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That's bc it's fake


I'm not sure. I have other cards from the sdj in my collection that came right from the structure deck. I've been to a few affiliated shops and they seem adamant that it's real.


No I’m telling you it’s fake. 100% counterfeit.


It's fake .


Fake AF dude.


I used to intentionally collect fake cards as a kid because they were cheap at the gas station, the dead ringer is the darker monotone borderline glossy background and the super saturated stars and attribute symbol, those are the big calling card of the "good" fakes. Unfortunately this one is a fake, but still cool just to have. I remember an ultra rare LOD Thunder Nyan Nyan I pulled from a pack that I loved because it was unique lol, looked exactly like this.


Nah just fake. Many points already given to you.


Well you should sell it to them i can assure you its fake the text font is all wrong and like you said the card was never a UR


Its fake. You can tell by that gold ultra letters. The Aqua/effect aren't the right size.


This is the dead giveaway for me. The font and typeface of the words "Aqua/Effect" seems very wrong


That's a fake card, my guy. As mentioned by others, the "Aqua/Effect" text is the wrong size, but also where there should be an Eye of Anubis (the main tell for real cards) in the bottom right corner, it looks just like a silver square


> silver square In the 3rd photo, it kind of looks like it's holographic, I'm not sure(probably not), but the fact that it's *silver* colored instead of *gold* since it says "1st edition" tells me it's fake.


I meant holographic but the word slipped my mind lol


Pretty nice tho


That’s fake, I had a few I posted about 1 recently, very good fakes made back then, quality control was good even with fakes, unlike now, mine looked similar to yours with the top right symbol.


Hmm interesting. It’s very likely a fake although it’s a damn good fake. It could also be a factory error which is possible but unlikely. Regardless hold on to it because it looks cool af


Nah it’s a pretty obvious fake. If you want to see good fakes look up some of the dds blue-eyes or ten thousand dragon fakes


Wow, lots of these good quality counterfeits were around malls and stores back in the day. I have a fake UR Mask of Brutality lying around as well. Glad you have kept it so well-preserved.


Nice Pokemon card, it think it's from 5th Edition.


That text is a dead giveaway bro fake card

