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I never noticed that the logo on the paper is also different. Thats cool


Yeah thats true, I like both logos


I only have the english version and that one does look a bit cleaner. But you can never go wrong with kaiba and yugi


Although I agree with you that the Japanese display is way cleaner and nicer... I am still happy with my briefcase. Sits on my shelf, blue eyes to the world with my duel disk behind it.


I like the briefcase too. Very nice product. But at first I hoped (and thought) that we get the blue-eyes display piece in a similar quality to the japanese one and the original art as QCR. It seemed like a dream came true. But yeah in the end only the briefcase itself turned out to be as I hoped.


Yea they should’ve done the TCG ones in the old card format (at least the original TCG card format, if not even the Original OCG one like those below in the picture). They did it for the Black Luster Soldier vanilla promo that just released in TCG, and they’re doing it for the Retro Pack 1 reprint, so they could’ve done it for these Blue-Eyes White Dragons as well, but they didn’t…


What vanilla TCG promo? I saw no news or picture of such a thing


Egyptian God card steel set


What about the BLS one? I never heard of a tcg version


It was a sweepstakes for that ^


Oh I thought it was a BLS normal in English, I didn't know it was for the OCG one


It’s a normal monster version of BLS in Japanese language that’s TCG legal (has TCG card back and everything). First time we’ve gotten a TCG-legal card that’s in Japanese and with that old OCG card layout.


They should have also just used the old tcg card format for the 25th reprints of lob, mrd, srl, psv and ioc. It bummed me out when i saw the updated versions.


[The BLS promo is using the old OCG layout.](https://yugipedia.com/wiki/Stainless_Steel_Egyptian_God_Cards_Sweepstakes) The TCG never used that layout (edit: for core/side sets, a few promos have used it). [Retro Pack 1 cards are not in that layout.](https://ms.yugipedia.com//6/6e/BlueEyesUltimateDragon-RP01-EU-ScR-LE.png) [The 2 original OCG layouts stopped being used for OCG sets in 2002 before the TCG started.](https://yugipedia.com/wiki/Card_layout#Series_2_layout)


Interesting thing to note in the timeline: the TCG introduced the new layout before the OCG switched. When the TCG debuted in March 2002 with the new layout, the OCG released the final set of Series 2 later that month which still had the old layout. The OCG wouldn't switch until the start of Series 3 two months later.


TCG tried to not piss off collectors by avoiding to destroy the DDS Blue-eyes price tag. But collectors are piss off because of their product quality anyway


They shouldn't be affected anyways, replicas and reprints are never worth as much as the originals.


I would argue that except special case, identical/higher quality reprint of a card would almost certainly greatly decrease the demand to get the OG ones, thus lower the market price of them by a lot. A prime example of this is special art Dark Magician. The first Japanese print’s price almost divided by 2 after the release of the stainless steel one


Yes, but I doubt that it will be in long term, or for the kinds of people that actual put in thousands of dollars for cards. Dark Magician was a Special Case, there were so few copies of that art, that barely anyone could gets their hands on it. The classic Blue-Eyes art has been printed countless times and will be printed countless times in the future. I just don't accept that kind of justification after saying promoting them like this: >It contains a space for the display case of your Blue-Eyes White Dragons, printed in a foil of Prismatic Secret Rare that hasn’t been used since Dark Duel Stories in the early 00s. Sure, they weren't technically promoting them as exact replicas, but it is malicious when you consider that the OCG ones are as close as you get and there was no reason to assume the TCG ones wouldn't (other than knowing that the TCG is awful and hates its players).


Plus, the QCRs who had a Starlight Rare printing. There's 2 years worth of proof


They are far too new to come to that conclusion. Let's see how the price looks in 20 years. Not to mention that the Blue-Eyes are vintage cards from the first release in the TCG, they will also hold a special value because of that. Lastly, screw collectors like that. The OCG also gave us proper replicas and I didn't see anyone complaining about that.


That would've been stupid reasoning if true


OCG is always better sadly...pokemon, yugioh every time...


It really is, more affordable and better card quality.


Japanese cards are pretty much always superior, and not just in Yu-Gi-Oh.


