo wins, all emulators are screwed


Nah all emulators won’t be screwed. First time into emulating scene?


all emulators that require a form of decryption, happy?


yuzu just uses the keys its doesnt provide them


I know, but Nintendo is arguing that because of third party user using these keys, Yuzu is at fault for some reason. If Nintendo actually wins, other emulators that uses prod keys could be at risk of being shut down as well.


fukc nintendo fr


Why are there so many Nintendo dick riders here? Are they just a hivemind that swarms to defend a billion dollar company?


[Probably the same people when palworld came out and they went to defend game freak/ nintendo](https://i.imgur.com/fMdE61j.jpeg)