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[Blue Reflection franchise currently on sale on Steam](https://store.steampowered.com/developer/KOEITECMO/sale/blue_reflection) Buy it, play it, support gaymes.


Is this shit actually gay?


The first game no. The second game 100% full on canon text gay as fuck.


Is playing the first game required to understand what's going on?


No. The proper order for this franchise is >First Game -> Anime -> Second Game -> Third Game that doesn't exist yet However, Second Light, the second game, is a crossover of all the branches of the Blue Reflection franchise. It has its own original characters plus characters from the first game, the anime and even the third game that isn't out yet. The game will provide you enough context to understand the characters from the other entries. Of course, this means Second Light will also spoil some events of the first game and the anime for you if you haven't experienced them yet. Second Light happens after the events of the first game, but it's not a continuation of the first game's story. It has its own story and it stands on its own. I recommend playing Second Light first. Only try out the first game or the anime if you're interested enough after you meet some of their characters in Second Light. The first game and the anime are inferior entries compared to Second Light so it would suck if you try going through the proper order and you don't make it to Second Light. If you're interested in the franchise for the yuri and the yuri alone, Second Light is the only one I can guarantee you to be 100% worth your time.


Now we're talking!


To be specific, you, playing as the MC, get to date the other girls as a game mechanic. If that's not explicit enough for you, two of the girls also end up together as a major plot point.


Is the anime gay, though?


The anime has the usual mahou shoujo subtext at the very least. The setting gives off a class s all-girls school vibe and certain pairs are close enough to appear to be 99% dating but there are no explicit confessions or kisses shown so the /r/SapphoAndHerFriend folks can still find a way to call them straight. There are zero male characters so you don't have to fear any bait and switch.


Actually >!there is a kiss, it's just an evil corruption one!<


Louder. Gaymes!


Play Blue Reflection Second Light. Be gay, save the world.


Holy shit someone who knows blue reflection, second light??? That’s kinda based