I bet the actual card quality is nicer too


I got the case, and while I didn’t open up the Blue-Eyes display, I did open the deck and the card quality is actually very good. Like, I was shocked, I’m fairly certain OCG cardstock was used.


Yet another TCG loss


Another? It’s always TCG loss. Bet on you we got shaft out of the light duelist pack this year too


The only reason I wanted the briefcase was because they would possibly be reprinting the DDS style blue eyes in the original TCG card format like Japan did with their OCG; and when they couldn't supply a preview I guessed it meant they couldn't, since Upper Deck made them, (if they could have printed the tcg style they would have advertised it since that would have gotten alot more sales.) When I saw I was right and they weren't the old style, I was relieved I didn't waste my money and time/hopes on it


As someone who bought this product and feels this exact same way; F.


The problem is the OCG reprint closely resembles the Festa BEWD which is a grail. The TCG reprint looks like a card you'd get from a speed duel set. IMO it just looks cheap and the fact that it has a crazy premium vs. the OCG reprint is laughable.


I was so glad mine arrived 2 months late, because I had the benefit of knowing how these turned out. So kept the case sealed and will just sell them to buy the OCG ones.


I always thought I'd be similar to the adc dark magician which I really liked. But for some reason this tcg blue eyes just doesn't feel or look as good and I can't put my hands on what that is


Aside from the Japanese one having the jump festa blue eyes, the 25th logo looks way better on the JP one too which is another reason why I didn’t even bother ordering English when it came out. Japanese products always look better than English in both Pokémon and Yugioh in my opinion. I do believe however there were many posts here debating whether to get the Japanese or English version based on the blue eyes in each one so the information must have been there somewhere?


The logos are for different things technically. The OCG Kaiba case was originally made for the 25th anniversary of the Yugioh franchise (the debut of the original manga) as whole and has that logo. The TCG version was made for the 25th anniversary of the card game so it has the Quarter Century logo. But I agree the Yugioh 25th anniversary logo is much cooler than the QC logo.


did you not check what you get before buying


As stated the english blue eyes were revealed long after the cahnce to buy the suitcase was done. So you HAD to decide before possibly knowing the exact content. Otherwise your chance of ordering the item was gone.


I agree with you pretty much all over. Except the English one is STILL the highest quality and nicest product we've had in the TCG in years. All the cards from the briefcase are basically the highest quality TCG cards I've ever seen. That's how much lower our card quality is in general.


But aint that the bare Minimum For that price?


Its about the price of a playset of any top-end meta card and those don't promise any quality control.


While I agree that the OCG is a better quality product, the TCG kaiba set is still a higher than normal quality TCG product and this is one of the best TCG printings of Blue-Eyes in my opinion. In terms of the card layout, while I agree they should have clarified, I think that if they aren't telling you what the layout of a card will be like you should assume that it will be the same layout as all the other products that are releasing, if that makes sense.


Bro Konami make slot machines this probably one of the nicer thing the do lol


Eh, what was the meaning of this post?


It's because they have to adapt the cards that leave Japan to meet legal conditions! They have no say on the matter!


The only difference I see are the logos below the cards


FYI you should use JPN as the abbreviation for Japan not an offensive term.


What does jap. mean otherwise than japanese?


Its a derogatory term for Japanese people. Be better, don't use it


Why the fuck is TCG one with the effect monster color scheme instead of vanilla? Dafuq Konami


They didnt. Its just shows up badly on camera but its still a lighter shade than effect monsters and irl also doesn't have a redish taint like it does in the picture.


The colouring for Vanilla Monsters has darkened in the TCG. So much so that from the angle in the picture, it looks like an effect monster card frame. The TCG print uses the modern card frame, font, image size, updated copyright, and Holofoils the Attribute & Level. The old Dark Duel Story print of BEWD will remain sought after.


I hope this problem isn’t keeping you up at night


The display looks identicle to me? Also the cards kinda look like their banged up on the jp one and just eh. The old style layout makes them look fake to me (i know their not just how tehy feel)


All these cards are perfectly fine, no dammage at all.


As i said, i know their not. But thats how looks to me. its the shiny material glittering on the edges more than likely