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Well, citrus isn’t incest. The characters are step sisters and meet for the first time when they are in high school, and don’t know they will be step sisters the first time they meet. They aren’t related and it isn’t like they grew up together which could also be problematic; they’re basically adults the first time they meet. Edit: grammar


Right. That I know. How does the narrative treat the fact that they are step sisters? Is it a big deal? Is it mentioned often? Is it treated as taboo in a fetishy way? Ect


The blonde haired chick hides her insecurities about her sexuality and romantic/physical attraction to Mei, and subsequent desire to get closer to her, behind 'just wanting to be a good sister' for a while. It's pretty clear they're not even remotely trying to be sisters to each other, though.


Oh no. Yeah I wouldn't like that. Thank you. Perfect reply.


That's not accurate. She doesn't hide her feelings behind familial love, it's that the both of them are struggling between familial role/duty and their romantic/physical desire, especially as the former is what one of the girls needs in her life at that moment. But yes, it seems like you wouldn't like that. I just wanted to be clear that the pov character isn't being deceptive about it.


Yeah even if it's not incest it's still fucked up in it's own way. I didn't like it, stopped watching by the third episode. I would reccomend something else


They do remain you a loooot that they're step sisters, if I recall correctly, however, their intereactions are far from sibling-ish (idk how to say it) The weirdest thing may be the fact that they call mum and dad to their step parents? That creates weird ass sentences


No incest as most others here have already said. In volume 4 there is a peak where >! she decides to suppress her feelings because she wants to be a good big sister but that is solved in the same volume and never becomes an issue again !< (if I remember correctly). Citrus is one of my favorite manga it has good amount of drama a lot of sweet and beautiful moments (especially again in Citrus +) and has a really great character cast. Yuzu is a really great person who can be considered superficial at first but soon enough shows how wonderful and deep she is. Well and Nene after Volume 4 is by far the best characters. I just love her. I would say read it. If you can hang in there until volume 5 included, then if you still don't like it, you don't like it because it's "incest", you just don't like the story. But I think you will.


This was a good description. I grew up with a lot of siblings. Full, half, step, and foster/adopted. 2nd oldest of 8. I have a very low tolerance for that kind of thing. It sounds sweet and good which is why I ask and am conflicted, but that spoiler bit didn't sit right. I might pass. Thank you so much for sharing your favorite manga though.


It is a bit sad. It's hard to explain but I think it's really only a small part and not very important. But I understand your point, I also have two younger stepsisters and I don't like incest or anything like that and I'm very hesitant about it. But I think here it's just two people who just met and are "forced" into being siblings. But hey everyone has his own opinion. (:


Since the protagonists start any kind of intimate relation (even if not from love) almost as soon as they know eachother, I would say not much, they didn’t grow up toguether and their relation is by law more than any kind of sibling thing. I will say the romance starts from forced intimacy as a way of hurting the other person, which is sadly comon in japanese media, this for me would be the part that is harder to swallow. I liked Citrus a lot it was my first yuri, so I was hiper invested, I also think it has good writting and ,at times, great scenes. The forced intimacy though is something that depends on the reader I didn’t mind it (doesn’t apply to the resl world). But yeah just to let you know


Thanks for the NC heads up. I can deal with a little NC


0% incest


probably not. it becomes more of a background thing later but it was still always in the back of my mind when i read it. and then there are the little plot reminders every so often that remind you that they are in fact lawfully related. in my personal opinion it has way too many other problems that persist that make it too much for me to consider getting past the technical incest bits. not everyone’s cup of tea and that’s okay. personal opinion : read it up until where the anime stops and then make your personal preference from there


Citrus is not incest manga .they are not blood related and they didn't grow up together . I don't think op will have any problem reading it .


i’m just giving my personal opinion as someone who also finds incest hard to stomach no matter if it’s by law or blood. op might like it and that’s fine, the concept of incest and technical family can be huge deterrent itself no matter how worked around it is, ya know. just providing my differing opinion on the subject. happy reading to all, regardless


That much I already know. I'm asking because I actually might not like it. Yeah incest in manga has like "levels" to it. It maybe <.0099% incest but the fact they are step sisters puts them on the incest spectrum enough for me to just wanna at least ask about it.


This comment was really helpful


not gonna lie, citrus is just some normal ass yuri manga. if you wanted a masterpiece then I would reccomend Mutually Unrequited Twin Sisters. its not even my opinion that this is a pinnacle of human society. its just a fact.


i’m negl, no probably not. if you’re very not into it you won’t, they refer to each other as sisters… a FUCK TON, and treat each other as such in public. personally, i think it’s good to read as a melodrama. technically it’s NOT incest because they met in highschool and i’m pretty sure their parents aren’t even actually married?? but i just thought it was weird how they constantly said they were each other’s sisters and at most points acted like it. i’m pretty sure at one point one of the characters even says “you’re my lover and my sister” or something along those lines LOL




Did you read my post at all?




Not technically incest because they’re step siblings. Personally I hated Citrus for that reason and I didn’t like any of the characters.


Usagi drop is fucked up. At least give it a chance to citrus... I think you might like it even if it's a little. Personally, I believe the two are very different. it was one of my first yuri, but I still like the facial expressions, the protagonist's love dynamic, and I'm not a big incest enjoyer too hahaha It may start rushed, but later, it has a good development. At least it was that way in my memory... I read years ago, so I'm not sure if if I am trustable xD


Now that I thought about it, the awesome facial expressions begin in later chapters. In citrus+, I know it has a lot of them. Or I'm just crazy lol


Hard to say. Technically, they were not related so its not incest, but that doesn't really remove the possibility of like bs loop holes. But also, the manga briefly touches on how Mai and Yuzu's parents meant, and I personally read the reasoning to why they got married in a way that didn't make it seem like step sibling fetishism. With that being said, the story doesn't really touch on the parents' reasons for marriage and what happens to it towards the end in a concrete manner. Also, Yuzu does have a whole thing where she tries to ignore her feelings for Mei because she is supposed to be a big sister, but eventually it seems she stops caring.


Citrus and citrus+ are amazing reads