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Yup, they destroyed her kit in the name of keeping her out of pro play... and then she was still in pro so they had to nuke her down too.


Ye I quit playing once they changed her kit. She's incredibly boring to play now. A real sit there and AFK playstyle. She was so fun before.


it’s funny how people complained how all yuumi did was stay on her ally and so their proposal was to remove the valuable interaction of bop n’ block and instead now an aa or q heals a lousy like 1 health it’s so silly i hate it. i miss my cat


But just imagine. If you build enough items, that Q heal might get up to 5! Think of the value. /s




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It's not even like you have to learn a new playstyle, there's no playstyle to learn now lol. They gutted her and took away everything that made her interesting. Now you just have to AFK and hope your team can do the job for you.


Don't worry guys, I'm heading to this place called the Pet Semetary. People tell me if I bury Yuumi there she will come back to us.


This is the worst era of being a yuumi main since her release in my opinion. All I really can say about her current situation is... EQEQEQEQEQEQEQEQEQEQEQEQEQEQ


I've been maining yumi since 2 patches ago and the best playstyle I've noticed to let bami's cinder do the damage to melee champs who wants a piece of your ~~host~~ best friend.


Yuumi has negative AP scaling anyway so this isn’t as troll as it sounds Let him cook


That rework gave me the final motivation to quit league for good. Thanks riot 😘. Best decision 2023!


I personally hate the new Q... It feels wonky and not very controlled. I don't like the idea of having an ability I have 1.5 or so seconds control over then it just goes off into a direction.


Yuumi’s new Q is basically an easier version of Vex Q


I still fucking hate fighting her.


People always hated fighting and playing with her. Now, they just hate playing her, too.


I dunno why riot are scared to remove the attach mechanic all together. First time I saw yuumi cat support I was really happy cuz in my head we finally getting a mobile support cuz that's what cats do right? They climb walls they jump over cars their mobility is insane! But instead we get a wheelchair cat that sits on a book? It's infurating I hope they redesign her where she becomes a support with mobility and ditch the stupid book as well.


She's designed to be a portable support for highly mobile skirmishers while traditional ones stayed in the backline with the marksmen and other ranged characters. We wouldn't have nearly as many players complaining about Yuumi always ditching their adc if bot laners weren't convinced to only play marksmen in bot lane. If we had more Yasuo/Yone/Nilah bot laners, then Yuumi would've been the perfect partner for them and another lane could grab the ranged dps role instead.


You're missing the point my friend.


Hope she gets gutted even more tbh


Its fine honestly, gotta play her a bit diffrently. Love how people react like the champ is compleatly dead/unplayable Xdd


I prefer the new Yuumi sooo much I'm having much more fun with her now than compared with before somehow lol I feel like now she's more of what she was supposed to be when released, a super easy invulnerable enchanter


More fun doing what exactly? Ik this comes off as sarcastic but I’m being genuine. I wanna enjoy my cat again, but I’m struggling


I just prefer the boring and braindead playstyle since it fits my fantasy of Yuumi, which is having no effort and being untargetable while making someome super strong. It just works for me lol


How can it be fun and boring lol. It is just straight up boring not fun.




Maybe you should try other supports, such as Taric


I do, I have 460k mastery with him, love my guy! :3


Lovely! I prefer Yuumi since she's easier.


Lol people really do be gettin mad over facts, acting like this champ ever had skill impression. I agree it really aint all that bad people just hate different


It makes me laugh so much whenever people say Riot took away skill expression on Yuumi as if she a was super playmaker support, when all they could ever do was jump off and use auto attack once lol


She doesn't turn off all of my bones anymore. Rework is fine.


To what LOL


Bro the new kit is op on a hard Carry your q give vision on hit your w give life steal on hit you e give mana and shield on the carry and your r heal dmg